1091. Cellular Key: Unlocking the Door to Your Health


A new study out of Tufts University on prostate cancer is looking at the P13K enzyme. This enzyme’s job is to open the valve that lets sugar in. If you have diabetes, the valve barely functions, but if you have cancer, the valve is wide open.

Why does this happen? Join Dr. Martin to break down this study. The names of some proteins and enzymes can be confusing to most, but Dr. Martin is here to decipher them for you.


Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live this morning. Looking forward to a little session together as our custom and we sure appreciate you guys again and again and again. Nice to have you on. Guys, I am going to give you a couple of big names here. Okay? Three of them. Now, you leave these little proteins and enzymes to me. Okay? I'll bring them out and we'll uncomplicate them. Cause when you read some of these studies, okay, P1 3K, it's an enzyme. Okay? What does it do? Involved in a study. Let me read the, I might have even brought you this study because it's about cancer and, hold on, let me just get it. Yeah, it's prostate cancer, okay? Prostate cancer loves sugar. Hello? We've been saying that for a long time. Any cancer, loves sugar, it needs fuel. It's a renegade. They're not normal cells and they love fuel. Okay? Now this is out of Tufts T U F T S University, okay? And they talk about this. I might have done something on this enzyme awhile back, but I can't say that I remember with all the podcasts that I do. Okay?

Now, here's what it says. This is out of Tufts University on prostate cancer. Okay? Now, P1 3K, it's an enzyme. It opens the valve that lets sugar in. Now we all know, we all know and bears repetition. You have a carbohydrate. Okay, let's follow a piece of bread for a second. You have bread. "Oh, Dr. Martin, it's whole wheat." I don't care. "It's 12 grain." I don't care. "It's ancient grain." I don't care. I don't, well, I do, but I don't, you know what I mean? I don't care what it is. It's bread. It's going to be turned into sugar rapidly. Okay? Rapidly. Then insulin is involved. Insulin says to sugar, hey, you cannot park there. You can't park in the bloodstream. Come with me. Right? The traffic cop.

Now again, I'm an illustrator. That's how my brain works. I need that for myself. Okay? I hope you appreciate it. Many of you tell me you do, okay? It's the way I learn, guys. Okay, so the traffic cop says to sugar, you can't park in the bloodstream. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. It's a no parking zone. Okay? No parking zone. Can't park there. So come with me. And it wants to bring that sugar to your cells. Muscle cells the best place for it. But anyway, I don't want to get sidetracked and on the door of yourselves, okay? There's an enzyme. It's called P1 3K. I like the shorter version because holy moly, when you try and read the long version of it, your tongue gets twisted. Okay? So let's just keep it short, keep it simple, stupid. That's me. Okay? So the latch on the door to your cells to let sugar in is called P1 3K. It's an enzyme.

Okay, so Tufts University says in diabetes, let's say you're a diabetic and you had a piece of bread, which you shouldn't do, by the way. Why? Because you have an allergy to it. You and bread don't get along. You and carbs have a bad relationship. That's what diabetes is. It really is a food allergy. Okay? It is. So a diabetic has a piece of bread. Insulin says, come here sugar, because bread turns to sugar rapidly. Terrible for a diabetic, and insulin, okay, says, and sometimes diabetics are even taking insulin because their insulin don't work properly. So insulin says, come with me. I'm going to park you at the cellular level. And when you're a diabetic, that P1 3K, the door opening, it needs grease on the lock. Okay? Cause it don't open very well. That's what Tufts University says.

I guess, guys, the more powerful the microscopes, you know, the more they find out how the body operates. It's, it's all, it's absolutely incredible. At the cellular level, there's an enzyme there, it's a locking mechanism, and it has trouble opening with diabetes. Now, what Tufts University said, when you have cancer and cancer cells, P1 3K opens wide, it can't stop sugar from coming in. It opens the drawbridge and all of the sugar comes in and rapidly. So in diabetes, it's slow to open up. So sugar stays in the bloodstream. Very dangerous. That's diabetes. That opening mechanism, that lock P1 3K has trouble opening. But in cancer, you can't keep it closed. Cancer cells sees sugar and it goes, woohoo, come, we love you. And P1 3K. It's working too well. Isn't that interesting in terms of a study and this one that we're looking at, prostate cancer.

