1087. Q&A with Dr. Martin


Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners.

Some of today’s topics include:

  • Cheese blocking bile duct
  • Effect of low progesterone on gallbladder
  • Vitamin E D-alpha tocopherol
  • Pulmonary fibrosis
  • Hidradenitis suppurativa
  • Lipoprotein (a) blood test
  • Betaine hydrochloride
  • Iodine supplements
  • Ginkgo biloba
  • SIBO (small intestine fungal overgrowth)


Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day. Okay, let's get going. Okay. "Is it possible," Charles, "is it possible eating too much cheese can block the bile duct in the gallbladder?" Well, good question, Charles. Okay. It really is. Look, you need to eat fat because that's what the gallbladder is. It's just a little reservoir. Just a little pouch to store bile. And bile is very important for digestion, very important for emulsifying fat. Okay, so obviously you're meant to eat fat. Problem is okay with a gallbladder. You use it or lose it. And anybody that gets gallbladder stones, okay, gallstones generally, okay, 99.9, they haven't used their gallbladder. You use it or lose it, okay, generally.

Now, when you start the reset and your gallbladder's not used to it, not used to eating a fair amount of fat like cheese. Cheese is protein and fat, by the way, which is the best food. Why do I like meat, protein, and fat? Why do I like eggs, protein, and fat. Why do I like dairy? Especially cheese, protein and fat. It's the way it should be. Now, gallbladder use it or lose it. You can get a sluggish gallbladder and Charles says soon as he backed off the cheese, he felt better. And your gallbladder just has to get used to it, okay? You have to get used to it. Let your gallbladder work and one way to help with the gallbladder. Yeah, cut back for a while on cheese. You don't have to cut it out, but cut back. And the other thing is don't eat at night. If you want to give your gallbladder a big time recess, any digestive issue really? I used to tell my patients, stop eating. Make six o'clock the latest and you're finished eating and give your body a huge chance just to break down food and breakdown fat and rest. And that really helps. Okay, so thanks for the question, Charles.

Okay, here's another one. Carrie on gallbladder. Right at the top. "Wanting to know if low progesterone levels can affect one's gallbladder?" Yep, absolutely can. Okay. Progesterone is really important for smooth muscle. That's why ladies, I used to see this all the time. A woman has a baby and they lose their gallbladder. Okay, why did that happen? Well, probably for two reasons. They weren't eating enough fat, so use it or lose it or the other one was quite common. And that is when a woman has a baby, and by the way, only women can have babies. Ooh anyway, when a woman has a baby, she leaves all of her progesterone in the placenta. Okay? Now your body's supposed to build it up and bring it back up, but sometimes, and this is another reason you get postpartum blues. Why do women get postpartum depression? Well, all the progesterone was left in the placenta and estrogen takes over. And when you get estrogen dominance, you can have trouble with the gallbladder because you can have trouble with postpartum depression.

And here's another organ that's very important for women that men rarely get. Then there's some hormonal factors, and that is the bladder. Okay? Good men. I'm not saying we never have trouble with the bladder, we have trouble with the prostate, not the bladder, but women have trouble with the bladder recurring infections. The bladder drops down sometimes after a baby. And what is that? Smooth muscle? Low progesterone. So again, progesterone is always measured, or at least it should be in relationship to estrogen. The both should be equal. And when you get estrogen dominance, it's not necessarily because your estrogen is way too high, it's higher than progesterone. That's the key. That's why in postmenopausal women, "oh doc, I got low estrogen," eh, you really have low progesterone. Yes, estrogen is coming down, but it's the balance between estrogen and progesterone. Okay? So it can affect the gallbladder for sure. Carrie, thanks for the question.

"Does anyone know about this ingredient? Vitamin E, D-alpha tocopherol?" Well, look, vitamin E is four tocopherols and the real vitamin E is exercise. Okay, why don't I talk to you about vitamin E very much. I mean the other one, the D alpha took off all. It's not toxic, by the way. Is it toxic Marietta? No, it's not. Talk vitamin E, eat eggs, meat and cheese, and you're going to get lots of vitamin E, the other vitamin E. Okay, you know me, Martin Clinic, we characterize exercises vitamin E because it's a much more important vitamin. I'm not saying that vitamin E is not good for you, but when you eat eggs, meat, and cheese, you are going to get vitamin E. You'll get all that you need. Okay? And do I use it as a supplement? Nah, not much. Okay, not much. But is it good for you? Well, for sure. It's good for you. Vitamin E is good for you. Okay? The other vitamin E, but it's certainly not toxic.

