There’s a study from 1973 that appeared in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition that Dr. Martin still remembers to this day. Researchers discovered that consuming 75 grams of sugar would stop white blood cells from chasing bacteria for up to 5 hours. The white blood cells would go for a siesta!
Now there’s a recent study from Dr. Lustig, one of the leading experts on sugar and the effect of sugar, saying that 50 grams of sugar is the level they can already assess damage to the liver. This is more reason why you really need to stop consuming sugar.
Dr. Martin says if you don’t do anything, at least give up sugar. If you truly want to get healthy, it’s an absolute necessity!
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone. Once again, welcome to another live this morning and The Doctor Is In podcast. We're so happy to have you on with us and we appreciate you guys more than you know. Now, I know I'm not supposed to sing, but I got to sing this morning, okay? If you're my age you remember this song, Sugar, Sugar, Honey, Honey, you are my candy girl. Remember that? We're going to talk about sugar this morning. I'm sort of entitling this. The house always wins. That's an expression, right? If you're going to Vegas, okay, and you are going there to do some gambling, the expression is the house always wins. The reason I'm saying that is that if we insist on eating sugar, consuming sugar, the house always wins. Meaning that no matter what you're going to get, and not so much you guys, because you know better, but the world out there is going to get very sick.
And let's face it. What did I talk about last week before I show you a new study? How much sugar are we consuming near 200 pounds. But in 2011, what did I bring out? Hold on, I got to find it. The average American, this was in 2011, consumes 5.8 pallets of refined sugar in their lifetime. That's 2011. That's 150 pounds of sugar a year. That's what it comes out to. You know what it is now, it's almost like 200. And the house always wins because, and I've talked to you about this a million times, but what happens is metabolic syndrome, okay? It's the biggest effect. What is metabolic syndrome? What is 93% of the population have? Metabolic syndrome. Yeah, doc, what's that mean? Well, it's very serious because you have high blood sugars still not diabetes. Okay? Remember what I say about blood sugar? It's a lagging indicator. The last thing that you're will happen to your body is diabetes. It's the last thing. It's not the first thing. It's the last thing, okay? Your body is built to keep you away from diabetes.
And here we are. What? 40, 50% of the population are already diabetic. It's the last thing, okay? It's the last thing. Metabolic syndrome is the first thing. So what happens? Blood sugar start going up, but they're still normal. Blood pressure goes up, triglycerides go up, cholesterol goes down, HDL, teeter totter. If triglycerides go up, the HDL goes down, okay? HDL goes up, triglycerides go down. How do you get HDL up and triglycerides down? Stop eating sugar and eat eggs, meat and cheese. Why do you think, guys, I'm so narrow minded? Somebody said that to me. Doc, you're narrow minded. You better believe I am because I'm telling you, the big problem in our society today is sugar. Honey, honey, you're my candy girl and it's killing us. And waist circumference. I add uric acid levels going through the roof. And the reason is because of high fructose corn syrup, which is again, the antichrist of sugars. It's the worst of the worst. Okay?
Now let me get to a new study. Okay? How much sugar does it take to weaken your immune system? Okay? Now, I've done this with you in the past, so hold on a minute. Let me just show it to you here if I can get it up. Okay? Now I'm showing you something for the folks who are going to listen to this on a podcast and later on, okay, I want you to envision it or do what I just did. Go to YouTube and look at a white blood cell, okay? Chasing, okay, chasing a bacteria. I'm going to show it, but you can do it on YouTube. Just go to YouTube and put in there white blood cell chasing a bacteria. Guys, listen, let me make a statement here. Okay? We have lost the art of medicine. Do you know what I mean by that? We don't have that anymore. The art of medicine. Okay? What does that mean? Doctors used to practice the art of medicine, meaning that they were listening, they were asking questions, they were observing, and they would explain things.
I remember taking a course in the art of medicine, and my dad was fantastic because he taught me so much. Son, ask questions. Why? Because patients have inside information. Never forgot that, the art of medicine. We've lost it, and again, am I telling you to get rid of your doctor? Of course not. I'm just saying it's just a fact. Okay? The art is gone because doctors in a lot of ways have become glorified pharmacists. Are they smart? You bet your boots, they're smart. Are they capable? You bet your boots, they're capable. But the way our system is now hijacked by the pharmaceutical companies, and it starts right at the education of doctors. It starts in medical school. Indoctrination. If you got a headache, here's a pill instead of why do you have a headache? Do you know what I'm getting at? That's what we call the art of medicine. It's lost. Is it ever going to come back? I don't know.
