Dr. Martin often talks about the importance of the microbiome and in particular how having a leaky gut can become a major issue.
A new study is showing how patients with Alzheimer's have a significantly different microbiome profile compared to those without the disease. The study also found similar microbiome profiles in Alzheimer's and ALS patients.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. Hope you're having a great start to your day, and we appreciate you coming on. Okay, let me go into a study that came up. I flagged it yesterday and very interesting. It'll not surprise you and I, it will not surprise you and I because we know these things, because we've been talking about 'em so long. We talk about that bacteria, we talk about the microbiome, and that's been a big, big topic at the Martin Clinic. We've been talking the microbiome for many, many, many years, and we've talked about leaky gut. But as they study the microbiome, they realize more and more and more and more how important it is. And then the connection between leaky gut and leaky brain. And this came out of, well, I read it in neuroscience.com, but it's really an article in the frontiers in cellular and infection microbiome.
I didn't even know such a place existed. And what they're saying is incredible. Okay? So what they're saying is, let me give you some takeaways of this research. When they look at Alzheimer's. In Alzheimer's patients, they look at the microbiome. What they did here is they looked at the microbiome in Alzheimer's patients and they saw this, okay, let me give you some takeaways. They found a profoundly, that's the word they used. A profoundly different microbiome profile in Alzheimer's compared to people that didn't have Alzheimer's. So they have a complete different microbiome profile. Okay? Got that? That's number one. They found that it had the same microbiome profile in Alzheimer's as in ALS, you know, Lou Gehrig's disease, ALS, which is much more common today. When they looked at patients in ALS and Alzheimer's, they had very, very similar microbiome profile. Okay?
So that's two. This is the second takeaway, and this is the third takeaway. Current research is challenging the long-held amyloid cascade hypothesis. Okay, so what does that mean, guys, you know about, and for those who are new here, you know about the summer of 2022 where mental health was turned upside down. Three ways, one in Alzheimer's. They said the amyloid plaque hypothesis wasn't right. After all these years, they finally admitted that the amyloid plaque hypothesis, which all of medicine believed was the cause of Alzheimer's. All big pharma's drugs were aimed at trying to change the amyloid plaque in the brain in Alzheimer's patients. And all of the studies that they looked at for the last 20, 25 years in the summer of 22, they came to this conclusion, and I brought it to you in several podcasts. You know what they said? The amyloid plaque hypothesis, okay? Current research is challenging the long held amyloid cascade hypothesis.
So they're saying this in this study too, that you know what? We got it wrong. It's not right. It's not what causes Alzheimer's. There may be amyloid plaque, but it's not the cause. It's not what comes first. And these people at the Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiome Committee. Oh by the way, a Dexler university is where they actually did this particular study. They're saying, well, the amyloid plaque, if there is, it's not what causes Alzheimer's. They're more interested in the microbiome. Okay, interesting, isn't it? Leaky gut, leaky brain, because that's really what they're saying.
And then the fourth takeaway out of this, and they said this. We are now focusing in on the new pathogen hypothesis, focusing in on bacterial, viral, and fungal factors in Alzheimer's. Okay, guys, this is earth shattering. It's more than earth shattering because what they're saying is leaky gut, leaky brain and the microbiome changes, changes in your gut. It doesn't change in your brain first, it changes in your gut. It goes back to what we talk about all the time. Leaky gut, leaky gut, leaky brain. And so they're looking at the microbiome. They realized the microbiome in Alzheimer's and ALS are almost identical and they've been invaded. There's an invasion that takes place, okay?
And it's interesting in this article. And here's what they say. Listen, I mean, if you wonder about the human body, guys, it's absolutely incredible. Listen to this, a hundred trillion tiny microbiome in your body. They think there's a hundred trillion. I don't know how they counted to that. A hundred trillion. I'm going to tease you a little bit this morning. If we were to count to 1 trillion, okay? They say there's a hundred trillion, okay? I can't get over that in the body. But if we're to count to 1 trillion, bring a lunch folks, I looked this up. So let's start 1, 2, 3. You know how long it would take to get to 1 trillion? Trillion? Not a hundred trillion. 1 trillion, okay? You know what it is? It would take us almost 33,000 years. What? I'm not kidding you.
No, you see you guys 50, 60 years? No, a few coffees. I love you very long is the right answer, Patricia? Too long. Cheryl. It would take us 32 to 33,000 years to count to a trillion. When we spend a trillion dollars, the government, when we're in debt in Canada and the United States, big debt, and we talk in, when I was a kid, we used to talk in millions, a millionaire. I mean, that was incredible. Who could be a millionaire? And then we get to billionaires, and now there's trillions, folks, I just can't get over it. And then the more they study it, the more the Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiome. There's actually people, and I love it, that are looking at bacteria.
You know how many years I've been talking about the microbiome? You know where Hippocrites says that all diseases start in the gut? Think about that. And the connection between that microbiome in your gut, when it changes in your gut and they're even admitting it, you get changes in the brain microbiome. And it is a big factor. Now, you and I have talked about this before, that they called Alzheimer's in 2005. They called it type three diabetes. So we know that insulin plays a big part in Alzheimer's. We know that. And today, 93% of the population have metabolic syndrome. They got trouble with insulin, they got trouble with food. We've established that.