And Sandra, "how do Navitol and high DHA and quercetin improve pulmonary fibrosis?" Well, pulmonary fibrosis is scarring in the lungs, difficulty breathing similar to C O P D. Okay, you got these alveoli and they don't move much and they're fibrosis, they're scarred. That's what fibrosis is for lungs, I like vitamin D, I like Navitol because it increases nitric oxide. That means it opens up the blood vessels. The more blood supply you have in those lungs, the better it's going to be high D h a lubricates. Think of lubrication. You need an oil change in those lungs. And I love high d h A, okay? Not only for your lungs, obviously your eyes, your brain, your art lubrication. Make those blood vessels as slippery as possible, okay? And quercetin is good. I like quercetin. By the way, you get quercetin in coffee too. It drives zinc inside the cell. Very good for your immune system. And Curtin is famous for allergies. For allergies. It's a natural antihistamine. Okay? So that's good for your lungs too. Okay, thanks Sandra.

"Can a person become immune to cortisol control, like it doesn't work as well?" Well, it is possible. It's not necessarily that you become immune to it. Whatever your stress levels are or whatever. Look, thousands and thousands of people love cortisol on a daily basis and it works for them. If it works less, maybe come off of it for a month or so and see by restarting it how it works for you. Okay?

Wade. "I'd like Dr. Martin to comment on the value of fasting evenings and other times." Well, I just talked about it, Wade. Okay, I really like fasting at night. I'm big. The best fasting is intermittent fasting. Look, everybody's different, but generally, here's what I found. You really are fasting. If you stop eating, for example at six o'clock at night and don't eat till about 10 o'clock the next morning, now you are intermittent. And that does a lot of things including increasing your autophagy, increasing your brain, cleaning your self-cleaning oven in the brain, okay? Call your glymphatic system. Everything works better. Your digestion works better, everything's better. It helps with liver and helping to clean it out and all of this and that.

Yeah, I like intermittent fasting. I talked about it all the time. It's eating within windows. You see, the problem is weed. Here's the problem in society today, the biggest problem is metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is caused by insulin resistance. It's constantly the secretion of insulin. Why is that? Because we're carbohydrates. So when you eat within windows, meaning that, let's say you start at 10 o'clock in the morning and you stop at six o'clock at night, you got about an eight hour window where you're eating, you're not always eating, but let's say you had a good breakfast at bacon and eggs at 10 o'clock in the morning or whatever.

And then let's say if you had at a 10, you probably don't want to eat lunch. You might just have a little something at one o'clock or whatever, and then you have your supper and then you're done. Because what happens is that people, because they're snacking all the time because they're using their insulin all the time, because let's say for example, you start your morning at eight o'clock and you have a bowl of cereal and toast, which is very common for most people. Or they have a muffin or a bagel, and then they have a little snack at 10 o'clock in the morning. Well, at eight o'clock till 10 o'clock, your insulin's going crazy because it's trying to get sugar out of your bloodstream and store it in your muscles, in your liver, or it's making fat cells, okay? And then you eat again. You didn't even give your body a break.

Why do you think we see so much metabolic syndrome? It's insulin. Remember? Okay, remember this illustration again, I'm very visual. Your pancreas literally is the size of this ballpoint pen. Now it does a few things, but it's job is to control your blood. Sugar doesn't want you to go too low. It doesn't want you to go higher, that's for sure. Okay? And inside the ballpoint pen, you see ink, okay? Inside your pancreas you have insulin. It's a hormone, it's a traffic cop. Its job primarily is to take sugar out of your bloodstream so your body knows that sugar is toxic. You might not know it while you guys do, you're my audience, but the world out there doesn't know sugar is toxic. And they used to call diabetes, sugar diabetes, but they changed the name. There was a reason for that. They're not stupid. The food industry is not stupid.

