Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners.
Some of today’s topics include:
- The different types of magnesium
- Plexus pink drink
- Absorption of protein
- Trouble absorbing iron
- Blood clots in the lung
- Nattokinase
- Digestive enzymes & DHA
- Peripheral artery disease
- Cause of split nails
- Latent autoimmune diabetes
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. Once again. Welcome to another live this morning question and answer Friday. Always a fun time and hope you're having a great start to your day and looking forward to getting to some of these questions here. And Connie has a question about magnesium and the different types of magnesium. Okay? Yeah, there's several different types of magnesium, preferably for me. Okay, over the years, what have I liked? Citrate. Magnesium citrate. Why do I like that so much? Well, because it is probably the magnesium that is the most readily absorbed. Citrate means it's been chelated. Okay? So when it's chelated, it's really easily absorbed.
Now, why did the Martin Clinic come out with magnesium bisglycinate? Well, I like magnesium of all kinds, except I don't like magnesium oxide. But other than that, I like magnesium. Okay? Epson salts are magnesium. Okay? So you take a bath with magnesium, it's good for you. I love it. Okay? I've been talking about magnesium for 50 years, just about. Use the word relax. Magnesium relaxes, not only your mood, but your blood vessels. They relax. More blood flow and magnesium and vitamin D go together in a lot of ways. Okay? So magnesium, I've always talked about it. People are very deficient in magnesium. Now, the reason that we brought out the bisglycinate is because some people were having trouble with the citrate. When they take certain amount of citrate, some people it bothered their stomach and they said, "Doc, what am I going to do? I love your citrate, but it bothers my stomach. I can get some diarrhea." Thus magnesium bisglycinate.
Connie was asking about magnesium threonate, okay? T H R E O N A T E. Okay? Magnesium threonate. And that was a magnesium that was developed at MIT. It actually got a patent on it. It's expensive, and I love magnesium, but I'm bigger on the citrate. And those folks, bisglycinate, those are well tolerated. They use magnesium, bisglycinate, by the way, a lot of times in an IV in preeclampsia and different forms of magnesium, even in heart attacks. So doctors are well aware of magnesium. They don't tell you to take it as a supplement, but they should. They should because they're well aware of it. In emergency medicine, they know what magnesium is. Big time. Okay?
Elsie, "what are my thoughts on the drink from Plexus?" Well, I don't know much about it. I looked it up Plexus. And the problem is, look, let me just say this, anything that is multi-level, okay? It's sold in a multi-level fashion. You have to understand you are going to pay about five to 10 times more for that product. Why? Because of the business model. People become independent sellers of that product and people have to get paid all along the line. So that doesn't make it not to be a good product. The problem I have, okay, and you were asking about the liquid, the drink from Plexus, that is a weight loss drink. There's a new fad out every year there's a new fad in weight loss, okay?
You know what it is now? Ozempic and diabetic drugs. People are taking diabetic drugs. They're not diabetic. They're taking diabetic drugs to lose weight. Guys, I got to tell you, that gives me a headache and a half. Why is that? Why does it give me a headache? Well, first of all, if that helps you to lose weight, one of the reasons it helps you, you're nauseous, you don't feel like eating, guys, you're not going to stay on that drug forever when the minute you come off, you're going to gain your weight back. There's nothing that will create yo-yo dieting. I've written books on this, is when you reduce calories, take a product that says guaranteed weight loss.
Guys, like I said, I've been around for a long time. Here's what works. I mean, long term, you might get short term. Dr. Bernstein was famous, even today, he's got clinics around. You know what he did? 600 calories a day and a B12 shot. I love the B12 shot, okay? Once a week, every week you got weighed in. But you were on a very restricted diet and he was smart enough. And the clinics were smart enough, at least give you B12 because if you had a piece of steak, you were well over 600 calories. Friend, listen, it's not calories in or calories out. It's not a weight loss drink. Take this shake every day and you're going to lose weight. I'm sorry.
