1078. Q&A with Dr. Martin


Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners.

Some of today’s topics include:

  • Constipation food recommendation 
  • Quickly lowering of blood pressure
  • Niacin
  • Pine Bark Extract effect on kids
  • CoQ10 & ubiquinol
  • Sjogren's
  • High oleic sunflower seed oil
  • Diastolic blood pressure
  • Osteoarthritis in hips & knees
  • Berberine


Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great day. Okay, let's get to our questions. It's question and answer Thursday this week, traveling tomorrow. By the way, we just had Jordan on and if you didn't see it, Jordan is passed and very well defended her thesis for her master's degree on the Reset. And I was privileged to be on Jordan's committee and University of Oklahoma and we appreciate you Jordan, and thank you folks that joined in on her research. She needed volunteers to join in and for you guys for supporting her. So I just wanted to mention that. Good, good, good for her.

Okay, Dale, "what can I do for constipation? Hoping for a food recommendation." Well look Dale, of course, I don't know what you mean by constipation because a lot of people have this idea, okay, and look, true constipation is you're really unwell. You've got major discomfort. A lot of people used to come to my office and fill out a questionnaire and they said, well, I'm constipated. Well, what's that mean? Well, when I would ask them and they'd say, well, I didn't go to the bathroom every day. Well that doesn't mean you're constipated, okay? And look, I'm teasing a little bit Dale, okay? And it's just the way I am. But sometimes we overrate going to the bathroom, okay? I'm not saying you shouldn't, I'm just telling you, depending on what you're eating. Now, Dale, if it's true constipation, you're asking for a food recommendation. Well look one thing for sure, your bowel needs more than fiber, okay? More than fiber is water. And so often that bowel is lacking H 2 O and nothing. Listen to what I'm going to say. Nothing is water, except water. Okay?

I know you take water to make coffee good, but that's not water that's going to help you. The coffee will help you and that's another drink that I would tell you to drink. Coffee better than fiber, in my opinion. Again, fiber's overrated because it creates bulk. And who says you need that? And the human body wasn't me for a lot of fiber. The human body was not made. Your digestive tract isn't made for that. You don't have four stomachs. You're not a cow. You're not a rabbit. You don't have the enzyme cellulase to break down cellulose, okay? So I'm not telling you not to have any plants. All I'm saying is it can be very overrated. Now the other thing, Dale, and again, I would have to know your history, whatever. Constipation often can be caused by the sluggish thyroid. And when the thyroid slows down, your peristalsis, which is the movement of feces, okay? Those little hair-like contraptions that you have in your bowel that moves feces along, okay? Water, coffee. What about the thyroid? Depending on you, if you have any other symptoms of thyroid, you got to fix that, okay? You got to fix that. Thanks for the question, Dale. And if you have anything more specific to give us, send it off to our staff and I'll try and be a little clearer with you.

"How to significantly lower one's blood pressure in two weeks? My sister needs surgery and the hospital told her she needs to lower her blood pressure in the next two weeks, or it will be canceled. She is 168 over 98, 42 years old." Well that is high blood pressure. It's not the top number that I'm concerned about as much is the fact that she's 98. That is high blood pressure, that's hypertension. I have no doubt about it. Tell her to eliminate sugar because sugar constricts the kidneys and the kidneys will get messed up when you got a crappy diet full of sugar and crappy carbohydrates. That's number one thing I would do. I've seen that change rapidly. Is she drinking water? Is she dehydrated? A lot of people don't realize that, but the usual thing for high blood pressure is insulin resistance at the kidney level. And the other thing that I would go on immediately is Navitol, because it elevates your nitric oxide, which relaxes your blood vessels. It would be the one of choice. I like high D H A too. Thanks for the question, Renee.

