1289. Q&A with Dr. Martin

Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners.

Some of today’s topics include:

  • Bioidentical progesterone
  • Electrodermal testing
  • Curcumin 
  • Eating vs. losing fat 
  • Post nasal drip
  • Itchy scalp & liver or kidney problems
  • Thrush after radiation
  • Milk thistle to clean liver
  • Heel always feeling hot
  • Heavy cream



Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live this morning and question and answer Friday. Always fun, fun, fun. Good morning, okay, let's get to our questions guys. Carrie, "if someone is in a metastorm 5," okay, what if you're in a metastorm 5? That's no fun. Okay, so how would you know if you're in a metastorm 5? And that would be online. I think it's questionnaire you can take on our website, martin clinic.com. Now, if I'm wrong about that, Ginette or Nic or whatever, can you tell the folks, I think you can get it on our website. Metastorm five, category five. Think of a storm and they tell you it's a category five. It's bad. That means that everything is upside down. Okay? Estrogen and progesterone are off. The adrenals are off. The thyroid is off, okay? Insulin is off. Everything is upside down.

And you know what? It's surprising how many people, women especially get into a category five storm. They're so messed up hormonally. They got way too much estrogen. They got way too much cortisol. They don't have near enough progesterone. Their thyroid is slowed to a crawl. Their thyroid is completely out of whack. Their insulin resistance is over the top. That's a category five storm. Now Carrie's asking about progesterone cream and bioidentical progesterone, and I like it. I do. I used it when I was in practice, not in practice anymore, and I'm not your doctor, so for me, I'm just going to give you generalities and I like it. I like bioidentical progesterone. Okay? It's very safe. It's good. I do not like bioidentical estrogen. No one in the universe can talk me into estrogen or giving estrogen.

I talked about this yesterday. For those of you who weren't on with me yesterday, I talked about microplastics. It can get into your bloodstream, okay? And again, any chemical can mimic estrogen. That's, I never recommend estrogen. I always recommend balancing it out, okay? Our menopausal formula is meant to up your progesterone levels. If you're using a bioidentical, good for you. I got no problem with that. You need to get a prescription for it, but make sure it's a bioidentical progesterone. Okay? Good question, Carrie. Thank you.

Maria is asking what are my thoughts on electrodermal testing. Well, I don't know a lot about it. I've never practiced that and I know naturopaths and others do the electoral dermal testing. How accurate it is? I don't know. It's really not my expertise. I can Google it and tell you, but I was more the traditional testing, like blood testing and urine test. We did all the hormonal testing. The thyroid, again, I was more on symptoms than the actual, because TSH guys, thyroid stimulating hormone, there's a lot of strings attached to it, and if you only look at numbers and you don't look at the symptoms. I just don't know how many women, especially tens of thousands of women get misdiagnosed on their thyroid. Okay?

So it's not that I don't look at numbers of thyroid, I just want to know what symptoms you got because if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it's a duck. That's what my dad used to tell me about thyroid. You see a woman and they're losing eyebrows and their hair is thinning out and they look at food and gain weight and they're sluggish, and even maybe the bowel is not moving properly. It's probably thyroid. It's probably a sluggish thyroid without disease. Okay, thanks Maria.

Meta, "what do you think of compression stockings for varicose and spider veins?" Yeah, listen, I like compression socks. If you've got trouble with circulation, compression socks are good. I got no problem with that. Okay, so use them.

Tammy. "I take Dr. Martin's curcumin." You're smart. "Some people in my circle say that I should be taking one month break from curcumin every now and then. It's apparently on the labels of other supplements from other brands." I don't know about that because I've been taking curcumin for a lot of years. I'm trying to think. Okay, Tammy, I'm trying to think why you would take time off from curcumin. It's an anti-inflammatory. There's a lot of research on curcumin and its benefits, lots of research on it, and I like it. It's actually very, very good for circulation, good for your brain. There's real good studies combining curcumin with high DHA for the brain. I like it as an anti-inflammatory, and I can't see any reason why you would take any time off from it. I mean, I guess you could. But you know what, I don't think that that is a rule of Health Canada because we would have it on our labels. So that you're saying other brands say take time off of it. I haven't seen that, but I'm taking your word for it, Tammy. I just don't know why. Okay, some would have to show me why. Good question, Tammy, thank you.

