Insulin resistance has been identified as a major factor in heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, diabetes, and autoimmune. Dr. Martin shares the signs to look for. He also talks about the trifecta for disease in today's episode.
Announcer:Â You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin:Â Well, good morning everyone, and welcome again to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great day and great start to your day. And we appreciate you guys more than you know. Now, you guys know what I think of insulin and how insulin resistance is at the forefront of heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, diabetes, autoimmune. It's not the only thing, but it's a major factor, not the only thing. It's a major factor. As a matter of fact, we at the Martin Clinic, we have a trifecta for disease, insulin, high circulating insulin or insulin resistance. Big, big, big problem. Leaky gut.
Leaky gut, big problem. And sometimes you get bolt. And the third one is oxidative damage, what we call free radical damage. We're rusting out and part of that is normal because we're all rusting out. But when it's accelerated, that is a factor in disease. Now, some people, if you Google this even, you talk about what is at the forefront of chronic disease. A lot of doctors will say inflammation, but we at the Martin Clinic say, inflammation is not Houdini. It comes after you don't get inflammation. First, inflammation, you get high circulating insulin, leaky gut or oxidative damage. Then you get inflammation and inflammation left. Unchecked is very serious because inflammation, if you have a fever, it's on your side. Why do you think you feel so terrible when you get a bug and you come down with a fever and whatever, that's inflammation. Your head's pounding.
You're sore all over. That's inflammation. But it's on your side because it's bringing healing to the body. It's bringing extra protein, extra enzymes, extra white blood cells and everything to fight an infection. But what if you have that without infection? Inflammation without infection, very serious and it destroys blood vessels. But again, inflammation doesn't come first. High circulating insulin, leaky gut, oxidative damage. Okay, so those are the three, the trifecta of disease. But let's this morning go over something that we've done in the past. We'll do it again probably because we talk about it all the time. You have to understand my expertise is food, okay? Clinical nutrition, and I was always interested in the insulin response and how it drives disease. I used to have a chart in my office in just about every room, certainly in my labs, when patients came in to get their results, get their testing, I had big charts on the wall with this here. It was a check engine light that would go on and your body trying to say hello, pay attention. You are getting signs of insulin resistance. Your cells at the cellular level are saying, insulin, I can't stand your guts. You come around all the time, you're making me sick. I don't like you.
And that happens when my name is Tony and I'm a carboholic. But what I want to do this morning is talk about surprising. I used to shock my patients with surprising signs that they had insulin resistance. They never before drew the connection. And I said, well, your body's trying to tell you something. Some of them are check engine lights and the other ones are very, very strong indicators that you have insulin resistance and you better turn the ship around. You're in trouble. Your body's trying to get your attention and you better start listening. So let's do that. I've got out that chart and let's look at things that are indicators and strong indicators. Okay? I'm going to quickly read the list. Check engine light. Now look, obviously some of these symptoms can be other things, okay? But if again, I used to hammer this home, if you have any of these symptoms, start in the kitchen and it's a reason to do the reset because you are getting insulin resistance.
And there may be other things, but listen to these low energy. Yeah, not normal to have low energy. Now, that can be the thyroid, but again, when we talk about the thyroid, it's a puppet with lots of strings. One of them is insulin. It's amazing what happens when you cut insulin down and your body becomes more sensitive to insulin, how much better, almost everything gets. There was a reason for my madness. When we created the reset, it was aimed at insulin. It was aimed. I had a target and I was getting people to lower their insulin response. A lot of other things too, but primarily that's what it's about. So when you eat eggs, meat and cheese, when you change fuels, you're lowering insulin. I saw a comment on the weekend on our private Facebook group. Somebody had been doing the reset and talked about this a million times. They did the reset for weight loss, and that's all right, that's all right. But they were disappointed that they hadn't lost weight.
