Did you know it only takes one month of eating sugar and crappy carbohydrates to start the process of creating a fatty liver? Thankfully, on the flip side, you can also empty your liver in 6 days if you stop eating sugar and crappy carbs.
Dr. Martin shares a Canadian study from University of British Columbia that has found obesity and high insulin are linked to pancreatic cancer. Since cancer cells have 200 times more receptors for glucose than normal cells, it’s no wonder that sugar fuels cancer!
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live this morning and hope you're having a great start to your day. We sure appreciate you coming on with us. Now, yesterday we talked about fatty liver, and I'm going to get something that's related to it today, a new study that came out. I want to talk about it, but I really want to discuss fatty liver in this sense because I want you guys to remember a couple of numbers that I think are significant and how quickly things can change, okay?
So, I taught you this in the past, but I just want to refresh your memory for the new folks that are on with us. Listen to this, okay, above fatty liver, which is the number one, in my opinion, epidemic in society today, fatty liver. And I talked about it yesterday, it's not Las Vegas. What happens in the liver unfortunately does not stay in the liver. The liver, when that goes south, it can affect heart disease, cancer, it's always a precursor, always a precursor to diabetes. Alzheimer's, big time. Okay? So the liver, my friend, is really, really important to take care of. And two numbers that will help. In order to get fatty liver. It only takes one month of eating sugar, crappy carbohydrates. Doesn't take long. You start the process of fatty liver.
That's why I mentioned this yesterday. Again, I'll just repeat it. That is why I used to see children in my office and I'm talking years ago with fatty liver, the start of fatty liver. It only takes a month of eating sugar to get fatty liver. You don't get fatty liver from eating fat. You get fatty liver from sugar and what is the biggest culprit of all sugars? The new kid on the block that's been around for 40 years now, invented by man, high fructose corn syrup, the worst of the worst of the worst for fatty liver. So 30 days you start the process of fatty liver. That's a terrible thing. Now the good news is, okay, in six days of eliminating sugar, of eliminating high fructose corn syrup, you can start the healing process and emptying of the liver only takes six days.
Now you've got to continue on. But in six days, I wrote this in my last two books, Sun, Steak and Steel and The Reset, those last two books I talked about that it only takes six days to start emptying your liver. Somebody asked yesterday as I was reading the scroll afterwards about, doc, what about a liver cleanse? Well, the best liver cleanse in the world is found in the Reset. Your liver loves liver. Your liver loves steak. Your liver loves eggs. Your liver loves cheese because there's no stress on the liver when you're eating those foods, even though you're eating fat, animal fat, that doesn't translate to a fatty liver. It's the opposite of that.
And so it's really important to understand that. Okay, because I just wanted to bring that out. You can do a liver cleanse by doing the reset. And you know what folks? Listen, the reset is a 30 day program for those who are doing it for the first time. We recommend go 30 days because we're not only aiming at your liver, but we're aiming at insulin resistance to get your cells changed, okay? Changing yourselves, changing the resistance at the cellular level to insulin. We want you to become more insulin sensitive. Be a sensitive person, okay? Insulin sensitivity that way there, it really, really is good, okay?
Now you can empty that liver. So folks, if you've done the reset in the past and maybe you are off track a little wee bit on your diet and you've been eating more sugar and we're getting into the holiday season, right? And people will eat more sugar, not a bad idea to do the reset for one week, go six days on the road. I still love that song. But if you empty your liver, you can empty your liver in six days, 30 days to pack it up with fat. Six days to start that emptying process. And that my friend is good news, but you do it by eating the right foods, okay? That will give you a liver cleanse like nothing else. Okay? Like nothing else. Empty the liver gives you a liver claus. And remember, your liver is the most regenerative of all your organs, my friend. Okay? Your liver is the most regenerative of all the organs.
Now to another study that's related to this. Okay? Now we're going to move over. Okay? So your liver is right underneath your ribs, okay? Now we're just going to go over a little wee bit from right, okay? So your right hand liver underneath your ribs, it's a huge organ there, and we're going to just travel a little wee bit towards your stomach. Everybody knows where your stomach is, almost dead center there. And underneath that is an organ that is the size of a ballpoint pen and it sits right underneath your stomach and that's called your pancreas. So these two are very much connected, your pancreas and your liver. But listen to this study that came out of the UBC, the University of British Columbia Medicine finds obesity, high insulin linked to pancreatic cancer.