Celine. "Dr. Martin says." Celine says, "Dr. Martin says fat don't make you fat, but can it prevent us from losing fat, especially belly fat?" Uhh no, no. That's not how your body works, Celine. Okay, so it's really important to understand this. Sugars make you fat, okay? Not fat. Fat don't make you fat, okay? It's not calories. If it was calories, fat would make you fat, but it's not calories and how you get belly fat especially, okay? Now you can get belly fat, even cortisol, high stress can give you belly fat, but not really in the absence of not eating carbohydrates. Okay, so let's follow a piece of bread. Okay? I don't care if it's 17 grain bread. Let's just follow it for a minute. You eat a piece of bread or you have some pasta that is converted to sugar rapidly. You eat cereal converted to sugar, rapidly, okay?

Insulin, okay, you know what insulin is? Insulin is a hormone that comes out of your pancreas and it takes that sugar and it won't let it park in the bloodstream. Your body's smart. Your body knows that sugar is toxic. Thus, insulin comes to the rescue and it's a traffic cop. It says, you sugar out, out, out. Come here. Okay? Can't park in the bloodstream because you're going to destroy blood vessels. So I'm going to park you in muscles, in liver, parking spots. That's why I always tell people, get strong, make bins, and I pointed to my arms, but the best place is in your leg muscles. Okay? Get strong. Why? Because you're going to have more parking space for that sugar that's going to be turned to glycogen, which is stored fat. But if you've got good muscles, metabolically excellent. Second place is the liver. Insulin will store sugar as glycogen in the liver, and that ain't good. And once the liver is full, you know what it does? It makes more fat cells and for some people the body, their body has an enormous capacity to store fat and make fat cells fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat. Okay?

So, understand that Celine, it's not fat making you fat if you eat eggs, meat, cheese. See my hat? Eggs, meat, and cheese. If you eat that, you're not storing that fat, you're going to use it as a fuel. It'll burn on the fire of your metabolism. You're giving insulin a break. And remember, in the presence of insulin, your body can't even lose fat. It's an impossibility. So the people that tell you to eat frequently and snack all day long, they weren't right about that at all, okay? So Celine, that doesn't mean if you're trying to lose weight, that you can eat a hundred eggs. Now you can eat a hundred eggs, they're good for you, but people that want to lose weight, and it's not the fact that it's the calories of it, it's just the fact that your body had no ability to break down fat if you're always eating.

So all I'm saying Celine is the best weight loss program is a low carb program. It's the best because carbs are converted to sugar and then insulin must get involved, and insulin is a fat storing hormone. It's one of its major jobs. If you understand that, it really helps. Now, I'm not, like I said, some people they can eat as much as they want their skinny as rakes, and some people, because of horrormones, they got to be careful because their metabolism has slowed to a crawl. But the Reset is the best eating program around. There's nothing like it. I know it sounds simplistic, but it's true. There's nothing like it because you're eating quality, not quantity quality, and your body thrives when you give it the proper nutrition, your body thrives with rocket fuel. Okay? Thanks for the question, Celine. We appreciate it. You have no idea!

Okay, Anna, "how to get rid of post nasal drip? I also have a lot of phlegm." Usually Anna, okay? Usually postnasal drip can come in two forms. Okay? Where did that sinus phlegm come from? It can come from the stomach, like a silent acid reflux where you're making a lot of phlegm. Usually you'll get that phlegm in the throat, but it can travel to the sinuses, okay? And this is what happens. You don't have enough acidity in the stomach, okay? That can be a cause. The major cause though of this is leaky gut. Leaky gut, leaky gut, leaky sinuses, yeast, fungus gets into the sinuses, okay? That's why I'm big on don't feed the bears. Okay? I have another hat that says, don't feed the bears, don't feed yeast, get rid of yeast or candida. Fungus loves moisture. What does yeast love? Yeast, my friend is a cousin to mold. Where do you find mold in your house? If you did have it, where would you find it? In the bathroom, right? In the basement where you've had water damage. Would you get mold there? Yeah. Why? Loves moisture.