Look, what do we do? When do we do it in New Year's or whatever? I said, let's get a pile of people and have a smoothie as a meal replacement. Have a Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie. But that was eating. You were drinking it, but it was so full of protein. It was a meal, a true meal replacement. Well, I don't mind those things because if you're taking a meal while you're not eating, you're, you're still eating. You're drinking protein. But it's not magic, guys. It's not magic. The key to weight loss is the three Ds. Desire, determination, and discipline. You have to form habits. Why do I like the reset? Why would I put up the reset against any other weight loss? It's not for weight loss, primarily. It's not. It's a reset of your metabolism.
But at the end of the day, you got hormones. One of them is insulin, the other one is lectin. And when you eat the wrong fuels, your insulin goes up, it skyrockets. You develop insulin resistance and lectin resistance. Lectin is, hey, I'm full. When you develop lectin resistance, it don't work anymore and you're always hungry. So when you're eating crappy carbs, when you live on carbohydrates, okay, because most people in North America, they live on carbohydrates. They've been lied to.
Well, I got a question. Let me answer it at the same time. Okay, let me just get this because it'll, it'll follow into here. Lillian, "someone in the group said, you cannot absorb more than 30 grams of protein per serving. What do you think?" I don't think much of that. If you have a steak, you're getting more than 30 grams of protein. Okay? Are you absorbing it? Yeah. And look, some people have trouble absorbing protein. They got no acid in their stomach. They think they have too much acid because they got acid reflux. But that doesn't mean you have too much acid. You don't have enough.
Your stomach, the human stomach was created by God. It's different than all other stomachs on the planet because you were meant to eat steak. Red meat for all of its qualities of vitamins and minerals and protein and fat, the macros that you need, your body was made for it. Your stomach is different than any other, even a lion doesn't have. Okay? We all agree that lions live on meat. Even them don't have the acidity that a human being has or should have. The problem is use it or lose it. Okay? So coming back to weight loss, the key is fuel. Anything else that you do for weight loss will be a yo-yo thing. You'll lose weight. It will come back.
What you need to do, what anyone really needs to do is change fuels. Okay? Well, Dr. Martin, what about the grapefruit diet? What about this diet? What about that diet? What about if I drink this tea? What about apple cider vinegar? What about this? What about that? I mean, guys, I could write 20 books on weight loss. I had a weight loss clinic. It was change fuel. You're eating too many carbohydrate. Now look, there's other hormones like estrogen, whatever. Thyroid can be messed up in women. Women are complicated. But at the end of the day, what they got to do is not starve themselves to death. It's not calories. You have to change fuels. You have to go from carbohydrates that burn like paper and twigs on a wood stove to logs, eggs, meat and cheese.
"Dr. Martin, that's so many calories, eggs, meat and cheese?" I went to weight loss. I went to Weight Watchers. I went to this. I went to that. They told me, don't do that. I got to count points. And you'll always, always, always return. You'll go back, you'll lose some weight and then the weight comes back and you're going to go back to the program or you're going to look for something else. I tell you, you talk about a huge industry today. I get a headache. And because now people, you have no idea how many times in the past couple of weeks people have asked me about insulin medication for weight loss. Doc, it's the newest craze. And the pharmaceutical companies love it. And the side effects, too bad, so sad. Live with them and they are legion. And at the end of the day, I'm telling you, it is temporary at best.
And I'm very, very, very opinionated on these things. There is no magic pill. There's no magic. It's changing fuels. Go to the airport. Okay? Are you close to one? Go watch. Next time you fly, go to the window, watch the jets, and then watch them fuel up. Okay? Watch them fuel up. And those trucks come and they fuel them up, right? You seen that? They're not putting 87 octane in there. They're putting jet fuel. It's a different fuel. And that my friend is the key. It's the key to your health. It's the key to weight loss. Because if you decide to reduce calories, I'll tell you how smart your body is. Your body will hold on to fat like a bear hibernating. Oh, you want to reduce my calories? I'm going to hold on to fat and you'll lose weight, muscle and water. That's not healthy. It's not the best.