And the pharmaceutical industry, they're not stupid. They don't want to cure your diabetes, they want to manage your diabetes. So they don't even call it sugar diabetes. They call it type two adult onset diabetes, but it's sugar, diabetes. You got an allergy to sugar, okay? So when you use your pancreas all day long, what happens at the cellular level? Your cells are so sick and tired of zing insulin, they get tired of it. But insulin says, I don't care if you insist on eating carbs. I have to come and take that sugar out of the bloodstream. So if I got to pour more and more and more insulin at you, I will. And your cells go, I hate you. Get away from me. So intermittent fasting helps us for sure it does. It gives your pancreas a break, it gives your insulin a break. But at the end of the day, here's what I've said too.

Now, when you eat eggs, when you eat meat, and when you eat cheese, wade, you really are fasting without fasting. Why is that? Because when you eat high quality fuel that your cells adore, you don't need a lot of insulin. You need some, but you don't need much. So you're fasting without fasting. Now, am I against intermittent fasting? No. Absolutely not. Against, I don't like 48 hour fasting or 72 hour fasting. I really don't like that. Okay? In my opinion, it's not the way your body is meant to operate. Now you can do it. I've said this before. You get the diagnosis of cancer, there's some research out there suggesting that you do three day fast, don't eat at all for three days. You can drink water, you need water of course, and have coffee. To be honest, I'm not big on fasting for 48 hours or 72 hours. I'm not, okay? When I used to measure people, they used to develop a fair amount of uric acid when they were doing that. I didn't like that. Okay? Per se, is it going to kill you? No, it won't kill you. But is it the best thing for you? No. In my opinion it's not. And I know that some fasting gurus would say it's very beneficial to the body. Nah, I disagree with that. Okay, that's me. Okay? And that's my experience. That's where I come from. Okay?

Linda's asking about what is the cause and what do you recommend for hidradenitis suppurativa Oh, big knee. I've seen it. What do I think it's an autoimmune and leaky gut. Better fix that. I would do the reset. Fixed leaky gut, and it certainly wouldn't hurt it.

"What foods cause the effect lipoprotein a blood test." Well, Maureen, I'm sorry, and I'm not picking on you. Okay, that is a smoke screen, okay? The lipoprotein A or B part or lipid profile to me. Guys, look, why am I worried about that? I'm not, okay. Again, Maureen, here's what you worry about. What are my triglycerides and what is my H D L? Okay, L D L. That's sort of getting some bad ink now because the more the time they've had to research it, they realize if you have low L D L, okay, low density lipoprotein, you are going to die younger. And they drive that down with medication. So now they've got plan B. Cause people, you know what? Maybe I shouldn't be worried about my L D L so much. And so what do they do? They've come up with something else. Okay?

Maureen, what did they say? Oh, what is my lipo protein? A blood test doing? Okay, it's to put you on statin drugs. They hit over a trillion dollars in sales looking for love in all the wrong places. You can't change my mind about it. I've been screaming the cholesterol hoax for years and years and years. I wrote articles for magazines or whatever years ago. Don't believe the cholesterol blaming cholesterol is like blaming police because they're at the crime scene. They're not the bad guy. Of course you have cholesterol, you have cholesterol in all your cell, you have cholesterol in your brain, you have cholesterol flowing through your blood vessels, but they're not the bad guy.

None of it is the bad guy. Only triglycerides are the bad guy. And when your cholesterol is too low, especially your hdl, you're not going to do well. You need high cholesterol. And I know that goes against the grain. I know it's not popular. I know that I've been called a quack and worse, but guys, I double down, triple down. Don't try and get your lipids down. Get your try glycerides down by cutting out the sugar and cutting out the carbohydrates because that's how you make triglycerides. The fat balls that go into your bloodstream when your liver is overloaded, and especially high fructose corn syrup, which is the sugar of choice for the food industry. They have ruined the health of our kids, our grandchildren, and us.

Okay, Beth, "I wonder why my legs feel cool and wet from time to time." Beth, hormones, you're a woman. Ask a man if that ever happens. Nah, we don't have any hormones. We're a bunch of babies. God didn't give us hormones. Well, we got hormones, but we don't have ovaries. We couldn't take it. Believe me when I tell you that I'm very hard on men because we're big babies and we're stubborn. We couldn't take it. There you go.

