Did you know that having low levels of vitamin D puts you at risk of getting diabetes? According to a study coming out of India, your risk of getting diabetes goes up big time when you’re deficient in vitamin D.
When you're low in vitamin D, a lot of bad things happen, and Dr. Martin says we can now add poor glucose absorption to the list.
Join Dr. Martin as he again shares the importance of having optimal levels of vitamin D!
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. Welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're doing well. Julie, yesterday, okay, I saw this and I liked it, so I said I'm going to mention it this morning. Julia said, superstars gather here. Julie, I like that. Superstars gather here. Guys, isn't that the truth? Superstars gather here this morning on The Doctor Is In podcast. Yes, yes, yes. I love it. Okay, new study out on vitamin D. Now let me get my book because I quote this in my book on page three, so write Sun, Steak, Steel, Sleep. Okay, new book, okay, I'm just reading page three. Vitamin D is good for everything. If you have healthy levels of vitamin D, all cancers are decreased by 75%. Crazy, isn't it? Male heart attacks are down 50%. If you have optimized levels of vitamin D, type two diabetes down 50%. Okay? I wrote this took six months to get here, but when I wrote this, there was studies showing that type two diabetes down 50%.
Listen to this. Type one diabetes down 80% with proper levels of vitamin D. Okay? Unless you guys think I'm crazy, all cancers decrease by 75%. Guys, do you think vitamin D is important? Male heart attacks down 50% with people with optimized vitamin D. Like this is research. This is not me, okay? I'm quoting from my book, but this is research, okay? Type two diabetes down 50% and type one diabetes down 80%. Autoimmune diseases down 20% in people with optimized. This is on page three of my book. Now, put my book down and I am going to talk to you about a study that is in the British Journal of Nutrition out of South India. Now, south India is close for me. Why? Because I have my son-in-law married to one of my daughters. His family is from South India, okay? A region called Kerala. This study came out of Kerala, okay? I haven't been to India, but apparently it's beautiful South India, okay? I often talk to you about my son-in-law, Dr. Sam, who's the best emergency physician ever, okay? I mean it. I call him 1-800 Sam. You remember what I was saying yesterday? If you get hit by a bus, don't call me. Call 1-800 Sam. I mean he is the best. Okay? And you should see those kids. They're beautiful.
Now, the British Journal of Nutrition, okay, on vitamin D. This guys, so let me just go back to the book. I'm saying here, type two diabetes down 50% and type one diabetes down 80%, if they have healthy levels of vitamin D. Now, this study out of Kerala, south India and peer reviewed and now published in the British Journal of Nutrition, it says this. Here's the headlines of the study. Mild to moderate deficiency of vitamin D has been identified as one of the risks for type one and type two diabetes. If you have low levels of vitamin D, your risk of getting diabetes is up big time. What's the connection between vitamin D and diabetes? Okay, because let's be honest, when you and I think of diabetes now, not type one, okay? But type two diabetes, type two diabetes is called adult onset diabetes. Okay? Now we relate that to food, okay? Because what we always talk about is insulin is a food hormone, but this study is really giving credence to what I wrote in my book, Sun, Steak & Steel, that a lack of vitamin D makes you much more susceptible to type one diabetes. 80% is a factor.
Now here's why, because this study sort of tells us what happens to your body. There's a lot of things that happen when you're low in vitamin D, a lot of bad things happen. Vitamin D is just not only for your bones, it's not only for your bones. You guys know that, but the world out there doesn't know it. They're scared skinny of the sun, and if they go out in the sun, they wear sunscreen, so they're not getting vitamin D. 20 minutes in the sun, you get 10,000 IUs. It's so good for you in every way. Now, back to the study, okay, before I get on a rabbit trail, okay? The British Journal of Nutrition said, when you have low levels of vitamin D, you have a decrease in the glucose absorption, and it's worse in women than it is in men. Okay? This is according to the study, peer reviewed.
