1121. Q&A with Dr. Martin


Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners.

Some of today’s topics include:

  • Allergy to iodine
  • Drinking water
  • Glutamine for psoriatic arthritis
  • Atrial fib
  • Increase in colorectal cancer
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Loss of balance
  • Spinal decompression therapy
  • Nitro infused coffee
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Sleep apnea


Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone. Welcome to another live and another question and answer Friday. Okay, let's get to our questions guys. And we appreciate all of you following us. Maryanne. Many years ago, I was told I had a severe allergy to iodine. In more recent years, I've read humans are not really allergic to iodine. Well, let me tell you this, Maryanne, it's very rare, okay? It's very rare. I can't remember ever thinking or seeing a patient that was allergic to iodine. You need iodine, but hey Maryanne, look at your fingerprint. See that there's 8 billion. Do you know that we hit 8 billion people this year on our planet? 8 billion, okay? And I'm going to tell you something about your fingerprints. You got one that's unique, doesn't make you weird, just makes you unique. And you might be Marianne allergic to iodine. I, to be honest with you, I can't say I've ever heard of it, but if you are, you're asking can I take the thyroid formula? Well, we got iodine in there. I wouldn't take it if you're truly allergic to it. Okay, good question though, 

Joanne. Joanne is asking a very good question. You know what she's asking? Can you explain the different route that water takes? I like that. I like that. And very few people ever talk about that, okay? And I'm telling you, when you drink water, it goes directly to your bloodstream. Okay? How does it do that? Well, when it goes down the esophagus and then hits the stomach, it doesn't take the circular route. It goes directly down the right hand side of your stomach and directly to your small intestine in five seconds or less, and it's in your blood. Now, yesterday I think, or the day before, can't remember. We talked about, let's watermelon for example. Is watermelon good for you? Yeah, sure. I like watermelon. And watermelon is water. Lots of it, right? Did I say it's no good for you? No, I didn't say that. But it's not water. Coffee is 95% water and coffee's great for you, but it's the coffee in it that's great for you.

Okay? Water is wonderful. You need to drink it. Now, I'm not saying that water, fruits or whatever, not good for you. I'm not saying that, but they take a different route. It takes longer. They're being processed. When you eat a food, it's processed. It goes through the stomach acid and it has to be broken down. Water doesn't have to be broken down. Water goes right to your bloodstream and it don't take long for the effect of water. Why? Because you're designed that way and you're like planet Earth. Okay? Planet earth is what? 70, 75% water. When you look at our planet, your body is 70, 75% water. Your blood vessels are 60,000 miles of blood vessels. Your body is so fearfully and wonderfully made. When you drink water, the blood moves, that's always going to move, but you make your heart work that much harder if you are not drinking water.

This is why I classify water as a vitamin. You can't live without it. And when you do the reset, I try and get people to not drink anything else but water and coffee. If you really want to do a detox, you drink water and coffee. Coffee will clean your liver, but water washes, water washes your glymphatic system, even your lymphatic system, it needs water. Now, your body, if you don't drink enough water, you know what your body does? It steals it. It'll steal water from everywhere. Your body's smarter than we are. And you look at people, I use this example, and I know I'm off on a little tangent, but that's me. You know what diabetes does or elevated glucose, even if it's not diabetes, your body's smart. So it says, oh, you got sugar in the bloodstream. That's higher than it should be an insulin it.

Its job is to get it out of there. But in the meantime, you know what your body does. It'll dehydrate you so that you have more water in the blood to neutralize that sugar. So this is why when people used to come into my office, I would look at their skin and you'd see real dry patches and their elbows and their heels, very dry skin around their ankles and that I said, well, probably your glucose is high. You're into a like pre-diabetic state. How can you tell that by looking at my skin? Because your body's dehydrating because your body is robbing water from your skin. Your body will rob water from your bones. That's why it's so important that you drink it. And here is the sweet spot of water. Two liters are 64 ounces. That's the sweet spot. How do I know that? 50 years just about a practice. That's the sweet spot.

Some need more if you're sweating lots, if you're exercising, blah, blah, blah. But in my opinion, none need less. And don't wait till you're thirsty. Don't wait for that. You're severely dehydrated. If you're thirsty, drink two liters of water. What's the best water? Spring water. I never thought in my lifetime when I was a kid that I'd ever paid to drink water. But you got to pay one way or another because if you're drinking it out of a tap and you're not using a filter, you're making a mistake. There's too many chemicals, too many toxins in water, so you got to pay for it one way or another. Either filter it. I like spring water because it's full of minerals and better for you. Okay? But water's water. Okay, that was Joanne.

