Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners.
Some of today’s topics include:
- Honey & bee pollen
- Cyst in kidneys
- Lump in throat
- Colloidal silver
- What Dr. Martin eats when traveling
- Probiotic side effects
- Choline for brain food
- Supplements for amyloidosis
- Hormone levels & menopause
- Nonverbal autism
- Thermography
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great day. We sure appreciate you guys and thanks for coming on a daily basis and we always appreciate it. Okay? Okay, here we go. Questions that I have received, Gary and Margaret saying to me, thank you for all you do for many of us. What I do for you, you do for me, okay? Thank you so much Gary and Margaret, we appreciate you guys. I wanted to know what your thoughts are regarding bee pollen. Well, a couple of questions this morning. We got, one of them is on honey, the other on bee pollen. You know what I like Bee pollen. Yeah. Yeah, it's powerful. Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, full of nutrients, vitamins. Yeah, I like it. I do. Okay. I've used it in my practice years ago. I like it.
Okay. I like it. Liz, my friend, has a cyst in her kidneys wondering how they got there and what to do. Our cysts the same as kidney stones? No, they're not. Cysts are usually external on the outside of the kidney. How do you get a cysts? Well, there's a lot of ways you could get a cyst. First of all, kidney stones, when you break down kidney stones, 75% of them are oxalates. 25% of them are uric acid, kidney function altogether. Niagara Falls water and lay off the sugars cyst anywhere in your body. Your body is fearfully and wonderfully made. If you get a cyst, be it on your thyroid, your kidneys, your liver, any organ, don't feed it. Don't give it insulin because insulin's a growth hormone and cut back on estrogen because estrogen is a growth hormone. Okay? So if you're asking, that's what I recommend. Okay? That's what I recommend. Now, in terms of cyst and the stones are two different things altogether though. Okay. Thanks, Liz. Okay.
Julie, what does Dr. Martin mean when he talks about the symptom lump in the throat? Okay, well, that can come from a few things. Okay? You can get a lump in the throat because your thyroid is inflamed. You can get a lump in your throat because you have acid reflux. It may be silent, you don't even know you have it. You can get a lump in your throat from some kind of vocal cord thing that you're getting some scarring there or some problems there. And I mentioned that one of the symptoms sometimes is low levels of B 12, and that can give you a sense of a lump in your throat. It's a rare symptom for B 12, but it can happen.
Okay? Low b12. I hope that answers your questions. And if she has, could that be why? Well, you have to check, Julie, get me your B12 numbers. I'll tell you. Okay. Now, Kristen, what are Dr. Martin's thoughts on gas getting into joints? I find my joints cracking all the time. Well, I wouldn't worry about that too much other than Kristen telling you lubricate. Lubricate the good oils. Okay, good oils is really important. You may have a little bit of glycation going on, but I don't know that for a fact. I'm just giving you an educated guess. Some people are just like that. I wouldn't worry about it too much. As long as your joints are working well, you've got good movement in your joints and you've got good flexibility in your joints and you're exercising the cracking, who cares? I really don't. But like I said, make sure you're well lubricated.
Nothing will dry up your joints more than sugar will, and a lack of good oil. I'm an oil guy, that's why I love butter. I like olive oil. Okay? And oily bacon. I'm serious. Okay? And Kristen is asking what I think of colloidal silver. Well, I've answered that question many a time. I like it. Be careful. Okay? I've seen patients in my office, they took too much colloidal silver literally turned blue. You don't want that? Okay. Yeah. I like colloidal silver. It was a kid on the block, if you know what I mean by that. I mean, I can't remember how many years ago, 15, 20 years ago, whatever, when I had my radio show, I got asked about colloidal silver every week for about two months because it was sort of, people were talking about it and it started, it's like the hit parade.
I used to say, when a song is at the top of the hip parade, they play it, play it, play it, play it, and then they don't play it so much, right? And colloidal silver was, somebody came out with, it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. It cured everything from pimples on your nose to cyst on your toes. And I didn't buy it. I didn't buy it then, and I don't buy it now. I wasn't against it though. I just told people, be careful. Don't take too much of that if you take it. Andrea, what does Dr. Martin eat when I travel? Wow. Traveling is more difficult. I mean, if you're driving in a car, pack a lunch, okay? But I try and if I'm having a burger, what I do is no bun. Okay? So try and stay low carb. There's a lot of ways you can stay low carb.