If you have a doctor that's practicing the art of medicine, the next time you're in, give them a big hug and tell 'em how much you appreciate them, him, or her practicing the art of medicine. And that was a pontification. Okay? So here we are. I'm going to show you again, okay? I'm going to show you a white blood smell chasing a bacteria. I used to show my patients this all the time to show them one part of their immune system, okay? I said, that's your blood. I was practicing the art of medicine. I was explaining to them how their body works. The life of the flesh is in the blood. Okay? So let me show it to you, okay? You know me and my technology. Okay? See that that white blood cell moving all around, it's chasing a bacteria. You can see it on my iPad. Okay?
Now, okay, why am I bringing this up? Why am I bringing this up? Because there's a new study and an old study. That white blood cell, okay, you know what sugar does? Okay? 1973, Journal of Clinical Nutrition. You can Google it and get it up the article. November 1973 in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition, here's the headline, The Role of Sugar in Human Neutrophilia Phagocytosis. Oh, leave it to medicine to be complicated. Here's what it means. What stops a white blood cell, which you just watched. What stops it from chasing a bacteria, doing its job, keeping your blood spick and span? Well, if you don't have leaky gut, that's one, okay?
But if a bacteria is invaded, you have white blood cells, neutrophils, T-cells, and they're out chasing bacteria until they take a siesta. And in 1973, the Journal of Clinical Nutrition said 75 grams of sugar stopped the white blood cells from chasing bacteria and other things. Bad guys for five hours, my friend, if you have a Coke, a Pepsi. Patients used to come in and say, "doc, I only have one Pepsi a day." And I used to go, that's a lot of sugar. About 10, 12, 13 teaspoons. The house always wins. When the house wins, we lose. Go to Vegas, sit at the blackjack table or go to the... Yeah, I know they show you the odd winner and woohoo and isn't that great and whatever. But let's face it, the house always wins. You think Vegas is in business by losing, they don't lose. They want you to sit there and you're having fun losing, true or false? Right? I've been to Vegas. Are you having fun? Yeah. What are you doing? Losing. I mean, the house always wins.
When you consume sugar, you lose. That's a 1973 study. Oh, did that ever get buried. Did that ever get buried. I've been doing this a long time. I saw that study. 1973. I hadn't even graduated yet. 50 years ago, this study came up. I graduated 49 years ago. No, but we knew it then. But you know what happened? This is incredible. Couple of things. One, I'm a big history buff, guys. I like to go deep. Why? What's happened? The sugar industry. Listen to what they did when this study came out and even before it, they were paying researchers, paying them to vilify fat instead of sugar. Guys, I remember it like it was yesterday. They paid scientists to lie. They did. The cereal companies were in on it. Coca-Cola, Pepsi Cola, they were in on it. They went out to vilify fat. Let's make fat the boogeyman. Have they succeeded? Holy moly, even today I get a headache.
It's like I'm getting punched in the face over and over and over again. I get on Google and some people that I've even worked with or colleagues. Oh, you know what's bad for you? Red meat on our Facebook this morning. Someone said, at least I saw it this morning. Dr. Martin's talking about eggs, meat and cheese isn't cheese inflammatory. Where do you think that came from? I'm not blaming the poor lady. Where do you think that came from? Indoctrination. Fat is bad and sugar, everything in moderation. You could see it. I watched them do it. Everything in moderation, right? What's the most important meal of the day? Cereal. Let's say for unforeseen circumstances, you end up in the hospital. It's more dangerous than Afghanistan. Okay, why do I say that? Look what they feed you. Orange juice, a breakfast of cereal and toast. Yikes. And they have dieticians at the hospital. But remember they got bought and paid for. They got bought. You wouldn't think it could happen, but it happened. They got bought.
So 1973, a study is in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition, which I still read. And they said, well, phagocytosis, meaning your white blood cells go to sleep. They have a siesta for five hours with a can of Coke. Now, they didn't say a can of Coke, okay? They just said sugar. That's 1973. Now I'm bringing you a new study. We'll tie them together. Cause the house always wins. The house always wins. Okay? According to Dr. Lustig, who's probably one of the leading experts on sugar and the effect of sugar, you can go to YouTube and watch 'em if you want. And according to him, 50 grams is the level by which they can already assess damage to the liver that's less than a can of Coke or Pepsi or Seven Up. Some people think, well, Seven Up. Is Seven Up still a drink? Is it or Sprite? Right? Well it it's not Coke, it's Sprite. What's the difference? They think it's better for you. As a kid, you know what was better for you? Ginger Ale. Better than Coke. Yeah, maybe. Why? I don't know. Is that crazy or how they marketing? Isn't it crazy? Well, Ginger Ale's better than Coke. It's good for you. Yeah. Oh, okay. Maybe I don't think so.