Stephanie. Does Dr. Martin like glutamine for psoriatic arthritis? Along with the reset, are there any adverse? Okay, I love glutamine. Why do I like glutamine? You're saying, do I like it for psoriatic arthritis? Yes. I'll tell you why. Because if someone you know has psoriatic arthritis, they have leaky gut a hundred percent. They got a fungal infection, a hundred percent. So glutamine in bone broth helps repair the lining of your gut to mend it so that garbage doesn't get into your bloodstream. So yes, I like glutamine. You don't have to take it as a supplement. You can make your own bone broth if you want, because that has a lot of collagen and L-glutamine. When you eat steak, you get L-glutamine. Okay? That's why it's so good for your gut, and that's why yeast hates steak. Well, the fact is yeast hates steak because it can't feed on it. Okay? Thank you very much. Stephanie. 

Bonnie recently had a scare and was hospitalized, found out you have atrial fib. What does Dr. Martin think about atrial fib? They put you on a blood thinner and yeah, that's what they do. But I'm a Y guy. You guys know that. Why today is there so much atrial fit? I'll tell you why. Because people, and this is a general answer, okay? There's exceptions, but generally what's happened in the world, they got away from eating meat. Red meat has coq 10. Your heart is a muscle. You need coq 10. Here's what I found over the years when I saw atrial fibrillation, they were not eating enough meat. They were low in coq 10. Their heart muscle wasn't strong enough. The heart was trying to make up for a lack of strength and a lack of magnesium. A lack of magnesium too.

I found that to be consistent in atrial fib. Okay, coq 10, very important. Think about this for a minute. Just think about this for a minute. You take a statin drug, you know what a statin drug is for? To lower cholesterol. Okay? I'm not going to comment on that, but I want to comment on this. You take a statin drug and every dog knows when you take a statin drug, you destroy coq 10. It's a side effect a hundred percent. And the most popular drug in the history of mankind is a statin drug called Lipitor. It's 100% side effect is it destroys coq 10. Holy moly, I thought your heart was a muscle. Here they are. They're so worried about cholesterol, cholesterol, cholesterol, cholesterol, cholesterol. It's lower cholesterol, lower, lower, lower, lower. Get it down, get it down. Get it down. It's the boogeyman. And we'll worry about the side effects after. No, they don't even worry about it. They give you a statin drug.

How many prescriptions will be made today? How many prescriptions will be filled today? Do you know that that drug got to a trillion dollars in sale? A trillion. The number one selling drug of all time is a statin drug. Okay? No. If you are taking a statin drug, if a loved one is taking a statin drug and they're not taking coq 10, they're making a big mistake. And let me say this, A pharmacist that doesn't recommend coq 10 when a person is taking a statin drug, when they're filling out the prescription, they should be telling, but they don't. And I'll tell you, they should be charged with malpractice. And you can tell your pharmacist that I said, so they should be charged with malpractice. That coq 10, it's 100% with a statin drug. And one of the reasons we see so much atrial fib today is people's heart muscle isn't strong enough cause they don't get enough. Coq 10, you got enormous amount of battery packs in your heart muscle mitochondria, you got a lot of battery packs up there. This is one of the reasons that I've always said that statins destroy your memory because of what they do to the mitochondria. Ooh, okay, Bonnie, thanks for the question. 

Marla, how are you? She was listening to a newscast that said there's a huge increase in colorectal cancer. True, especially between the ages of 21 to 34. The lady they interviewed was blaming it on, was she a doctor? They were blaming on increased sugar, right? Especially high fructose corn syrup. There's a huge increase. But here's the second thing they said and blamed it on an increased sugar in their diets and red meat. See, they can't help themselves. But I'll tell you what Marvel think about this for a minute. In the last 30 40 years, red meat consumption is down 40%, sugar is up 300%. It's more than that. So they're right about sugar and I don't know if they mentioned it or not, especially since the 1980s when they changed the sugar to high fructose corn syrup, the antichrist of sugars, but then they got to throw the red meat in there for their vegetarian and vegan friends.

