A recent article has revealed some frightening statistics on autism. Since the year 2000, there has been a 178% increase in autism. It used to be that 1 in 10,000 kids were autistic. That number is now 1 in every 22 kids has autism!
Dr. Martin says it’s an epidemic, but he can’t help but ask why this is happening. Back in the 1970s and 80s, autism was unheard of. Something autistic kids have in common is leaky gut syndrome. Dr. Martin says we need to start there.
Join Dr. Martin as he sheds some light on a very important topic in today’s episode.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. Hope you're having a great start to your day and looking forward to chatting with you this morning as our podcast begins here. So, okay, now I want to comment this morning on a new article. There was a study in the background, but I read it as an article. I found it pretty fascinating on autism and the statistics for autism are frightening to say the least, guys. Frightening. The article is entitled, the Cost for Caring for These Kids. The Cost. And what the article is pointing out, of course is it starts off by saying this, there's been 178% increase in autism since the year 2000. And the new statistics, okay, the new statistics is one out of every 22 kids born today in North America are autistic. And you guys have heard me talk about autism in the past, and I'll probably talk about it in the future.
When I was in school, I'm not saying there was never a case, but I got to tell you, in the 1970s, I didn't even hear of autism. It wasn't in our medical books. And as far as I know, nobody ever talked about it. It wasn't until, I'm going to say it was 1978, maybe 79, a colleague of mine, I was at a meeting, a board meeting in Toronto, and he was telling me he had two autistic kids. And I'm going, well, tell me all about it. I don't even know what you're talking about. What do you mean your two kids are autistic? And then he proceeded to tell me and educate me on autism. I'd never honestly had never heard of it. And I'm a reader, guys, I've always studied, always looked into stuff and reading journals. And in those days it was journals. There was no social media.
So I mean, you had to look up stuff in medical journals. And I remember reading the Journal of Clinical Nutrition in the seventies. So I was a journal reader. And unfortunately today, doctors usually are so busy that they're not reading their journals and they can get 'em online. And it's too bad because there's some good articles in here, including this one on autism, and it's the coming tsunami of autism and the cost of autism. Let me give you what this article said and then we'll pontificate a little this morning because I think it's the world that we live in. And let me double down on that. Okay, so they're talking about cost for caring for kids. If you have or someone has a mild autistic child, mild $35,000 a year, US dollars, $35,000 a year for a mildly autistic child, $65,000 a year. And I guess that's for, they didn't break it down so much, but special education, care and homes, perhaps if they're severely autistic, but moderately autistic, $65,000 a year and $135,000 a year for the ones that are severely affected.
And all the tea in China. I talk about this a lot, right? I talk about the cost of metabolic syndrome because if you look at insulin and you look at insulin resistance, and then you look at what the cost is to our society, when you look at metabolic syndrome that can lead to heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, diabetes, and I put into that category, autoimmune disease. You take those five, okay? Heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, diabetes, and autoimmune. You look at the cost of these disorders to our society and we're going to be broke, my friend. You couldn't print enough money to take care of them. And I've been saying that for a long, long time because we have our focus. I say it's misguided. We have our focus on the climate.
I mean, you listen to any politician and they're always talking about the climate. And when they talk about healthcare, they talk about disease care. They never talk about prevention and a case study. And I hope they really do study our response to a virus, a pandemic. We ought to study it. Okay, what did we do right? And what did we do wrong? Well, again, because I think the powers to be in the background, big pharmaceutical, what happened? Nobody talked about prevention. Well, they did in a sense that stay home six feet apart. Wear your mask. Nobody talked about your immune system. Let's get everybody's immune system built up. And that's why I was talking to you all through the crisis of the importance of your immune system.
