Dr. Martin shares a cancer study that looked at 17,000 cancer tissues for 35 different cancers, and you know what they found? Fungus was present in all tissue samples.
There's a huge connection between cancer and fungus, and it’s finally getting some traction. Dr. Martin has often talked about yeast and fungus and how they cause silent inflammation which can lead to cancer.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. Welcome again to another live. Hope you're having a great start to your day. Hope you've had your vitamin C, the real vitamin C. Thanks for coming on. Now let's look at a few new studies that came out in the last week or so. Always, always coming up with new studies. Some of them I find very interesting and some of them they don't mean too much, but let me just talk about one here. This is on cancer guys, okay? And they looked at 17,000 cancer tissues for 35 different cancers. Okay? This was a study done, and you know what they found? They found that in the 17,000 cancer tissues, fungus was present. Now, we've talked about this in the past for you folks that are just joining us in the last little while we've talked about the connection between yeast, fungus, and the most prevalent fungus is candida albicans.
We've talked about its connection to cancer, and studies are starting to hear this out, okay? That there's a huge connection between cancer and fungus. I told you the story probably many times about being on this is in the early nineties, I think with probably the number one guy talking about yeast and fungus and mold in the United States. I think. Got a Dallas, I think. Yeah, I traveled to Dallas to be on his TV program and we talked about, I was on there to talk about chronic fatigue syndrome and its connection to mole, but he had a guest coming on in the green room after me, a Dr. Simon from Italy. And he was saying, and I found that fascinating, that whenever he did tissue samples, and he was a pathologist in Italy, tissue samples of cancer, he found candida, he's found fungus. And he actually talked about using baking soda as a treatment because it neutralizes candida because of pH.
Found it fascinating. I knew that. Was it. Time Magazine talking about yeast and the brain connection. Boy in the 1980s, leaky got leaky brain 1980s, time Magazine. How did yeast get up into the brain? The yeast connection? But again, what I'm saying is there's new research confirming that cancer and yeast are friends. And of course, one thing we do know is that cancer needs sugar as fuel. Cancer hates steaks. So does fungus. It hates it because it can't feed on it. Cancer needs sugar. Well, so does yeast, so does fungus. And so if they're connected, and by the way, just going to say this, by the way, when someone does, and this is what I used to see in my office all the time when someone got cancer treatment, especially chemotherapy, they had yeast coming out, the wazoo. I mean, it was incredible. And I can't think of any exception I ever saw to that in all my years in practice. So there's a huge connection is yeast or fungus at the root of cancer.
People are saying that that's possible. So here's what the takeaway is. You got to fix leaky gut. Now, ladies, you know what a yeast infection is? Men, we don't know so much. Think about it. I talk about this all the time, is it's microscopic, but nonetheless there. And when you think about it, when you get leaky gut due to several things, what causes leaky gut? What causes the border between your gut and your blood to become permeable? Leaky what goes in there, but what causes it? Number one, antibiotic that people often take like candies, destroy the microbiome. These artificial sweeteners destroy the microbiome. Chemicals we live in a chemical laced world kind of change the microbiome. Stress can change the microbiome, right? Sugar changes the microbiome. So what I'm saying is, and research is finally catching up, is there seems to be a huge connection between yeast or fungus and cancer.
Are all cancers fungal? Maybe not all but most. Now, what comes first? I believe it's the yeast, it's the fungus. And again, you have competing armies. That's what your microbiome is. You got good guys and bad guys. And when there's an imbalance and you got more bad guys than good guys for the reasons I mentioned a little bit earlier, you get an invasion. I tell you, you wouldn't believe how many times physicians would argue with me about that fungus, if you get a fungal infection in the blood, it'll kill you. And I said, yeah, but you think rapidly because you're thinking sepsis. And I'm thinking slowly because I'm thinking leaky gut, it's a slow invasion. And yeast can go everywhere. Well, if you put it in the blood, the blood goes everywhere, doesn't it? Yeah, it does. And if you have leaky gut, that's how candida, it's not supposed to be in the bloodstream. Everybody's got a little bit of yeast, okay, everybody. And if it stays localized in the gut, it's not a problem. It's when it invades the bloodstream and starts to travel. And one thing happens in that invasion is it'll call your name every day to be fed.
Okay? Where do you think I came up with the expression, don't feed the bears. That's what I meant by that. Because it'll call your name garbage. That's what it wants to eat. Yeast thrives on whatever comes in the bloodstream rapidly. That's why it hates steak. Steak doesn't come into the bloodstream rapidly. Sugar does. Sugar does. And crappy carbohydrates that break down very quickly. Okay? So again, here's the headline, cancer being Overdiagnosed. Because what this study was saying is it's really not cancer. It's fungus. Now again, I'm just telling you what the study says. Here's what they were saying, okay? As sort of a preamble to the statistics on this and how prevalent it was in the 17,000 cancer tissue slides that they looked at in 35 different cancers. And then as a preamble, they said, oh, by the way, 50,000 Americans die every month from cancer.