And most people do. And I'll say it and I'll say it and I'll say it, if you are going to go on a weight loss program, go on the best one available, and that's the reset. Why is that? Because you're changing fuels and in the long run, it's the healthiest weight loss. If you just want to stop eating, okay, if you just want to lower your calories, there's a good chance you'll lose weight. But I'm going to tell you something, you haven't fixed the problem because the problem is insulin. The problem is insulin. You have to fix insulin, and you don't fix insulin by lowering your calories. It has nothing to do with calories. It has everything to do with food choices. Anyway, low energy, weight gain for most people, high circulating insulin causes weight gain, sleeping issues, and these are broad digestive issues. Every area of your body is affected by insulin resistance, digestive issues, especially acid reflux, because people are carboholics.
They eat the wrong food. Your gut was made for steak. Your gut was made for eggs, your gut was made for cheese. It's a very acidic stomach, and if you don't use it, you lose it. Okay? Vertigo. How many people have vertigo? It's an indicator. It can be something else, of course, but for a lot of people, vertigo is high. Circulating insulin. Start with food. Overactive bladder. Ladies, tinnitus. How many times a week? I get asked about tinnitus. Why is it so much more common today? Why is vertigo so much more common today? It's the body screaming. Hello, anybody listening out there? Your body screams joint pain. Why? Glycation joint pain. We'll talk about that. Skin tags, insulin. Insulin resistance. It's how your body tries to wake us up. Cataracts from the eyeballs to the toes. Cataracts in the eye circulation. You know how I talk about that all the time?
Well, if you have elevated insulin, cataracts, it affects blood supply. Leg cramps, okay? Leg cramps, insulin, because your kidneys are affected by that and weaken immune system. Here's an interesting one, carpal tunnel syndrome. How many times do we hear about that? I was sort of like John the Baptist in the wilderness years ago. I'm talking years ago when people would come into my office and they had carpal tunnel, and you know how many people had surgery done if I could get them before surgery? I said, well, can I get you to try something first? Let's change your diet. Let's change your diet and let's see what happens to carpal tunnel. Because I would equate carpal tunnel to insulin resistance and then of course, inflammation. Why did you get the entrapment in carpal tunnel? Oh, yeah, but doc, I'm at a desk all day. Well, I'm at a desk all day too. How come I didn't get it? Or how come the person next to you didn't get it?
You and carbs have a bad relationship. I said, let's start there. 30 days. Let's see what happens. Chronic tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, inflammation, but why? Amazing. What happens, guys? We should put all the testimonies of the reset if we could ever put 'em together. You could read for days and days and days, tens of thousands of people that have done it and they talk about this chronic tendonitis or plantar fasciitis and doc, it got better. Yeah. What does the diet have to do with my feet, our tendons a lot, and we'll talk about glycation in a minute. Okay? Acne skin, not only skin tags, acne, okay? You put estrogen and you put insulin together. You see it a lot. I mean in Hollywood, but they wear a lot of makeup. But if you notice, I'm a guy that I got eyeballs for insulin and I got eyeballs for hormones, okay?
So when patients used to come into my office, I was very observant. I use my eyes. I was looking. I'd look at their skin, I'd look at their hair, and sometimes the hair on the chin, chin, chin of women. I knew that was hormones. They were too much of a woman. They had too much estrogen and too much insulin to get women in with picos, polycystic ovarian disorder. Two things, too much growth, hormone, insulin and estrogen. And I say, well, you're a woman way too much. When you have too much estrogen in insulin, it'll actually increase your testosterone in late women, and that's why you got acne, and that's why you got hair growing where you don't want hair growing and you don't have hair where you want to have hair. It slows the thyroid to a crawl too. Now, strong indicators. Let's go over this list.