But what Lustig is saying, okay, the foremost researcher on sugar, he's saying one time drink of a Coke or a Pepsi or a soda of any kind. In Canada we call it pop. In the states they call it soda. Okay? You have one of those and you're already starting damage to your liver, man. Why do you think, guys? Okay, why do you think I'm so big on elimination? Not moderation. I'm big on elimination. If you do nothing else, eliminate sugar. Okay? We'll talk about carbs after. Okay? Just eliminate sugar. No more sugar. Don't put any sugar in your coffee, huh? Doctor? How about honey, honey? Honey, honey, sugar, sugar. Look, unpasteurized honey is certainly better than sugar. But when we are consuming 5.8 pallets of refined sugar in a lifetime, that's the average person in the United States in 2011. 5.8 pallets.
Go behind the grocery store or go to Home Depot or home hardware or whatever they call those things and watch the delivery trucks come in, okay? They're bringing stuff in pallets. In pallets, and they got those forklifts to lift the pallet. Cause there ain't nobody lifting those things, my friend. In a lifetime, the average person, 5.8 of those pallets full of sugar, which comes out to 150 pounds of sugar each a year. House always wins. Why do you think I'm so negative on sugar when it comes to cancer? Okay, the world out there goes, oh, cancer, eliminate red meat. Okay? Eliminate red meat that's going to give you colon cancer and it's acidic and it's no good for you. And it's, it's going to clog up your arteries and yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Indoctrination. And they bought their way into our lives. The sugar industry that feeds the cereals and the middle aisles of your grocery store, the fruit juice companies, you name sugar, that's added, okay? And they did it and they lied and they bought scientists to talk about fat being the problem, not sugar.
So if one wants to get healthy, they must, they must eliminate sugar. Listen, you can not be a diabetic unless you have fatty liver. Did you know that? Yep. When the suitcase is full, when the Costco parking lot is full diabetes. But think of it, they didn't even know this in 1973. All they knew in 1973 is holy moly, sugar, they were doing live blood and they gave participants sugar and they watched their white blood cells come to a screeching halt. "Dr. Martin, you're exaggerating." I didn't do the study. I didn't do the study. Don't shoot the messenger, okay? Don't shoot the messenger. Think of how important that is. We talk about positive and negative, okay? What do I mean by that when it comes to sugar? Well, the positive thing is when you cut it out, is it ever unreal what happens to your body just by getting rid of sugar. Nevermind carbs. Okay. No, I mean it like bread, it turns to sugar in nanoseconds. Okay? But I'm not even talking about that today. Not yet. I'm not even talking about noodles or pasta or whatever that turns to sugar in nanosecond. I'm not even talking about that. I'm talking about getting ready sugar. Start there. Start there.
Okay? You get damage to that liver. That's metabolic syndrome. And I'm telling you, my friend, it's the elephant in the room in our society, and people are not taking this serious enough. Medicine, I can't get their attention. I can't get their attention. They're not listening. But when medical schools, they don't teach nutrition. Imagine that. Imagine that. How can that even be? What's the Martin Clinic statement? You have a food industry that don't care about your health and there's only about 10 big companies and they run the whole thing, okay? They run the whole thing. They don't care about your health. They lie. Liars, liars, pants on fires, and they lie and they buy, okay? The food industry, they lie and they buy. What do I mean by that? They buy scientists and remember, what's the lie? Put it in brackets. Moderation. "Dr. Martin's crazy. You know why he's crazy because he don't believe in moderation. He's crazy. He's a quack." I don't believe in moderation. I don't. It's not true. Research shows it's not true.
You have a food industry but doesn't care about you. They don't care about your health. And then you have a medical industry. They don't know anything about food. They don't. Imagine. I mean, that is the worst case scenario. You have cancer and they give you Boost. Let's say you're on liquids at the hospital. They give you Boost. Ensure. So you ensure that you're going to die. It's killing your immune system. One drink of Ensure, woo. Oh, you know what? Taste good. Sugar, honey, honey, you are my candy girl. I used to love singing that when I was a kid.
Okay guys, I'm telling ya. I get supercharged. It brings me back to my days in practice, okay? I get supercharged. When I used to look at people's blood, man, it was always fascinating. It really was. Okay, look at that white blood cell chasing the bacteria. You tell me there's no, God, I don't know what to tell you. Guys, we love you. I know I say that, but I mean it. Okay? Do we love our audience or what? You bet your boots we do. Okay. Two. Okay. You know what? Tomorrow is question and answer. Friday. Get those questions in because we're going to have fun, fun, fun. Okay. Fun, fun, fun. Okay, love you guys. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!