![THE DOCTOR IS IN Podcast](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0249/0975/files/Monday_-_The_Doctor_is_in_Podcast_a0ed0df9-2f5a-49cf-8e95-a8e1b1245209_1024x1024.jpg?v=1606135712)
Dr. Martin looks at a new study that’s showing a connection between diabetes and dementia. The study is saying that you’re 3 times more susceptible for dementia if you develop diabetes before the age of 60.
What is going on in our world that Alzheimer’s is the number one killer in the UK, and number three in Canada and the US? When it comes to diabetes, we usually wait for an official diagnosis before making any changes to our diet. Unfortunately by this time, it’s too late. We ignored the clues our body gave us along the way.
Dr. Martin says that prevention starts in the kitchen. If we want to get off the road to diabetes, drastic changes in what food we eat and what fuel we burn will be needed.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a good start to your day. And we're going to talk about a few studies here this morning. This is a new study on diabetes and its connection to dementia. Okay? And you guys know what I've been telling you for a long, long time, and that is okay. Dementia is diabetes of the brain. Alzheimer's is diabetes of the brain. And you might not even be a diabetic. Cool, because your blood sugar isn't high enough for medicine to tell you that you're a diabetic. But that doesn't mean you're not a diabetic. But if you actually get the diagnosis of a diabetes, listen to this brand new study. Getting diabetes before the age of 60 makes you, okay, I'm reading the headline here. Three times more susceptible to dementia later on in life. Three times, okay?
What's going on in our society today? I mean, dementia, Alzheimer's, number one killer in the United Kingdom. And number three on the hit parade of what will kill you in North America, Canada, and the United States. Number three. Guys, it wasn't even in the top 10 years ago, it wasn't even close to being in the top 10, but today it's crept right up. And I'm telling you, unfortunately medicine is trying to find a pill. They're trying to find a pill for Alzheimer's. It's been a colossal failure. They haven't even made a dent. And guys, it's because they're looking for love in all the wrong places. I'm telling you, it's not genetics. Oh, my mother had Alzheimer's, my father had Alzheimer's. Does that make me more susceptible? It might make you a little bit more susceptible, but we have to take into consideration our lifestyle and where do we start? We start in the kitchen.
And the problem with diabetes, okay, the problem with diabetes is in our day and age, it's unfortunate, but we wait till we get that diagnosis. And unfortunately, all of medicine waits. Oh, you're not a diabetic. Let me test you again in six months. Oh, you're not a diabetic. So nothing happens. Whereas your body has been giving you clues for a long time. The last thing to happen is high blood sugar, mission control. Okay? Mission control of your body. You're fearfully and wonderfully made. Your body knows that sugar is so toxic. It's so toxic. It can't be left in the bloodstream. It just can't. If you were to empty out your blood right now, all of us, you would find less than a teaspoon of sugar in five liters of blood. Mission control is to get sugar out of your bloodstream. That's what insulin does. It parks it. It's the traffic cop.
So what happens, even though you have no idea that you're a diabetic, your body is giving you clues. It's trying to tell you, hello, wake up. I used to do this in my office because again, in my clinic I could observe. I used to see people with skin tags, insulin, you have insulin resistance, very dry skin around the elbows and their feet. Even around the ankles, you have insulin resistance. I mean, that's without doing any blood test. That's without even looking at an A1C, okay? Because your body gives clues. People that would come in with gout, I say, well, it's insulin. You have insulin resistance. Effectively you really are a diabetic, but your body, like I said, the last thing to happen is blood sugar goes up.
So they used to argue with me, "oh, Dr. Martin it's purines for gout." I said, nah, look. No, he said, it's not. It's insulin resistance that's creating inflammation and it's affecting your kidneys and you can't get rid of uric acid and it's sitting in your joints. We used to call it the king's disease. Well, the king wasn't because he was eating too much meat. He was drinking too much wine and beer, alcohol, it's effectively a symptom of insulin resistance. Insulin, its cells at the cellular level screaming at insulin. You're always around. You're always around. You're a bad neighbor. I don't like you. Get out of here. But insulin says, I don't care if you don't like me or not. If you insist on eating carbohydrates, crappy carbs and sugars, guess what? I'm coming knocking at your door. Knock, knock, knock. Let me in. Okay, let me in.