Now, let me give you some physiology of how this happens, okay? According to the study. Now, here's what it says. When you have low levels of vitamin D, you have a decrease in the response at the cellular level to insulin. When you have low levels of vitamin D, you are developing even without food. Okay? Food makes everything worse, obviously, but let's just stick to vitamin D for a moment. Your cells, okay? Every cell in your body, and here's what the study is saying, your muscle cells, you got cells in your muscles. What do I always talk to you about as far as your muscles? Why do I want you to sun steak and steel? Why do I talk about steel? Because muscles, I was explaining this the other day to my brother, who is five years older than I am, and he goes to the gym and I was telling him, I said, Mitch, good for you. Keep going.
And I was explaining the metabolic effect of muscles. I said, what a connection it has. Muscles to brain, but when we get our age, you really want to protect your brain, but muscle cells is the best place in the world for your body to store glucose. It's the bins, the bigger your bins. And guys, look at, ladies, listen, and this is more important even for you, according to this study. You want to get strong. Why? For a lot of reasons, but one of the main reasons is metabolically. And you know me, I talk about metabolic syndrome all the time. 93% of the population have trouble in the area of metabolic syndrome. They can't store glucose properly. The end result of your food is glucose. You don't need to eat glucose. Your body makes it from food you eat. You need to store it though. You need places to store it. And the primary place you want to store glucose is in muscle, okay?
And it says when your vitamin D is down, this is fascinating. Your muscle cells do not respond to insulin like they should. In the absence even of food, low levels of vitamin D give you insulin resistance. Wow. Think about that. Muscle cells, and they're saying, okay, so vitamin D, low levels of vitamin D decrease insulin response. So insulin resistance in cells, in your muscles, your fat cells, and your liver cells. Remember the liver? Okay, it ain't Vegas. You know my expression, your liver isn't Las Vegas. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Isn't that an expression? Well, what happens in your liver doesn't stay there. Your liver affects your brain. Your liver affects your heart, your liver affects your blood vessels, your liver affects your hormones, your thyroid. There's a course online that you can take if you want, metabolic storm course. Okay?
Thousands of people have been taking it in the last month or so. It's been online, okay? Don't ask me how I don't know. I don't know how you do it. Oh, okay. All I know is I see my face there on Facebook all the time, and I'm talking about the metabolic storm course that we created. Now I remember that. Okay, but why do women, okay, and this is a little rabbit trail for a second. Why do women have such trouble with horror-mones? Because when they eat the wrong food, their liver is full, and you need an empty liver to convert T4 to T3. Look, your thyroid ladies works on T3, but your body makes T4. Almost all of production is T4. It needs to be converted to T3 for your thyroid to work properly. Okay? Horror-mones. Now, back to vitamin D.
Vitamin D, okay, two things. One, your cells. Muscle, liver, fat cells develop insulin resistance with a low level of vitamin D. And guys, this is unreal. Type one diabetes. Think about it. Type one diabetes. Type one is autoimmune guys. People are born with it or they develop this early in life, often. Type one diabetes. It's autoimmune. And they've always said the pancreas is not working properly. The beta cells in the pancreas. I remember this in school when there was something that grabbed me, I never forget it, okay? So when I studied physiology and that, we studied the pancreas, okay? And in the pancreas, I remember this like it was yesterday, the first time I ever heard it, I never forgot it after that. There's the islets of Langerhans. I like that. I don't know why. It just stuck with me. That's where your beta cells are. And your beta cells in the pancreas secrete insulin in the absence of proper levels of vitamin D. According to the study from India, Kerala, the islets of Langerhans do not secrete enough insulin. They're getting to the bottom of type one diabetes and a factor for sure in type two.
Why is it that some people, even though they're terrible eaters, are not officially diagnosed with diabetes? I used to tell my patients this all the time, all the time, all the time, all the time. Type two diabetes is the last thing that happens. Your body, every cell in your body, your pancreas is dedicated to making sure you never become a diabetic, even if you insist on eating terrible. And diabetes, by the way, is not genetic. It's not genetic. Now, it can make you more susceptible, but it's not genetics, and it's not just food. Holy moly, like it's vitamin D too, the sun. We all know your immune system needs vitamin D. Doesn't work properly without it. Your T-cells need vitamin D. You are a human solar panel. And what are we learning today? Your pancreas needs vitamin D to work properly. Holy moly. I mean, this is significant, guys.