So yesterday we talked the last couple of days, talked about fat and visceral fat. This is a dangerous fat and this here is very much linked to pancreatic cancer, very much linked to that. And they're saying that high insulin is linked to pancreatic cancer. Now here's the scary thing about what this is talking about. Okay, let me just say this first. How do you increase your insulin when you're eating crappy carbohydrates? Your insulin goes up when you're consuming sugar. Go in the middle aisles of your grocery store from soup to crackers, from cereals to whatever in the middle aisles of the grocery store. They add sugar, especially the high fructose corn syrup. Terrible stuff, and they couch it by telling you it's not high fructose corn syrup. They use 99 other names to lie to you. That's the food industry. Don't think for one minute the food industry loves you. They don't. They love you as a customer, but they don't love you. They don't care for your health.
Imagine an industry, okay? Imagine an industry like the food industry that doesn't care an iota for your health. They don't. Okay? So what we have today, okay, according to UBC is once a rare cancer, pancreatic. Remember, look at a ballpoint pen. Your pancreas is the same size as this and it sits right underneath your stomach and its primary job is to release insulin. So think of the ink in the pen. You know me and illustrations. Think of the ink in the pen as insulin. The pen is the pancreas and the tip of a ballpoint pen. You know how I like to talk about that is how long cancer takes to grow to the size of a tip of a ballpoint bend is five years. Cancer doesn't grow quickly. It really doesn't. People have this idea. Cancer. Oh, last week, doc, I didn't have cancer. Then I went to the doctor and he said I got cancer. Well, that didn't happen in a week. To a tumor to get to this size takes five years. Cancer is slow growing until it gets to its late stages. That's really important to understand that.
Okay, now here's what UBC said, predicting that pancreatic cancer will be the number two leading cause of death by the year 2030. My friend, that's not even seven years away from what they're saying. They're saying pancreatic cancer will be the second leading cause of death by the year 2030. Houston, we got a problem. And doctors, hello out there. They don't even teach nutrition in medical schools. And anything that they learn is moderation. Folks, it's not moderation. We have an elephant in the room here. We got a big problem. Imagine by the year 2030, they're saying pancreatic cancer will be the second leading cause of death in North America. Wake up, and I don't say it to my audience because you guys know this. I'm trying to scream like John the Baptist in the wilderness. Hello out there. All the tea in China, all the money that we spend on cancer research, and it's in front of us. The answer's in front of us. Because when you see pancreatic cancers, what?
Listen, when I graduated 1974, yikes. Next year be 50 years, I've been around a long time. Do you know that pancreatic cancer in the seventies was almost non-existent? You know what they used to say about pancreatic cancer in the seventies? Here's what I learned in school. Okay? Here's what I learned in school. Pancreatic cancer and stomach cancer. The two of them were old men, not women. Old men's disease. You only got it when you were old and you're on your way out anyway, so don't worry about it. You're old. It's just the way we will get ready. No, seriously, that's what I learned in school. That's what I remember about pancreatic cancer in the 1970s. And here we are today. Here we are today that researchers are telling us that pancreatic cancer will be the second leading cause of death by the year 2030. My word. It's incredible. Incredible. Okay?
Now let me show you something. I'm going to show you something. And you guys know I flunked art. Okay? I majored in recess in school, but here's my art because I got to show you this because I want you to understand how cancer operates. Okay? So normal cell. See that? Okay, now I know you guys know that I can't draw, but that's a cell, okay? A normal cell, okay? There's the nucleus, and these little wee battery packs are called your mitochondria. See these guys right in here? Okay, those are mitochondria. Now on the cell wall, so let me show you this. On the cell wall, see it. These are receptors. See the red one is for sugar, it's a receptor for sugar. The blue one is a receptor for insulin. And the purple one right here is for vitamin D.
So you have receptors on your cells, okay? They're receptors. You have insulin receptors, you have glucose receptors, sugar, and you have receptors for vitamin D. Every cell in your body. Why do I call you a human solar panel? Because you have receptors for vitamin D. Got it? Okay. Now see the bottom one here? What are we looking at here? I drew a picture of a cancer cell, a cancer cell. See the difference? One of the biggest differences is the shape of the cell wall. Cancer cells, they start by being free radicals. Now everybody makes free radicals. Everybody gets oxidative damage. All of us. That's how we age. So cancer really, when you think about it, is a rapid aging at the cellular level, rapid aging.
