1156. Insulin Intrigue: Two Factors You'd Never Guess


Dr. Martin discusses two new surprising studies both having to do with diabetes and insulin resistance. It turns out that H. pylori bacteria and statin drugs both have connections to diabetes.

Dr. Martin further explains in today's episode.


Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning, everyone. Once again, welcome to another live here this morning. Always good to be with you and we sure appreciate you guys, and thanks for coming on and supporting this program. We appreciate that. You have no idea. Now, two new surprising studies. I want to talk about that just to start off this morning. Both have to do with diabetes and insulin resistance, and two things that you might not think of. And one of them is a bacteria called H pylori. Okay? And what this study is saying is that if you have insulin resistance, if you are diabetic, your chances of getting H pylori are much increased. It's sort of a little bit of the chicken or the egg. What comes first? Well, let me tell you this. Here's what I see with H pylori. I could be wrong, but I think I'm right.

H pylori. Put your hand up. You have it. It's in your body, it's hanging around, and most of the time, very silent, doesn't bother you. Your body knows what to do. It keeps it at bay, much like the herpes virus or whatever, right? You get the chickenpox as a kid, your immune system allows it to stay, okay? So now you have the herpes virus, but it becomes what they call in medicine, latent meaning that it just goes to sleep and it won't raise its ugly head unless you get stressed out or whatever. So for example, a cold sore or shingles, right? What is that? Well, that's herpes zoster, and that is a herpes virus. It's the chickenpox virus that got activated. It's a perfect storm when it comes out. And it's usually stress, sometimes hormonal. Well, cortisol is a hormone, but I mean sometimes it's a perfect storm of hormonal and that virus would come out either as a cold sore, herpes simplex they call it, and then or herpes zoster when you get shingles. No fun under the sun, okay?

Now what they're saying in these studies, one of them is talking about H pylori, and what they're saying is there's a huge correlation between H pylori, which if it raises its ugly head, it can give you pretty serious digestive issues. It can cause an ulcer, for example. It can eat away at the lining of your stomach. But again, most people, I believe this, have that bacteria. It's present, but it's not doing anything because, and I've talked to you about this in the past, guys, okay? Makes me upset. But you were meant to eat meat, okay? You got it? Did you get the memo? You were meant to eat meat. How can I prove that?

Three ways. Look at your teeth. You have canines, okay? Why? That's to tear meat apart, okay? You don't have canines for oatmeal. You don't need canines for oatmeal. You don't need canines for salad. You need canines for chicken and meat, okay? Two, the way your digestive tract is made. You've got a long small intestine and a short, large intestine. It's short in comparison. And that's because you don't need to get fermentation. You don't need fermentation like a cow needs fermentation. And thirdly, I've taught you this before. You got stomach acidity. Your stomach, unlike a cow's or a rabbit's, it's got a very, very, very acidic pH around 1.5. And when you don't use it, you lose it.

So I used to tell my patients this. One of the reasons that H pylori raised its ugly head and you have H pylori is because you don't eat enough meat. If you don't eat enough meat, your pH of your stomach is going to go up, especially if you're not eating enough meat, plus you're eating a lot of sugar. Sugar will rise your pH in your stomach. Thus we get you on the reset. And one of the things the reset does is it changes the pH in your stomach. Again, I wish they would've taught me this in school, but they didn't. What they don't teach in medical school is this, you need high acidity in your stomach. And when you get acid reflux, it's not because, oh, I got doc, I got too much acidity. No, you have too much acidity in the wrong place. It's in your esophagus, which is because your stomach doesn't have enough of it. And the reason your stomach doesn't have enough pH is you didn't eat the right foods. You were meant to eat meat.

And when you don't eat, oh, doc, I heard the opposite. I know we heard that in school too, but they weren't right? I think I'm going to do a whole series of the lies we were taught in school. And look, it's amazing to me how they get it so wrong. I mean it, it's how to get it so wrong. But if you see there's an agenda out there, and I've taught you the background of these agendas not to eat meat because of cholesterol and all the nonsense. You just understand it's a narrative and you got scientists that originally got paid and then it gets into the craw of medical school and medical school and dietician school or whatever, and they teach you lies. I don't think they mean it. I think they're sincere. Universities and all that, and they teach. I think the professors are sincere, but they're sincerely wrong. Okay? They're sincerely wrong.