But here we are today, we have these chronic diseases. We're not winning the war on any of them. It's because we're really looking for love in all the wrong places. We're not talking about prevention of these disorders. We're waiting till someone gets cancer, which is up big time, heart disease up big time every day, every day, every day. The numbers go up and up and up and up. It's like pounding our head against the wall. Nothing's changing, nothing. And it's amazing because if you listen to the powers to be. Well, we are spending a fortune looking for a medication to fight cancer. Guys, the answer's in front of us, okay? The answer's in front of us, we don't even realize it. It, it's collapsing our economy. It's creating an enormous amount of inflation because we are just printing money. And today in our country, it's disease care. It's not healthcare.
And here we are with autism and you are never going to read about the cause of autism, okay? You'll never read about it. It's only, it's genetic. They don't know why, but they'll, they put it under the classification of a genetic disorder. Well, I'm telling you guys, it can't be. Here's how I think, okay? We have, what does it say in the article? 178% increase in a disorder, autism. It's gone up almost 200% since the year 2000. It wasn't there in the seventies, rarely in the eighties. Now it's climbing. It's going like this on a trajectory completely like a rocket taking off. And my question is, here's what I do in my mind, okay? Why? Genetics have changed? No, what's changed? So that's me. I go, what has changed? Why are these kids canaries in the coal mine?
Listen, I had to answer. I had a radio show for many, many years. I had to answer that question. I got asked that question frequently on my radio program. I want to answer it today because I think I'm right. Nobody's listening to me except you guys. Okay? I make a case, okay? I make a case. What's happened? Why is these kids the canaries in the coal mine? Think about it. When we talk about heart disease, why are we not winning the war? We stopped smoking. Okay? And I bring you back. I give you a history lesson because in medical terms, I'm a historian, okay? So we're lowering cholesterol, heart disease, we've lowered cholesterol and heart disease got worse. We stopped smoking. Really? I mean, comparatively, right? People got the memo and heart disease got worse.
Now, I'm glad people stopped smoking, but I've been telling you this for years and years and years and years. I've been saying it since the 1970s. The cholesterol theory is a hoax. The cholesterol theory for heart disease is a hoax. Why do I say it? Because heart diseases got worse as people lowered their cholesterol. As people stopped eating cholesterol, heart disease got worse. It didn't get better, it got worse. Okay? What have I been saying about cancer? Why is cancer worse than it ever was? We got the memo on smoking. And you know what? It actually helped a bit in the eighties when people stopped getting the memo about smoking, cancer rates went down a little wee bit. And now they're way back up again. They're right up through the ceiling and they continue to climb. Why is that?
Well, cancer, people ask me this. I mean, every day I have to talk to people about cancer every day. And they go, "doc, why?" And I said, well, listen, cancer's complicated. Okay? It's a complicated disease. It is. But here's what I know. Cancer cells need fuel, okay? It's complicated. But cancer cells need fuel. Otto Warburg said it in the 1930s. What did he say? Won a Nobel Prize. He called cancer cells ravenous. They need oxygen and they need fuel. They're teenagers, they need sugar, honey, cancer cells need sugar. And yesterday I saw it on the private Facebook group, okay? I guess they went to their doctor, I don't know, I can't remember now if they said they had breast cancer or they were worried about breast cancer. And their doctor says, you better lay off red meat. And guys, I hate to tell you, that's bad advice because cancer cells, they're not looking for red meat. Believe me, they cannot feed on red meat. They hate it. Cancer hates steak and bacon. Hates it because it can't feed on it. There's no fuel for it.
Now, guys, I know that sounds simplistic, but that's the facts. And I always bring to you evidence. And the evidence is when you do a PET scan, a cancer scan, they got to give you sugar. Otherwise it doesn't work. The scan doesn't work without glucose. Hello? Okay, hello. But oh no, it's red meat. They hate red meat. They hate the farmer. And then they bring climate into it. The new religion. And what did they say? The farmers are going to have to stop. Somebody actually said it. The farmer's going to have to stop growing food to save our planet. They actually said it. Guys, that gives me a migraine. It's stupidity. It's stupidity on steroids. But they love it. The elite, they love it. Don't worry, they'll be eating steak. You think Bill Gates and his friends are going to be eating meatless burgers? Do you think they're going to do it? Nah. They're going to fly around on their private jets at the end of the day.
