The pancreas is a very important organ as it produces the hormone insulin that’s used to regulate our blood sugar. Dr. Martin often speaks of it and in today’s episode he looks at two important studies on the pancreas.
The first one on vitamin A reveals how important this vitamin is, especially on the cellular level. Vitamin A is our invisible mask that protects us from bacteria and viruses. When our pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin, it puts us on the road to diabetes. The second study looks at the role high fructose corn syrup plays in damaging the pancreas.
Join Dr. Martin as he teaches on the pancreas and why it’s imperative that we eliminate sugar from our diets.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Good morning everyone, and welcome to another live and hope you're having a great start to your day. Okay, let's get going guys. Maryland, two studies on the pancreas. You want to talk about a very important organ is your pancreas. Okay? And of course we talk about it all the time because we're talking about a hormone that gets released from your pancreas, your insulin. And we believe that it is one of the major causes of all chronic disease and that is a condition called insulin resistance. And when you're eating too many crappy carbs and sugars, you are in deep trouble because of your pancreas.
Okay, now two new studies that just came out. One on vitamin A and the other one on fructose. Okay? High fructose corn syrup. Now let me start with the one on vitamin A. You know what I call vitamin A, the Rodney Dangerfield of vitamins, vitamin A gets very little ink. It just doesn't seem to make headlines like vitamin D does, for example. Or even vitamin C, okay? Or B vitamins. People forget about vitamin A and no one in medicine rarely ever talks about it. Now, if you lived in the third world, you talk about vitamin A because they're often deficient in it in vitamin A, and people that are starving are deficient in vitamin A and it's a very important vitamin. But this new study is talking about the importance for vitamin A at the pancreas level, specifically at your islet cells in the pancreas.
Now, your islet cells are really important to secrete insulin, okay? Insulin per se, can't live without it. Ask a diabetic, because what happens to a diabetic is that the pancreas malfunctions, especially at the islet cells, or the tenet cells they malfunction in the pancreas. And guess what? Now they're diabetics, and I talk about this all the time, what's the key? The key is to regenerate the pancreas. The key is to cut out the carbs, cut out the sugars, and it's amazing what happens to your body. It's amazing how your body can regenerate. But specifically what they found in this study was at the islet level cells, okay? You had the cell wall. And this is interesting because at the cellular level, they found little, I'm just drawing something because you know me, I'm always, I want to draw, okay, so there's a cell, okay? I flunked art in case you're, you're wondering. And there's little docking stations on the islet cells of your pancreas and those docking stations. Guys, we didn't know this. This is new. We always knew there was docking stations on your cells for insulin.
Every cell in your body has a docking station for insulin because insulin needs to open up the cell wall and allow sugar to go in, okay? You need to store energy inside cells, especially muscle cells, liver cells, and fat cells, okay? But what we didn't know, and I found it very interesting, is that on the pancreas, on its cellular level, there's docking stations for vitamin E guys. That's significant. And what they're saying is that if you don't get enough vitamin A, you're much more susceptible to those islet cells now working properly, not secreting enough insulin. And it can be a precursor to diabetes.
Now, very important to understand this, how do you get vitamin A? Okay, now you guys know this because throughout the pandemic, when they were talking about putting on a mask, what did I say? The best mask you can use is your vitamin A mask. Why is that? Because vitamin A, very specifically, okay, vitamin D, you are a human solar panel. Every in your body has receptors, antennas looking for vitamin D and especially your immune system. Those macrophages, your T cells, they're looking for vitamin D. So that's your immune system. But the other part of your immune system or part of it is very receptive to vitamin A because vitamin A is an invisible mask. You can't see it, but it protects your mouth, protects your nose, and protects your eyes from viruses and bacteria coming in there. And they're border guards. They don't allow bugs to get in because that's how you get a cold. That's how you get, right? We all know that.
But the world out there, they talk about, well, let's wear a mask that does nothing, by the way, okay, I'm sorry. And you know, couldn't even talk about during the virus cause people get mad at you. They were really upset. Are you kidding? I said, well, I know you in first day of medical school. I'm serious guys. The first day they teach you, you know what a mask does? Not much. Like doctors wear it during surgery so they don't spit on you. I mean they wear it, but really a virus come on and they teach you that right away. But the narrative was throughout the whole virus, well wear masks, social distance, do this, stay in your house, blah, blah, blah. And you know me, I was very consistent and I kept saying, well let's build the immune system.
And you guys know this. I was talking about the importance of vitamin A because vitamin A protects your eyes. You touch your eyes, you don't have a mask over your eyes. I wouldn't do you any good anyways other than the fact you'd be blind. You touch your eyes, you rub your eyes, you need vitamin A. No, this is where it comes in. And your mouth, you got an invisible mask when you're eating vitamin A. Okay, so we talked about that. What else did I tell you about? Vitamin A. Vitamin A is only found in the animal kingdom. I know my mother used to tell me, eat my carrots. And carrots are good. They are. I like carrots. Okay? And they give you beta carotene. That's not vitamin A though. It's a precursor to vitamin A. Vitamin A is found in the animal kingdom alone.