Now, H pylori, a bacterial infection, much like the herpes virus ought to be latent, meaning it's there, but it shouldn't bother you at all. And if you have a good stomach acidity, it won't bother you. Here's another thing. They're seeing a huge connection between the activation of H pylori and diabetes. Well, diabetics are carboholics, diabetics are carboholics. What? They are, they're carboholics. Diabetes is a food problem. They have an intolerance to carbohydrates, and when you eat too many of them, you are going to be diabetic. And it's one of the biggest scourge in our society today. Okay, so what do you do? Keep the pH of your stomach very, very, very acidic. Human beings are meant to eat meat.

Now, you might, in the meantime, you've got trouble with your acidity in your stomach. I love digestive enzymes. I like some balsamic vinegar or apple cider vinegar. A little touch of that helps with acidity to get it kickstarted. I like that. Okay, I'm big on one of the things that will keep your H pylori at bay is oil of oregano. Oil of oregano is a natural superstar when it comes to keeping a virus at bay and keeping a bacteria at bay. It's a superstar of all natural antibiotics, in my opinion, the best. And guys, I always say my clinical experience, and it's because when you're in practice, you better get results or nobody's coming. Okay? My profession was a little different than the medical profession. You can have a bad doctor out there and he's still making a good living. You know what I mean? Because people, there's not enough doctors, so you can be a bad one with a bedside manner of a goat, and they still make a good living because people need to see a doctor. It's crazy.

But in natural medicine, and in my profession, in clinical nutrition, I had to get results. You know what I mean? You only have so many relatives that can come and see you. And by the way, you're never a prophet in your hometown. Jesus said that. Now, the second study has to do with insulin resistance too. So the first one, kind of surprising, H pylori, very, very much related to carboholism. Diabetes. Okay, diabetes. Here's another one. Surprising. Well, what they're saying is, this has been said before, but this is a new study says statin drugs. Okay, what are statin drugs? Drugs that lower cholesterol. Just by mentioning that I get a headache, I got a migraine just talking about it. Why in the world would you want to lower cholesterol? You want to die young? Oh, doc, I want my cholesterol to be low. Why? I want to die young. Oh, you do? Well, that's a good idea then.

Guys, the lies, they taught in medical school. Cholesterol's your enemy. No, it's not. It's your friend. Cholesterol's your friend. God, don't trust you. God doesn't trust you. What? Well, God doesn't trust you. You only have to provide 15% of cholesterol. God does the rest. Every cell in your body is made up of cholesterol. Your brain's made up of cholesterol. Your eyeballs are made up of cholesterol. Every organ in your body needs cholesterol, and then you need extra cholesterol to bring. Think of hormones, men, testosterone. Ladies, estrogen and progesterone.

Look, you don't want too much estrogen, but you want estrogen. How does estrogen get around your body? How is it transported? They teach this in medical school, but then they forget it. How do hormones get transported? What are the UPS in your blood vessels? Cholesterol. Okay, I'm laughing because I read a news report, I don't know. Last week, I think the UPS drivers in the United States, they settled because they were going to go on strike or something, and within about five years of this contract, they're going to make $150,000 US a year. Holy moly. Are you kidding me? What a UPS driver going to make $150,000 a year?

But I took that article and I said in my head, okay, I just want to show you how silly I am. I said, what are the UPS drivers in your body? What are they called? Cholesterol. They're the UPS drivers. They carry your hormones. Great. They carry them. You need that. You need testosterone, you need estrogen, you need progesterone. You need that. Yeah, but secondly, you know what they do while they're out delivering. Okay, let's stick to UPS this morning. While they're out delivering in your blood vessels, they're bringing your hormones to your different parts of your body. Wonderful. They've got a carrier on the back, okay? When they see triglycerides, bad, three balls of fat in your blood vessels. Tri glycerides. They hitch their wagon to it.

So is cholesterol on your side? UPS delivering hormones and then when they see triglycerides, bad guys in your blood vessels, you know what they do? They hitch their wagon to it and they bring it back to your liver. They transport bad fats back to your liver for metabolism to get broken down. How can cholesterol be bad for you? And we don't give them enough wages. We disrespect cholesterol, and it's been a disaster in our society today. It's a disaster because people lied and people died. You remember the Iraq war and this statement came out of the Iraq war, and then especially afterwards. Remember they said Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, and then they went in there and they found out he didn't. Now, I don't know if he hid them. I don't know. I'm not trying to be political, but here's a statement. They said, okay, the media. People lied and people died.