Even when you're traveling, it's not as easy, I admit. But if it's morning time or whatever, you can always get, if you can, bacon and eggs or if you, you're getting a breakfast sandwich, leave the sandwich behind and eat the meat. It's not the best, but you're traveling. So look, here's me, okay, here's me. I give people a plan to succeed, not a plan to fail. You're traveling, you're going on a cruise as much as possible. You're not going on a cruise and doing the reset, right? If you are, you're pretty good. You know what I mean? But what I'm saying is you can eat low carb on a cruise. You can be low. It doesn't mean you'll be none, but you can be low. Emphasize the meat. I mean, especially if you have your choices, meat, meat, eggs, meat and taste, you can still be pretty good, but don't get sidetracked at the end of the day. What am I talking about? Okay, I'm talking about a 30 day program. That's the reset, the metabolic reset to lower your insulin. What do I do, doc? After the reset? Well, don't go back to being a carboholic.
And if it's your birthday and you have a piece of birthday cake, well, don't go shoot yourself. Get back on the program. A S A P. So the idea is a plan to succeed. People oftentimes, they feel so guilty, they don't do stuff because they feel, ah, you know what? I can't do it. I can't be perfect. Yeah, you're right. You can't be perfect. But when this becomes a lifestyle, when low carbs, crappy carbs becomes a lifestyle. Look, guys, let me tell you about meat. Okay? I haven't had cereal since the days of Noah. I just don't eat it. I don't eat it. I don't miss it. I haven't had a chocolate bar and I mean it in 50 years. I just haven't. Do I miss it? No, I might've missed it at the start. I just don't eat that stuff, okay? I don't go to the Dairy Queen.
I like ice cream, but I don't like me it if I have one little spoon of it, okay? But guys, it's a lifestyle I'm shooting for with you. And you guys know this, but it's a good question. What does Dr. Martin do when he travels? Well, I don't shoot myself, but I'm careful. I'm careful. It's so ingrained in me. I get teased all the time because anybody that knows me, including my family, oh, I better not be eating this around Dr. Martin, like I'm the food police or something. You know what? I appreciate it because I'm pretty consistent. Guys, cut back. There's ways of doing things when you travel and maybe go on to our private Facebook group, ask the question and people are, a group will give you a 15 different ideas or more. Betty, can you take too much probiotic? No. I'll tell you why.
Betty, you have in your body trillions with a T bacteria, trillions, and there's no side effect from taking probiotic. Now you can eat too much yogurt though. Okay? Now listen, the more we study probiotic, the more we realize there's a war going on. It's internal, it's invisible, and that is a real key to our health, okay? So the answer is you can't take too much probiotic. Okay? You can't. So many things kill your friendly bacteria. Joel, does Dr. Martin approve acetal choline for brain food? Well, a set of choline, do you mean choline? And what? Joel? What improves your acetal choline? Okay, because acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter. Choline on the other hand, increases your acetylcholine. So can you take choline? Yep. And I love choline. And the highest form of choline is found in eggs, meat and cheese not found in the plant kingdom. Can you take choline as a supplement?
Yes, but you should eat it. Some things are meant to eat. So Joel, thanks for the question. It is a brain food, eggs, meat, and cheese are brain foods. Absolutely they are. Karen, what supplements does he recommend for amyloidosis? That is a condition. Very rare, and it's surprising. I think over the last, let's say two years of doing question and answer. Friday, I get this question maybe once a month about amyloidosis, and I was reading an article about it recently and only 4,000 Americans have it. It is rare. And then I get asked about this quite a bit, and that is, it's a rare genetic thing where protein is found in your blood and it creates amyloid cyst in that kills you. Usually very rare condition, but it can kill you. So someone that has it, I would be on probiotics, I would be on digestive enzymes, I would be on anything anti-inflammatory high D H a, for example.
But again, Karen, it almost surprises me that I get asked this so much because it's such a rare condition. Do you have it or someone in your family has it? Okay, I'm asking out of curiosity, Mary, is there a way to lower very high bilirubin? My brother is waiting for an M R I. Not well. Well bilirubin when that is high, it's a sign that either the gallbladder, one of the ducks in the gallbladder is got a huge stone in there. It can be very dangerous leading to sepsis if the gallbladder explodes liver, not so much fatty liver because usually with high bilirubin it's the liver itself. And with cirrhosis of the liver, for example, would be something I'd be more concerned with than even, but fatty liver. But if you have high bilirubin, I mean you got to empty the liver and no sugar, no drinks of fructose of any kind, no fruit juice, any kind of that.