Teresa, "what are my thoughts on niacin?" Well, niacin is vitamin b3. Do you take it as a supplement? No. Why? Because I want you to eat your vitamin b3. If you eat steak, you get vitamin b3, you get it in eggs, meat and cheese. I want you to eat that B vitamin. The only B vitamin that I'm big on taking as a supplement if you need it, and most people do is B12. Niacin, yeah, I mean it got some ink. I remember. Oh gee, this has got to be 20 years ago, more than that even. I used to get calls on niacin, niacin, niacin. You know what? Because people were looking for an alternative to statin drugs. And I said, well wait a minute, why do you want to lower your cholesterol? Why? So if you're taking niacin to lower cholesterol, why are you doing that? Okay guys, I know I'm hardheaded. I know I'm stubborn. My wife tells me that all the time. But the premise is wrong. The theory on cholesterol is wrong. So when you see take B3 niacin to lower your cholesterol, why do you want to do that? I like niacin. I do. I mean if you take too much of it as a supplement, you could get flushing, diarrhea and that kind of thing. But eat your steak. Vitamin S has niacin big time.

Okay, Yvonne, "I heard that coffee." Yvonne, I'm going to tell you even before I read the rest of the question you heard wrong. Okay, now let me finish the question, Yvonne. I'm teasing, but no I'm not. Yes, you heard wrong. Okay, let me answer the question. Let me state the question first. Okay? "I heard that coffee, if consumed close to mealtimes, can inhibit nutrient absorption according to recent studies." Well, I'm going to tell you that is not true. And secondly, when do I tell you to drink coffee? The best time to drink coffee is with your meal. Why? Because coffee acts like metformin. Study after study after study shows that it actually lowers your insulin response. It lowers glucose, it acts like metformin. The medication, take it with your meal. So Yvonne, look, there's a war on vitamin D, there's a war on coffee. There's a lot of wars going on against natural good for you products. And I'm telling you, it's craziness. Craziness. There's the war on the sun, there's war on butter, there's war on meat, and it's propaganda. It's religion, it's not science. Yvonne, you pinched a nerve. I always defend coffee because it's the real vitamin C with 1000 over 1000 phytonutrients.

Okay, Kathy, "I've been reading on pine bark and its effect on kids with adhd, autism, anxiety. Do you have any information?" Well, I've been talking about pine bark for a long time. Let me show you. I don't know if I have a copy of it. This is a book that I wrote. My word, I don't even recognize the guy on the back. This is a book that I wrote about Pine Park Extract, okay? A long time ago. And in that book I talk about chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia, how it would be the treatment of choice as far as I'm concerned. Two, what it does for the brain, okay? Because one of the things in chronic fatigue is brain fog, like cotton on the brain and a lack of energy and your brain ain't working properly. And because pine bark extract elevates nitric oxide, one. Elevates glutathione, two. What is glutathione? Velcro that goes through your bloodstream. Your body makes glutathione. But as we get older and all the toxins and if your liver's gummed up. So pine bark extract crosses of the blood brain barrier, is that important? Well, if you want to help with brain fog, you bet your boots. It's important. Cause most products don't get crossed the blood brain barrier, but pine bark does. That's why I've always liked pine bark. And okay, and thirdly, so one nitric oxide, two glutathione goes up. Three. It is a powerful, powerful antioxidant. It rust proofs yourselves.

So in autism, it's certainly one of the supplements. I'm always looking at leaky gut. A D H D, leaky gut, change their diet, get them off sugars. See what happens with leaky gut. Okay, let me just explain it. You know me, I call it the invasion of the third army. In leaky gut, you get an invasion in your body, you have an invisible war, good bacteria, bad bacteria. Then you get an invasion because your good bacteria, your border guards, your good army, man, they get destroyed. Antibiotics, chemicals, anti-inflammatory medications, steroid medication, bad diet. And what happens? Your good bacteria go down, your bad bacteria go up, and then you get an invasion of a species. Okay? The outer space species, the invasion of yeast, candida fungus. Fungus gets in the bloodstream through leaky gut. It goes up to the brain, it crosses the blood brain barrier because the same barrier. Here's what we know about the blood brain barrier. It's the same makeup. It's the connection between the gut and the brain. It's the same makeup of your gut blood barrier, okay? Between your gut and your blood.