Mold loves moisture and hates the sun. Mold doesn't like the sun. If you could take the roof off your house and let the sun shine in when the sun was shining, it kills mold. So get sun on your sinuses. It's really important, but more than not, don't feed the bears. Don't give yeast sugar. That will help your stomach too by the way. Your body wasn't made to consume sugar. Your stomach wasn't built for it. And when you're eating too many carbs, crappy carbs especially and sugars, the acidity in your stomach changes. You were meant to eat meat. You were built to eat eggs. You were built to eat cheese. Your body was built for that, okay? Your stomach was built for it. Use it or lose it. That can be the two reasons for postnasal drug. Thanks for the question, we appreciate it. Okay, that was Anna.

Marie. "Is scalp itching a sign of liver or kidney problems?" It's possible. Okay. It's possible. But the biggest sign of if you got scalp with itching all the time, it's usually leaky gut. We come back to that all the time, guys. Leaky gut, leaky skin, itching. Now you can have itching when your liver, but especially kidneys. Itching is more kidneys. When you're not detoxing properly, make sure kidney function is based on two things, mainly, okay? How do your kidneys thrive? Lay off the sugars. Sugar destroys blood vessels and sugar aims at your kidneys. If you don't believe that, ask a diabetic. A diabetic has got a hundred times more susceptibility to having kidney disease than anyone else on the planet. A hundred fold. Why? Their sugar's not under control and that destroys kidneys.

It's not protein. Oh, I hate that. Protein is so damaging. Cut down on protein for your kidneys. It's the opposite. If you want your kidneys to thrive, you eat protein. Okay? "Oh, Dr. Martin, I had protein in my urine." Yeah, that's because you're eating too much sugar. Not because you're eating too much protein. Protein is king for the kidneys. Protein and fat by the way. Eggs, meat and cheese. Your kidneys will thank you. Insulin destroys kidneys. Insulin resistance. Why is there so much dialysis today? Why? Carbs, sugars, bread, pasta, rice, cereal, sugar, sweets, pastries, bagels, muffins, yada, yada, yada. That's why kidneys are under assault.

And the second thing with kidneys, for all my friends who live in Niagara Falls, go to Niagara Falls morning, noon night, don't matter. You will see a flow of water, and that's what I call the kidneys of Canada. Why do I call them that? Because your kidneys need water. The best vitamin that you can give your kidneys is vitamin W, water. And only water is water. Okay? Oh, Dr. Martin, I drink juice. There's water in that, isn't there? Nah. That destroys your kidneys. It's full of sugar. You don't want that, especially fructose. Now you're going to elevate your uric acid, and that can be very destructive to the kidneys too. Okay? So all I'm saying is, guys, okay, all I'm saying is flush water and lay off the sugar. I know it comes back to simplicity and Marie, if you got itching, it could be your kidneys. It's possible. I'm not saying it isn't. Scalp usually though, is leaky gut. You have yeast, you have a fungus. Fungus is itchy. So anyway, have a look at that, Marie, thank you very much. We appreciate it.

Susan. "My mom is 85." Well, good for her. "And she had cancer recently from her breast. She took no chemo, did radiation. Now has thrush." Yeah. Well, that's okay. What should she do to build up her immune system? Well, that's a very, very good question. Okay, for your 85-year-old mom, here's what I would recommend. Number one on the hit parade is probiotics. One thing chemo does or radiation, it destroys your good bacteria. That's why she got thrush. That is very, very common. People on chemo, people on radiation. It destroys your good guys. You got good bacteria, you got bad bacteria, and you got the Trojan horse, yeast that gets into the bloodstream and into the tissue and into your brain and into your mouth. Thrush, broad spectrum probiotics, broad spectrum, they have to be.

If you want to get rid of yeast, first of all, don't feed it. And second of all, you better be taking a broad spectrum probiotic, okay? Not like, somebody's asking. Let me answer this question right now. Somebody asked because I saw, oh, Charlene, "what does Dr. Martin think about miso?" I think that's how you say it. It's a probiotic from soybeans. Okay? It's fermented soybean. I got no problem with fermented foods. I don't. The problem is with miso, or sauerkraut or whatever, it's not broad spectrum. If you want to kill a yeast, a fungus, if you want to be aggressive, you need a broad spectrum probiotic. Broad spectrum means it's got at least 10 different strains. And I love, okay, especially for fungus and leaky gut, you need L rhamnosus and L reuteri. Those are the two that are in our immune boosting formula. Okay?