That was in the preempt. The question I ask, and I've asked this a lot of times, okay, are we winning the war on cancer folks? 50,000 Americans are dying every month from cancer. Are we winning the war on cancer? Listen, I've been around a long time from the day President Nixon declared a war on cancer. And of course it was funded by the pharmaceutical. And here we are. We got a war on cancer. No talk about diet. The only good thing they did is they talked about, let's quit smoking. Hey, good for you. Agree a hundred percent. So we quit smoking. Cancer rates didn't go down temporarily they did. And they've creeped right back up. And it's worse than ever. Are we winning the war.
We're losing the war. And again, my complaint to the cancer industry is you're looking for love in all the wrong places. No one is talking, or at least no one in medical schools or whatever is talking about the association between cancer and fungus. That I guarantee you one, two, no one is talking about cancer and food that I guarantee you. Cause they don't see the connection. And the reason is, again, the overarching principle is in medical school, you don't take any nutrition. Okay? My audience right here, okay? If I was to give a nutrition exam, you would win down over, if I brought it to a medical school, we got a medical school right here in our hometown in Sunbury, okay? Like God bless them, but they're not learning nutrition. And that's a huge boo boo. They're making a big mistake. But I've been telling you this for years, the medical profession, by and large has been bought and paid for any of the research or whatever.
Mainstream research. It's all drugs. And in cancer, it's chemo, it's radiation, it's surgery. Again. Hey, you got choices to me. Immunotherapy the new kid on the block. Hey. But so far, all I'm saying is statistics. Bear this out. We're losing the war on cancer. We're not talking about a person's immune system. We're not talking about building our bodies up. We're not talking about food. We're not talking about the importance of candida yeast, leaky gut. We're not talking about it. There's all sorts of research out there, but it's not filtering down to the family, doctors or the specialists, especially the oncologist. They're not getting any memos that doesn't come from big pharma. And again, big pharma, big food, they own everything. Big pharma and big food and big food, don't care about your health. Doctors care about your health. Sure they do, but they're not getting the information.
Big food, don't care about your health. Because if they did, they'd repent in sack cloth and ashes for pushing sugar and pushing, like we said yesterday, moderation and pushing their cereals and their noodles and everything that turns to sugar rapidly. So when I see a study like this, cancer being Overdiagnosed, that was the headline, 17,000 Cancer Tissues Study and the presence of fungus in every one of them that characterize 35 different cancers of which they didn't list. So here's the takeaway, okay, for this. Here's the takeaway. If you know anybody that has cancer, if you want to prevent cancer, we don't know if it's the chicken or the egg. We believe leaky gut is there at the root of it. Do something about that for yourself. Start with yourself, physician, heal by self, okay? Start with yourself. Stop the leaky gut. Don't feed the bears.
Stop the leaky gut. Get the border guards back between your blood and your gut. And then you will help with getting those border guards back, keeping yeast or fungus out of the bloodstream. And then don't feed it. Don't feed it. Because remember, yeast and fungus love moisture. They love moisture, they love mucus. They will set up sharp in the lungs. They will set up sharp in the brain, they will set up shop in the organs, and they love that, but they need to be fed. So don't feed them, okay? Don't feed them. So that was one study that I thought I would bring to you this morning and quickly a protocol. Okay? Quickly, what would you do, Dr. Martin, what would you do? What did I recommend to my patients with cancer? Wasn't complicated guys. And a lot of times it was integrated. And what I mean by that is that they were already under an oncologist's care.
Oftentimes, I saw people in my office that already had cancer. Okay? So let's talk about that. What would you do if you got the big C, C word diagnosis? And again, the decision to chemo or radiation or whatever, that's between you and your physician. But what I'm saying is no matter what, here's you should do, here's what I recommend. Don't feed the bears. Start in the kitchen. Absolutely zero. Not on sugar. None. Well, maybe a few berries. That's it. You don't want to feed the bears. You ought to be on a broad spectrum probiotic. And by the way, people taking chemotherapy, you know what they do? It gives me a migraine because study after study is shown that broad spectrum probiotics help if you're taking chemo to minimize the side effects of chemo. You would think that everyone, every oncologist, every pharmacist would know that, but they don't. As a matter of fact, most oncologists would tell you, I don't want you taking anything because that may negate the treatment of my chemotherapy. So off everything, they don't know a thing about supplements. They're scared, skinny of supplements they don't read. They only get the indoctrination from the pharmaceutical reps.
