1207. Costly Hope: Unmasking Healthcare Expenses

It was 1972 when President Nixon declared a war on cancer. Dr. Martin remembers it well. Since then, it is estimated that the United States has spent over 15 trillion dollars on cancer, and we’re not winning the war!

What bothers Dr. Martin most is that very little of that money has been spent on prevention. It’s all spent on treatment in the form of chemo, radiation, surgery and lab work. Nutrition seems to be the last thing on the mind of medicine when it comes to a cancer diagnosis.

Join Dr. Martin as he shares the article he read in today’s episode!



Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone. Once again, welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day. Okay, we got lots of news behind the news this morning. Okay, so I want to spend a little bit of time bringing you up to date on some new, some of them are studies, some of them are articles. It's news, health news behind the news because a lot of times you're not even going to see these things. It's not mainstream media, and I so thankful that I have a lot of resources to find these studies, and even when they don't hit the mainstream or social media, I can pick them up and I want to comment on, okay, so you notice a little bit of different background this morning, okay? But we're still on and we're thankful. Okay? We're thankful. Thank you for coming on and we appreciate it.

Okay, now, this was an article yesterday, so I flagged it. I was flying reading articles and this one really caught my attention. Now, this date, some of you will remember, President Nixon in 1972 declared war on cancer. Okay? I've talked to you about that in the past. I remember it like it was yesterday, and I think he was trying to divert attention from Vietnam, the Vietnam War, and he said, let's have a new war, and we called it a War on Cancer. Guys, it has been a colossal failure. One out of 20 women in 1972 were diagnosed with breast cancer. One out of 20 men were diagnosed with prostate cancer. Today it's down to 1 out of 6, 1 out of 7, some say 1 out of 8. One thing it is, it's way up. Now, maybe they're surviving a little longer, but we really have lost the war on cancer. But the article went on to say, okay? The article went on to say we have spent 15 trillion dollars on the war on cancer, and I'm going to tell you the overarching principle of why we've lost the war on cancer. 15 trillion, I'm going to talk to you about that in a second.

But let me just give you an overarching principle. It's the same as heart disease. Is heart disease better today or worse? It's worse than ever. Cancer is worse than ever. Now you might say, well, it's because we can detect it better. Yeah, possibly. But guys, if you ran a business and you weren't getting any results or you had bad press or whatever, you'd be out of business. Cancer, the overarching principles, we've been looking for love in all the wrong places, and someone said, look, there's a cure for cancer and they're hiding it. I know that's sort of something they've said, but it's not even that, because the cure for cancer, okay? Cancer's complex, guys. Cancer's complex, but things, low hanging fruit right in front of us that we know for a fact is it's been dismissed. For example, okay, here we are. We've spent 15 trillion dollars by and large on cancer, and it's been cancer treatment.

Now, some of it is detection, like you look at the scans now for cancer, especially PET scans. I'm not against that. I'm not against that stuff, okay? You want to detect it, okay? But the second they detect it, almost invariably what happens is that the medical system goes into action. It goes into action, and it's surgery, chemo and radiation. Chemo, guys has been around for 60, almost 70 years, and maybe it's got a little bit better, but it's been a colossal failure. Chemo will shrink a tumor, but it's not doing anything at the basis of cancer. And if we would just talk, and like I said, medicine, God bless them, have been hijacked. It's been hijacked by the pharmaceutical companies. We've spent 15 trillion dollars. Now guys, that's in the United States.

Now, let me just. When I was a kid, it wasn't who wants to be a millionaire? Okay? When I was a kid, okay, if someone had a hundred thousand dollars in the 50s, they were a multi gazillionaire. You know what I mean? In the 70s, who wants to be a millionaire? A million dollars. And then it became a billion dollars. You got billionaires. But what people don't realize is the difference between a billion and a trillion, like with a T. We used to joke about trillion because it was a number you couldn't even wrap your head around. We spent $15 trillion. Now listen, just one thing, and I tell people this, let's count to 1 trillion. Let's count to 1 trillion. Ready? Bring a lunch. How long would it take to count to 1 trillion? Okay. Even Canada's debt is in the trillions. Now, I never thought I'd see that in my lifetime. Okay, let's count. We ready? 1, 2, 3, 4, 31. Okay, listen, how long would it take to count to 1 trillion? I've done this with you before, so maybe you remember, 31.7 thousands years. 1, 2, 3. 31.7 thousand years to count to 1 trillion.