So that's what I would have your mom on, and if she was on a minimum of three a day, okay, Susan, okay, your mom, at least three probiotics a day, because she went through that cancer treatment, I would've probably doubled it up and give her six a day for about a month just to replace that friendly bacteria and to get rid of the fungus and don't feed the bears. If you can get your mom, get her off all sugars. All sugars, okay? Don't let her drink any juice or whatever. Seniors, okay, I'm a senior, okay? But I mean even older than me, senior, they love their orange juice. They love that stuff. It just feeds the bears. It feeds because you're drinking fructose and I don't like it. Okay? So try and get your mom to do that, okay? Thanks Susan. We appreciate the question.

Okay, John's asking, "why do we do eggs, meat, and cheese if you can take milk thistle to clean your liver? I know EMC will give you nutrients, but curious about the cleaning of the liver factor?" Okay, well, John, I like the way you're thinking. Okay, now you know about EMC. It's the best way to eat. The number one thing EMC does. The number one thing is it fixes insulin resistance and that the end of the day, insulin resistance causes heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, diabetes, it's insulin and insulin resistance. You need insulin but when your cells don't like insulin anymore, your body must pour insulin out at a high level. That's called high circulating insulin or insulin resistance, okay So I like your thinking. Okay, now you're just talking about the liver and milk thistle. Okay?

Now, there's two ways to clean your liver and you got them. One of them is milk thistle, okay? It helps to clean your liver, but the best way, John, the best way to clean your liver is to empty it of fat. Milk thistle will not touch the fat in your liver. It does have detoxing properties. I admit that. I like it. I got no problem with it. But what is better is when you empty the liver of fat. Fat, okay, attracts toxins. It attracts toxins. Fat inside the liver decreases your liver's ability to detox. There's nothing better than the liver. God gave you a liver, you can cut the liver in half and you know what'll happen? You can grow it back. The body is so fearfully and wonderfully made.

So John, I love your thinking, okay? But just understand that when you empty the liver, it takes you six days to empty your liver. When you don't eat any carbohydrates, when you have no sugars, six days and the body can empty that liver, that's the best detox that you can do. It's the best. I'm not against milk thistle, but it's the best because it empties the liver of fat, and fat is toxic inside the liver. Fatty liver, fatty liver will go on to be cirrhosis of the liver. It will scar up. You've got to fix fatty liver and the best way to do it is to go on the Reset. Thanks for the question, John. We love it.

Okay, Lisa, "I have one foot." Well, this is what they wrote. Okay? You got two feet, right, Lisa? I'm just kidding. But the way they wrote it, "I have one foot and my heel is hot, why?" Lisa, you let me know if I'm answering your question, okay? I'm assuming you have two feet, but one of them is hot at the heel level, okay? What could that be? What's causing that? Possibly I'm just going to give you some ideas because unless I examine you, I'm giving you an educated guess. It could be mechanical. First place I would look is in your spine. You could have a pinch in the nerve there and that nerve part of the sciatic will go down to the heel and it's just the way it's impinged. Could be that, got to eliminate that. Could be a pinched nerve. Could be in the piriformis even. I've seen that in the butt. The muscle comes across pinches on the nerve. That can get into your heel. You could have some form of neuropathy in that. It's possible that there's some neuropathy there. You might have a start of plantar fasciitis and all these things can be diagnosed with a practitioner. Okay? So I'm just giving you ideas, just giving you ideas, get it checked out, find out why, okay? Get to the cause. Thanks for the question.

Okay. That was Lisa, by the way, for the question on the heel. Donna is saying she got 35% heavy cream. She read the ingredients when you got home or before, Donna? Okay, and the heavy cream contained polysorbate, 80, carrageenan. I don't even know how you pronounce it. I wish I had a cow in the backyard. Yeah, me too. Okay, Donna, you're saying why did they do that? Well, look, first of all, they pasteurize milk. They pasteurize cream. Almost all cheeses are pasteurized. It's just the law of the land. It's the law in Canada. It's the law in the United States. Pasteurization, all because of Louis Pasteur, okay? They think, ah, you can get a bacteria in the milk and you're going to be in trouble. Okay? I'm not going there because I'm not going to change it. If you have a cow in the backyard, you can make cream and it will be pure. I think there are some creams where you can get heavy cream. I know there is where none of those ingredients other than the fact that it's pasteurized. Pasteurization means it's brought up to 1200 degrees and it kills all the bacteria, and again, denatures the milk and cream too.