You have a barrier. It's invisible to the naked eye. You can't see it. But when your body's working properly, no garbage gets in. Only micro size nutrients. Water and nutrients. And your body's built to keep garbage out until that barrier is compromised. And then you get yeast, you get fungus. It's like mold in your house. It's a cousin of mold. It gets in, it seeps in, and it can cross the blood-brain barrier. Cause your blood-brain barriers the same thing. Listen, you can't see it, but it's there in your body. It's sub microscopic. It has to do with bacteria. And one of the reasons, just let me say that. One of the reasons I get so uptight, virus, Dr. Martin, virus, bacteria, virus, bacteria, the guys, there'll always be viruses, there will always be bacteria. And people are walking around, they still got their masks on cause they are scared, skinny of viruses. And I said, man, that thing ain't going to help you. Why don't you focus in on your immune system?

Anyways, back to autism, ADHD. Brain, you get an invasion, it's yeast, it got across the gut blood barrier, and then it got across the blood brain barrier, gets into the brain. Yeast in the brain and you need to change that. That's why leaky gut, leaky brain. Fix the leak, one. Don't feed the bears, two. Sugars. Yeast survives on junk food. Yeast hates steak. It hates it. It can't take any nutrition from there. It needs sugar rapid. It needs a quick fix. Sorry Kathy for getting on a little tangent.

Bonnie's curious about coQ10. "What are your feelings about this supplement for someone who has delirium or possible beginning stages of Alzheimer's, dementia. Also, is it safe for a diabetic?" Yeah. Well, coQ10, first of all, Bonnie, first of all, just understand this, your body makes coQ10. Now a lot of reasons that you would be low in coQ10, a lot of people are, they're mitochondria, their battery packs, they need coq10 to operate to give off enough ATP. Fuel because people eat so badly, they don't get the right fuel. And they're very low on coQ10. This is when people don't eat red meat, you're not getting a lot of coQ10. So your body makes it from your food. But when you eat the wrong things. CoQ10, if you eat just plants, fruits and vegetables, there's no coQ10 in that. Okay? No coQ10.

Now we have a new product out. We have a ubiquinol. You know what ubiquinol is? It's coq10 on steroids. Ubiquinol is the most bioavailable coQ10 that you can get. Okay? Why do I like that? Because it's mitochondria. Brain, I talked about this yesterday. You got billions of battery packs up here. Your heart, billions of battery packs in it. So coQ10, I said, why you always wanted people to eat steak? I said, are you kidding me? You need coQ10 and you need it from food. But I love ubiquinol. I always have. And for people who are taking a statin drug, this is well established. It knocks the coQ10 out of your body's.

You go to the pharmacist. You know what your pharmacist knows? Your pharmacist knows if you're on a statin drug, your doctor doesn't know it, that they don't study anything. But the pharmacist knows if you are on a statin drug, Lipitor, Crestor, Zocor to lower your cholesterol. Why do you want to be on that? I have no idea. Lipitor hit. Ooh, it bothers me. A trillion dollars in sales, A trillion. All these people, they're knocking their coQ10. They're knocking those mitochondria for a loop and your heart. It's a muscle. It's a pump. Imagine I can't get over it. Your brain has all these mitochondria. So do I like ubiquinol the form of coQ10. That is bioavailable, anyway. Yeah, I do, obviously. Okay, so whether you're asking about it, Alzheimer's, dementia, I talked about it yesterday, that big energy deficit that's happening in the brain, people eat sugar and they're overfed and undernourished. That's why I love eggs, meat and cheese. Okay, Bonnie, thanks for the question. Is it safe for a diabetic? Of course.

Margaret, "can you talk about Sjogren's?" Yeah, I can talk about it. It is an autoimmune disorder. Often goes with rheumatoid arthritis. That's where I used to see it all the time. I used to see Sjogren's mostly with rheumatoid or lupus or both. And those are all autoimmune. So Sjogren's is when your mouth is dry, your eyes are dry, and it's no fun at all. Your connective tissue dries up, you lose elasticity and especially dryness of the eyes and all that. Big, big problem. What do I like for Sjogren's? I like, well first of all, leaky gut. Leaky gut, leaky eyes. Well, they're not even leaking, they're dry. But the connection between leaky gut and autoimmune, every autoimmune, I know it's simplistic, but I'm going to say every autoimmune is leaky gut. Every autoimmune. So Sjogren's, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, ms, Parkinson's, it's the gut brain connection, gut lung connection, gut skin connection, the gut. You have to start probiotics and big on high D H a, especially in Sjogren's to lubricate, lubricate, lubricate. Lots of oil lubricate. Okay, good oil, good questions. Thank you very much. I appreciate that very much, Margaret.