Can I just say it? They don't even want you to buy an electric car. They say so, but you can't afford it. And if you live in Northern Ontario, well good luck with that. When it's 40 below, your car's going to go down the block and stop. But you see the elites, they don't care. Cause it's not going to affect them. They're going to fly around in their private jets and they will be eating steak. Okay? That I guarantee. Anyways, I just get a little excited and I get off cue, but it's because I can't stand it. I can't stand it. So cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's, in 2005 was declared to be type three diabetes. And then it was almost like we better cover that up because you didn't have to go far from type three diabetes to talk about eliminating sugars and crappy carbohydrates. Do you think they were going to let that stand? The powers to be? The big pharma? The big food? Do you think they were going to let that stand?
And you know what? If you go door to door, okay, you know how I like to tell you to do this? Go door to door, do a survey 20 doors and ask them, what is the cause of Alzheimer's? I guarantee it. I guarantee it. You're either going to get, I don't know, okay, I don't know. Or it's plaque in the brain. The amyloid plaque, and they might not even remember the word. Guys, 2005, diabetes of the brain. Alzheimer's. They hit it. They hit it, and then they educate the public. They continuously send propaganda down the stream. And if you talk about some simplicity like food, eliminating sugar, for example, they'll call you a quack. They'll call me a quack. I take it as a badge of honor. Seriously, guys, I'm not trying to win the approval of the mainstream medicine. I'm not. Dr. Martin. He's a quack, qu qu qu qu quack. I saw duck this morning.
No, but guys, I'm a simple person. If you give me information and I look at a disease like autism that never existed, really. If it was there, it was never diagnosed. And we'd all agree. Mainstream medicine even agrees that it's out of control today. It's one. It was one in 10,000 kids. Now it's one in 22. Why? That's what I asked. What's happened? Well, we live in a different world. And here's what I've always said, because I saw a lot of autistic kids in my office, parents bringing their child in. And what I did, well, I'm clinical nutrition, clinical meaning that I did testing and all of them had a common denominator, all of them. I never saw an exception to this. This is why when I say why I've got some pretty good theories. Here's one thing I never saw an exception to in an autistic child. They all had leaky gut, all of them, no exceptions.
Now, what's happening in the United States politics. Okay? Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Is running to be the president of the United States. I find that interesting. I don't know about you guys. I do. When I was a kid, what was it? 1962. 62 or 63. When did John Kennedy get assassinated? I'm telling you, I remember that day like it was yesterday as a kid. And my dad, who was a political machine, I mean he loved John Kennedy, cried like a baby when he was assassinated, even as a Canadian, it was traumatic. And then Robert Kennedy getting assassinated too. And now his son is running to be the president of the United States for the Democratic Party. I find it interesting. But here's Robert Kennedy. He's been an advocate. And he says, okay, with all the research team that he has, I, I've listened to him. He says, it's the amount of vaccines given to kids.
Now, when I was a kid, okay, just going to tell you, two vaccines in the 1950s. There was two of them given to kids. Today it's what? Before the age of two, 72 on average. That's what he's saying. Okay guys, that's what he's saying. Robert Kennedy Jr. And he's a pretty impressive guy. He is very smart. But here's what I say, okay? And I'm not saying those vaccines, I always said, those are the straw that broke the camel's back to me. It's not that you got to go a step backwards. Even before that, these kids have leaky gut and some of them right in the placenta. That has been my research. And guys are not a research per se. I was a clinical guy, meaning that I had real people coming into my office. And after years and years and years of looking at things, I came to some conclusions.