And then secondly, there's involvement in the gut. At the Martin Clinic, we have the three seeds of disease, the three seeds of disease. We talk about this all the time. Okay? The three seeds of disease, high circulating insulin or insulin resistance, my friend, that's a food problem. Stress too. Stress affects insulin. You can get insulin resistance with stress, but you combine these, okay, so what do we talk about all the time? One, high circulating insulin. Two, what do we talk about? Leaky gut. Leaky gut is a seed of disease. And thirdly, oxidation, oxidative damage. Free radical damage. We're rusting out. We're aging. It's just part of the parcel of our lives. Oxidation, everybody goes through it.
But what happens in cancer, if those free radicals take off, they're like teenagers and they got a motor and they don't stop. Cancer is a cascade. It needs fuel, sugar, it needs oxygenation. It's unreal. And listen, the three seeds of disease, and they're talking here about Alzheimer's and dementia, and they're saying, you know what? We're seeing is when we study the microbiome, the brain microbiome of Alzheimer's patients and ALS patients, they're messed up. They're messed up. And guys, I got to say it again. I always repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat.
So what are they saying? Let me tell you what they're saying. Okay? When you get leaky gut. First of all, how do you get leaky gut? How does that happen? How do you get a gut that leaks into the bloodstream? Okay? So remember, your blood gut barrier is well protected. You have a border there between your gut and your blood that's tightly knit. This is, guys, this isn't microscopic, it's submicroscopic but it's reality nonetheless. Leaky gut, by the way, just because a lot of people get this idea that when you have leaky gut, you have digestive problems. Well, yes and no. You could have digestive problems, and at the end of the day, you've got problems. But a lot of people don't get symptoms. "Oh, Dr. Martin, I don't have any digestive issues." And yet you're telling me I have leaky gut. Yeah, because leaky gut, okay, what happens in the gut doesn't stay in the gut.
I'll give you an example. You take an antibiotic, you have an infection. What choice did you have? You were given an antibiotic. Or sometimes you take an antibiotic and the dentist wants you to take an antibiotic before you come to see them. I can't stand that. That drives me mental. I'm telling you, I want to grab dentists by the throat and tell 'em, would you just give people a probiotic instead of an antibiotic? Okay? But we all know this. Antibiotics are wonderful. They save your life. Medicine's greatest discovery, in my opinion. Okay, wonderful, problem is it's a double-edged sword.
I talked to a guy yesterday at this conference, and he had been on antibiotics for 10 years because of acne. He finally went to another dermatologist. The dermatologist put him on antibiotics for 10 years, and then he finally went to another one, and the other dermatologist just about passed out. You've been on this for 10 years. Are you kidding me? And you know what? That dermatologist did? Put him on probiotics. Then I almost passed out. I said, you mean dermatologists know about probiotics? Well, he said, this one did. But listen, you take an antibiotic, five days, you wipe out, you know the trillions? You've got two armies in your gut. You got the good guys, and you got the bad guys. Okay? Two armies in your gut. You've got good guys and bad guys. It's the way it is.
And people that spend their lives disinfecting everything, nevermind just antibiotics, disinfecting everything. Washing, like washing your hands a hundred times a day, especially with those chemicals, that gives me a migraine. That disrupts your microbiome. It kills your good guys. These antibacterial things. I don't touch 'em with a hundred foot pole. I remember during the virus there, I faked it, okay? Because you go into the grocery stores, whatever. Remember when they were guarding and I faked it? I don't use that stuff. I got oil of oregano. That's what I like. I like that as a natural antibiotic.
But listen, okay, so what happens? You take an antibiotic, you get all these chemicals, and what you do is you wipe out your good guys. So what happens to you? You guys know this. I've been talking to you about this for a long time. You've got good guys, bad guys, and then your good guys are wiped out. Do you know what happens? You get the Trojan horse coming in. You have an invasion from the third army. So what happens? Fungus, yeast, candida. It comes up and it goes into the bloodstream, and then it can land up in the brain. How many years have I been talking to you about this? It can land up in the brain. And now researchers who study these things, they're saying we're focusing in on bacterial, viral, and fungal factors in Alzheimer's.
Guys, I shake my head because it's fantastic. I'm just glad that when I used to talk about leaky gut, okay, go back 20 years or 25 years or 30 years, I wrote books about leaky gut, even in chronic fatigue. They thought, oh, Dr. Martin, what a quack he is. I remember doctors in around Sudbury, don't go see that nutcase. He's crazy. There's no such thing as leaky gut. If you had fungus get into your bloodstream, it would kill you. You'd be dead now. So there's no such thing as fungus in the bloodstream. Hello? And fungus can get across the blood-brain barrier because your blood-brain barrier is similar. It's actually, I think, is identical to your blood gut barrier. You see, you have a barrier that doesn't allow any toxins to get into your bloodstream. Your body is fearfully and wonderfully made.
The takeaways, profoundly different microbiome profile, same as ALS. Current research is challenging the long held amyloid cascade hypothesis. I love it. And focusing in on the new pathogen hypothesis. Bacterial, fungal, viral. How does it happen? Leaky gut, leaky brain. And guys, one thing about yeast, let me just remind you. I know you know this, but let me remind you again, don't feed the bears. Don't feed the bears because yeast lives on sugar. It lives on it. Don't feed it. Starve it out. When people want to do a detox, I always remind them, I always remind them on a detox, if you really want a detox, lay off the sugars. Because if you got yeast at all, you don't want to feed the bears. That's where that expression comes from. Don't feed the bears.
Okay, guys, got to run. I don't think we're going to do question and answer. I'll see, okay, about tomorrow, because I've got a short period of time before I need to speak here this morning, at this conference. Okay, we've had a great time here. Really good time. I've got to meet some of our followers here in person, which is like, what a blessing that is. Okay guys, you have a great day and more than you know, we love you dear.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!