Strong indicators, okay? The other ones were check engine light. Let's talk about strong indicators in men. Erectile dysfunction, that's an insulin problem. Too much estrogen too. Not enough testosterone, but you start in the kitchen, they have insulin resistance and listen, always remember what we say here at the Martin Clinic. Remember this, diabetes is the last thing to happen. Insulin resistance is the first thing to happen. Don't wait until a doctor says, oh, by the way, you're a diabetic. You send me your blood work, and if your A one C is above 5.4, 5.4 or up, you've got insulin resistance. You're effectively a diabetic. Remember, your body is dedicated to keeping your blood sugar within normal limits. It doesn't want it to go too low and it doesn't want it to go too high, and your body's dedicated to that. When you hear that somebody's a diabetic, believe you me, that's been going on for 10 years or more. They really were a diabetic, but they weren't listening, Linda. They weren't listening to their body. Their body was screaming at them. Wake up. It's like the ship that was trying to get ahold of Titanic, the California through Morris Code, trying to get ahold of the Morris Code person on the Titanic, and all day they were going, hello, hello, hello. Wake up. There are icebergs. There you are going through dangerous waters. You know what the guy, true story, what the guy from the Titanic did eventually got tired of listening. You know what he did?
Think back. Shut up, and then he turned it off. And people do that. They don't listen. Their body's trying to tell 'em things, man. A reptile that dysfunction. It's a problem with insulin because sugar affects circulation. It decreases nitric oxide, okay? Strong indicators, obesity, but again, you can be skinny as a rake and have severe insulin resistance. Okay? High belly fat, high blood pressure. These are strong indicators. Blood pressure doc. Yeah, blood pressure, because the same thing that affects your eyes, cataracts, circulation is the same thing that affects your kidneys and your body really dehydrates itself with sugar and crappy carbohydrates that turn to sugar rapidly and high triglycerides. That's why I want to see your blood work. I don't care. I don't care about cholesterol except I wanted high doc. I got high cholesterol. Good. Here's a high five. You got high cholesterol. That's wonderful. Okay, that's dangerous.
Okay? You got fat balls roaming in your blood vessels, and that's why guys, I like A C R P test. C-reactive protein test. C-Reactive protein is made in your liver in the presence of inflammation, the silent type. Now, it doesn't have to be silent. If you have an infection, for example, your C R P could be high, but C R P is a wonderful blood test. And doctors, unless it's slaps them in the face, they don't look for it. They're not trained to look for insulin resistance. That's why they're trained to look for diabetes, but they're not trained to look for insulin resistance, which is the root cause. Root cause. They don't look for it, but I do. I like looking at your blood work. Don't be shy. Send me your blood work. Don't send me 59 pages. Well, if you do, I'm not going to comment on everything there. I'm not interested in that. I'm not, okay? I'm interested in your triglycerides. I'm interested in your H D L. I want you to have low triglycerides and high H D L. It's like a teeter-totter. I want you to have very low C R P, inflammation, fatty liver. These are strong indicators. I read on the weekend that in India, one third of the population have fatty liver In India, man, man, oh man. But we're no better. We're no better fatty liver.
The Costco parking lot is full. You're storing fat in the liver because you're a carbo. You get high triglycerides because you're a carbo holic. It's insulin. Insulin, my friend has to store sugar, has to, doesn't let it stay in the bloodstream. Very little in the bloodstream, empty all your blood. You've got less than a teaspoon in there. Sugar don't belong in your blood. Our pancreas are smarter than we are. Our pancreas are smarter than modern medicine because the pancreas knows what to do. When you insist on eating crappy carbohydrates, bread, pasta, rice, cereal, sugar, sweets, pastry juice, milk in the grocery store, not the cow in the backyard. I'm eating oatmeal. Yeah, okay. Now your insulin's got to go crazy and you have cereal in the morning. Like most North Americans. Now your insulin's got to go crazy. You have orange juice. Now your insulin's got to go crazy because you can't leave that sugar.