And guys, okay, here's the key. The key, we talk about sugar. Yes, yes. But the key is insulin. It's insulin my friend. And that is why day after day after day after day, remember, my PhD is in food, it's in nutrition, okay? So every day I talk about making choices. What you put in your mouth every day. And the more they study the human body, the more they realize how important food is. Isn't it crazy? Think about this for a minute. Think about, this'll give you a headache beyond headaches. Medicine, medical schools don't teach nutrition. They leave it to others. Imagine that. Ah, food, like I said, their mantra is moderation, and they don't know what they're talking about. Cancer and sugar, what? Here's some Ensure to ensure the cancer grows. Here's some Boost. So it will boost your chances of dying. They give you sugar. For heaven's sake.

Hello? I shake my head, guys, because when they get down to the cellular level and they look at P1 3K, an enzyme, that's the guardian, the door lock to your cells on cancer cells. Well, diabetes, it don't work well. And in insulin resistance, it don't work well. It doesn't needs extra grease to open it properly. But in cancer, man, oh man, the flood gates are wide open because of P1 3K. And guys, this was talking about prostate cancer. Well, I'm sorry, they might as well do it for breast cancer. They might as well do it for ovarian cancer. They might as well do it for pancreatic cancer. They might as well do it for stomach cancer. They might as well do it for bowel cancer. These are all growing in numbers like no tomorrow. And our geniuses, they're not even thinking about food.

Go to the Canadian or American cancer research or cancer societies. When people come around and they wear pink, I mean, who doesn't want to beat cancer? Everybody wants to beat cancer. They tug on your heartstrings. Well, Dr. Martin, don't you care? Well, I care, but I don't want to put my money where all they're doing it's marketing, they're not doing research. They're looking for love in all the wrong places. And 90% of it goes to salaries and marketing for next year's budget. Why don't they start funding research on vitamin D? Why don't they start funding research on P1 3K, the door, the latch to your cells and cancer cells? Man, the answer's in front of us, cancer needs fuel. It does. And it only likes one type. It loves junk food.

You know me, I've called cancer not only renegade like teenagers, you know, they're bad cells. I love my grandchildren that are teenagers, by the way, okay? But they love sugar. Grandpa, you don't like that, do you? Nah, I like it, but I don't eat it. Okay? I didn't say I didn't like it. I had cookies and ice cream too when I was a kid. What is it today? Let me give you, this came out yesterday, I read this yesterday in an article. The average American consumes 5.8 pallets of refined sugar in a lifetime. Now, have you ever seen anything delivered in a pallet like go to the grocery store, okay? And the big transports come in, okay? And everything's delivered on a pallet. Like they can stock a pallet like nobody's business, right? You've seen that, have you?

The average American, this is an article I read yesterday. The average American consumes 5.8 pallets of refined sugar in their lifetime. 5.8 pallets of it. That's not talking about fruits, guys. And this was 2011. This is looking at statistics from 2011. Holy moly, we're past that. We're 2023, and they said in 2011, 5.8 pallets. You know what that comes out to? On average, 150 pounds of sugar a year. What did I tell you? What are the recent statistics? We're up to 200 pounds just about per year. More pallets. And we wonder why. I wonder why cancer? What is it? It's gotten worse. And the geniuses sit around in rooms and go, I wonder what it is that it's worse. Ooh, P1 3K, P1 3K, the door opener on your cells. It's not working properly in diabetes and sugar stays outside the cell, which destroys your blood vessels.

Ask a diabetic, ask any diabetic. What are they worried about? Their eyes, their heart, their kidneys, their brain. Why? Sugar. They used to call it sugar diabetes until the powers to be changed the name type two diabetes. I've got type two diabetes. Oh, yeah? Yeah, well, it's not type one. What's type one doc? That's autoimmune. What's type two? What's sugar diabetes? You have an allergy. Here's another one. I got to give you another little PGC, like pg, you know, like a movie? It's pg, parental guidance, but this is another protein. PGC 1 alpha 1. It sounds like a plane's landing. This is PGC 1 alpha 1, what runway do you got me landing on? I see these names and I shake my head. Okay, but they're saying on this one, when you exercise, my friend, move. Vitamin E, sun, steak and steel, okay, vitamin E, I'm talking about my book last weekend.

