1166. Alzheimer's Unveiled – Part 2


Dr. Martin continues his discussion on the factors that cause Alzheimer’s in today’s episode.

He again mentions two researchers, Linus Pauling and Abram Hoffer, who made significant contributions to the understanding of Alzheimer's.

Dr. Martin also discusses how Alzheimer’s disease was initially called type 3 diabetes, indicating a link between the disease and insulin resistance. A diet low in sugar and crappy carbohydrates and high in healthy fats is key in preventing Alzheimer's.


Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone. Once again, welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great day. Okay, so what we were doing yesterday, this is going to be part two. Yesterday we talked about Alzheimer's and research that was done years ago on Alzheimer's, when Alzheimer's wasn't as popular as it is today. We talk about it a lot because it's happening a lot and it's a big, big problem. As I've mentioned to you many times, the number one killer in the United Kingdom is Alzheimer's and number three here in North America. Crazy, crazy amount. And why do we see so much?

But anyway, yesterday we talked about two physicians researchers. One was a chemist, actually wasn't a physician. PhD in chemistry, Linus Pauling, if you don't know that name, he made vitamin C famous. Okay? Not that people didn't know. And I'm talking about the other vitamin C, ascorbic acid. He made it famous because he talked about the importance of vitamin C, Linus Pauling, and I mentioned to you in the past that Linus Pauling was a genius. He only missed out on vitamins by one letter in the alphabet. He talked about vitamin C, and vitamin D is more important than vitamin C unless you're talking about the real vitamin C, which is coffee. Isn't that nice? When someone tells you something you enjoy so much, okay, go for it. Enjoy it. Because we're often telling people, nah, don't eat that stuff or don't drink that stuff. You can drink coffee. It's so good for you.

So Linus Pauling, and the other guy was Abram Hoffer, born in Saskatchewan, I believe in 1917. He passed away, of course, but he was a genius. He was a psychiatrist. Light years ahead of his time. He talked about schizophrenia and depression, and he had a metabolic component to it way back when he founded the Orthomolecular Society and talked about using natural remedies for conditions like depression and schizophrenia and other things like bipolar. He was light years out of his time and I had the privilege of meeting these two gentlemen, and they were smart guys. In the Ortho Molecular Society and Linus Pauling giving us a visit in nutrition in the seventies. So I knew all about these guys way back when.

So yesterday we covered a few things. Let me just do a quick review. We talked about what these two men said were causes of Alzheimer's, and here's what they knew, or at least what they postulated. They said this dehydration, chronic dehydration is very damaging to the brain, okay? Very damaging to the brain. Tony Jr. And I talked yesterday and he was telling me about a study. I can't wait till he writes about it, about migraines, headaches, and the dura mater, which is a sack around your brain. And that when it is dehydrated, when you're dehydrated, that sack is what creates a headache. But dehydration is very serious and we went into detail yesterday about that.

And then we talked about, secondly, they talked about it, prescription medications, toxic over a period of time. We mentioned a few. Statins, cholesterol lowering medications, diuretics. We talked about the really important sleeping pill because there's so many people on them. I feel sorry for people that don't sleep. I get it, but it's not sleeping. It's sedation. It's different, and you don't get brain repair. Now, they didn't even know about this. These guys, they didn't know about this self-cleaning oven, but they talked about the prescription med intoxication, okay? Fourthly, oh, they talked about cerebral allergies to food. Imagine that way back then, talking about food intolerances. Okay?

So those are four, but they had others. They had others chemicals. These guys are writing a long time ago, and they're saying a long time ago that chemicals. Guys, you and I live in a toxic soup. We do. Can't get away from it. Let me just see. I think I got this in one of my studies. I just looked at it the other day and it says, toxic chemicals found in breast milk of American women. Okay? American moms, a study that I was reading in Environmental Pollution, peer reviewed study, and they're saying, peer reviewed that chemicals are found in breast milk. What have I been telling you for years from Mount Everest, the highest point in the world to babies in the placenta. Mommy's breast milk. You're not getting away from it. Chemicals. And they're linked. And this is what this study said in the study. And environmental pollution linked to learning problems and other brain functions. Chemicals.

So when we talk about Alzheimer's, it's probably a perfect storm of these things. But then they went on to say, okay, so chemicals over a hundred thousand chemicals we're up over that, and most of them are found in our homes. You're not getting away from it. You can't move to Costa Rica and say, I'll never have another chemical in my life ever come near me. No. And guys, do everything you can. I'm on your side, by the way, okay? Do everything you can to minimize your exposure to chemicals from cleaning products, underarm deodorants, air fresheners, hand sanitizers. Be natural as much as you can, but understand this, no perfection. You're not going to be perfect even if you move to Costa Rica.