That's what I would do, Mary, and keep me updated on your brother. Do I need to take precaution, Michelle to prevent blood clots with a family history of factor v Leiden or laden, L E I D E N? No. Look, people who have this factor rarely ever have blood clots from anything I've ever read about it. They rarely ever get a blood clot. So you're probably not susceptible to it really with the factor. Now let me talk about blood clots in general. How do you prevent that kind of stuff? Okay, you got to protect your circulation. The blood clots usually come legs, poor circulation, dehydration. I talk about that all the time. I used to turn around, I was looking at people's blood than I turned around and tell 'em, you know what? You got blood as thick as molasses. That's hard on your heart, and it's much more likely to clot.
Okay? So keep your blood moving. That's why exercise is so good. That is why vitamin E is tremendous. That's why your blood vessels keep them lubricated. High D h A oil navit helps with that because it elevates nitric oxide, which opens up your blood vessels. I wouldn't be too worried about that factor. Like I said, anything I've ever read about it, it really is just something they find. But I don't think you're genetically any more predisposed to having a blood clot than anybody else, in my opinion. Michelle, thanks for the questions. Linda, what is the minimum amount of steak that we need to eat to get the right amount of vitamins every day? No. What do you cook? I'd be happy when I say steak, I mean red meat. I mean beef, I mean roast beef A. Okay, so how about five days a week?
I think that would be good. You could have chicken and salad one day. Okay, why have chicken when you can have steak? I don't understand. No, I'm teasing a little bit. There's no comparison in the amount of protein in chicken compared to red meat. There's just no comparison. And even the bioavailability is better. Now I like chicken. I like chicken. It's like meat doc. Would you rather have a coffee or a tea? Coffee please. Okay, so really I'd say minimum red meat three to five days a week if you want to get all your vitamins, okay, but minimum three. John, here's John. Asking about honey. See doc if I occasionally have honey in small amounts, well, I'm not against that, honey. No, look, okay. You just have to understand, John, where I come from, okay? If someone is in the 93% of metabolic syndrome, metabolic syndrome is caused by insulin resistance.
Okay? So they have trouble with carbs. Now honey, guys, and first of all, John, you would know this, but make sure it's real honey, okay? Because stuff in the grocery store, a lot of it is crap, okay? But honey unpasteurized, okay? Especially a local honey, you can have a little bit, okay? Now, because it's fructose, it doesn't elevate your insulin, but it can elevate insulin resistance. It's a fructose. So again, if you're in a population of that 7% of society that is really doing well, metabolically, you can have a little honey. Honey, okay? Be careful if you've got any diabetes or any, if you've got a high A one C or whatever, I wouldn't touch it. Okay? I like honey, I do, but I don't have a lot of it. Okay? Maybe if I have a sore throat, I might have a little wee bit of honey with my oil of oregano, okay?
But really be careful with it. Is it the same as corn syrup? Not even close. Ah, look, I mean it's a fructose, but honey's got B vitamins, honey, like a real honey. Again, I have to differentiate. I see some of that crap in the grocery stores. Anyone that likes honey, they'll tell you it's not real, honey. Okay? Okay, thanks John. Peggy, I've asked my doctors multiple time to test my hormone levels. And each time they say, what difference does it make once you're in menopause? It doesn't matter. Does that sound right to you? Well, look, most of the testing that they do, blood tests, for example, for estrogen, you can send it to me and progesterone, you can send it to me. But I never relied strictly on that. I relied on you give me your symptoms. And with blood tests, I used to do saliva tests and you test for that much more accurate.
They hardly do that. I mean, some labs do it. Give me a saliva test, but don't send me your findings without telling me your symptoms. Because symptoms I used to tell my staff all the time, symptoms trump the lab when it comes to hormones, i e the thyroid doc. Oh, my thyroid numbers are normal. How come my hair's falling out, my eyebrows are thin, I can't lose weight, I don't feel good, yada, yada, yada. 10 thousands of times. I heard that story 10 thousands of times. And as we explain at the Martin clinic, hormones are complicated and you better look at the whole package. You better look at the pyramid. Okay, do I have it in front of me? I probably have that pyramid in front of me somewhere. Here it is showing my pyramid of hormones, thyroid, insulin in the middle here from your pancreas, adrenal glands, your cortisol, and then your ovaries.
Okay? And men, you'd have some testosterone, but those are the circles and you better put 'em together. And you've got two hormones pegging that are in charge. They're two hormones. Insulin and cortisol are the primary ones. You better look at those things. So long story to tell you doesn't concern me that a doctor doesn't want to test them. Tell me what your symptoms are and I can pretty well tell you what's going on. I have osteoporosis and thyroid. See there's a cyst, a nodule, and want to know if testing my hormones. Make sense? Yeah, I like it. I got no problem. But again, I want to know your symptoms. So your doctor's wrong. By the way, they don't know hormones. It's amazing to me. Dave, is there anything that can be done to improve and enhance a child's condition with nonverbal autism? Well, look, yes, I've seen results.