Kathy, "why does quercetin only six to 12 weeks? Is it dangerous to use ongoing?" Kathy, listen. Okay, I'm going to tell you something. Health Canada has the most stringent laws for natural products. It has its own dictatorial, okay? And it's highly regulated in Canada, not anywhere else in the world really. But Canada took the lead on this in the 1990s. And originally I was a part of that. We wanted to separate natural products from drugs and we wanted regulation. Good. There's regulation. When you read a label, what's in that product in Canada, what they say is in the product, better be in the product, or the products going to get pulled. And you have to have independent testing and you have to show that to the government of Canada. That's all a good thing. I got no problem with that at all. Okay, now Health Canada has got some rules for labeling and some of you have seen that. That's why we had to relabel some of the products, even though they were approved, even though they have numbers, even though they have a N H P number, which is approval in Canada, we had to do it because they asked even to be more stringent on the labels. Do I agree with that? No. Like quercetin, look, when you drink coffee, you're getting quercetin. Should you stop after 12 weeks? Nope, of course not.

But those are the regulations in Canada. There's always these warnings on things. And I'll give you another example. In our B12 it was 5,000 micrograms. We had to bring it down to 4,000 micrograms. Why Health Canada, vitamin D, we used to have a 4,000 international unit capsule. We had to eliminate that. Why? Health Canada, they don't want anything above a thousand. Now if I was in practice, I could recommend higher than that, but it's really now by prescription. Do I agree with that? No I don't. If you sit in the sun for 20 minutes, you get 10,000 IUs of vitamin D, how can that be bad for you? But we have Health Canada, and you have to live with it in Canada. And our labels, our products haven't changed. People said yeah, but they have medicinal and non medicinals. Just the way the labeling works. Don't ask me why. That's the way labeling works in Canada and it can be a little bit confusing, but that's why we... Okay for us, the Martin Clinic, I think you would agree, we respond, you ask questions, we respond, we do everything we can to get back to people and answer their questions. Now where else are you going to get that?

Okay, Marnie, how are you, Marnie? "What do I think of this test? Okay, it's called a smart vascular test." I've read about it. I haven't really talked to anybody that's got it. But it measures a protein in blood and this protein leaks if you have damage to your blood vessels. Well it sure Marnie sounds promising. Okay, again, I can't say that I've heard of anyone, any of my patients or whatever that have taken that test, but it sure sounds promising. I like that. Anything that is preventative like that is a good thing. So anything I read about a lot of promise, I don't think any doctors that I've known so far have ordered that, but maybe that'll become mainstream. I don't know. But I like it. Marnie, I do. And again, you know me and I love a1c, I love c-reactive protein. The eight tests that I like, show me those eight tests. That's what I like. Okay, we're having fun. We thanks for that question Marnie.

Joanne, "I know seed oils are bad for you. What does Dr. Martin think of high oleic sunflower seed oil?" I don't like sunflower seed oil. Okay, I don't. I don't like seed oils. That's a seed oil. You know why it's high in omega six? Read our newsletter that went out today on our email on the ratio of omega 6s versus omega three. See a little bit of omega 6. Who cares? Not going to hurt you, but it's the ratio. And today because all of these manufactured foods, the middle isles of your grocery stores from ketchup to whatever have these seed oils in it. People today are at 22 to 1, apparently. It's crazy. They got this much omega-3 and this much omega six. Your body responds to that by creating what? Inflammation. It's silent. Your body is inflamed like it's been attacked by a virus or a bacteria without a virus or bacteria. It's inflammation without a fever. Okay? And that's what happens. These seed oils, canola oil, sunflower oil, all these oils, they sound good. Oleic acid. Yeah, I like oleic acid in olive oil and bacon. It's not omega six. Okay? And I look again a little bit of omega six. Not going to hurt you, but it's that ratio that makes a big, big difference. Okay, thanks for the question Joanne.

