1115. Average American Guzzles 17 Cans of Soda Every 5 Days


It’s crazy to think that the average American drinks 765 grams of sugar every 5 days. It’s the equivalent of 17 cans of Coke, and it turns out that sweetened beverages increase endometrial cancer by 78%. That’s what a new study on sugar is saying.

Dr. Martin always tells his listeners to never, never drink sugar. Part of the problem is that high fructose corn syrup is used in nearly all sweetened beverages. Dr. Martin says it’s like sugar on steroids and it’s highly addictive!


Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone. How are you? Once again, welcome to another live this morning and we appreciate you coming on and a new study, okay? A new study on sugar sweetened beverages increase endometrial cancer by 78%. Okay? New study on sugar sweetened beverages increases endometrial cancer by 78%. What did I tell you guys? Never, never, never drink sugar. Sugar's terrible. But don't drink it. It puts sugar on steroids. Okay, listen to this statistic that came out with this article. The average American now consumes 765 grams of sugar every five days.

Guys, I just got to tell you something. When you see grams, and I don't mean you, but I mean the general population because you guys know how to read labels, but I think the food industry are geniuses. They couch a lot of things. One of the things they couch is sugar. They tell you, you know what, they never tell you it's high fructose corn syrup. Okay? One. But they couch it like one can of Coke has 45 grams of sugar. You talk to a kid, you talk to most parents read a label and they're looking at calories. What does 45 grams mean? It should have a label on cigarettes, go to a gas station or whatever, and I don't want you to buy a pack of cigarettes, but maybe ask the guy or the woman, can I just see a package of? And you see all sorts of warning labels on them. Like in Canada at least, like the labels meant to scare you from not smoking. I like that.

Now, but like I said, most people, 45 grams... what's that? They're not thinking. They don't see it in a sense. Okay, but listen, the average American consumes 765 grams of sugar every five days. Okay? What's that mean Doc? Every five days on average, they're drinking equivalent consuming 17 cans of soda equivalent, okay, every five days. You wonder why we're so sick. And again, it's frustrating to even have to talk about it because people generally are not getting the memo how dangerous this is, what it does to the body. And guys, one thing about the Reset. In the first three weeks, you can form a habit to lose that sweet tooth. Get rid of sugar in your life. You're sweet enough, you don't need to add any of the crappy sugar, especially the high fructose corn syrup. You do not need it.

And new study endometrial cancer ladies, increases cancer needs fuel. And the average, imagine the average American, it's the same in Canada. The average American is consuming 17 cans, equivalent 17 cans of soda every five days. No wonder we're so sick. It's not salt when it comes to high blood pressure. Nothing will destroy your kidneys more than sugar. It's not protein. Okay guys, it's just not, and I know that's a tough memo to get to people who, they've been duped, they've been brainwashed. Protein in the urine equals, okay, so that's stress on the kidney. I agree with that. You find protein in the urine, you have stress on the kidney, but they equate that. They bring it back and go, oh, you're eating too much protein. Cut out the red meat. Cause it's hard on your kidneys. No protein in the urine. Stress on the kidney is caused by sugar. It destroys kidneys. If you don't believe me, ask a diabetic.

Dialysis, diabetics, your body was never meant to consume equivalent 17 cans of soda every five days or 765 grams. Hey guys, it's insanity. It's so destructive to our society and it seems they're talking about everything else. Man, I've been doing this for a long time, but it almost takes my breath away. The elephant in the room and nobody's talking about it, or very few. All the information that we have here, we are in 2023 and we still can't get the memo to cut sugar out. No wonder, guys, I was talking to you about kidneys. I can talk to you about cancer if you do nothing else, doc, what can I do? Okay, don't feed it. It's primary source of fuel is sugar. And then you get studies like this, this'll be buried, unless you're really looking, this will be buried big time.

Now, on the heels of this, I just want to go through some of my notes because I get these studies and I don't comment on them because they end up on my back pages of my notes. But I thought I would bring this one to you. Chemical found in Splenda, okay? Cause significant health effects. So these fake sugars. Now what's worse? Sugar or Splenda? Okay, pick your poison. Look, I don't like Splenda. I'd rather you have a little bit of that if you're asking, okay, then have sugar, but pick your poison.