And when you develop insulin resistance at the cellular level, your body creates inflammation. Your body will give you clues that that's happening. When you have sleep apnea, why do we see so much sleep apnea? You think I saw that in the 1970s in practice? What? Sleep apnea. They got sleep clinics all over the place. It's the body yelling at you. You got a fatty tongue. Nevermind a fatty liver, right? You got a fatty tongue. They give you an oxygen machine. I'm not against that. I'm just telling you, look, oxygen not going up into the brain. That's a symptom. It's not the problem. You got to change the diet. It's food, all these new things.
So you look at the skin, look at what it's saying here. The connection between blood sugar and the brain. The connection, right? It's already diabetes. It's diabetes without diabetes. Okay? How do you like that? Like I said, your body's so smart. It will control that blood sugar. It will keep it. Mission control is to keep it in a tight range. Doesn't want it to go too low. It doesn't want it to go too high, but a lot of stuff is happening when you force your body to constantly, constantly, constantly get sugar out of the bloodstream. Insulin resistance. High blood pressure. It's not salt. Don't blame salt for what sugar does. It's not salt. I've been screaming that for 40 years. Salt? salt's not the problem. Sugar's, the other white stuff is the problem. It's not salt.
How many people in my generation, my parents' generation, I can't have salt and my doctor, my cardiologist? Well, your cardiologist got that wrong. It's not salt. It's sugar. There's nothing that will affect your kidneys. We just talked about gout. There's nothing that will affect your kidneys like sugar affects your kidneys. The first thing to happen when blood sugar is elevated, the kidneys don't function properly. If you don't believe me, ask a diabetic, ask a diabetic. When they're officially diabetic, they know what bad kidneys are like. They know what bad eyes are. Like I tell people, you get cataracts, insulin, macular degeneration, insulin, it's blood supply, it gets damaged and people don't see the connection.
Look, one of my pet peeves, and I'm not going to change it, but it's one of my pet peeves. Medicine is so compartmentalized, it's so specialized, okay? You got eye doctors, you got ear doctors, ears, nose and throat. You got kidney doctors, you got bone doctors, you got cardiologists. They're all specialists, right? I mean, they're good at their craft. I'm not even saying that. All I'm saying is the problem is they don't put stuff together. They don't see big picture, they don't look at things holistically. And your family, medical physician, God bless them, but they're always sending people out to specialists. They wait till you're sick. Instead of you're coming into the office. Look, here's what I used to do, okay? Someone come into the office, first thing I got 'em to do was pee in a cup. And then I'd say, you see you got sugar in there. So what's that mean, doc? Well, it means you really are a diabetic. Cause your body's smart. It's trying to get you to eliminate the sugar. You'll pee it out, but you're already in trouble. You've got to change your diet. It's the one thing you can control.
High blood pressure, migraine. How many? Thousands and thousands. There's three things, okay? Blood, sugar, insulin resistance, water. So often they were dehydrated. Amazing. I used to measure it. And thirdly, horrormones. Too much estrogen. I used to tell 'em right to their face. You're too much of a woman. I tell men that too because I test them for their testosterone. You're too much of a woman. You got more estrogen than your wife. How come, doc? Well, I said, you're a bad eater. Guaranteed. You don't eat enough steak. Your testosterone is so low and you don't get strong. You got to get strong, man. Men, you got to get strong. You're developing sarcopenia, which is muscle wasting. You got more estrogen than your wife. That's a big problem. Estrogen dominance.
But you start with insulin, my friend. I know, I know. I know I, I talk about it too much. But when I see a study early diabetes before 60, 3 times more likely to develop dementia. Yeah, there's a huge connection between blood, sugar, insulin, and the brain. I don't want to lose my brain, do you? I get people telling me all the time, I want to live til I'm a hundred. I'm going to live Dr. Martin, aging, aging. I, I'm going to beat it. I said, well, be careful what you wish for. And they look at me like I got two heads. I said, well, is your brain going to last that long? Maybe not. Well, I said, then be careful what you wish for. I'm alive. Yeah, but you don't know what planet you're on. You could be in Mars the way your brain operates. Isn't that true? You don't want that. Do you want that? Do you want to leave your family with that? Nah, you don't want that.