And look it, there was nobody, I say this, nobody. That's my staff that worked with me. There was no one that is as sensitive to people as I was. I get it. All of my life, okay? I love food, guys. Okay? My name is Tony and I'm a carboholic. That's me, okay? I am, but I know better. I live with an Italian stallion that makes the best pasta in the universe, okay? I mean it, but I don't live on it. I just don't. I can't. See this face? I live to eat. My wife is opposite of me. She eats to live the way it should be, okay? The way it should be.
But guys, I have to discipline myself. I'm 71 years old. You know what? I lost 40 pounds in high school. Grade 13 when there was grade 13, if you remember that in Ontario, 40 pounds. All my life, I have to watch it. I gained weight quickly. That's me. Yes, some people, doc, I wish I could gain weight. Be careful what you wish for. And you can be skinny as a rake too, by the way. Okay? So at the end of the day, I know that was a long diatribe, but I mean it, so when you ask me about Plexus drink, weight loss drink, you asked me about this, that there's no magic at all. And I'm telling you, you have to change fuels. That sounded like Don Cherry there, you people. Well, thanks for the questions.
Lois. "What are we doing wrong when our body will not absorb iron?" Usually too many phylates. When you insist, okay, on living on vegetables, you are going to find out your iron deficient, okay? The only iron that your body absorbs, okay is from steak. Heme iron, H E M E, heme iron, hemoglobin, iron. That's what your body needs. You get it in food. And when you live on vegetables, you're going to be iron deficient. They keate that. They bite off phs, bite off iron. You don't absorb them properly. Now, I'm not saying you can't have any vegetables, I'm just saying don't live on them because you're going to be iron deficient. You really will be. That ain't good for you. No, you can get too much iron. You get too much iron when you got fatty liver and when you're drinking, especially fructose, you get that fatty liver and now you can get hemochromatosis, which is way too much iron. Okay? And I see that a lot today. But that's because again, they're especially, they're drinking. And the other thing too, I mean you could have problems with, again, when you look at how your body absorbs red meat, okay?
You need good stomach acid. And it's the use it or lose it. I mean, I talk about this. I know you probably are getting, I give you guys a headache because I repeat this stuff so much, but the human body was made to eat red meat. I double down, I triple down. I won't back down about that. It's essential. And don't listen to the nonsense. Don't listen to the propaganda. Don't listen to people that tell you you don't need red meat. Scientifically, it's funk. It's craziness. It's a narrative being used today. And they pump it and they pump it and they pump it. They're going to get rid of every cow in the universe if they could. It's so stupid. And I know I got a lot of my colleagues, doctors in natural medicine, doctors in clinical nutrition. They're like me. They got the same degree, but they buy the Kool-Aid.
They drink it. I said, you stop thinking, man. I always come back to the stomach how our anatomy is built. You're not a cow. Cows eat grass, so you don't have to, okay? Cows eat grass so you don't have to. So when I see people eating salad and they live on salad and they think, oh, that makes me alkaline. I'm so much healthier when I eat salad. No, you're not. You've been duped. Your stomach wasn't made for salad because you don't have four of them. Dr. Martin, I need roughage. No you don't. No you don't. Who told you? Okay, I promised to settle down.
Okay, Rita, "what's Dr. Martin's opinion on strum citrate supplements?" Not much alone, not much. Look, bone density, vitamin D, vitamin k2. Eat your eggs, meat and cheese because that's where you get vitamin D in food. That's where you get magnesium in food. That's where you get K2 in food, okay? And if you're going to take a supplement, you take vitamin D with k2, that's what gives you bone. And then you need vitamin E. Vitamin E. You get your calcium, by the way, eat your calcium. Don't take a supplemented calcium, then get in the gym and get strong. Nothing better for your bones then strong muscles. Got it. Thanks Rita. Look, I don't mine. Strong heel, okay? It's a natural chemical. It's all right, but not on its own. Okay? It's not good on its own.
