A very recent study out of Harvard showed the benefits of eating no carbohydrates. Dr. Martin says they literally did the Reset by getting diabetic patients to eat only eggs, meat and cheese.
Over 2000 participants were monitored for 6 months and the results were quite convincing. All participants came off their injectable meds, 92% came off insulin, and 84% came off their oral medications. All of this happened just from eliminating carbs from the diet.
Join Dr. Martin as he unpacks this study from Harvard in today’s episode!
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live this morning and hope you're having a great start to your day. Well I'm in the United States traveling and we got a wedding coming up, and that's in our family, Tony Jr., his daughter's getting married on Saturday. So we have a big family reunion here in the United States in Milwaukee where my granddaughter Addie is getting married. And so that'll be Saturday. We're looking forward to that.
Okay, now guys, the other day we talked about how sick, well, this was specifically on the United States, but Canada's no different, okay? Statistically, as far as health goes, eh, we're no different. Okay? And so what I brought to you was a very sick nation, and I sort of called it the big pharma's dream. And we talked about why we're so sick, okay? Why? And 70% of adults are on a prescription drug. All adults, 70%. 71% are overweight, 40% considered obese. We talked about the decrease in sperm counts, testosterone, it's 40% of the population is considered diabetic. And I tell you, it's a lot worse than that because one of the most frightening statistics of all of that is 93% of the population have some form of metabolic syndrome, which is bad news because metabolic syndrome, and you don't hear doctors talking about it so much, they don't even really understand what it is. And that is, okay, let me just tell you what it is again, just repetition, repetition. Metabolic syndrome is caused by insulin resistance, okay? That's what it's caused by. And insulin is a food hormone.
Now, I could bring a little teaching on this, and I've mentioned it to you before. If you don't sleep, okay? If you don't sleep or you put a person in a very stressful situation, well that can, I don't know if it can cause insulin resistance, but it certainly, cortisol pours gasoline on the fire of insulin resistance. So for a lot of people, they have trouble lowering their insulin resistance because they're stressed. So I just wanted to throw that in there. That is a big factor today. We get a lot of it. But what is metabolic syndrome? Metabolic syndrome caused by insulin resistance. Okay? There's five or six biomarkers, belly fat, increased blood pressure, increased blood sugar, and doesn't mean they're not normal like blood sugar going up can still be within the normal range.
High triglycerides, why do I want, if you're going to send me your blood work and you don't send me your triglycerides or your HDL, that's what I do. I do this, I want to see your triglycerides and I want to see your HDL. Okay? I want to see your triglycerides, and I want to see your H D L. So why? Because it's part of metabolic syndrome. That's how you make the diagnosis. That's how you know if you have insulin resistance. That's how, if you're on the Titanic, is metabolic syndrome, and that can be reversed. Metabolic syndrome can be reversed. And 93% of the population in North America are metabolically unwell. So that's what we were talking about the other day.
And something new came up in the last 24 hours, a study out of Harvard. And now I'm going to tie this together because what they did at Harvard, they literally did the Reset, no carbs, okay? They studied 2029 patients for six months. Participants in the study of absolutely no carbohydrates. They were eating what? Eggs, meat and cheese. Okay? No fruits, no vegetables, okay? And it was interesting. Okay this is out of Harvard, guys, I'm not even telling you that you have to do this. You know me and the Reset. Reset is 30 days and with my experience, I found, okay, several things. But one of the things, and just in terms of conforming. If you're going to do something, I always say this. I am going to give you a plan to succeed, not to fail. Okay?
So if I say, look, I want you to participate in something for six months. Now, some of you would do this. I know that because you guys are smart. Look, if you're going to participate in something, you're doing it. But what I used to tell my patients, and I had a lot of experience with this, is I wanted them to succeed. I didn't want them to fail. And I understood from my own experience that I could accomplish a lot of things in the 30 day program. And one of them was to get people to understand that habits are formed in 21 days. And it's not just psychology. It isn't, okay? What it is is getting people to understand how much better they feel when they lay off the crappy carbs and sugars, because that's where I come from, really? Okay? It's crappy carbohydrates and sugars. Because after the 30 days, if you want to have fruits and vegetables, go for it. What I always say is, don't live on them. You're not meant to live on them, okay? You're just not.
And so I'm sort of the anti vegetarian, anti vegan. I'm against that because it's not true. It's not science. It's not good for you, okay? It's just not. And Harvard does this study. It does it for six months, okay? In 2029 participants, and they were pretty impressed with the results. Now, let me read the results to you, okay? What they were looking for. So obviously these people were diabetics. So this was a six month program for diabetics. 2000 of them, 100% of diabetics, okay? Came off injectable meds. Okay? So you know what happens if you're a diabetic? Usually what they do is they start with oral, okay? You get the diagnosis of you're a diabetic, and medicine starts you with meds right away. Instead of diet, they start you with meds, usually oral. And the number one med of all time for a diabetic is metformin.