And when I looked at any disorder, especially if it was going like this, I mean climbing like a rocket ship in terms of numbers, here's what my findings showed. These kids were number one canaries in the coal mine. Their systems were fragile. They all had leaky gut. And you see for me, okay, let me just explain that in a way because I'm bringing you some background. When I saw leaky gut, and listen, you didn't come to see me. I don't care. Even if it was a child, it took you a half an hour to fill out a questionnaire. We used to tell our patients, you get here at least a half an hour before your appointment. Why? Because you are going to fill out a questionnaire. I think I have a copy of it. This is our questionnaire from the Martin Clinic. I'm just going to show it to you. It's one, okay? Hormonal questionnaire for men, hormonal questionnaire for women, adrenal questionnaire, B12 questionnaire, thyroid questionnaire, insulin questionnaire. I had questions and you did not get in to see me. Leaky gut questionnaire. Okay? You didn't get to see me unless you filled out the questionnaire. There was no exceptions to that.
So parents that were bringing in an autistic child filled out a questionnaire. Here's what I found. All of them had leaky gut. So to me that was the cause. And what causes leaky gut? Okay? I believe these canary in the coal mine, these kids antibiotics, mommy. Okay? Antibiotics can save your life. But I've said this for the last 40 years, more antibiotics. The greatest discovery of the 20th century is the curse of the 21st. That is a statement that I made in the 1980s. I said, antibiotics, they're wonderful, but there's baggage along with them. There's side effects to take in an antibiotic. It will destroy your microbiome in five days. And you got to understand, in the 1980s, people didn't even know what microbiome was. What are you talking about? I said, well, leaky gut. Hippocrates said it, the father of medicine 2000 years ago, you know what he said? All disease starts in the gut. He wasn't far off. I'm not saying all disease starts in the gut, but just about.
And for me, you took an autistic child and mommy was on antibiotics or even a child in their first two years of life, they got an ear infection. It's usually viral. It's not bacterial. And they're given antibiotics. Even today, they're given out like candy. And they could be the canary in the coal mine, whatever disrupts the microbiome, my friend. The environment, way too much estrogen, xenoestrogens, these kids can be the canaries in the coal mine but I'm telling you, it starts, it starts, it starts in the gut. And then leaky gut, leaky brain, they get an invasive species of fungus, of candida that carries, it can carry heavy metal. Yeast is a carrier. Fungus is a carrier inside the body. It don't belong in your bloodstream, not even a bit but these kids, they get a fungal infection and nobody's looking for it. They're the canaries that goes across the blood-brain barrier. It invades the brain. I've said this for a mountain of years, and today we got one out of 22.
Guys, that's me. I asked the question why? And yeast gets fed just like in cancer. Yeast gets fed, it only survives on sugar. And when they developed high fructose corn syrup in the late seventies and eighties, Coke and Pepsi switched their sugars. Sugars to the detriment of our population. And yeast gets fed, fructose made in a lab. And then you have these oils made in a lab. Everybody thinks, man, we're smarter than God. So let's change the sugar. Okay, let's change the flour. Let's change the oil. I mean, even McDonald's changed the oil. They used to use lard. And then the food police told 'em, you are going to give people cholesterol. You better change your oil. And they did. And if you eat a McDonald's French fry or anybody's, okay, you're in doo doo. They used the wrong oils. And these kids are the canaries in the coal mine. Okay?
I read that article and I find it horrendously sad. They won't listen to me. Okay? The powers to be are never going to listen to me. I'm not optimistic about change. So what do I aim at? I aim at you guys. I want to give you information. I want you to think, I want you to be someone that, you know what? You're not going to fool me. You're not going to dupe me. Okay? And then I get it all the time on the site, okay? On the Martin Clinic Private Facebook group, I love that group so much. Yep. No idea. Okay? But every day I get somebody puts on there, doc, I'm confused. People are telling them, eat in moderation and don't eat red meat. Dr. Martin's a quack because you're telling you to eat eggs, meat, and cheese. I'm used to it, guys. I'm used to it.
Okay? I had to breathe there. I hadn't breathed in about 30 minutes. Okay guys, I want you to send your questions in for question and answer Friday. Okay? Cause we really have a good time. Enjoy that thoroughly. If you're not a member of the private Facebook group, I just can't understand why you wouldn't want to be. Okay. You do. We got some great people there. What a community. Okay? Have I told you lately that I love you? I think that was a song, right? I can sing it. Okay. But I do. And I mean it. Guys, talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!