Carmel. What causes blood clots in the lung? Well, the number one thing is a pulmonary embolism. What causes that? The legs. A blood clot breaks off heads to the lungs. It can kill you. Okay? That's the number one cause for that. So if you got any kind of circulation problems, I like compression socks and exercise move. When do you see those blood clots the most? After a long trip on a plane sitting in a car, hours and hours sitting at your desk. Hours and hours. That's the number one. Cause
Charlene, what does Dr. Martin think of Nattokinase? Okay, well, I like it. I used to have a supplement. It was called joint enzyme. Okay? I had a supplement that I had made of Nattokinase, okay? Which is proteolytic enzymes. I like it. The problem I had with it on its own, it was like magnesium citrate. For some people it bothered their stomach, but I like it. And then I came up with our inflammation formula over the years and ooh, I hope it's back soon.
Look, I won't compromise. I know what works. We're having trouble getting a few things straightened out in terms of supply. And my supplier says, doc, why don't you use an inferior Chinese brand? I said, I won't do it. I'm sorry. I won't do it. I'm frustrated about that, but I won't back down. Sally. Translucent teeth. Well, look, that's an enamel problem. And usually, okay, usually, and I don't know your condition, Sally, but usually I found people that were very low in vitamin D. They didn't know it, but their vitamin D levels, their dihydroxy 25 were low. And you better get that checked. Okay? Get that checked. Sherry, someone who runs a lot and now is having issues with arthritis according to their doc and their knees. What can you do for arthritis? Well, the best thing is inflammation formula. I say that because I used it for years.
Any anti-inflammatory diet is good. And you know how you keep your inflammation down in your diet, get your insulin down. Insulin is a very inflammatory problem, like nightshade vegetable. I don't buy that stuff guys. Nightshades, nah, I don't buy it. Keep your insulin down and don't live on fruits and vegetables. You can have some, don't live on them. Eggs, meat and cheese for your joints. All parts of your body will respond. And running can be a little, I look, I ran for 40 years. Did you know that? I was a jogger for 40 years. My dad started jogging on the spot 1968 in our home the day before. True story, my dad said, I'm a diabetic. I love my dad. I know he had been sick for a few weeks and we were all worried about my dad, like me. My dad was my hero.
And he announced that. I remember he came home from the office. He said, guess what guys? I'm a diabetic. And all I knew is in high school in the sixties that my grandfather died of it. So I knew that was serious and my dad wasn't feeling good. He changed his life overnight. Here's how he explained it to me. You know what diabetes is, son? No, it's sugar. Diabetes. What? It's sugar diabetes. Okay. What's that mean? You like sugar? Yeah. And I got to stop liking it because it's killing me, okay? And I watched my dad change his life. He went from eating whatever he felt like to eating steak and I mean it was steak or roast beef seven days a week. And the odd time a hamburger without the bun. I watched my dad in the sixties do that. Plus the next day he got up and started jogging.
I said, dad, what are you doing? The only people that ran in those days were running away from the police. There wasn't even the word jogging. I said, dad, what are you doing? He said, well, I got to get in shape. I'm a diabetic, okay, food, exercise. And my dad, I went to school. You got to understand 2000 hours of nutrition. And they never taught me ever what my dad taught me. They didn't talk to me when they talked about diabetes. Here's what they said, moderation. I'm sitting taking notes and I said elimination because diabetes is sugar, diabetes. And I knew from my father that it was elimination, not moderation. Boy, that sounds like a book, doesn't it? No. But seriously, guys, I didn't care what they were teaching me. I had to study and I had to get my degree and I had to answer the questions the way they wanted them answered.
I was smart enough to know that. But at the end of the day, I knew my dad was right and they were wrong. And the serial companies, which had a big influence on our teaching were in there like a dirty shirt. And they were spewing their propaganda. Even when I was in classes in the 1970s. Cholesterol, bad, bad heart disease, cholesterol, you better eat cereal. You got to stop eating bacon and eggs. And you look at that butter, look at how greasy butter is. It's greasy. What do you think that does inside your blood vessels? And I just kept thinking they're wrong. Look at all the vitamins in butter. Look at vitamin K2 in butter. Look at calcium in butter. Look at all your B vitamins in butter. Hey, I said, nah, they're not right. They're wrong. Okay? Imagine going to school and paying for propaganda anyway.