Well, you ask American soldiers, Canadian soldiers too. When we went to war, a lot of people died for a lie. Folks, millions and millions of people have died trying to lower their cholesterol. People lied. The pharmaceutical companies lied and people died. Statin drugs hasn't saved anybody's life. It's been a disaster. Is it going to stop? No. It's so much in the craw of medicine. It's so much in the craw of the media. It's so much in the craw of the food companies. It's so much in the craw of almost every guru, even in my profession, in natural medicine. Even in clinical nutrition, they bought it hook, line and sinker. They bought it. It's almost like they kissed their brains goodbye. Choresterol's not bad. You're blaming the bad guy because he's at the crime scene. They're UPS drivers. They're on the highways. They're the policemen. They're at a crime scene. They're the firemen.

Cholesterol, of course they're going to be in your blood. Oh, look at that cholesterol. Yeah, doc. Okay, how about apo A, lipoprotein A and what about it? I'm telling you folks, they made it up as they went along. I'm going to tell you what happens in Canada. I can't say for sure in the United States. I'm going to tell you this. In Ontario, our province, if a cardiologist, you have a heart attack, whether your cholesterol was normal or not, according to them, they're going to give you a statin drug. Why? Because the College of Physicians and Surgeons told them, you want to lose your license, then you do what we tell you, and you better give out a statin drug. Otherwise, we're going to take your license and the malpractice insurance. A physician has to have malpractice insurance, cost them a lot of money. If they ever get sued, the insurance companies say, well, you better follow the guidelines of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, or we're not covering you.

So they got a loaded gun to their head. If you wonder why they're scared skinny, if they don't give you a statin drug, you're negotiating. You are the terrorist, and the doctor says, I don't want to negotiate with you. They bought it. They're scared, skinny, and is it true? No, that's not true. If it was true, if cholesterol caused heart attacks and strokes, if that was the case, there wouldn't be any more heart disease. There'd be almost none, and there wouldn't be any more strokes because most people, they don't eat any cholesterol. Most people are so scared of eating eggs. Look at the yolk. That's yellow, that's cholesterol, that's fat, that's bad. That's going to clog up my arteries. Just the opposite.

Cheese. I put a study up the other day and people even in my group, cheese. Cheese is good for your heart? Yeah, cheese is good for your heart. I thought dairy doc was bad. No, it's not bad. Dairy's good for you, and cheese is good for you. As a matter of fact, cheese has a very, very high source of vitamin K2 and vitamin K2 will keep you from a heart attack because K2 takes calcium and takes it out of your arteries. It takes it out and it puts it where it belongs. Guys, I'm telling you, I read these two studies, both of them connected to insulin. Man, is there anything not connected to insulin? The horrormone insulin. Insulin's your friend until you use too much of it. Then it becomes your enemy. But they blame cholesterol, they blame it. Poor cholesterol.

And the only thing that happens if you keep your cholesterol low is you're going to die younger. Even your immune system, you know LDL, how it got all that LDL. Listen, when I was in school, we hardly even knew about LDL because we never talked about it, just talked about cholesterol. Not that we didn't know what cholesterol did, and that you had H D L and LDL, but we didn't differentiate it. It was just starting then that cholesterol was the bad guy, but I never bought it.

I just didn't buy it. Once the 1980s came, then cholesterol was the boogeyman. Big time. Okay, but let me tell you about LDL, okay? H D L high. You want that high. You want as many UPS trucks on the highways of your blood vessels as you can, okay? Today's UPS. LDL is another UPS truck and it carries. It is a very big carrier and a huge friend to your immune system. The more they study LDL, and you know what statin drugs do? They lower LDL. Statin drugs work they do. They will lower your LDL 100% for sure. Why do you want that? You want to kill that carrier. That's a big part of your immune system. That's why you die young. If your cholesterol, and as you get older, you even want more cholesterol. It's what? 60, 70% of the population after a certain age, they're already on statin drugs, migraine after migraine after migraine when I hear that stuff. H pylori has a big, big connection to insulin resistance, diabetes, and statin drugs will turn you into a diabetic and will give you insulin resistance.

Okay, guys? Friday is what? Question and answer Friday. That means get your questions in. Okay? Are they coming in? I'd have to ask my staff. Get your questions in. We appreciate that. It's always a fun time. Okay guys, we love you dearly. Talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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