Now, what they don't tell you is the second you start taking metformin, you're not absorbing B12 anymore. It knocks B12 out of your body. It just does. It's one of its side effects. Most meds, by the way, have a very negative effect on your b12. B12 is everything, guys. Okay? But they don't tell you about that. All they tell you is you're in trouble because you're a diabetic. And now here's a med and it's usually metformin. It's usually metformin, okay? So Harvard decides to do a study, and I've been screaming this for blue murder, diabetes, it's food, it's not genetics, it's food. Now, what they call type two, adult onset, okay? Not type one. Type one is an autoimmune disorder. And we can go into that. But today, for the sake, it's type two adult onset diabetes that happens in kids. Why? Because it's food. Okay?
Why do we have such a sick nation? It's not the environment. It's not the climate. It's food. Okay, now, 100% in six months out of 2000 participants and change, hundred percent diabetics came out their injectable meds, okay? 92% came off insulin. I mean, that's huge. Insulin. Listen, by the way, insulin saved your life, okay? When you're a diabetic, the problem is insulin's not working anymore, doesn't work properly. 84% came off their oral meds. That means they were off Metformin. The number one choice. They measure C R P, and everybody's C reactive protein went down.
Now, what is that? Okay, it's a little quiz. I'm quizzing you. Okay? I'm your teacher. I'm your professor at Harvard. They decided to measure C R P, which I like. Why do I like it? Okay, I'm waiting. Let me see the scrolls. Okay, let me just see if a few people get, I know you guys are going to get it. There's Annette. Yes, inflammation. Carol inflammation. Francis inflammation. Oh, I like to brag. Barbara, you got it. And Doc McEwen. Yeah, you know that. Darlene, you get it, Wendy? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. One of the reasons I do this, Milika, Rita, you got it. You got it. You got it, Sandra. You got it? You got it. Sherry, you got it. Nina. Oh, I you know Jocelyn. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Star. You got it. Braheem, Nelly. Oh, you got it.
The reason I give you little quizzes like this, okay? And I, you all get it? Okay? The reason I do it is cause I get a super charge out of you guys. Okay? I just got to tell you, if you did this, by the way, if you went to just do a survey real quick on health, 99% of people wouldn't even know what C R P is. For heaven's sakes. If you ask your doctor, do you know that probably most physicians would have to look up, why do you want a C reactive protein test done? The other day, I had somebody send me an email. My doctor won't do a C R P says, you don't need it. Cause they don't know the significance of the inflammation marker test. Harvard does.
Let me tell you what Harvard's thinking. I didn't even ask 'em, but I know what they're thinking. You have a diabetic, they got 2000 diabetics. You know what they know what insulin does. Insulin increases inflammation, insulin resistance. When your cells at the cellular level, they don't like insulin anymore. That's what diabetes is guys. You're eating carbs, you're eating sugar, and your cells are saying, I'm sick of it. I'm sick of insulin. Insulin says, I don't care if you're sick of it, if you insist on eating crappy carbs and sugars, insulin, your pancreas screaming, but it says, I don't care because sugar cannot park in the bloodstream. Can't park there.
So you're eating it, you're eating bread, you're eating noodles, you're eating that crappy food, cereals or whatever, and you think it's good for not you because you guys know better. But all I'm saying is people out there, they think it's good for them. It turns into sugar rapidly. It lands in the bloodstream and insulin comes knocking on the door. Sugar, come here, can't park there. I'm going to take you and I'm going to park you in muscle. Oh, I don't have any muscles. Too bad. I'm going to park you in the liver. Worst place for sugar park is in the liver, but that's where it's parked. It turns to fat and then you keep doing it. And you know what? You get insulin resistance. Your cells don't like it, your cells don't want it. Your fat cells said, get out of here. Your muscle cells, get out of here. Get out of here. Get out of here. Insulin doesn't matter. Insulin keeps knocking, knocking, knocking. And eventually, eventually the door doesn't open anymore. And then you have diabetes. That's what type two diabetes is.
And when that happens, way before it happens, even before it happens, I check your inflammation marker, your C R P, if you can get it done, and guess what? It's elevated. Even Harvard knows that it's a side effect. Inflammation is a side effect. It's silent. I'm not talking about pain necessarily. I'm talking about a silent inflammation. I love what Tony Jr., he, he's got a good expression for you. He said, dad, it's the fog of war. Cells can't communicate anymore because there's fog there. That's what inflammation does inside the body. Cells can't communicate with each other properly. It's like trying to drive through the fog. And the way to measure it is C reactive protein. Okay?
And Harvard said, holy moly, C reactive protein went down in six months. It went down, it went, goes down faster than that. On our private Facebook group the other day, somebody was complaining that they hadn't lost weight yet on the reset, they're frustrated, and I'm going to talk about weight loss in a minute as far as this Harvard study goes, but they're frustrated. "Dr. Martin, I haven't lost weight on the Reset." I said, well, wait a minute. You have to understand there's a lot of things happening in the body that the improvement. You're lowering your insulin resistance, guaranteed. You are lowering your inflammation markers, inflammation left unattended will destroy your blood vessels. It will destroy your body at the cellular level. It's one of the huge factors in all chronic disease. Now, like I said, inflammation is not Houdini. Insulin resistance comes first, then inflammation. Okay?