Brenda, "I know Dr. Martin does focus on bottom numbers." Brenda's talking about systolic and diastolic. Okay, look, here's me just with all my years of experience and taking blood pressure with every new patient that came in and follow up, oftentimes take their blood pressure and I get tired of people taking their blood pressure every five minutes. That's one thing I don't like. You want to get your blood pressure up, take your blood pressure every five minutes, that'll give you anxiety, your cortisol be high and your blood pressure's going to go up. So what do I like with my bottom numbers? Anything under 90. Okay, it's not that I don't look at the first number, your systolic. But diastolic is really the key to blood pressure. Keep it under 90. You could be 140 over 80. That's alright. I got no problem with that. Okay, I know it's 120 over 80 and I know blood pressure's important. I know it's an important biomarker. I don't deny that, but I think, I hate to say it, the pharmaceutical companies win. You know what? They just want people on meds.

And if you need meds, you need meds. But there's too many people, in my opinion that would be able to change their blood pressure and get it under 90 if they drank more water. Because insulin metabolic syndrome, one of the keys is elevated blood sugar and elevated blood pressure. And here we are, 93% have some form of metabolic syndrome. That's the elephant in the room. It's food, insulin, it's not salt. I'm sorry. It just not the only time salt will elevate your blood pressure is in the presence of dehydration. So we call it the viscosity of blood. If your blood is thick as molasses, I used to measure that. I used to tell people your blood's like molasses. You're not drinking enough water. What? I don't like water. I don't care if you don't like it. You want to have a heart attack cause you're dehydrated. And my doctor told me to cut my salt down. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well how is that working for you? It don't work. There's a war on salt. Oh, ooh, okay.

Suzanne, "what can be done for osteoarthritis in the hips and knees?" Well, look, get strong. Get strong. Okay. You need to compensate. You got arthritis degeneration of your joints. Cut out the sugars. It's amazing how many people found once they did the reset that their joints were better. Look, if you have degeneration, it's not like your joints are going to regenerate like you're a teenager again. But start in the kitchen and I love our Inflammation Formula. Very good for that. Okay, lubricate lots of oil. Good oil. Okay, Susan, thanks.

Evelyn, "my nephew, hot, sweaty all the time. Any ideas?" Well it's the ways he's built. Okay, and what do we call that? Hyperhidrosis? Something like that. And I saw it all the time in the office. Now sometimes it can be the thyroid, but I doubt if your nephew has thyroid problems. I mean he might, you know where you have hyperthyroidism, but I don't think so. A lot of people, they sweat like nobody's business. Okay? So make sure he is well hydrated. Did I see deficiencies? Sometimes I found they had leaky gut and if you fix that, they got better. But there was nothing magic that fixed it, okay? That I found over the years. Okay, thanks Evelyn. I appreciate the question.

Carole says, "more hair on my chinny chin chin than my legs and I'm older and past menopause. What can be done to get rid of?" Well look, Carole, you're still a woman and women are complicated. Even in meno... Dr. Martin, I'm in menopause. How come I don't feel good? I'm past menopause. How come I don't feel good? Cause you're a woman and you got horrormones and there's an imbalance and if you got hairs on your chinny chin chin, you have more estrogen than progesterone. My doctor said I don't have any more estrogen. Yes you do. You don't have as much as you used to, but it isn't estrogen on its own. It's estrogen and progesterone. And ladies, when you get hairs on your chinny chin, chin, that's testosterone. But it's not because testosterone is acting independently. It's because you have too much estrogen. No exceptions. I never saw one. It was always a balance. Women, this whole gender thing is driving me crazy. Okay? No, it is because women have their own issues. They have hormones and men we're from another planet. If you didn't know we're big babies, we couldn't have a baby. Why? Because we're big babies. Put my hand up. I'm a big baby compared to my wife. Women are tough. Okay, thanks for that Carole.