So I'm sorry if you're a vegetarian, you want to live on vegetables, I feel sorry for you at least eat some eggs and have some dairy. If you are a vegan, you're in deep doo doo because you're not getting vitamin A. Eggs, meat, cheese, vitamin A. That's how you get it, okay? It's a big reason why people always get sick all the time. They get one cold after another. I said, when you eat your steak, you're not eating enough meat. But this study very specific talks about what it does to that pancreas and that the pancreas cells have a landing dock for vitamin A. It helps to keep you away from diabetes.
Now of course guys, look, you can take as much vitamin A as you want. And if you got a bad diet, if you are a carboholic and you love sugar, which most of the population do, let's face it, 93% of the population is upside down when it comes to food. They got the food pyramid upside down. They've been taught, oh, you need carbs, your brain needs carbs. Don't your brain won't work with without car. It was all bunk. Nonsense. But people got the wrong idea and they're very deficient today. It's amazing. We're like a third world country. Most people, I'm going to say this, are deficient in vitamin A. They just don't eat enough eggs, meat and cheese. And the pancreas pays the price.
I'm going to tell you another thing. If you were to live on eggs, meat and cheese, okay? And a few vegetables and limited fruit, you would never ever get diabetes. Now, type one diabetes are different, but what they're showing, okay for type one, type one is an autoimmune. The pancreas malfunctions out of the gate. But what they're showing with vitamin E is that is a big factor in autoimmune. Now, I've talked to you about type one diabetes, autoimmune, they need the same diet. They got an allergy to carbohydrates too. Now theirs is an autoimmune. The body turns on itself and the pancreas is not properly right out of the gate. And one of the reasons is that mommy, mommy, you know, there's leaky gut. Mommy's got leaky gut, baby gets leaky gut right through the placenta. And that can be a big factor in type one diabetes.
But the other factor is a lack of vitamin A. Mommy doesn't eat enough eggs, meat and cheese. She's been discouraged to eat that stuff because of the fat content. Fat will make me fat. I need carbs. The baby needs carbs. The baby doesn't need carbs. Vitamin A is essential. So is vitamin D by the way. There is study after study after study that shows that you need vitamin D. One of the biggest preventative things in autoimmune disorders is vitamin D. Now you see vitamin A, like vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin. Think of it for a sec guys, think of this for a sec. Okay? God has given us in food the perfect combination of vitamin A and vitamin D. In fact, even vitamin k2. In fat, that's where it's found. How could it be bad for you?
If vitamin A is found in the animal kingdom? If vitamin D in terms of food is found in the animal kingdom, apart from the sun. If vitamin K2, which is the new kid on the block when it comes to study of vitamin K2 of how important it is to take calcium and put it in the right place, get it out of your bloodstream, vitamin K2. It's found in animal foods only. How can that be bad for you? Think about that for a minute. People think they're smarter than God and you go on Netflix or whatever and the vegetarian and the vegan and you know can live on fruits and vegetables. Well you can, but it's not the best thing to do. You can live on it. Why would you? "Ah, Dr. Martin, the alkaline diet." It's nonsense. It is not science. There's nothing better for you than the animal kingdom.
Dairy is good. Don't ditch dairy. Switch it. And when the farmers. You know I love farmers, I do. I'm the farmer's best friend. But listen, farmers, listen, it's not even your fault, but the world out there tells you to denature milk. They want you to take the fat out of it and put it in the grocery store. Ooh, whole milk is actually good for you. Okay? Why do you think I love cream? Okay, because it's full of vitamins. It's vitamin D, it's vitamin A, it's vitamin K2, the trifecta for your health. And now we're finding out even more about vitamin A, how important it is even in diabetes to prevent it. And like I said, we already know about what vitamin D does. Nothing in the body works without vitamin D.
I've brought to you in the past. Why the Inuit? Why did the Eskimos, why were they so healthy? They weren't sunbathing. Nah, but God you see, gave it to them in the fish, in the seal, in the whales. All that blubber. It's got beautiful oil in it with vitamin A and vitamin D. Okay? They probably didn't know why it was so good for them. They just lived on it. And maybe in the summertime they had a few roots, but they didn't have much really until we introduced the North American diet to them. They were healthy as horses, a lot healthier than we were. This is recorded, guys, recorded history, it's a fact. And the second you take 'em out of their environment and the way they eat, they get diabetes in nanoseconds.
The same thing with our native population. The First Nations, I used to, when I was in practice, I did a lot of speaking to my First Nation friends. They liked me. I'd say, well, white man is trying to kill you. And they, they'd all laugh, you know what? Yeah, well we took your land and then we introduced our diet to you. No wonder you got all got diabetes. I said, you need to get back to your roots. Get back to living off the land. I said, you know about 80% of you are already diabetic. It's crazy. But you see guys, the significance of vitamin D and the significance of its twin cousin, vitamin A. Now they're starting to put that vitamin A where it belongs on the top echelon of vitamins. Why do you think, I love when I say vitamin S steak guys. It's got it all. It's got vitamin D, it's got vitamin A, it's got vitamin K2. Why do you think I say it? You think I just say it for the sake of saying it? Nope. I say it cause it's true. And I won't back down. I won't, I won't. It's nature. It's what's meant to be. It's what you're meant to eat. Yes, yes, yes, yes.