So if you can trust the process when you go on the 30 day reset, okay, trust it. Trust, trust, and I know there's people that come back and they say, it's not good for you. They're going to die without fruits and vegetables. Dr. Martin is a quack. Nah. Harvard saying, I'm not a quack. Harvard. They said, no, Dr. Martin ain't crazy. He might look crazy, but he's not crazy. Some good things are happening with diabetics. They only did it with diabetics. Their insulin came way down. They were able to get off meds. A lot of them, they didn't need any more injections and orally, almost completely off. And then they decided to check C R P, C reactive protein, and they said a hundred percent of the participants, 2029 of them, every one of them, their CRPs went down, their inflammation markers went down. I could have told them that before they started.
Then, okay, listen to this. The average weight loss in six months, the average weight loss was 20 pounds. So all I'm saying to you, Harvard is saying it without saying it, but I'm going to say it to you, the reset, getting rid of carbohydrates is the best, healthiest weight loss program around. There's nothing better than that. Okay? You're asking why? Well, you can count calories if you want. That's called yo-yo dieting because you're going, I'm just going to eat less and move more. That's been going on, by the way, for the last hundred years. Eat less, move more, eat less calories. It's not calories. You could lose weight by cutting your calories. I agree with that. It's going to come back. It always does.
This is, and Harvard didn't say it because they just did a six month study. These were diabetics. But for anybody else too, when you get on the Reset, you will lose weight. But it's like a craze today again. And I go, Ugh. I get a headache, guys. I get a headache. I get a headache. I get a headache. What? Because now they're starting again. Okay? It's been done before, but it's recycled. You know what they're doing? They're taking diabetic oral medications like Ozempic, and they're saying, what a weight loss drug. Harvard does a study and gets them on a no carb diet for six months, no carb. And they get them off Ozempic, they get 'em off. Now they're using that drug. The world out there, big pharma is using the drug for weight loss.
Here's the problem. Here's the problem with the weight loss drug, okay? Because it's today, it's wow. Look at the weight loss. Here's the problem. You're losing muscle instead of fat and the other side effect, but you're losing muscle. I don't want you to lose muscle. Metabolically the best thing metabolically, look, look, look. Muscle bins, metabolically, if you understand how your body works, insulin, its preferred place to put glucose is in muscle. But if you don't have any, if you're not strong metabolically, that is a serious problem. This is why when you're doing the eggs, meat, cheese, why do I like that so much? "Doc, is that all you can talk about?" Yeah. Why? Because metabolically, when you're eating eggs, meat, cheese, the nutrient profile, those are god's perfect foods. They're a combination of protein and fat and no carbohydrates.
What does that do? Well now you don't need a lot of insulin. One, you don't need a lot of insulin for that food, okay? They break down very slowly. They're the best fuel. I've talked to you about this a million times. They're the best fuel. It's rocket fuel. It's 99% octane, those foods, okay? And what that does, insulin is insulin is just sitting around. It's got nothing to do. It loves it. It's on siesta. Your pancreas is resting. But it's not only that. When you eat protein with fat, you're building muscle. Your body is burning the fat off your body, not muscle. You're not wasting your muscle. That's what happens. You starve a person to death, and they will lose weight for sure, except they're losing muscle. Their fat, it's like a bear. It holds on to fat. It goes into hibernation. You insist on starving, with calories, your body goes, okay, I'm holding onto fat. I'm going to burn muscle.
And that's why guys, when you do the reset, sometimes it's slower because you're not starving to death. It's slower. And you go, I gotta lose weight fast. Metabolically, it is better to trust the process. There's a lot of good things happening. You're lowering your triglycerides, you're elevating your HDL, your body's going to burn off that fat, the bad fat, and your body is going to burn off. It's going to be used as fuel. Your body's going to thrive. We're finally getting some confirmation of the Reset. And again, guys, like I said, this is me. I want people to understand, and this is what, 99% of my patients, 99%, when they did the one month, it changed their life forever.
They understood that they and carbs don't get along. They got that. They found out that they and carbs have a bad relationship. They found out they don't need them. They don't need them. I'm not saying again, that you don't need fruits and vegetables. Well, you can live without 'em, but I'm telling you, I don't mind fruits and vegetables. I like them just, I don't want people to live exclusively on them. It's a big, big mistake. Okay? So trust the process. Trust me, Harvard is saying it's a good way to eat. I am sure it surprised them.
Okay, guys, you know what tomorrow is? Question and answer Friday. Okay? Question and answer Friday, tomorrow. Okay. Hey guys, the new book is coming out real soon. I am telling you like it's being printed as we speak. Okay? So finally we're at that stage. Okay? So I was hoping to make an announcement, give you a date. But I'm telling you, coming to a theater near you very soon, Sun, Steak & Steel, okay? You're going to love it. It is an excellent book, okay? It really is okay if I don't mind telling you myself. I'm bragging a little bit. Okay guys, we love you dearly. We'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!