But here's something that you guys know, but it's good to go over and why are we seeing so much pancreatic cancer today? Here's the reason because on a cancer cell, you have, okay, I wrote it right here. You have 200 times more receptors on a cancer cell than a normal cell for sugar. For sugar, you have 200 times more receptors for sugar. Now you got insulin receptors on there too. That's why I want you to lower your insulin. And there's no receptors for vitamin D there on your cancer cell. Guys look, cancer to some extent, okay, is complex, okay? It is. It's a complex disorder. But the low hanging fruit that is so important for you and for me to understand is this. Cancer cells need glucose, it's their fuel.
And again, how do we know that? Because when you get a PET scan, cancer imaging, the only way it works is if they give you glucose ahead of time. So if you've got cancer in your brain to your toes, a PET scan only works with glucose and a PET scan is a cancer screen. Okay? Doctors, why don't you know that? Why is it that you send patients home with Ensure? With Boost and in Canada, most hospitals have Tim Hortons right there, and that's all right. I like their coffee, but I certainly don't like their donuts while I do, but I don't. You know what I mean? Oh, Dr. Martin, I just got a carrot muffin from Tim Hortons. Yeah, well, that's got eight teaspoons of sugar in it. Yeah, but it's got fiber. Ooh, I get uptight.
So you see guys, when you look at a cancer cell and you see the receptors for glucose, okay? The receptors, all those 200 times more receptors for sugar, 200 times more receptors for sugar. Guys, gals, Larry, Linda, listen. Yes, cancer is complex. Yes, cancer is a difficult disease. Yes, but there's low hanging fruit, and that's the one that you and I can control. Would you cut out the sugar? Especially the high fructose corn syrup. And so when the UBC tells you, they're predicting that pancreatic cancer will be the second leading cause of death by the year 2030, my word. What's happened to our society today? What has happened since 1980 when the food industry manufactured a sugar, it was cheap, it was addictive. It was very, very sweet. A hundred times sweeter than sugar, high fructose corn syrup.
And my friend, not only has that caused an enormous spike in obesity, why are we so much bigger today? It really comes down to the sugar, the change in the sugar. Look, and I used to have cookies and ice cream when I was a kid too. My grandchildren think, grandpa, did you never have sugar? Yeah, I had sugar. I had sugar. But guys, I'm telling you, this is key. Okay, so what do we do? Elimination. Empty your liver. Okay? Because the liver and the pancreas are very, very much connected. Very much connected. And what happens in the liver, don't stay in the liver. And when you insist, or when I say you, I don't mean you. I mean the rest of them, them out there when they insist on using their pancreas all the time.
Remember when you eat simple carbohydrates, bread, pasta, rice, cereals, sugar, sweets, pastries, juice, store-bought milk, muffins and bagels. Dr. Martin, I got an everything bagel. Isn't that good for me? No, it's going to be sugar in five seconds. It's going to go directly to your liver, and then your pancreas is going to be damaged and eventually will lead to pancreatic cancer. My word, remember, cancer cells have 200 times more receptors for glucose, for sugar than any other cell. Cancer cells feed on sugar. Well, guys, okay, we know it. We know it. So what do we do? What do we do? Well, information provides choices. That's why information is so powerful, right? It's powerful. Who knew? Guys, again, just something that bothers me. You have no idea how much this bothers me. Why do physicians not know this? They're doctors. They belong to the cholesterol cult, most of them.
Ooh, anywho, I promised myself before I started today that I wouldn't get excited. Okay. It didn't work. I got excited. I elevated my cortisol because when I look at stuff like this, just, it blows my socks off. It really does. And it gets me steam coming out the ears. Anywho. Okay, guys, I promise I won't get excited tomorrow, okay? No guys, we love you dearly. Remember question and answer Friday. Okay? You know how much we love those Fridays? Get your questions in, okay? Tell your friends, guys about The Doctor Is In podcast, okay, because a lot of people, they can't watch us live. Okay? They just can't. And that's all right. We love them. Okay? We do. We're trying to get on Facebook up to 85,000 followers. We're almost there. And when we get there, I don't know how we're going to do a party, but we're going to do a party, okay? Okay, guys, I love you and we'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!