I'm just reporting the news, friends. Chemical found in Splenda, found to cause significant health effects in new study. Listen, aspartame, people used to ask me in the 1970s about aspartame. That was in all the new diet sodas. Okay, doc, what do you think about that? Well, I said we don't have a lot of research on it, but I got a feeling that when they do the research, it ain't going to be good. That's what I used to say. Okay, now they're doing the research and it's not good. What are the things that it does the most? These artificial sugars, it's very disruptive to your microbiome, your friendly bacteria. It disrupts it like an antibiotic chemical found in Splenda. Okay, headline. Alright, let's do a few more. I'm, I'm catching up today. I often say I got some great studies and we're going to talk about 'em this week, and then I get a new one during the week and I got a pontificate on that. And so I forget, but I'm going through my notes. I did this morning.

Okay, now I posted this, okay, so I don't know if I talked about it, but I posted this on the private Facebook group and it's from the Mayo Clinic. And it says, okay, quote, "there is enough evidence, the vitamin D toxicity is one of the rarest medical conditions." Hello? What have I been telling you? Okay, the waiting rooms in the emergency departments are not are not filled with people with vitamin D toxicity, okay? Now, I'm not telling you to take 50,000 iu, but that's, listen to what the Mayo Clinic said. The Mayo Clinic said there's enough evidence. Vitamin D toxicity is one of the rarest medical conditions. Continuing the quote, toxicity is rarely found. And if it is, it's done by mistake. Where people thought they were taking a thousand IUs or 5,000 IUs and they were taking 50,000 IUs for several months.

Guys, listen what the Mayo Clinic is saying, okay? What are they saying? Because in medicine, generally, even if you went to medical school today, let's say you went to your nearest medical school and you asked the question to a hundred medical students, vitamin D, there's a couple of things that would give you the answer for, they would say, yeah, vitamin D is important for bones to get that right and be very careful cause vitamin D is so toxic. You get vitamin D and you might as well swallow a bomb. It'll kill you because that's what they teach 'em in medical school. The war on vitamin D, there's a war on something that is so stinking good for you. Vitamin D, the Mayo Clinic comes out and it says, and I quote, vitamin D toxicity is one of the rarest medical conditions around, but the war is on. You understand it, I understand it, but the population out there, I'm taking a thousand IUs, what should I do doc?

And I'll tell you, years ago, the Vitamin D Council showed that in order for you to get toxic, you'd have to take 50,000 IUs every day, seven days a week for six months, 50,000. And it got to a point that our college is telling practitioners, you got to be very careful prescribing it. Guys, I get a migraine headache when I think about that. Sun steak and steel. Sun, numero uno, vitamin D, you get in the sun for 20 minutes, you get 10,000 IUs. And people that have high numbers of vitamin D, you know, you know why you get a high number of vitamin D, usually you're on medication. But even then it's not toxic. Now I don't shoot for 500 or whatever, but if you live in the United States, optimize vitamin D should be well over 60 and in Canada, 150 to 200 or you know what I mean? So should be optimized.

Now let me give you a new study on vitamin D. Headline. Alarming low levels of vitamin D in patients with bone metastasis from breast and prostate cancers and multiple myeloma. Low vitamin D and prostate cancer, breast cancer and multiple myeloma have low vitamin D levels, especially when it spreads to the bones. Bone metastasis, alarming, low levels of vitamin D. Guys, look at, people ask, it's probably, I'm not going to say daily, but just about, and certainly in my days of practice, it was every day people would ask me, doc, my sister's got cancer, my brother's got cancer, my child has cancer. And they would ask me, doc, what do you recommend I do? I said, well, I have a protocol. It would be better of course if you didn't have cancer.

And I'm big into preventing cancer as much as we can do it. But I said, my protocol, it's like some people, you got the money and you want to go to Mexico and get treatment. Some people would ask me that. Well, I said, go, if you got money, go. But I, I'm going to tell you what I recommend you do. No sugar, zero, nada, none. Can you do that? Can your aunt do that? Can your brother do that? No sugar. Yeah, but Doc, he's getting cancer treatment and they're giving him Ensure. Yeah, I know they want to kill him. They give them chemo and radiation and then they give him Ensure or Boost. Are you going to boost cancer? Drinking sugar? What did I just tell you? New study, sugar sweetened beverages. Boost doesn't have to be a soda. Sugar sweetened beverages. Orange juice, apple juice, cranberry juice. But Dr. Martin, oh, I know I got a urinary tract infection and I should have a little bit of cranberry, shouldn't I? That wasn't my suggestion. You might eat a few cranberries, better cherries.