And I didn't even know this, that oncologist in Canada, okay? I'm only talking about Canada. They're the only branch of medicine as far as I know. They buy chemotherapy at wholesale prices and then they turn around and sell it back to the government. Who pays for cancer treatment? Doesn't that shock you? Cause in Canada, the government pays for cancer treatment, right? They get paid to treat you, and then they get paid to give you the chemotherapy. They get paid extra cause you have to buy the chemotherapy off of them. I didn't know that. Did you know that? To me, that's a huge conflict of interest. Anyways, let's get back to the protocol. What would I do? What should you do? And as much as you can tell other people, because a lot of people, once they get the C word, they are in a system.
Everything's slow, at least in Canada, okay? Everything's slow. Takes time to see a doctor. It takes time to get a diagnosis. It takes time to get blood work back, usually, okay? There's exceptions of course, but when they suspect cancer, everything happens fast. The oncologist sits you down and all they know is chemo and radiation and surgery, possible surgery. That's all they know. So they said, man, you got cancer, and here's what we do. I remember talking to an oncologist years ago, years ago because of cancer, and I said, can I ask you a question? What's the five year survival rate of you giving this particular patient chemotherapy? What's the five year survival rate? And guy was looking at me like, I had two heads. Why am I questioning him? I said, well, it's my patient. I'd like to know what's the five year survival rate?
He said, not good. Good. I said, what's the five year survival rate if you do nothing the same? I said, well, why would you do it? Then? He said, because that's what I do. And I said, well, that's not good enough for me. Now, I don't know if it's going to be good enough for my patient, but that's not good enough for me. That's not a good answer. Anyway, what do we do? Start in the kitchen. Remember if yeast is associated with it, if the cancer is actually a fungus, but even if it isn't, it's associated with it cut out sugar, cancer, this is well established. Cancer needs fuel and it survives on sugar, well then don't do it. We all know that by the PET scan. Okay, one, two, up your levels of vitamin D I brought you how many podcasts on the effectiveness of vitamin D to build your immune system, including cancer?
What do you do? Make sure you get, and even if you have to pay for it, find out what your vitamin D levels are in your blood, your serum D hydroxy 25. Find out in the United States, it should be between 50, the lowest and better at 190 to a hundred. But if it's 50 and 60, which relates to about in Canada to one 50 to one 70, there's sort of a sweet spot that really, really is effective in preventing cancer and in the treatment of it, the sweet spot of vitamin D. Remember, there's a war on vitamin D, but the truth will set you free on vitamin D. Big on that. Probiotics. Fix the leaky gut. Don't feed the bears, get in the sun. Or take vitamin D, sun, 20 minutes, 10,000 iu. How could 10,000 IU be bad for you if you get it in 20 minutes in the sun? Oh, vitamin D. Oh, the levels are going to be too high. Oh, we're all going to end up in the emergency room with high levels of vitamin D. Not not. Ooh, gosh. Wouldn't it be beautiful if we had integrated medicine the way it should be? The best of both worlds? Wouldn't that be beautiful? That's like Shangri La.
Unfortunately, it's not coming to a theater near you. So by and large, you are going to have to take care of yourself, which isn't a bad idea anyways. But I'm telling you, help yourself. Help yourself. Okay? Those are the big things. Okay? I'm big on that. What did I tell you? Go look up my podcast on D h A and cancer. How in 13 or 14 days tumors, it dissolves them. Where did they bury that research? I wonder. So that's what I would do. Okay? How many times have we talked about drinking coffee and cancer? One of the most powerful tools, coffee. Coffee drinkers have a decreased risk in about 30 different cancers. I guess yeast don't like coffee unless you put sugar in it. Don't drink sugar at any time, okay? Don't drink it. And guys, I'm going to tell you something, okay? Let me finish with this.
One of the things that yeast, our fungus or candida loves. We know it's sugar, but it loves this particular sugar. I've screamed about this like John the Baptist in the wilderness for years at the advent, at the creation of a sugar in a lab called high fructose corn syrup, the antiChrist, the Franken Sugar, high fructose corn syrup. It feeds yeast coming out the wazoo, it'll come out your ears. The world got duped. And the food industry, like I said, I hate to tell you this, they don't care about you. They really don't. And they get in cahoots, they donate money to the cancer Society's big time, and they donate to the heart associates. That's why they put a heart on the box of Cheerios and other cereal. How the heck do you put a heart on there? And I said, the first time I saw that, I said, I guess they're telling you like I would, if you eat that cereal, you're going to get a heart attack.
I guess that's why they put a heart on the box. No, apparently that's not why they have it there. They sponsor them. Do a hundred households in your hometown, do a survey, and 99 will tell you that oatmeal is better for you than bacon and eggs in the morning. Sure. False. We've been lied to, man. I don't like that when we get lied to. Okay, guys, I didn't get to the other studies. I only, I just get talking and before you know it, the time is up. Okay? What is Friday? Question and answer. So send you questions in, okay? We always love that. You guys love it and I love it. Okay, so question and answer. If you're not a member of the private Facebook group, come on guys, as Joe Biden would say, come on man. Okay guys, we'd love you dearly and we'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!