They got to put the propaganda in there and they don't tell you that red meat consumption is down 40% because they're teaching it even in school. They're indoctrinating kids today. Red meat bad. Yeah, you can have a little bit of chicken if you want, but you can't eat red meat because it's acidic. It's cancer producing, but it is full of cholesterol going to give you a heart attack. It's just the opposite. Sun steak and steel. And it's not even coming to a theater near you, it's already here. The book, I explain all of this in the book. I go into detail on this, but guys, don't be duped. Don't be duped. Okay, Marla, very good question. Nativity. I use Himalayan salt, but now they're saying, they're saying there they Celtic salt is better. Well look, I like Celtic salt and I like Himalayan salt. The only salt I don't like is table salt. And that's what they put in foods, right? Table salt has been demineralized, it's been stripped of its nutrients. Hey salty, you know that I love salt. I have a chapter in the book on salt.

When you're dehydrated, it is not only water, it's usually salt too. And the thing that'll take salt out of your body is sugar. Okay? So I like both Himalayan. If salt that you find, there's more I I Himalayan so good. Himalayan salts got 84 trace minerals. You find a Celtic one. That's better. Hey, good for you Jenny. I've been reading on this. Can Dr. Martin give his input to peripheral neuropathy? I am concerned for my son. He's not a diabetic, but he has psoriatic and is on methotrexate for that. Well listen, psoriatic arthritis, I already answered the question. His leaky gut, it starts in the gut. He's got a fungal infection. 100%. The invasion of the invisible army has occurred in that your son's life. Okay? Now why does he have peripheral neuropathy and not a diabetic? He could be a pre-diabetic. Okay? And I'll tell you another reason, okay?

Jenny, if is B12 is below 400, you start to get demyelination. You know what that is? The sheep that cover the nerves starts to get destroyed when you have low B, even though it's normal. Oh doc, my B12 is 300. I said, okay, that's good for a mouse. You need to get it around 800 to 1200. Put it in the sweet spot, the b12 and they don't even check it half the time. Doctors, b12, they don't even think of that. Listen, because he is on methotrexate. You know what methotrexate is, by the way? It's chemotherapy. It destroys vitamin B12 a hundred percent. Okay, look, I'm not saying get off the drug. I know I won't do that. All I'm saying is there's severe side effects and one of them is it knocks the stuffing out of B12 and you can develop peripheral neuropathy. Good question Jenny. Thanks for it. 

Barbara. Barbara started to lose her balance about four years ago. Okay? Is it possible to get back to normal? Yeah, it's always possible. Look, usually that's a condition within the middle ear, okay? It's a form sometimes of tinnitus without the buzzing, but it's in the middle ear. Usually it has to do with the 10th cranial nerve and sometimes it's an infection. I'll tell you one thing I would absolutely do because of glycation. Glycation guys, just a reminder. Glycation is a byproduct of sugar. Sugar that attaches to protein that can affect the nerves. And a lot of people find it surprises them. It doesn't surprise me, but it surprises them. Doc, I did the reset and my nerve pain was better or my muscle pain was better or my joint pain. What's the reset got to do with pain? Well, it does lower inflammation, but one thing it does, it lowers glycation.

And glycation can affect the middle ear. I've seen it. I've seen it in tinnitus. I've seen it with balance problems affecting the cranial nerves. They get glycated. It's almost like they lose their elasticity. Okay? Even skin improves. Thanks for the question. We appreciate it. Norma, what does Dr. Martin think about spinal decompression therapy? Well, I'm not against it. Okay? I'm not against it. Look, if you've got degenerative disc and you've got spinal stenosis and you got problems, I'm not against decompression. Try it. I used to tell my patients if I thought hanging you upside down, okay? And I don't mean the inversion. A table of if I thought of hanging you upside down from my roof would help, I'd go and hold your feet. Okay? So what does that tell you about me? Try it. What do I think of it? Well, it's not the be all and end all.

Okay? Believe you me when I tell you that it can be beneficial, it's certainly a modality that I'm not against at all. Some people are really good at that and they got real good training in it and I'm not against it. But when someone tells me you got sciatica or you got this and the only treatment is this, everything else, you know, dismissed. Nah, I'm not like that. I'm not like that. Thanks for the question. No, Marty, what does Dr. Martin think of nitro infused coffee? Marty? I don't know. Okay. I guess it's elevating your nitric oxide, right? I don't know. I like coffee as long as it don't affect the taste, Marnie. Cause I am a real tickler when it comes to coffee. Okay, now you got to read the chapter I have in the book, my new book on coffee. Okay? Yeah. I didn't just write about sun steak and steel.