And the reason I always I pick on Costa Rica is because I told you the story of a patient that I had that said, I'm moving to Costa Rica, and she thought I was going to give her a high five. And I said, sucks to be the rest of us. Anyway, I should have been happier for her. But she thought you were going to get away from all the chemicals in the world. You can't. It's in the oceans, it's everywhere, and I'm much bigger. Here's me. I'm much more inclined to protect our planet than I'm worried about climate change. Okay? I'm sorry, but that's just me. Okay?

Now, here's what they said. Okay? Chemicals, heavy metals. We talked about that. Mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminum, getting up into the brain, plastics getting up into the brain, passing the blood-brain barrier, and they use a carrier. I like that. Just rhymed. How do you get past the blood-brain barrier? You need a carrier. What's the carrier? Yeast, fungus, candida. It'll carry heavy metals past the blood-brain barrier into the brain. Someone's got Parkinson's, heavy metals, almost invariably well established, but MS, fungal, Alzheimer's, there's some fungus involved. Okay? This is what they're saying. This is going back, guys. Okay?

Here's another one they said. Chronic nutrient deficiencies. Man, they're smart those guys. Alzheimer's, chronic nutrient deficiencies. I'm going to ask you, okay? It's a little quiz. What deficiencies are usually prevalent in Alzheimer's and a lot of other things when it comes to the brain, okay? What deficiencies would there be? Let me see. Okay, let me see. Vitamin D, Rita. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Patricia. Sandy says B 12. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Francis says DHA. Yes. Tammy, low iron possible, yes. Jackie, Wendy, you guys are so smart. You're so smart. Low HDL. Yeah. Well, why though? Okay, vitamin D, Anna, B 12, Marilyn, my audience. I'll send them. I'll send them. Sandy. Smart, smart, smart, Carol. Smart, smart, smart. And magnesium. Yes, yes. Fat. Who said that? I just missed it. I like that. Yes. Deficient in fat. Omega three, cholesterol every time. And Mary, magnesium deficiencies. What is deficient in the brain, Judy? Yeah. Water. We talked about it yesterday. Honest to God, you guys are unreal. Diane. Claudette. Fat. Yeah, fat.

Okay, now, guys. Okay, so Abraham Hoffer, we're talking back, guys, go back into the seventies and eighties, Abraham Hoffer, when Alzheimer's wasn't even prevalent. We're talking about nutritional deficiencies and Linus Pauling, nutritional deficiencies. He might've even mentioned vitamin C. I'd have to talk to him about that. Abraham Hoffer was huge on B vitamins, huge treating schizo and bipolar, depression with nutrients. Okay, here's that list. Water. Only water is water. Prescription meds intoxication, cerebral allergies to food, leaky gut, leaky brain, chemicals, heavy metals, chronic nutrition deficiencies.

And now we know more. Today we know more. What didn't they know back then? If Abraham Hoffer was alive today and Linus Pauling was alive today, they would know more than this list. I love the way they think outside the box. And guys, I had the privilege of studying under them and thinking outside the box. Guys, listen, nutritional deficiencies, absolutely right. Vitamin D, the brain needs vitamin D. Your brain don't operate with B 12. And by the way, I'm just saying it because you guys know this. I always talk about optimizing these things. It is not a matter, oh, doc, my vitamin D is normal. Yeah, that's normal for a mouse. You're not a mouse. My B 12 doc is normal for a mouse, not for your brain to operate, not to protect your brain from Alzheimer's. It needs to be optimized. Vitamin D, vitamin B 12 brain don't work properly without it. Of course, nothing works properly without those two things.

People used to ask me, why are you so focused in on that? Well, I know, but I used to measure it. And 80% or more of the population are low. And doctors don't care about that. They don't. They're not trained. Here's physicians in Alzheimer's, amyloid plaques, and the summer of 22. That really could be a book on mental health. Doc Mackewn and I are talking about this, writing a book together, tremendous on brain. I'll tell you the summer of 22, when they found out everything that you learned about mental health wasn't true. Alzheimer's, it's not amyloid plaques. Medicine was zeroed in on plaques, amyloid in the brain, and research when they did all the studies, said, no, that's not true. And depression and bipolar, they were wrong. These are metabolic disorders. Who knew?

But Abraham Hoffer way back when was into this, the brain and even the gut brain connection. The more we study the microbiome, the more we realize like you got more serotonin, the feel good hormone in your gut than you have in your brain. But here's what they didn't know. Okay? I was thinking about this. What didn't they know? They didn't know about insulin. They didn't know about insulin resistance. They didn't know that. I would love to talk to them and see how much they knew, but they didn't know much about insulin resistance and they didn't know much. I'm going to bring out my little ballpoint pen. Why do I do that? Because that is the size of your pancreas. And little did we know back in the seventies and eighties about how significant the pancreas is. Insulin is, metabolically, okay?

