Rarely does a week go by that Dr. Martin isn’t asked for his recommendation on dealing with a cancer diagnosis. Over the years, through his clinical experience, Dr. Martin developed a protocol for treating cancer from a natural perspective.
The most recent discovery was that high levels of DHA can destroy a tumor in 14 days. Now, researchers have found that curcumin has the ability to shut off blood flow to tumors. This is amazing news!
Join Dr. Martin as he shares his protocol for treating cancer, and why DHA and curcumin are now a part of it.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day. Okay, now guys, a new study came out on cancers and it's pretty breathtaking and we're going to get into that this morning. I want to talk to you because people ask me that, I bet you there's not a week go by or even less than that. I get asked a relative, a friend, family member, whatever has cancer doc, what do you recommend? I get asked that every day or just about every day, every second day or whatever. So I thought, well, on the heels of something new coming out about cancer and cancer treatment from a natural perspective, I want to talk to you today about a protocol.
Somebody said, well, Dr. Martin, that's a poor man's protocol. I kind of like that. And the reason I say that is because I've had patients over the years fly to Germany, fly to Mexico from Northern Ontario, whatever. I remember a patient flying to, I'm going to say it was The Bahamas or whatever. And guys, listen, if you got cancer or someone you love has cancer and they want to do that, I was never ever against them. I was their biggest fan, but I always had a protocol for cancer. That to me, was as good as anything else out there in my opinion. But again, like I used to tell my patients, if I thought hanging you upside down from the building that we're in, hanging you upside down from the roof would help you. I'll go there and hold your feet.
Okay, I'll just tell you a little story. I remember a physician getting very, very upset with me because someone came to see me that had terminal cancer. The doctor said, it's terminal, nothing we can do, prepare to die. So the patient came to see me and I said, okay, well here we go. Let's try a protocol. Now, she had very advanced cancer, whatever, but I said, hey, I'm not gone. You want to try it? Let's try it. And the next day, that physician called me, what are you doing? Well, I said, you gave up on her, didn't you? Yeah, nothing you can do. Well, they said she came to see me. I didn't call her. She came to see me. So I gave her a protocol. Why are you upset with me? You gave up on her.
Anywho, I want to get back to this because cancer is complex in a lot of ways, it's very complex. But there's some things that we know we absolutely know, and I want to get at the low hanging fruit of my experience and how I know cancer operates. So let's go through this morning and when it comes to one of these things, I am going to just give you some brand new research, okay, that's really encouraging. Now, if it was you or if it was me, if it's a family member, what would we do? Not talking about spending hundreds of thousands of dollars. What is the low hanging fruit? Do this and don't do that. How do you like that? Do this and don't do that. What do I recommend? What have I said for the last 40 years? First thing on the list is vitamin D.
Now, the best thing, and I ask for this all the time, get your vitamin D levels checked. If you have a friend, family or whatever that has cancer, try and encourage them. You see, and we know this, medicine and vitamin D, they have a bad relationship. And the reason is because medicine in general just doesn't recognize vitamin D as a therapeutic. It just doesn't. I'm sorry. They are light years behind. And unfortunately the vast majority of them, because they don't keep up on studies or whatever, they are ignorant of the therapeutic value of vitamin D, but if they would bother to research, vitamin D is the first and foremost treatment of cancer for many reasons.
Here's one, your T-cells, your Navy seals of your immune system, they don't work without vitamin D. They are a Tesla, they're battery operated and their batteries need charging, and the only thing that charges them is vitamin D. So they have antennas looking for vitamin D. Do you think it's important? And there's actually a number. Now, this is prevention of cancer in the United States. You need to get your vitamin D levels 60 or above, two and a half times that in Canadian numbers. You want to be minimum of 180 in Canada to 200, okay? When you optimize vitamin D, you are giving your body every chance to fight cancer cells. T cells are the Navy seals. They fight viruses, they fight bacteria, they'll fight yeast and they'll fight cancer cells. But you've got to supercharge them. That is the importance of vitamin D.