Can you get your head around what we're doing? And cancer's worse than ever. Cancer's worse than ever. We're not winning the war. President Nixon started it and we've had a lot of presidents since then, and we've lost the war on cancer. And in medicine, it isn't prevention of cancer, it's detection of cancer. You got that? That is so significant. It is detection of cancer. I'm not against that, but you have industries, mammograms, pet scans, ultrasounds, blood tests has nothing to do with preventing cancer. It has everything to do with early detection. Now, let me give you another principle. Rinse and repeat. Rinse and repeat. Rinse and repeat. That's me. I'm sorry. You'll have to go elsewhere if that bothers you. Okay? I can't help it. Now I have in front of me a ballpoint pen. I like it because I like illustrations. Here is a ballpoint pen, guys. Got it? The tip of a ballpoint pen. For a tumor to grow to the size of a tip of a ballpoint pen takes how many years?

Now ladies, are you going to feel that in your breast tissue? Of course you're not. You're going to feel a little tumor in the breast tissue that's the size of a ballpoint pen? The tip of it. Men would you know, you have something going on in your prostate that's this? It takes five years to grow to this size, to the tip of a ballpoint pen. People have an idea that cancer is rapid. Last week, Dr. Martin, I didn't have cancer, and this week I do. My doctor said I'd got cancer because I went and had a mammogram and they want to do a biopsy, and they did a biopsy. If a doctor calls you back, you're in trouble. They go, yeah. Then what happens? They'll go on steroids in terms of time, everything has to be done now, right? Let's go. We got to get chemo. We're going to take it out. We're going to do radiation, we're going to do chemo. Okay? And it's like a two minute drill in football. There's two minutes left in the game and the team is down seven, and here we go.

Guys, that is the overarching problem. They're not talking prevention. Cancer needs fuel. You have cancer cells, you probably have 'em inside your body right now. They're renegades. They're teenagers that are out of control and they want fuel. And the world says, doctors say, nutritionists say, you name it say, dieticians. All of them say well eat in moderation. But you see, cancer loves sugar. That's why you have a PET scan. It's not for your pet. The technology is for cancer. It's cancer imaging from your brain to your toes. They got to give you sugar to see if you have cancer. Hello? Hello? What does that mean? It's simple. I'm a simple guy. I guess sugar has something to do with cancer. If PET scans don't work without sugar, two plus two equals four. Hello? But they don't talk about food. And I know cancer is not only food. We live in a chemical soup we're surrounded by, and guys, you are not going to avoid all chemicals.

You can do the best you can, but you can't. If your address finishes with planet Earth, okay? I live in, okay, Nebraska, USA, planet Earth. Well, guys, you've got chemicals. They're showing today a credit card. We swallow a credit card worth just a plastic, a week. Is that a contributor to cancer? Yeah, I'm sure it is. Cancer's complex, but low hanging fruit is, let's cut out sugar. It's elimination. You don't need it. I know we like it, but do you think, and I'll give medicine credit, they said, stop smoking. I was telling somebody the other day, I can't remember if it was Saturday, I was telling someone, boy, I've been a long time on this planet. I mean, I have seen since I was a little boy, like the length of time I've been alive. It's fascinating, the changes, right? It's fascinating what we've seen. If you would've told me when I was a kid that I would have to buy water, what? You gonna pay for water? Are you kidding me? My sports drink was a hose. Today, it's nothing to go buy water.