Now listen, okay, I'm going to give you and Donna, I think you know where I come from here. I get a patient, okay, pretend. For those of you who are just listening this morning, you're new patients. Pretend you're coming to see Dr. Martin when I was in practice, it was your first time and I found out through all your blood work and that, that you had insulin resistance. I found out that you weren't well, okay? I found out that you had a metabolic storm, and now on day one in my office, I'm going to send you home with all your results and I send you home with an eating plan, okay? I send you home with an eating plan. I want to lower your carbohydrates. Why? Because I'm trying to lower insulin. If I lower insulin, I'm going to lower inflammation. If I lower insulin, I'm going to help every area in your body, from your brain to your toes, from your skin to your nose. No, but seriously, primarily when I was in practice, if you saw me as a patient, you went home with an eating plan and the vast majority of people, not everybody, I put on the reset.

I started with only diabetics and then anybody with any insulin problems, I wanted them to do the 30 day, okay? Why am I saying that, Donna? The reason I'm saying it is when they leave my office, I give them a plan to succeed, not to fail, okay? I want them to lay off the carbs. I want them to lay off the sugar. If you want to use cream, I suggest never milk, but cream, and then they go to the grocery store and holy moly, okay? They want to do Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie and it's really good with heavy cream. I know it's not perfect. Okay? Donna, you know it. I know it, but they're on the Titanic. I don't want them to worry about the deck chairs. We'll do that after. I want them to worry about the fact that they already hit an iceberg or they're going to hit it, so we focus eggs, meat, and cheese, 30 days and cut out the sugar.

Dr. Martin, I got to have something in my coffee. Okay, then put cream in it. Not milk, milk's too sweet. Read the labels. You'll see the first thing I'm doing is cutting down their carbs and sugars. Just understand that, Donna, and I'm on your side because once you get off the Titanic, you look around and even I love our group because they'll tell you, oh, you know what? Metro has this or this grocery store has that and it's got nothing added to it, and now this and that. I'm all for that, but not at first. Not at first. I just want people to get off the Titanic. You understand, Donna? I'm on your side and if you find a place, and I know there are organic cream and all this and that. Listen, can I tell you really what I think? Because I'm going to anyway, I want you to drink water. You don't even need cream.

Now listen, if you got grandchildren or kids and you want to give them something, the best thing for 'em, make 'em a Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie and use heavy cream, and you can put a few berries in there for them, okay? Now, that's why. Now, Donna, I know you're a label reader and good for you. That's stage two. Good for you. I'm a label reader. Don't go to the grocery store with me. I'll drive you crazy. I read labels. Okay, good for you, Donna. Okay, that's my answer and I'm sticking to it.

Okay, couple of more. We're almost done. "Dr. Martin's thoughts on chemotherapy facial cream, like Efudix, what are my thoughts?" Well, well, it's sort of like it's a pre-cancer thing, especially I think the squamous cell cancer, okay? There's basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma. Three major skin type of cancers. Efudix. I think it's got a lot of side effects. I don't know. I can comment, but I can't even give a personal, in a way, opinion. I just read the side effects, the decision you got to make in terms of treatment there. I like some more natural things. I'm big on Revera, anyway.

Okay, I answered Charlene. One more. Bonnie. "What causes ocular rosacea?" Well, the same thing ocular eye rosacea, the same people usually get rosacea in around their cheeks and all that. It's autoimmune. It starts in the gut. Leaky gut, leaky skin. Fix the fungus, the Trojan horse got in, the yeast got into your bloodstream. It's now getting into your tissue. Don't feed the bears. Eat EMC, eggs, meat and cheese. Okay, guys, I think I answered all of them. We love you. Thank you for watching. We appreciate it. You can share this. You can tell people about The Doctor Is In podcast on any smart device can download it. Give us a five star review, Apple. We appreciate it. We love you guys and we'll talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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