And I would super shock the system with someone with cancer with high, high vitamin D. Now, I can't recommend a number. I'm not going to do that. But if someone wants to talk to me or at least send me their blood work or whatever, relative friend or whatever, I'm happy to just give you my two pennies on it. But if you can, and this is why I like even once or twice a year minimum once get your vitamin D levels checked because if they're not optimized, your lean mean fighting machine is not working properly. And for cancer, you need to put vitamin D on steroids. Get it up there in order for your body to fight. You want to put everything on your side, you fight. Okay? Got it. Number one, vitamin D, and again and again and again and again and again, there are studies if you have high vitamin D, your chance of getting cancer are very, very much minimized. I talk a lot about that in my book. Sun, Steak and Steel, okay, vitamin D, high doses. Okay, high doses.
Now the second one, and most of us are familiar with that is high DHA. And we have posted on our private Facebook page, and we could do it again today on the 14 day destruction of tumors with DHA. Hey guys, I didn't do the research. Don't shoot the messenger. Some people get upset. They don't like anything that hasn't got to do with chemotherapy or radiation for cancer. It's been the same old, same old. And listen, I have no doubt that chemotherapy works, okay? I have no doubt it'll shrink tumors and radiation shrinks tumors, but it comes back with a vengeance and you're blasting your immune system. Anyway, I would do what I'm talking about my protocol, whether someone has chemo or radiation for cancer, they should do this anyways, okay, that's me. I just bringing you what we've studied and seen and in practice the patient had the final decision. If you're asking me for my opinion, I would say, here's what I would do. That's the way I operated. Here's what I would do. High vitamin D, high DHA, okay, high DHA and the studies confirm that.
Number three, and here's where I'm getting into a new study. Okay, let me get it out. This is a new study, hot off the presses on curcumin. Curcumin is the extract from turmeric and it's different, okay? Turmeric, I mean you use it as a powder and I got no problem with it. It's good for you, but it's not therapeutic. You need curcumin because of the bioavailability and you want a high bioavailability according to this study. Now, let me just show it to you. DHA destroys tumors, 14 days, DHA. This new study on curcumin, curcumin has the ability shut off blood flow to tumors different than DHA, but curcumin has the ability according to this study, to shut off blood flow to tumors. You want to do that. I like that. It's in my protocol, curcumin, okay? And again, individually if you're asking, send me a note, I'll tell you how much. It's just because in this venue I have to be careful. I'm not telling you. There's rules. So that's it. So don't scream at me, okay? Don't do it. There's certain rules I have to be careful about. Okay?
Now the other thing is people who think outside the box. Oncologists have said that every cancer was a yeast or a fungus. They always saw at the site of a tumor. Yeast are fungus, candida. Okay, mold-like. If you have mold in your house, where do you get mold in your house? Moisture, dampness, basements, bathrooms. That's really where you get mold. And I remember reading an article years ago and they said, well, you know what mold can't survive in is sunlight. Sunlight kills mold. I love sun, sun, steak and steel. Why do I like that so much? Why do I like that so much? Because when you think of mold, if you think of yeast and mold is just a cousin, they're related. Well, the sun, go sunbathe, if you can. Now, if it's Northern Ontario in October, not so much, but that's why you got to take vitamin D. And you don't have to worry. Okay? Let me just make a statement. You don't worry about the toxicity of vitamin D, especially when you're taking it with vitamin K2, combine the two, especially for high doses.
Now, DHA destroys tumors, curcumin blocks blood supply to the tumor. Wouldn't it be beautiful if, and this is done in Europe and things like that, if only there was money and studies to continue to follow up on these and to put patients in North America on these protocols. Okay? I'm big on this guys. I really am. The other one, of course I know you're thinking along with me is probiotics, broad spectrum. Now for a lot of reasons, one of the things is when you have L reuteri and L rhamnosus, those are two strains that I love that are in our immune boosting formula. Immune boosting is L reuteri and L rhamnosus. But different strains do different things and first of all, if you have cancer, you got leaky gut. It would be almost impossible to get any kind of cancer without leaky gut. You want to fix that and you want those friendly bacteria to mop up yeast, fungus, probiotics, broad spectrum, part of the protocol. And it's really important.