Carmen's asking about betaine hydrochloride. You can take it as a supplement. Be very careful with that stuff. Most people don't do well with betaine. Okay? I like digestive enzymes better. And you know what? Drink a little pickle juice or have a little bit of apple cider vinegar or a little touch of balsamic vinegar that's really good for your stomach. Okay?

Linda, iodine is found in. Should I take a supplement? Well, if you take our thyroid supplement, you're getting iodine in there. But your thyroid, I look iodine's important. It really is. But so selenium, and this is why, let me just say this, okay, about the thyroid. Got to talk about the thyroid for a second. We talk about it a lot, don't we? Because it's the master gland, and especially in women, it's got a lot of strings attached. Now, let me talk about food and I, I'm just going to make a general statement. Women, especially in this day, and eat, they don't eat enough eggs. Iodine, meat, iodine and cheese. Iodine. But not only iodine, selenium, okay? All your B vitamins, you see your thyroid nutritionally when women, I'm picking on you because you can take it. Men, we can't take it. Women, listen, Linda, listen. When you live on salad, cows are to live on salad, not you. Okay?

And when nutritionally, your thyroid doesn't get enough eggs, meat and cheese, you're damaging your thyroid. Not only are you not getting enough iodine unless you're eating seaweed, but it's not just iodine, it's selenium. It's your B vitamins. Your thyroid needs protein, it needs fat. It needs those important things. And I saw thousands and thousands of times because the women bought the lie, especially women of a low fat diet. That is the stupidest thing that was ever invented. Go to the yogurt department. I often do this when I go to the grocery store. I go into the yogurt and dairy and it goes low fat yogurt, low fat yogurt, low fat yogurt. You can hardly buy anything with fat in it. It's so stupid. Fat reduced. It says fat reduced the geniuses in the food companies because they're scared of cholesterol. It's the boogeyman. They make everything low fat.

And how stupid. That's not dairy. Dairy is high fat. That's why I don't like grocery store milk. It's low fat. It's not supposed be your thyroid needs fat. Your thyroid needs protein, and it needs the bioavailable protein that's found in eggs, meat and chase. Ladies, listen, I know you're listening because you're my audience now, but seriously, guys, why do you think we see? And then of course, on the other side, you're consuming sugar destructive to the thyroid gland because it hits the hypothalamus in the brain and the pituitary, it messes things up. Okay? Enough of my diatribe. Here we go.

Janet, "what are my thoughts on ginkgo?" Well, I like it, but it's never been my favorite. It was big. Now I'm talking ginkgo. Really? Really? I mean, I would've liked to have shares in ginkgo in the late 1990s, I think. Yeah, maybe early in the turn of the century. It's good for depression, it's good for this, it's good for that. You know what? All my patients used to talk to me about it and what do I think about it? And I answered that question on radio probably a thousand times. I said, me, I like things better than ginkgo. I was much bigger on Navitol, pine bark because it crossed the blood-brain barrier readily and for brain and for concentration and all of that. I like high D H a naval better. But listen, I didn't say I disliked it. I just found it's not the all that was cracked up to be.

Okay? Oh, somebody's else was asking about Debra, asking about vitamin E of its use, especially in balance issues. Yeah, there's again, vitamin E, eat it, supplement me. I'll put naval up against vitamin E anytime and any day, okay?

Okay. Wendy, "my friend yesterday has an ulcer and separated stomach." Okay? "Ketos feels better not eating any grains." Yeah, don't eat green grains. Look, eat piora. Then she ate grains and grains for an ulcer grain. The greens. Greens, grains. Look, grains ain't what they used to be. Okay? One of the things we could talk about is wheat. They don't even make it like they used to. Okay? Like the wheat flour and not like it's processed with bromide instead of iodine. Used to be iodine, but you know what I find? You get people off, they really do. You know, multi-grain. 50 50 green. Dr. Martin, it's so good for you, isn't it? Nah, that was brought to you by the cereal companies. Look, bread ain't what it used to be. It really isn't. Okay? We don't live in Jesus time. And even then he said, man shall not live by bread alone. Right? Our pasta, our noodles, or whatever. Okay? I'm not saying you never, ever, ever have them. I'm just saying way overrated. And when you're on the reset, you're not eating any grains.