Anonymous. "What does it mean if you have bad breath like a metallic taste?" Two things. Deep cuts in a tongue. One thing for sure, you got leaky gut. Second thing is you don't have enough acid in your stomach. You need more acid in your stomach. Sometimes a little bit of loss of b12, but that again goes back to the stomach. You're not getting the intrinsic factor to break B12 down. So you got to take a B12 sublingual. One of the things, take a little bit of apple cider vinegar before you eat any meal, have a little teaspoon or even up to a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Take digestive enzymes. Enzymes help with the stomach to break the food down. And that often is what happens. You get a silent acid reflux, you got leaky gut, sometimes SIBO a fungal infection right at the small intestine. Remember, it's an invasive species. SIFO, not really SIBO, it's not bacteria. A bacteria is there, but it's a fungal in the small intestine. Those things can do it.

"Dr. Martin," Joy is asking, "what do I think of berberine?" I like it. Berberine is making headlines because of blood sugar and helping with glucose. Do I like it? Yeah. Yeah. I like other things better. Coffee being one of them. Okay. I like cinnamon. I've used it for years. Okay, and alpha lipoic acid. I like that. Very good. Okay, but I'm not against berberine.

Donald, "what is the healthy cure for tumors growing in the bladder?" Well, two things. One, lower estrogen, men or women don't matter. Knock estrogen down because it's a growth hormone. That's what makes polyps grow. Polyps need estrogen and insulin lower those two. Leaky gut, leaky bladder... because sometimes, again, I'm big on fungal yeast mold. Where does mold happen in your house? Where there's water, right? You get water damage, right? Mold, sinuses, bladder, lungs loves those areas because yeast and mold are cousins. And that's yeast loves the bladder. That's why women, your anatomy, you're much more susceptible to a bladder infection than a man is. A woman knows what a yeast infection is. In the privates, right? It's not like men can't get it, but it's not like women. Women is moisture down there. Got it? Yeah. Moisture equals mold, fungus, yeast, okay, candida loves those areas. Okay, thank you, Donald.

Gerdy. "Can someone have discomfort feeling in the prostate area?" Well, not for you, Gerdy. They didn't have with the previous diet. How can be corrected when changing from eight years as a vegetarian diet to the reset? Well, look, I mean, have I heard of that? Maybe, but bodies changing, changing fuels. I mean there could be a lot of reasons for that. But pain in the prostate area, usually prostate inflammation is coming down, not going up. It's actually shrinking is what you want to happen. That may be too at, they have the prostate area, but that could be the colorectal area too. But they're in close proximity and a lot of times that pain can be more the rectal than the prostate. It's very sensitive there. And it could be a little bit of constipation possibly. Okay, make sure they're drinking enough water, Gerdy and vegetarian. The diet like, I'm sorry, just not big on vegetarian diets nor vegan. They're just not nutritionally sound.

Jackie, "what to do for phlegm?" Well I talked about a leaky gut, leaky sinuses. Now phlegm can come silently from acid reflux coming this way. It's a silent, you don't realize it. You're coughing phlegm. Or it can come from up here, postnasal drip to the back. And again, I'm big on fixing the leaky gut, getting rid of yeast. Don't feed it. It's amazing how many people have noticed when they change their diet, when they go to eggs, meat, and cheese. Okay, now make sure you don't have a dairy allergy there. Some people do, okay? And usually when they have a dairy allergy, they don't have allergy to cheeses. But if you do well, then you got to be careful with that because that can cause phlegm because really think of any allergies really autoimmune. But I like fixing the gut. Leaky gut and doing that. Jackie, I like, you know what I like spraying the back oil of oregano or a drop of oil of oregano. Really antifungal. Okay?

Janet, "been on sleeping pills for..." Holy moly, I've got a lot of questions to ask. I might have to do two segments here. Okay? Oh yeah, gee. Okay. You know what, Janet? I'm going to keep yours and I'm going to do the next part because people are asking some good questions here. Okay? So let me stop and tell you that I love you. Now tomorrow off traveling, doing a conference in Raleigh. Is that how you say it? North Carolina. Okay guys, we love you. Talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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