I used to get these patients, they were taking chemo and radiation and whatever. I said, man, you better load up on probiotics. And so often physicians would tell them, you can't take anything, don't take anything when you're taking our therapy. And I used to say what they don't know, don't tell 'em. But I said, you need probiotics because of this. One thing about chemo it'll destroy all your good guys in nanoseconds. You better replace that. And probiotics is part of a protocol. They're on your side, they fight the enemy. You got it? Okay? And you want to seal up that gut. And I would add even in here, I would add bone broth to seal. See bone broth is very high in L glutamine, okay, why is that significant? Well, L-glutamine will patch up that between the bowel and the blood. And I used to get my patients on bone broth, make your own or we have it or whatever. Okay? Really important. And especially when they're not eating and their appetite and whatever is gone. Bone broth. If you do nothing else, Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie with bone broth. Bone broth is the best plus L-glutamine because it's got all those amino acids that patch up between your blood and your gut. So no toxins come in. You don't want to have to fight toxins when you're fighting cancer already. Got it? Okay. And yes for steak.
Okay, on the heels of study that came out, and of course it hits the media because it's part of their narrative. Red meat studies have shown that it increases your risk of diabetes. Now, even me just saying that gave me an instant migraine. Instant when I hear that, the nonsense about red meat, but not surprising. But if you look at the studies, okay, you just have to look. You don't believe me, go look. What are they? They are always food frequency studies. When it comes to red meat, it's never peer reviewed or whatever. It's always, what did you eat last week? What did you eat a month ago? How often do you eat red meat? Oh, twice a week and you got diabetes? No wonder it's the steak, it's the hamburger and they blame it. What they don't tell you in these food frequency studies, what they don't tell you is a person's smoking. They don't ask that question. Tell me how much red meat you're eating. Oh, twice a week. No wonder you're sick.
Or here's a better question, do you smoke? Do you live on fast food? Do you exercise? No? They didn't even take that into account. Not even a bit. So when you look at the studies, I'm sorry, I'm very opinionated, but they're wrong. The best thing that you can eat if you have cancer, if you're eating is steak, there's nothing better. Eggs, it'd be close. But because you want to supercharge your immune system, your immune system, a lot of it we know about vitamin D. Your immune system needs vitamins. Steak has the most, okay, liver. I don't like liver. So it's steak. Steak. Cancer hates steak. It hates it. Why are you giving me that? I can't feed on that. And your immune system loves steak. I know it goes against the gurus. I know, but I can't help but tell you the truth, I'm sorry. I can't stand it. When they lie to us, cancer hates steak. Got the memo?
Now it's better that we prevent cancer. And every day, my friend, every day you fight cancer, you fight every day. And we talk about cancer. We'll say it again just for folks that are new, okay, I got a ballpoint pen in front of you for cancer or a tumor to grow to this size. How long does it take to get to the size of a tip of a ballpoint pen? Not the pen, the tip of it. Cancer grows very slowly. We're all fighting cancer. There's cancer cells, renegade cells in our body as I speak this morning. All of our bodies, there's renegades. For a tumor to grow to the size of a tip of a ballpoint pen takes five years. Turn your body into a lean, mean fighting machine. Load up.
Now, there's a thing I could put here. I've said this to patients and I'm going to put it here as number six. And that is another vitamin, vitamin E. Okay? Exercise even when you're diagnosed. Now, I know that's not easy, and I know some people, especially if cancer's advanced, they're not strong enough. But I'm telling you, it's part of the protocol. When you look at the studies of exercise, vitamin E, the real vitamin E, movement, when they look at studies on muscle and your muscle proportion to fat, you become a strong fighter of cancer cells. That's just a fact and then you know, I'm going to put one more. I'm going to put one more and I mean it. Number seven, what should you do? Vitamin C. The real one. Coffee. I brought to you the real vitamin C over the years, and it is unreal how therapeutic coffee is for cancer. It's unreal.