But listen, all I wanted to do, I know that was a big story. Maybe I'll give you something else, okay? No, listen. We're losing the war on cancer. Now, you'll refer to a podcast that I just did. Send your friends there, okay? Anybody that gets cancer, what should you do? And that is not talking about whether you take chemo or radiation or surgery. I don't go there, guys, because that's a decision that you've got to make, okay? But you can still do the things that I talked about, the do's and don'ts of cancer. Let me just mention them quickly here. I've got a list that I did the other day. I even did it on a board. Didn't I, yeah, I did. Cancer protocol. Okay? But that's coming out as a podcast. Refer to it, send it out. I'll give you the number as soon as it comes out, and we'll flag that and send that around because I don't care who you are and I don't even care what type of cancer it is. There's some things that we ought to do, okay? Don't drink juice of any kind. You can drink a smoothie, but not juice. Get your stress down. Yes, but decrease sugar, increase vitamin D, DHA, curcumin, the new studies out on that, eat steak and take probiotics. But that's all in a podcast that we talked about.

Now, let me give you something else that came out. One of the things we talked about, no sugar. When it comes to modern grains. Oh, Dr. Martin, it's whole wheat. It's ten grain, it's ancient grain. Listen, I love bread, okay? I love bread. Man shall not live by bread alone. Jesus said that. Man shall not live by bread alone. I could, guys, I could. I love bread. Every Tuesday, my aunt Delina, when I was a little guy, she made bread, cracked wheat. I tell you, I was on a beeline after school to get to my aunt's place for a piece of that. You could smell it a mile away. I would just about faint. I love that bread so much. And she would put, she loved me. I loved her bread. And she'd put butter on. I can still smell it. There's no smell like it. I go buy a bakery and I want to do a swan dive. But you know what? I found out? Me and bread don't get along. If you got cancer, you and bread don't get along. Yeah, Dr. Martin, it's full of fiber. Fiber's good for cancer, isn't it? No fiber's overrated because grains are going to be sugar in five seconds. Okay?

If they could find a way to give you grains and then put you in the PET scan, you'd light up like a Christmas tree if you had cancer anywhere. Because grains turn to sugar rapidly. That's important guys. That's important because when I talk about, okay, you got cancer, no sugar, don't feed the teenager. And by the way, and this is something I heard in the eighties I think, that almost every cancer, when you look at it under a microscope, has fungus in it. Yeast. A tumor has fungus like the cousin of mold. What do you do with yeast? Well, you don't give it sugar. Honey. Listen, honey, you don't give it sugar. But they send you home. If you want to see Dr. Martin get a migraine, right front of you is when people tell me, okay, doc, I went to my oncologist and on the way out, they told me to drink Boost. I get a headache, my blood pressure goes up. They send you home with Ensure, ensuring that your cancer will grow.

You see how they know nothing about nutrition? Nothing about nutrition. I remember talking to an oncologist. I said, what are you giving Boost for? You're boosting their cancer. It's going to grow, grow, grow. It's sugar. Oh yeah, but there's some protein and they don't have an appetite. Instant migraine for me, instant, unbelievable, Boost. Ensure, here have a granola bar. No, have a steak. Cancer hates steak. Yeast, my friend, yeast inside the cancer, inside the tumor, yeast, fungus, yeast eats sugar, survives on it. Oh, I get so uptight and I shouldn't, but I do because I care. I can't stand stupidity. But it's the hijacking. And that's why we spent $15 trillion the Americans have on cancer. 15 trillion, 31,700 years to count to a trillion. Guys. That's a lot of money. And we're losing. Imagine. Imagine. But you guys know better. You guys are smart.

You know, I didn't get to any of those other studies. I had so many. I think that was number eight. That was an article, actually wasn't a study just telling us how much money we've spent since 1972. 15 trillion. More cancer than ever. Anywho, guys, okay, we can attach this one to the other podcast. I've done more obviously on cancer. But anyway, this is reality, guys. Okay, now we got a great week coming up. Okay? Friday's question and answer Friday, so get your questions in. Okay? We appreciate you guys. You have no idea how much I love this audience. Thank you for being the smartest, the brightest, the friendliest. What a group. We thank you so much and thank you for sharing. Thank you for your reviews. You send us feedback. We appreciate it. We really do. Okay, and thank you for being a friend to The Doctor Is In podcast. We love you. Thanks again. Talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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