It's still going on today, my friend, the dieticians. Okay? These are educated people have been hijacked by the food industry. They're bought and paid for. They're bought and paid for doctors bought and paid for. When it comes to nutrition, the pharmaceutical industry is so pervasive within medical schools that they actually got nutrition taken out of the curriculum. You don't need that. We got dieticians, we train them. You guys leave food to someone else. You just write prescriptions. And they're not holistic. They should be, but they're not. And I love MDs. I do. Cause they can save your life. I love MDs who think outside the box who say, you know what? I think food is pretty important. I think I better study and learn, but I didn't learn in medical school. I better study. Yeah, that's a good idea. If you're into health, you better study nutrition, my friend, because otherwise you're really not into health.
Okay? I don't even know why I said that. What were we talking about? Oh, that was Sherry's question. I get sidetracked, don't I? Okay, Mara. I take digestive enzymes when I eat eggs, meat and cheese. Me too. Now I also take D H A shortly after eating. Does the digestive enzyme break down the D h A? Yep. Which is good by the way. It'll even break it down more because you got lipase. Lipase is an enzyme that breaks down fat. High D H A is a tremendous long chain fatty acid. Your brain is made up of D H A. It lubricates your entire body. And digestive enzymes. Your body makes digestive enzymes, by the way, like lipase. But as you get older or whatever, you have trouble. It's a good idea to take a digestive enzyme with D H A. It is for me, I like it because it's just going to help me absorb that D H a even more probiotics do that too. Don't take 'em at a different time, Mara, take them together. It's a very good idea.
Okay, Kim, "what causes peripheral artery disease?" Well, usually when I used to see it a lot, it was smoking. But some people genetically are predisposed. They got poor circulation, peripheral artery disease, but smoking was the worst for that. And again, that's where I would have people using the support socks and that kind of thing. But here's me for peripheral artery disease, high d h a oil because it helps, helps, helps to restore those blood vessels to nav viol, nav viol, naval Navitol is the number one thing that will elevate your nitric oxide. Its circulation, circulation, circulation. And I had patients taking B12 too because B12 elevates your nitric oxide, which opens up blood supply. Okay, good question. Thank you very much. Kim.
Lillian, oh, you're the one. Lillian, we already answered 30 grams of protein. You know what's nice about protein? Think about it guys. When God puts eggs, meat and cheese, think about it. Those are perfect foods. Why? They perfect the perfect combination of protein and fat. The ratios are perfect, but let me tell you, when you have a steak, you don't have to have 10 steaks because it's again, not calories. The fuel is so good that your body cells, okay, especially your mitochondria, the battery packs within your cells are going, oh, you had a steak. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You've given me rocket fuel. You don't have to give me too much. Like you're not usually going to eat 10 eggs in one sitting. You're full. Your body goes, Hey, you've given me a couple of eggs, maybe three or four in an omelet or whatever. And is that ever wonderful? Your cells are going, thank you. Hey, you up there. Thank you for feeding me the right food. Okay, now I'm not wasting everything. I love you. If your body could talk, okay,
What causes split nails? Who's this now, Mary usually. Usually it comes back to that stomach acid. Your stomach acid is not acidic enough and you get a deficiency usually in your B vitamins, especially b12. Okay? It's not always, but it's usually that. Whenever I see split nails, I start with the stomach. It's the absorption and the breakdown of food in the stomach and the acidity is not high enough. Try a little bit of apple cider vinegar before you eat a little balsamic vinegar. Take a little teaspoon or so, and that helps. I love digestive enzymes for that same reason. Okay, Norma's asking, I didn't want to forget this. Has anyone of the doctors treated L A D A, which is latent autoimmune diabetes? Yep, I've seen it. There's type one and they call that one I think Type one and a half or whatever. But at the end of the day, okay, at the end of the day, Norma, you got to eat right, whether it's autoimmune or not. Look, there's leaky gut involved. I always talk about that. But at the end of the day, you have to eat. So what do you eat? If you got any form of diabetes, type one, type two, it's sugar, diabetes.