But new study sugar sweetened beverages increases endometrial cancer by 78%, 80 stinking percent. And the population doesn't know what people get. Cancer. I feel sorry for them. And oncologists and even dieticians know nothing about cancer and food and sugar. They're ignorant of it in their psyche. It's all moderation, moderation, moderation. Not with cancer. Well, not with anything when it comes to food. If the average American consumes 17 cans, equivalent of soda every five days. This is our moderation, guys. So if someone has cancer, be getting back to my protocol. I said, well, you want to go to Mexico? You want to go to Germany? You got the cash, man, go for it. I don't know what they do there, but I'm not against that.

I used to tell my patients this. I said, here's how much I care for you. Okay? If I thought hanging you up upside down from the building we're in, if I thought hanging you upside down would help you, I'd go and hold your feet if I thought that would help you. But here's what I know. Cancer needs fuel. Cut the fuel out that it's looking for, cut it out. Zero, nada, none. You need vitamin D. Your immune system doesn't work without it. Plus, when you eliminate sugar, your white blood cells are going to do something. They move. They're looking for cancer cells, your T-cells, your navy seals, they're out in your bloodstream looking for cancer cells, but not if you're eating sugar. They're asleep at the switch. You put 'em into a siesta, but you need vitamin D because your T-cell don't work without vitamin D. There are solar panels. Cut out the sugar. I cut out the carbs.

Cancer hates steak. And I mean that. What about acidity, Dr. Martin, what about acidity? Isn't red meat acidic? No, it's not. Okay. What is it saying here? New study on vitamin D when it comes to metastasis, when cancer metastasizes, no, it's the chicken or the egg. In this study when cancer metastasizes what they find when it happens. These patients have extremely low and I, here's the word alarming. They use the word alarming. And guys, if medicine, if these publications use the word alarming low levels of vitamin D guys, a mouse can't survive on what they call normal levels of vitamin D. We wrote this years ago. Years ago, vitamin D was bad math.

Listen, when I was in school, okay, I'm going to bring you back to the 1970s in the days of Noah, okay? They miscalculated vitamin D. So they said back then 200 IUs of vitamin D, 200, yikes. A mouse doesn't survive on 200 IUs of vitamin D. And then they moved it up, they went to 400 and you almost saw the CDC and whatever. They were getting their teeth drilled without anesthetic to go from 200 to 400. I remember when it happened, we miscalculated. Now you miscalculated by a lot more than that. And then the geniuses at Health Canada and the C D C and the USA said, yeah, we better get you to a thousand IUs. That was 20 years ago. I shake my head, it was miscalculated big time and a thousand IUs. I don't even want to go there. How little that is.

Like I said, go out in the sun for 20 minutes. If I could get every cancer patient, including those with skin cancer, I put 'em in the sun. I know, I know. I'm the quack. So again, I tell my patients on protocol and I said, if your relative wants to hear it, here's what I suggest they do in the oncology department in Sudbury, they used to bring my protocol and put it in the waiting room till somebody got ahold of it one day and throw them all out. Because I had a lot of nurses, they were my patients. They said, doc, it makes so much sense. Yeah, here, here's vitamin D. Take vitamin D. No sugar, no carbs completely. Don't feed the cancer. High DHA, you know what it does to tumors? Eat steak.

Okay. That was fun, guys. I had more fun than I thought by reviewing some of the research and I got more. Oh yeah, let me just cross these out. Once I talk about 'em, I have to cross them out because I forget. Okay. Oh, there's some I missed back here too. Hey, we got to get at those. Okay, what's tomorrow? Question and answer Friday. We're going to have some fun. Yes, we will. Okay. Yes, we will. Okay. And send your questions. Not too late. Okay. We love you guys. We care for you guys. Thank you for joining in our private Facebook group. What a community. We have fun in there. We really do. Good folks, thank you for being part of our club. We love you. We'll talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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