I've got a whole protocol. I don't know if I could find one of the podcasts that I've done on autism in the past. I love D for deficiencies. Okay, so usually they're deficient, vitamin D, they got leaky gut guaranteed. They usually have very low levels of D h a omega three. They have high levels of inflammation. They're usually very low in B 12. So I hit all those and I detox them with probiotic, fix the leaky gut, and I detox them as much as possible. I get parents to give them a Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie, get a lot of fat up into the brain. And I've seen some good improvements. Yes, okay. I like navit all too because it crosses the blood-brain barrier and elevates nitric oxide. I think our friend, Dr. Bennett from Newfoundland was talking about a patient that he had, Dave, that he used a protocol of probiotics with Navitol, and Dr. Bennett is an acupuncturist. So anyway, he talked about getting good results there.
Okay, Andrea Thermography. Okay. Okay, let me show you. I'm going to have to get this out, Andrea. So there's thermography I used to do in my office. Okay, so you see, okay, so I'm showing for a podcast, a picture of thermography. I had a very special thermography where I did estrogen too. You could see estrogen on the skin. So when looking at the results of an upper body scan, how do you know that the hotspots are too much estrogen? Well, look, they're not necessarily estrogen there. I used to test separately. I had a scan that did that. But when you see inflammation, you see what the thermography does is it's a heat detector. So when you have too much estrogen around your breast tissue, usually not always, you get a lot of heat coming off that area.
So that's what they're looking for is thermography, the be all and end all. No, but I like it. I like it. It's something that I recommend. Like I said, I used to do the one with the estrogen and we used to see estrogen coming through the roof. And I'll give you an example of that if you want to see it. If you can see this here. Okay, you see that black, that's estrogen and then you see it in red too, but the black is more pronounced. That's what estrogen is. Okay? Thank you Andrea for the question. Dorothy, I take cortisol and magnesium. What do you think about M SS M for sleep? Me, me, I never found it to be that effective. Listen, you can try it. I got no problem with that. Okay? But I never found it to be that effective. Okay, if you're asking, nah.
Mary, what does Dr. Martin think of lifeline screening? I showed the last time three years ago showed abnormal mild plaque buildup. I don't mind that lifeline screening is a specialized screening for cardio. But here's what I would tell you more Mary than the screening is. What do you do about it? If you are seeing a plaque buildup, then you lay off sugars because sugars become triglycerides and triglycerides become fat balls in your bloodstream and they'll stick to plaque. You ought to be taking vitamin D with K two. You ought to be eating cheese, calcium y. It takes calcium plaque out of your arteries. Take some out of there. That's what vitamin K two does. That's a big problem in our society today. We don't eat enough cheese. We think it makes us fat and we think it gives us cholesterol. And we think cholesterol is bad. Cholesterol is not bad.
Triglycerides are bad, and low cholesterol is bad. Okay? So keep your nitric oxide up. Keep your blood vessels open. That's why again, I love navitol, high D h a, lubricate, lubricate, lubricate, vitamin K, two eggs, meat and cheese. Okay, thanks Mary. Margaret, what does Dr. Martin think for pulmonary fibrosis? Persistent cough. Well look, anything anti-inflammatory. I'm very big on high D H A I like Carin. Anything in the lungs? I like cetin and vitamin D, usually pulmonary fibrosis. They're very low in vitamin D and they could be low in B 12 two. Look for deficiencies, Margaret. Okay. And with a persistent cough, like I said, I like the combination of navit all with cursin. Gail, when the pancreas is no good, can it be repaired? Okay? When the pancreas is no good. Well, okay, if I could have asked you, Gail, I would ask you to be more specific.
What do you mean by the pancreas is no good? Because they've had pancreatitis, they got pancreatic cancer. Why is the pancreas no good? Not releasing enough enzymes? There's so many things I want to ask you. Okay? But here's what destroys the pancreas sugar, because you need a lot of insulin and crappy carbohydrates. So if you lay off that, do the reset. If your pancreas is not functioning properly, when you do the reset, your pancreas is gone for a holiday, you need very little insulin when you are eating eggs, meat, and cheese. Okay? But again, Gail, I would ask you more questions. Okay guys, have I told you lately that I love you? I haven't. Okay, I do. Plus guys, Monday, which is a holiday Monday here in Canada, we're on. I'll be on Monday morning. Okay? Lord willing. Okay guys, we love you dearly. We'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!