I'm not against it, okay? I haven't tried it. I'm fussy. Okay? So if any, I probably not going to affect the taste of it, but I am a big coffee drinker and I'm telling you, and you know what, Marnie, I just got to tell you, people have been following me for four something years, almost 50. And one thing they'll tell you is I am consistent. 50 years of telling people. And you got to remember in the seventies, there was a big thing on don't drink coffee. Okay? Because it's acidic, it's not good for you. Well, it's no good for you if you put three sugars in it, but I kept saying it. Nah, coffee's good for you. Coffee's got a thousand phytonutrients. Coffee will elevate your nitric oxide. There's nothing negative about coffee. Nothing. Nothing. Okay?

Can't get me off of that. I say this, Lord, if I can't drink coffee anymore, take me home. Okay? Now thanks for the question Marty. Brita, i've read that taking apple cider vinegar or vinegar is not good to take because it leaches out calciums on the bone. Is this true? No, it's not true. And here's why. Rita. Okay? Because you're asking a very good question and I want you to think along with me. Let's get away from vinegar for a minute. Let's just talk about a tomato. Everybody put their hand up if they believe a tomato is acidic. I got my hand up. It's acidic. You're eating it. It's acidic. It's a lemon acidic. Yes it is. Yes it is.

But your body, Rita, has a buffering system. So when they tell you steak is acidic and they're going to give you cancer cause it's acidic, don't believe that nonsense. You're going to have vegetables to make you alkaline. That's nonsense. It's not true. It's not true. You have a buffering system in your body that tightly regulates your pH, it regulates it tightly. And when you get keto acidosis, okay? It's not because of ketosis. It's because your body now is shutting down and you're becoming acidic and your buffering system can't fix that. Diabetics can get that, and people that die of sepsis, they get that their body can't buffer anymore. The body's ability, especially the kidneys can't buffer and you become acidic and you break down. But when you eat an acidic, so-called okay tomato, it's acidic. Is it good for you? Of course it's good for you because your body has a buffering system that turns that acidity to alkalinity.

Okay? So when you are taking apple cider vinegar, I like apple cider vinegar. I mean you don't live on it. I remember because I had a radio show and 20 years ago or so, okay, apple or vinegar, it fixes from warts on your nose to gangrene in your toes. Like, oh, Dr. Martin mothers apple cider vinegar. It fixes everything. Cancer, heart disease, diabetes. I used to hear it on the radio. I said, no, it don't. I'm not saying it's no good, but when they tell you it fixes everything. When someone tells you they have the cure for cancer and they're hiding it, no they don't. Don't have the cure for cancer. Well, not that they can make money from. Okay, so let me get back. I get a little excited. I want to answer the question. Okay? Is it good for you? Yeah. And it don't leach calcium out of your bone because by the time it gets into your system now you can help with stomach acidity.

You can make your stomach more acid for a few minutes. Okay? I'm not against that. But once it gets into the small intestine, it's neutralized, it's buffered. Cause your body's unbelievable ability to buffer. Okay? Thanks for the question Rita. Eileen, what are some of the suggestions for natural raid to treat dermatitis? Start inside out. Eileen, inside out, you got dermatitis. You got leaky gut a hundred percent. You got dermatitis almost a hundred percent. You got a fungal infection. The invasion of the third army, you don't have enough good bacteria and you got leaky gut and you need to patch up the gut and replace the bacteria. Start there. Start there. Eliminate all sugar. Watch what happens, John. Why do antibiotics kill both good and bad bacteria, but oil of oregano only kills the bad bacteria. John, I love the question. It's a good question. Listen, spectrum, antibiotics, what makes them affect They kill the infection. Okay? It's like friendly fire.

You got a machine gun guy shooting and he kills the bad guys. Unfortunately, he's killing the good guys too. In a way, that's what makes an antibiotic effective. It's powerful. Thank God for antibiotics, right? It's just like the son who's taking the chemotherapy. Well maybe, look, I don't want to get into a discussion too much, but if the only thing that's keeping rheumatoid arthritis down or psoriatic arthritis or whatever is methotrexate, it's a chemotherapy. It works, but there's a lot of side effects to it. That's the problem with an antibiotic. Now, if you have a raging in infection raging, and you were to call me, I would tell you to get on an antibiotic so fast, it would make your head spin. I wouldn't be telling you to take oil of oregano and just pray that it works. I wouldn't tell you that oil of oregano is a wonderful antibacterial.