You in sugar, don't get along, honey. You have an allergy. Someone has autoimmune, they have an allergy, they have an allergy to sugar and therefore they cannot have sugar again. I know what they say. Oh, my blood sugar is going down. I better have chocolate bar. Yeah, maybe to save your life. But when you eat eggs, meat, and cheese, and you lay off the buns and you lay off the noodles and you lay off the muffins and you lay off the bagels. And when you lay off orange juice and when you lay off grocery store milk, you do well. Okay? But I've seen it. Norma. Yes, I have seen it. My husband, Rob, this is Beth says, why when he has coffee and d h a to give him heartburn, he takes digestive enzymes. Now he avoids both while Houston. Rob, you got a problem with digestion.
It's not coffee and it's not the d h a, it's you. You're never going to get me to stop drinking vitamin C coffee. I can't. And I won't. Every day I'll almost, I get a new study on coffee on how good it is for you. So Rob, fix your stomach. You need d h a man and you need your coffee. But the problem is you, it's not the coffee nor the d h a. Okay? Fix you first. Okay Rob, I'm taking you seriously. I am. Okay, Sue Sirium, what do I think about it? Well, it's overrated. Sirium husk. Well, you see that comes out of the fiber industry. You need fiber. No, you need water. Okay? You need water. You better have a good microbiome. Okay? The better fiber is water than fiber. Usually dehydrated. And look, I'm not trying to minimize that. Some people have some very serious, but you got to fix that because fiber doesn't fix it.
It bulks up your stool. Okay, maybe temporarily. But guys, I've been consistent about fiber. It's over Raven. Okay? It's overrated. And sometimes you got to fix your thyroid too, but fix the underlying cause. Okay? Thank you very much for that question. Lee. Just wondering, how do you use oil of orreal for bladder? Well, look, you obviously, you take it internally, right? And you take a few drops of oil, of oregano. That's so good for you. Antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, a lot of times bladders, fungus. That's why I love oil of Vreo in combination with probiotics for recurring bladder infections. Plus don't feed the bears. Sugar feeds yeast and fungus sits on the bladder wall. Ladies, think of moisture. Your anatomy is different than a male's anatomy. You know what, I'm still into male and female. Okay, there I did, I said it. I'm not woke. Your anatomy is different than a male's anatomy.
That's why women get bladder infections more than men do. Men can get bladder infections. Women get much more. Why? Anatomy? It's anatomy and because of the moisture levels. Think of where mold grows. Where does mold grow in the bathroom, in the basement where there's been water damage? Well, for women, there's moisture in their privates. Okay? And fungus. It's a first cousin of mold and it loves to get into the bladder wall and along that the urethra. And that's why don't feed the bears. Okay? Antibiotics. A lot of people, they take antibiotic, they get rid of their bladder infection and then it comes back and then they take another one. Well, all you're doing is creating more yeast. You're creating more fungus. Okay, thanks. These couple of more, we're ready to go here. Oh wow. We're really, what does Dr. Martin like for our vitamin D levels?
Well, if you want to get on our website, I think you can actually go to our blood test thing. I like in the United States above 60 for vitamin D and in Canada about one 50, even higher, probably around one 70, bottom 1 75, probably at the lowest. I like to two 50 in that area is optimizing your vitamin D. Okay, thanks Linda. And Mary says I take a lot of cortisol before going to bed, still having issues with sleep. Well, let's do another session on sleep. I talk about it a lot actually. My new book, sun Steak and Steel. And in brackets I have sleep, sun, steak and steel sleep. I really go into a lot of detail about sleep. Yeah, it's tough. A lot of people, 70% of the population don't get into the five phases of sleep. They don't get that recuperate of sleep. And we'll do some more sessions on that. Okay guys, thanks for all the questions. Okay? We appreciate it. I know I got pontificating today. Okay? I know I did. Please forgive me. I promise not to do it again till next week. Okay guys, we love you dearly. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!