Okay, Nicole, what about SIBO? Okay, leaky gut and SIBO, two different things, by the way. Okay? But they're treated similar, okay? Leaky gut is when your blood gut barrier has been compromised due to antibiotics, due to bad food, bad, you get leaky gut. SIBO is really, in my opinion, I renamed it because I think I'm right. I know I'm right. SIBO, which is small intestine fungal overgrowth. It's just like, ladies, if you get a recurring bladder infection, can I tell you what it is? It is yeast, it is fungus, it is not bacteria. Yeah, there's a bacteria there, but because you took an antibiotic, you get a development of yeast. And this is how you get SIBO too, because it's really sea and the use of antibiotics. Poor acidity in the stomach. You know when you don't use your stomach for meat and you use it for salad, you got a good chance of getting seafood, but they're treated similarly. You change your diet. You don't eat any sugar whatsoever. I'm big on a probiotic. I know they say don't use a probiotic sibo. You know what? I don't agree with that at all. They want you to use an antibiotic. Could they think it's only bacterial?

I say, nah, there's a bacteria there. Yep, I agree. But the underlying condition is yeast. It's fungal. And when you're bloated and when you've got real stomach discomfort, oftentimes it's sea. Get rid of the yeast and you probably got leaky gut at the same time. Fix both. Very similar protocol. I like oil of egal. By the way. This is why I created our digestive enzymes fors, because I put oil of oregano in it and that kills that fungus. See, antibiotics don't kill a fungus, they make fungus worse. So you might get temporary relief, but it's going to get worse in the long run. I'm telling you, because they're shooting at the wrong enemy. The enemy's not the bacteria, it's a fungus, it's a yeast, it's candida. Okay? Gets into the bladder in women and gets into the gut in the small intestine. Okay? Okay, Nicole, thank you.

Anonymous, "knee bent in position, spasms in the leg." Well, usually I would start drinking some pickle juice because you're probably low in sodium and potassium, by the way, there's more potassium in bacon than there is in the banana. Eat your bacon.

Barbara, "I like hot coffee. It burns all the way down. Well, does it damage the lining?" Nah. No, it won't contribute to leaky gut. Coffee's good for you. I mean, if it's burning all the way down, maybe it's a little too hot. What is that doing? I dunno. Everybody's different. Barb. I mean, you like it burning hot like that, you know? I like it hot too. I don't like lukewarm coffee at all, but not that hot. But that's just my taste.

Okay, Lori. "Autoimmune as Parkinson's. Will cut out sugar help big time?" Because you remember in Parkinson's, it's leaky gut. It started in the gut. You have more bad guys than good guys. Plus, then you got the invasion of the third army, which is fungus. It's yeast. It crosses the blood-brain barrier because the same way your gut is compromised, the bacteria in your gut is compromised. It's the same thing that happens in the blood-brain barrier, and that's the connection. So what happens? Yeast gets into the bloodstream and it travels to the brain. Can give you MS, can give you Parkinson's, okay? Leaky gut, leaky brain, okay? Plug it up and don't feed the yeast. It'll call your name every day. That's why with sugar, it helps. If you don't feed yeast, it's going to get angry, but then it's going to die and go after it with broad spectrum probiotics. Okay?

Laura, lymphopathy. Yeah, that's something. That's an element. That's electromagnetic. No, that's not my expertise. Okay. Healing electromagnetic. Look, I mean, there are people that really get into that. That was never my expertise. I read about it, but I'm not my expertise, so I hate to even comment on it.

Syndora, "Does coffee raise cortisol?" Nope. It don't. Coffee's good for you. It actually lowers extra cortisol. You need cortisol, by the way, cortisol's not a bad guy when it's your friend. Okay? Coffee is good. It's good for everything. It's the real vitamin C. I'm sorry, I can't change my mind about, it has a thousand phytonutrients. It's a supplement, coffee.