It is. It's a natural antibiotic. It's also naturally antiviral. Antibiotics do not work on a virus. It's one of the reasons we overuse them. It's one of the reasons that they don't work like they used to because they've been given out like candy when they shouldn't be. Oil of oregano is wonderful, but if you got a raging infection, ask how many patients that I said you need an antibiotic, my friend. You don't want fool around with that, but just understand the side effects. They'll kill all your good guys too. We're oil of a rig. No, doesn't, but it's not as effective in a raging infection. You understand what I'm saying by that? Do you? Okay, I think I explained to John, thanks for the question. Better get going. I got. Holy moly. I've been talking too much. Much. Okay, Kathy, what is my opinion on sleep apnea?

It's effect on heart health, use of sleep, AP to treat in the case tension. Well, look, Kathy, go on your smart device or whatever. Look for all my podcasts. You'll see I have, have more than one. I know that where I just talk about sleep apnea. Here's the big thing in sleep apnea is what I've always said about it. Sleep apnea, fatty tongue. It's insulin. It's not oxygen. Yeah, you're not getting enough oxygen to the brain. Why? And why is it an epidemic today? Fatty tongue like fatty liver and most people sleep apnea have some form of fatty liver. Why? Because they're bad eaters. Mostly they're carass. Okay. I'm not against the machines. I'm not, I'm not. But it don't fix it. It helps, but it doesn't fix the problem. Big thing is diet. Okay, be, what do I think of Chaga? I like it. My grandfather used to use it. That's a mushroom, a fungal that grows on trees mostly. Do I like it? Yeah. My grandfather used it. Let me say this again. When they tell you it cures everything, run. Because I had to go through that again on my radio show. Don, darn, Martin, chaga, chaga, chaga, chaga, chaga. I said, yeah, I like it. But it doesn't cure everything from warts on your nose to pimples on your toes. It don't, but it's good. I like it. Okay.

Okay. Wrote Rhoda can too much Vitamin D three and k2. Cause hair loss. No. Now you can take too much vitamin D in k2. I've never seen it, but you can. But both fat soluble vitamins. It's possible, but it's not going to cause hair loss. As a matter of fact, it would be the opposite of that. Okay? There's no reason for it. Okay? Which one of the hormonal support of menopausal support, Susan, I should take automatically? Both. It depends. It depends. Susan, you send me an email and let me know what your symptoms are and I'll tell you what to do. Okay? Hormonal support. See if we ever get that thing back. Oh, anyway, it lowers estrogen, menopausal support elevates progesterone. That's what they're made for. That's why there's two different products, okay? And when you elevate your progesterone, you're diminishing. It's like a teeter totter.

If your progesterone goes up, estrogen will balance itself out in a lot of ways. But I love my hormonal formula to demote estrogen. I had thousands of patients on that. Pseudo gout. Specifically what? Well, gout is uric acid. Pseudo gout is calcific. Calcium levels goes up. Okay, here's me when your uric acid goes up. Okay? And a lot of people have high uric acid without having gout. What did I always tell you about gout? It's in insulin. It's fructose more than anything. That's for the uric. Pseudo. Here's what I think. Okay? It's all at the kidney level. You're dehydrated. Not enough water and not enough salt, not enough water and not enough salt. Pseudo gum. Okay. Very good question. Jennifer. You know what? I think I, I'm going to do a program on that again and talk about the two. I think it's really good question, Linda.

I have edema after a bad fall. This is the last one. Swollen ankles and legs. Okay, the doctor prescribed diuretic. Well, look, I don't like diuretics because I think it's looking for love in all the wrong places. Now if you after a bad fall and you've got edema in your legs, you know what? Start with diet. Make sure you're drinking enough water. I'll tell you, they'll tell not to drink water. You drink some salty water and you might have circulation issues. And I don't know if you can move much. Get moving, Linda, if you can. And if you are getting a lot of itching and burning, that's insulin. And it could be a coincidence that after an injury, your inflammation went up and maybe because you were immobilized or whatever your insulin resistance went up. But I would do the reset, drink water, drink some salty water and watch what happens. Okay guys, thank you very much folks. Thank you. Well, on our way, I'm going to tell you after day one, yesterday was day one on our new book, sun Steak and Steal. We're well on our way to it. Becoming a best seller. Yep. Well on our way, and thanks to you guys, spread the word sun steak and steal and sleep and coffee and salt. What other chapters do I have in there? The reset. Okay, love you guys. Talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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