And now what we know about the brain is the brain is really, really, really sensitive to insulin. We find out that the brain. Guys, in 2005, it was an important year. They called Alzheimer's type 3 diabetes. Researchers discovered that type 3 diabetes, and that's what they called it. That even though you weren't a diabetic, I mean officially your brain was a diabetic, and that's Alzheimer's. What? That's Alzheimer's in 2005. Listen, guys, I had a radio show in those days, and of course you know me. I'm always reading studies. I used to have a service that would send me studies. Any new study that came out, I got it. I remember reading this study on Alzheimer's. Holy moly. It became a big topic on my radio show, type three diabetes.

And then within less than a year, I kept waiting for it to hit the news. They buried it. They buried it. And so it never got into the craw of medical school. It never got into the thinking of physicians because they don't read. Not all of them. Most of them, they don't. They told the party line, Alzheimer's is amyloid plaques, and we're looking for medication to control that. And that was, by the way, and still is a colossal failure. It's done nothing. Why? Cause they're looking for love in all the wrong places. If amyloid plaques are there, why are they there? I'm going to tell you why. The biggest reason is because of insulin. Your brain. Here's a carboholic. Here's 93% of the population. Their brains are swimming in an ocean of glucose. You're swimming in it, but you can't drink the water.

You ever been to an ocean? Do you drink ocean water? It's all around me. How could I even go dehydrated? I'm on the Atlantic. Scoop up the water and drink it. Nah, you can't do that. And it's the same thing for your brain, okay? It's the same thing for your brain. It's the wrong fuel for your brain. Look, if you eat glucose, if you have sugars, crappy carbohydrates, carbs, bread, pasta, rice, cereal, sugar, sweets, pastry, I got the list, muffins, bagels, whatever. I don't care. It's all going to be sugar rapidly. Oh, Dr. Martin, it's Tropicana. I don't care-ah. It's going to be sugar so fast. It's just straight sugar and your brain swims in the wrong fuel. Abraham Hoffer did not know that.

Guys, I say this to you all the time. Science is never settled. Science is observation and repetition, right? Yeah. They didn't know it. Linus Pauling didn't know it, or they would've had it on their list here. But one thing about Abraham Hoffer, he didn't like sugar for the brain. He didn't like it, but he didn't know about insulin resistance. Your pancreas makes insulin. Do you know that your brain makes insulin? Sugar left unattended, you're in trouble. I'm always telling you, change fuels. Alzheimer's type three diabetes. It's diabetes of the brain. It's the major factor. Think about it. It's the one thing you can control.

But even today, even today, I will read today. I'm not a prophet nor the son of one, but I'm going to tell you what I'll read today. Don't eat red meat, harmful. Don't eat too many eggs, harmful. Don't eat cheese, harmful. I'll read it somewhere today. The propaganda never ends. They're keeping people carboholics. Fat that's bad. Bad for your arteries, bad for your brain, bad. No, it's not. Well, bad fats is, but they don't tell you that. Your brain, your brain cells, especially in the hippocampus, is hypersensitive to insulin. It has insulin receptors hypersensitive, but you don't want to develop insulin resistance in the brain because that's what happens? You go, your brain goes, enough, already enough already. I'm already swimming in the ocean of glucose, but I can't use it properly as fuel. Your brain is looking for ketones.

When you eat a piece of steak, your brain goes, Hey, Susie, let me give you a high five. Thank you for eating some red meat. I'm going to give you a high five because you know why? Now we won't need insulin to come around. That pesky neighbor that's always around. You ate the right food, you ate the right fuel. Your brain says, thank you. I like ketones more than glucose. Who knew? You guys know. Us and them. Us and them. Yep, us and them. The brain insulin signaling shuts down. Too much over a period of time. Squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt insulin all the time. Frequent eating the wrong fuel.

Guys, I know that sounds simplistic, but it's the facts. Give me only facts, ma'am. Give me only facts. It's the most urgent health crisis of our time. We're eating the wrong food. Your brain knows better. It knows better, but the brain is held captive to what you eat, and you guys are going to be under a lot of pressure. Just understand that. You are going to get pressure every day from the world out there, from your friends and your family to conform. They want you to conform. I want you to be transformed, not conformed. Transformed, change fuels. Am I right about this? A hundred percent. And you get these studies. Like I said, in 2005, Alzheimer's is primarily diabetes of the brain, and it starts with insulin resistance.

Okay, guys, did you have fun? I get excited. I know I can't help it. I'm very excited about our audience, okay? And I don't know how many times I got to tell you how much I love you guys. I'll never stop telling you I love you. Even if you disagree with me. Still love you. But we're right. We are right, them no. Okay, guys, we love you. We'll talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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