Now the second study on diabetes, the direct damage, and they figured out why this happens. The direct damage to islet cells of the pancreas by fructose, high fructose corn syrup. Now guys, one thing we know about high fructose corn syrup, it's metabolized much different than simple glucose. Okay? Why do I call it the antichrist of sugars? Because it's so dangerous. We have an absolute, and I don't use this term lightly. We have an absolute pandemic today of fatty liver. Listen guys, okay, you go back 50 years. I graduated 49 years ago in 2024. Lord willing, I'll celebrate 50 years, okay, that makes me old. But I've always talked about sugar always right from the get-go. I learned before I went to school, my dad's saying this to me, son, they call it sugar diabetes. Oh yeah, yeah, that's what it's called. Diabetes is isn't type two. In the sixties it was called sugar diabetes. That's a clue. Sugar diabetes.
But what's different between sugar and then the 1980s when they came out with a new sugar? You see, man always thinks they're smarter than God always. And they go, well you know what? Sugar? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well we're going to make a new one and this one is going to put sugar on steroids, so to speak. And it gets metabolized differently in the small intestine. They're showing this. This is what the new studies showed. We already know what it does to the liver. Okay? And again, going back, like I said, 50 years ago, there was no such thing as fatty liver. I mean it. There was cirrhosis of the liver, but there wasn't fatty liver. There wasn't? No, I never heard of fatty liver because sugar didn't get metabolized in the liver like fructose does.
And "oh, Dr. Martin, it must be good for you. High fructose corn syrup. It sounds healthy." No, first of all, it's liquified. Never drink sugar, don't drink it. If you're going to eat a fruit, you eat fructose, eat an orange, don't drink an orange cause it's going to go right to your liver. So high fructose corn syrup makes a beeline for the liver. We know that, but there's a little detour. Okay? There's a little detour. When you take in high fructose corn syrup, this is what the study shows. It forms a glycerine. Oh, let me get at that. I'll break this down for you so you understand it. It releases in the small intestine glycerate and that damages the pancreatic islet cells, okay?
So, one, fructose right to the liver gets metabolized there like alcohol. Why do alcoholics get cirrhosis of the liver? Cause alcohol to the liver, don't pass go. Okay, high fructose corn syrup, same thing. Don't pass, go. But while it's getting to the liver, we've already shown it damages the microbiome in the gut. But in the small intestine it makes glycerine. And that takes a U-turn to the pancreas and sets a person up. It damages the islet cells of the pancreas to develop even more insulin resistance at the cellular level. And you're not even secreting the amount of insulin you need because of damage done by high fructose corn syrup. And by the way, guys, high fructose corn syrup, they got away with murder. You know how they did it? They were able to lie about it. You drink a soda, any soda, high fructose corn syrup, in it. Go in the middle aisles of your grocery store. If there's any sugar added, they can couch it. They can lie about it. They can. They don't have to tell you that sugar is made in the lab. They don't have to tell you that. They couch it. They lie about it.
In the eighties, I remember having discussions with the fructose. They called it the Fructose Council. The Fructose Council of America. And I guess they heard me talking on a radio show and they said, you are wrong about high fructose corn syrup. Studies are showing how it's better than ordinary sugar. It's actually good for you. And I said, liars, liars, pants on fires. You're lying. Now what we knew in the eighties is nothing to what we know today. And look at, I understood fructose, then it gets metabolized in your liver. It's liquid fructose. I said, that's not good for you in the eighties. That's not good for you. Little did we know even then how fast it would elevate your triglycerides and lower your H D L fatty liver. I was screaming blue murder in those days. Did I win? No, no, I didn't. Did I change people's minds? A few.
But finally starting to come out how that is the antichrist of sugars. It really is my friend. And now a new study says, oh wow, it makes a byproduct in the small intestine that goes and damages your pancreatic cells. Nevermind what it does to the liver, which is well, well established. It hits that adjacent organ, the pancreas not far from the liver. It damages that too. And big time puts you into metabolic syndrome, which is the root of all chronic disease, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, diabetes, obviously. And even a big factor in autoimmune that we talked about today. It's a big factor.
Guys, my job, here's what I do. I look for these things to teach you so that you will be well informed and can make the right choices. Okay? You got choices to make. Every time you open your mouth, you got choices to make. It's not easy. We live in a world. I'm telling you, we don't eat to live. We live to eat. And we're surrounded by it. And I feel sorry for the young generation and they're being lied to. I told you, the food industry don't care about you. It really doesn't. It only wants your moula, it don't care about your health. It doesn't. Okay guys, we got a great week coming up. Promise you that. Leave it to me to go find these studies. Okay? Interesting isn't it on vitamin A? Okay. I learn something every day. Yeah, don't stop learning guys. Okay? We love ya and we'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!