Pancreatic, liver, bladder, prostate, breast, esophageal, the studies, unreal, but it always gets sort of labeled, "coffee's acidic, Dr. Martin, it's acidic." Ahh, no it's not. Well, steak is acidic. No, it's not. Because I was told that when your pH is acidic, that's not good. Well, that's true, but coffee is acidic before you drink it. Okay? It's acidic. So what your body has baking soda, sodium bicarbonate, and when you drink coffee, you become more alkaline. How do you like that? When you eat steak and steak is acidic, it's so bad, your pH. No, your body has buffering system. It'll make you even more alkaline. Yeah, I'm sorry, it's the truth. I keep saying I'm sorry. I know it's going against everything. I got taught the wrong way. When I got a PhD in nutrition, I was taught coffee, bad. Steak, bad. Red meat, bad. I didn't buy it. I had to study it. I didn't buy it. I didn't buy it because it wasn't true.
And today, medicine, which again, sorry, guys, knows nothing about nutrition. You know more about nutrition than 99% of every physician I've ever met. And the gurus, I love them, but I don't listen to them. They're being taught an agenda and they buy it. They buy it hook, line and sinker. I can't do it. It's not true. So people turn me off, they go, Dr. Martin, he's a quack, but that doesn't mean I'm not right. So on the positive yes side, okay, we have vitamin D, DHA. Here's what I would do. Curcumin, probiotics, steak, eat steak. Okay? And I'd put up here bone broth, okay, because of healing. Steak, vitamin D, I like this. Healing and sealing. You want to seal the leaks in the gut, healing and sealing with probiotics. Okay? Vitamin E, exercise, muscle. You need muscle metabolically for cancer to fight it. And vitamin C, coffee. The other vitamin C, I only like therapeutically by the way. Okay? Ascorbic acid. I do like it in cancer treatment, but you need to get it IV. Okay? That's an IV treatment that I'm not against that, okay? I'm not against that. We used to do that.
Now the no's, okay, the no's, okay, let's do this quickly here. No sugar. You knew that. I didn't have to tell you that. PET scans, how do they work? Sugar. PET scans are not for your pet, they're for cancer. It's a cancer imaging. If you have cancer from your nose to your toes, you get a PET scan done. They give you glucose before they put you in the machinery. And if you have cancer from your nose to your toes, it'll light up like a Christmas tree because of the glucose. Hello? Hello? Clue, the blues clues. I remember my grandson. Clues, clue number one, no sugar. Stop. Nada, none. "None, Dr. Martin?" None. No sugar. You got cancer, no sugar and nothing that turns to sugar rapidly. So no bread, no pasta, no noodles, no rice, no cereals, no muffins, no bagel. "Dr. Martin, it's whole wheat." I don't care. None. Nada. No more. You can't. Okay, you can't. But you got to make 'em understand that. Not always easy, okay?
No juice. No juice. You can smoothie, no juice, don't juice stuff, you're just feeding cancer. Stop it. "Oh, Dr. Martin it's green." Yeah, but that don't make it good for you. It's all green. So what? What's that got to do with anything? Don't ever juice, especially with cancer. Okay? Drink water and drink coffee and nothing else. Okay you like tea? I'm sorry for, I feel sorry for you. You can have tea, okay? Okay. Okay. I give in doesn't mean I like it. Okay? No juice, no fruit. You can have a few berries, okay? You can have a few berries. Why do I say that? Well, berries do have some anti-cancer properties. Okay? So I give you that. Don't live on them, no bananas, no apples, nothing fruit like that. But you can have a few berries, okay? Don't tell anybody I said so. No fruit. And that doesn't mean you can't have fruit when you're healthy as a horse, you can have some fruit, but I don't want you having fruit. If you want to follow my protocol for cancer, there it is. We could spend several sessions on this, but there's one, okay?
Okay guys. Friday is what? Question and answer. I see some questions are coming in and that's good. We like that. We appreciate it. We love the feedback on our program too, by the way, guys. It's not like you have to leave us a review. I don't know how you would do that, but I sure like when you tell us we enjoy the program. It just reinforces on what we're doing here. And you guys are unreal. Like what an audience. And I mean it. It's just unreal. We love you dear. Okay? We love you dearly. We'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!