What do we see today? So if people come in, they had sarcopenia. Soon as I see sarcopenia, I go, you got a problem with insulin? What? I'm skinny. You can be skinny as a rake and not be healthy. You can be skinny as a rake. You don't have a capacity to make fat cells, but that doesn't make you healthy. You got insulin resistance and your muscles are wasting away and you're going to get osteoporosis. I used to see even men, it was almost unheard of for a man to get osteoporosis. But when I used to see osteoporosis, I said, well, you got problems with insulin, my friend, you've developed sarcopenia. That's why I used to tell people, you need to get strong. Sun, Steak & Steel coming to a theater near you, by the way. Maybe this week, I don't want to say it because I don't want to disappoint me and you. I've been waiting for a long time.
Gout, when you hear people got gout, you tell 'em. Dr. Martin said, you got problem with insulin. You really have diabetes. But without the diagnosis of diabetes, you got problems with blood sugar. It's being controlled within a certain level, but your insulin is not being controlled. Your insulin resistance is creating that. You know men. Erectile. I should have invested. I'll show you that I'm not a prophet nor the son of one. I should have invested in the little blue pill. I see the commercials on tv. They've been going on for what, 25 years or more. And oh, here's the solution. The little blue pill. Guys, that gives me a migraine. Why is it an epidemic today? Why doesn't anybody ask that question? Why? They just give you a pill? I used to tell my men patients, I said, well, you can take the pill, but you are going to be deaf.
Like it's going to kill your ear. And they'd look at me like I said, well, you think there's no side effects to those things? I said, why don't we start with your diet? Well, once the diet got to do dog with ed, everything, nitric oxide, blood flow, insulin will damage blood flow. It starts with the capillaries. Remember your capillaries. Guys, don't take my hair, okay? Don't have enough of it. Take one of yours and just take out a strand. Okay? That's the size of a capillary. First thing that gets is those capillaries. And capillaries are the connection between your arteries and veins. And you need them. And when sugar gets in there, they destroy them. That's why eyeballs. That's why kidneys, that's why men's parts and even women, your privates, they get affected by micro circulation.
What do you think's happening with the prostate? What do you think happens with the prostate? Insulin is a growth hormone. Estrogen is a growth hormone. They make things grow, grow, grow. What do you think makes cancer grow? Estrogen, insulin. And they'll grow. Grow, grow. Guys, I know, I know I got a one track mind. I do. But I know it sounds simplistic, but it's true. You guys know the truth. We talked about the lies of the dieticians yesterday. The lies of saturated fat is bad cholesterol, bad. Snacking on granola bars is good. No, you know what granola bars are? It's candy. It's just glorified candy. That's what it is. It's glorified. "Granola Dr. Martin, granola. Can I have some granola?" I said, did I say you could have candy on the reset? No. Well, that's candy. It's candy, okay? You can't have it. You got trouble with insulin. What are you eating candy for? Get rid of it. Elimination. Not moderation. Elimination.
I know it's tough. Anything worthwhile accomplishing is going to be tough in your life. Going to be tough. Discipline's not easy. I said, yeah, but that's the truth guys. And the truth will set you free, my friend. Get the truth. Proverbs 23 and 23, "get the truth and never sell it," guys. I go against the grain, but I'm telling you really important. Okay? Did I get excited today or what? Okay. Yeah, I did. I did get excited, but I like it. I like getting excited. I get my workout before I work out with you guys. Okay? Like I said, hopefully this week, oh, I this the week for that book, I think. Okay, stay tuned. Ah, breathe. Breathe.
Okay, what is Friday? What's every Friday? Question and answer Friday. So get your questions in. Okay? We always have fun. You know what question and answer Friday reminds me of? The radio show I did for 20 years. Open line. Okay? It was an open line. I didn't screen the questions ahead of time. And we had fun. And I still have fun today with question and answer Friday. Okay? So send in your questions. Don't be shy. Don't be shy, okay? Hey guys, have I told you lately that I love you? I think that's a song, but I do. I do. We appreciate you guys so much. What an audience. The smartest, I mean health audience anywhere I'd put you up against anyone. Okay guys, we love you. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!