Why not have a Pepsi? What's the difference between drinking orange juice and a Pepsi? Tell me, Dr. Martin, it's Tropicana. I don't care. It ain't no good for you. Don't drink fruit, okay? Don't. So fatty liver and osis, oh, I hate these words. Nigra cans and then coats. You know what that is? That's darkening areas on your skin. You ever see people with their shirt off or whatever, and sometimes you'll see it on their neck, but you'll see it under their armpits in their groin area. I used to see that all the time, and I say, well, that's your body screaming because you got insulin resistance effectively. You're already a diabetic. What? Yeah, you are. I really don't care what your blood sugar is. I care what your A one C is, but you're already a diabetic. Effectively, you and sugar don't get along and you and carbs don't get along.
You got a bad relationship, you got a bad marriage. You're not getting along. Sarcopenia. There we go. You lose your muscle. Look, that can happen in obesity too. Okay? They were showing, what do you call those? Japanese wrestlers, the sumo wrestlers, right? You see them. They're huge, right? But they have a lot of muscle, so metabolically, they do better in terms of diabetes, okay? They do better. I never recommend to get that big, but as far as their insulin response, it's better because they have muscle under that fat. But a lot of skinny people, they have no muscle. Sarcopenia is a very dangerous indicator that you really are a diabetic without getting the diagnosis of a diabetic. Osteoporosis, yeah. Imagine bone being affected by insulin. Osteoporosis and osteoporosis and sarcopenia go hand in hand. No muscle, no bone. Well, you'll have bone, but it's not going to be strong.
You want strong bones. You need strong muscles. Get strong sun. Steak and steel. Get strong. Muscles are such important bins for the storage of glycogen. You need bins, my friend, insulin's looking for bins. If it doesn't, guess where it's going to pour that sugar tube, it's going to pour it into the liver that turns into fat. It'll take every fat cell in your body and store fat, fat, fat, fat. Some people have no ability to store fat. Most people do, but some people don't. They don't have any ability to store fat, but that don't make 'em healthy. Sarcopenia, osteoporosis, dinger, hump. You ever seen that? You know where the dinger hump is? Right? About T one here at the base of your neck, you see somebody with a hump there. They got insulin resistance big time. It's an indicator. Okay? Hormonal imbalances. Yep, yep, yep.
Big factor. Remember what we said? The king of the castles of your two hormones, these two hormones run all the others insulin. Two hormones that once you dead insulin and cortisol, those two will mess you up. Hormonally and doctors don't know that. That's why they have so much trouble. That's why they have so much trouble diagnosing hormones. They don't know who the king of the castles are. Insulin and cortisol, gout, gout. Gout is on steroids today. There's more gout today. Gout. Hass been around for thousands of years, but there's more gout today than ever. Why? I am a Y guy. Why is there more gout than ever? Oh, we're eating more red meat, Dr. Martin. No, we're not. It's down 30, 40%. We're eating less because we've been duped. We've been duped. Gout is not red meat. It was called the king's disease. He was eating too much meat. He was drinking too much wine, fructose and drinking it, and too much beer. Kidney stones. Yep. Kidney stones. Kidneys don't work. If your insulin's high, they don't work properly. They don't flush properly. You guys know what I think of kidneys and water, important, but dehydration. You put dehydration and insulin together. Your kidneys are in deep dooo. Psoriasis, psoriasis, insulin, leaky gut memory, insulin. Insulin.
Type three diabetes. Remember, what is that? 2005? I did several radio shows based on the research that showed Alzheimer's is really type three. Diabetes. Diabetes without diabetes. Diabetes of the brain, not necessarily anywhere else. Okay, guys, did you have fun? Okay, insulin resistance, some of the indicators, it's worth going over that stuff. It gets me pontificating, gets me excited. I get excited talking about food. Okay? We got a great week, guys coming up. Send in your questions for a question and answer Friday because it's always fun. We appreciate your questions. If you're not a member of the private Facebook group, we're asking you, why not? Okay? We want you on there. We love you guys. If you want to send me your blood work, send me your blood work, and remember, I ain't going to give you a 50 page response. I'm not your doctor, okay? We love you guys. We'll talk to you soon.
Announcer:Â You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!