Okay, dystonia, neurological. Yeah. Well, that's leaky gut. Start with the gut. When it's neurological, start with the gut. Why do we see so much ALS today? Leaky gut and that, you know, it's terrible, but I'm telling you, antibiotics, the greatest discovery of the 20th century and the curse of the 21st, I'm telling you, those guys are killers. They'll save your life and yet kill you. On the other hand, I, I've been saying that for 50 years. I'm sorry. We just don't get enough good bacteria. I'm sorry. We just don't.

Trudy, what do I think of S E I T? Well, SEIT again. Man, oh man. What year did I, I mean, I must have talked about that as people asked me that on my radio show again, right around 2000, maybe even a little earlier than that Renny case came out and it's actually a nurse from Ontario, Northern Ontario. I think it was Muskoka or somewhere there in the Muskoka. Yeah. Am I against it? Nope. If I had cancer, try it. But is it the miracle that they talked about? Nah. I like my protocol better to be honest. Okay? For cancer, vitamin D, get your serum levels of vitamin D very high, you eliminate sugar, totally. Cancers looking for sugar. You go on high DHA, there's research on that. So I'm not against S E I T. Okay? Like I said, it really, really was famous for a while there. And I'm going back quite a few years, but again, I'm not against it guys. Okay? I just got to tell you what I like better. That's all. That's what I'm saying. Okay?

You know what I used to tell my patients? And I mean, I bet you I said it once a day. I said to them this, if I thought holding your feet and hanging you upside down from my building would help you, I'd go there and hold your feet. So am I against, someone says SEIT, go for it. If you got cancer, you know it ain't going to hurt you. But I liked what I could measure and I know what vitamin D does. I know what the sun does. I know what happens when you get your serum vitamin D levels to a certain level. I just know what happens with that. Is it the cure all and be all not, but it's certainly at the top of the food chain, in my opinion, compared to S E I T. I compare it any day to them. Okay? I'm very opinionated, guys, but you're asking me questions. I got to tell you what I think, right? Otherwise, you're not going to like me. Okay?

Wendy's asking about estrogen, vaginal estrogen. Do I like it? No. I never like estrogen. I just don't. Okay. If you had dryness in women, listen, that's no fun. But I don't like putting estrogen into the body because it's not the issue. The issue is the lack of progesterone. There's a gel out lubrication with hyaluronic acid. A natural. I'm not big on estrogen because I find estrogen as a growth hormone. And you know how they make estrogen. I'm talking about the synthetic one. Horses' urine. And I always used to tell my patients, women patients this, are you eating hay? Oh, you don't? No. Well, I wouldn't take horses urine then, because you're not a horse. I learned that from a colleague of mine, Dr. Fishman. You know what, he was never, never, never, never big on estrogen. He didn't like it. And he was a compound pharmacist. PhD taught at medical school on bioidentical hormones and he hated estrogen. Me too.

Okay, Tienne, she has hypertension. Can she drink coffee? Yeah, do you know the coffee will actually lower your blood pressure? You know why? Because it elevates your at nitric coffee. Coffee's good for your blood vessels. It's like metformin. I love it. Okay? Ah, you know what? They hate coffee. They hate the sun. They hate cholesterol. They they're wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. I'm sorry.

Okay, Louise. Coffee enemas. Yep. Yep. I used to give patients some suppositories with a coffee enema. Drink coffee, again it's good for you. Empties your liver okay? I'm not against it.

Joy, "my girl started out with straight hair. Now hit puberty, went to tight curl." See what hormones do. Men, that never happens to us. Okay? Never happens to a man. Women complicated. God made you unique. Okay?

Beverly, "strontium citrate with nah, nah, I know what it is. A mineral. Ah, eat eggs, meat and cheese. How's that? You get a lot of it. I know. I know. I know, I know. Okay guys, I am very controversial. I admit it. I listened to a radio show yesterday. I heard it. And the guy said the arguments he makes can't be broken. That's what he said. I kind of like that. The arguments I make can't be broken. Because they're true. I just want you to be healthy guys. I do. And I want you to be able to decipher what is true and what is bs. And I hate to use the word, okay? And there's a lot of BS out there, okay? Lot of it, don't be duped. Okay? We love you guys. We'll talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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