And here we are today. We're in 2023, and there's a war in North America on vitamin D. There's a war going on. It's worse in Canada, I'm telling you. And if they could, they wouldn't even let you go in the sun. Did you hear the story last week? I'm not kidding you. The White House, okay, is looking at blocking the sun for the United States of America. Guys, if you think I'm joking, Google it. The White House, the geniuses are talking about blocking the sun. Oh, I promised myself I wouldn't get a headache this morning. There's a war going on on vitamin D. They want to stop you, but you get in the sun and the Canadians, we're going to be lucky if we can still take vitamin D with this new legislation that's already been passed by the way, it's unreal.
Vitamin D, the sun lowers your risk of diabetes. And like I said, every cell in your body, every cell in your body wants to fight diabetes. It's the last thing that happens. And this is why for me, okay? Because I was such a specialist in it. I used to take people's urine. I didn't wait for their blood sugar. And a lot of people that had so-called normal blood sugar were peeing out sugar in their urine. I said, you're a diabetic. "Oh no, Dr. Martin, my blood sugars are good." But that's a lagging indicator. It's a last thing will happen to you. You have developed insulin resistance out the wazoo, and you're a diabetic. You and carbs don't get along. You just don't. You and carbs are enemies, even though you might like them. They don't like you. You have an allergy to carbohydrates. 93% of the population, 93, have metabolic syndrome. And really what that means is they and carbs don't get along. And almost invariably, according to this study, and according to my years of experience, they're also low in vitamin D. What a biomarker that is.
And my word, is it ever hard to get that tested? It's almost unreal because physicians, God love them. I'm sorry, they just don't know anything about vitamin D other than it's good for your bones. So if they're not thinking osteoporosis, if you are not menopausal or whatever, they go, what do you want vitamin D tested for? You're just wasting the government's money. Or you're wasting your money. My word, guys, it should be so mandatory when you look at all the stuff that vitamin D affects from your immune system to your islets of Langerhans, from your brain to your toes. And by the way, let me just say it in case we forget. Lest we forget. What is Alzheimer's? Type what? Type one is autoimmune. Type two is what they call adult onset diabetes. Sugar diabetes. Remember my dad said to me in 1968, son, it's called sugar diabetes. Oh, yeah, yeah. 1968. What does that mean, son? It's caused by sugar, not by red meat. It's not moderation, sun. It's elimination of sugar. I watched my dad do it.
And what is Alzheimer's in 2005? What did they name it? And then it got scuttled, it got taken away. Researchers were calling Alzheimer's type three diabetes. But the food industry, big pharma, you think they like that? Nope. And they hid it. They hid it. Do you think this study is going to turn anyone's head in mainstream medicine? Don't hold your breath, guys. Don't hold your breath. Don't hold your breath. Yep. Crazy, eh? Crazy. Yep. Don't hold your breath. Interesting study isn't it. Vitamin D. Well, you know better. You know that vitamin D is good for everything in your body. You know it. Sun, steak, and steel. Have you got the book yet? You haven't. I know. You guys are so good. You guys are so good. Thank you for making it the number one book. Best selling. Now, that's you guys. It's an easy read, guys. Okay? I'm not complicated. I really am not. I'm a simple guy. I try and keep it simple because I'm simple. I want things to be simple for me to understand.
Okay guys, what did Judy say? I like it. Superstars gather here. You guys are the superstars. I like that. I like that. I like that superstar gather here. Tell your friends to join us so that they could become superstars. Tell 'em about the podcast even if they can't get on live with us today, okay? We love Live guys. I love live. But remember, tell 'em to get onto the podcast, The Doctor Is In podcast on their smart device. We're up to a million and a half downloads on that podcast, several million views on Facebook. We appreciate that guys. Tell people they can join the superstars that are gathered here. Okay, guys, talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!