It was funny because about three people asked me, okay, I know what sun is, I know what steak is, doc, what steel in your book? I said, exercise, working out, getting strong. And what this enzyme or protein does, it's a protein in your blood and when you exercise, you get rid of it. And what it does, it increases your mood. You feel better because you're getting rid of, let me say it again, PGC 1 alpha 1. Ooh. But the research shows when you get rid of that protein in your blood and you get rid of it, when you exercise, your mood gets better. And they're saying, okay, again, this is groundbreaking what this study said. If you can get a depressed person to exercise to move, if you can get 'em to a gym, they're showing that it's better. Listen to what I'm going to say. It's a much more effective treatment for depression than antidepressants. Wow. Wow.

Now, if you see this in the mainstream media, would you please send it to me on our Facebook page or whatever? Show me the study that I just read to you on PGC. I got to look down because I forget it all the time. PGC 1 alpha 1. Believe me, when I was in school, we never learned about PGC 1 alpha 1, okay? But very specifically vitamin E, the real one. Exercise. Hi, Dr. Martin, do I got to do cardio? No. Everything you do is cardio. You move. It's cardio, okay? You do weights, it's cardio. It is. Every exercise is cardio, right? Your heart's independent. It's your brain that decides what exercise to do. Your heart just goes along, right? So when you walk, really, really good for you. And that's real good, right? What's better than walking? Walking is fantastic. It's cardio.

You don't have to run to do cardio. You can walk and do cardio. Okay? But what's best? What is the best vitamin E? Okay? Get strong. Not just move, get strong. It's been shown over and over and over again. If you get strong, you're going to have a strong brain. If you get strong, you can regulate your blood sugar and insulin resistance much better than any other exercise because your muscles, okay, your muscles, especially your leg muscles. Your muscles, they're the best metabolic unit that you have. Okay? So get strong. But any exercise, listen to this, it affects your PGC 1 alpha 1. It comes out of your bloodstream during and exercise. It increases your mood, it decreases your risk of depression. And according to the study, when they did placebo and they did double blind, what they showed is that an antidepressant, Prozac, you name them, are not near as effective because they're looking at chemical imbalance.

The whole premise behind depression, the whole premise was you have a chemical imbalance. And guys, like I told you, the summer of 2022, I should write a book. I really should write a book, on the summer of 2022, when mental health got turned upside down, what did they find out? It's not a chemical imbalance. That's not the cause. Hey guys, don't come after me. Don't shoot the messenger. And this study showed vitamin E. You know the problem, okay? And let me finish with this. The problem is, and I've always found this to be okay, I've always found this to be, I used to see a lot of depression in my office, a lot of anxiety, a lot of depression, okay? And I'm a hormone guy, so I used to do all their hormones and man, their cortisol was through the roof and their B12 was very low. Their vitamin D was very low. They had insulin resistance almost invariably. I mean it from kids to 70 year olds. It didn't matter. They had a lot of characteristics that were in common.

But I used to tell 'em, you got to move, man, I don't feel like moving. I want to stay on my couch. I'm depressed. I know you're depressed, but can I give you a med? Pretend it's a medication. You're taking meds, antidepressants. Can I give you another med? Take it every day. Vitamin E, move exercise. You'll find you're going to feel better. And now we know why. I never told them that. It's going to get rid of your PGC 1 alpha 1. Okay? Leave it to the researchers for that. Okay? All I knew is it worked, but the problem was getting them to do it. They're so used to just taking a pill that makes 'em a zombie, right? They had a hard time complying to the idea, change my diet doc. I found that hard. I said, yeah, but it's going to help you, man. It won't believe how much. It's going to help you change your diet and change your mood by vitamin E.

Move. If you do nothing else, go for a walk every day and preferably get some weights or get some tension bails and work out even five minutes. We'll get rid of that. Holy moly. PGC 1 alpha 1. Okay, guys, have I told you lately that I love you? Oh, I did. Okay, but I'm telling you again, love you dearly. I mean that sincerely. Okay? You guys are the greatest audience in the world. Why? You're the smartest. You're the loyalist, okay? And you guys care. You care for each other. You care for me. I like that. I care for you, but you care for me. Okay? How sweet. I was reading the verse in the bible today that said, encourage one another. Let's encourage one another. Okay? Okay, guys, love you dearly. And tomorrow is question and answer Friday. Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun. Okay. Talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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