1074. Q&A with Dr. Martin


Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners.

Some of today’s topics include:

  • Tinnitus
  • Ubiquinol 
  • Geographic tongue
  • Low blood pressure & chronic constipation
  • Cortisol adrenal insufficiency
  • DHA vs. EPA in fish oil
  • Causes of high blood pressure
  • Vitamin A & liver damage
  • Low vitamin D & headaches
  • Updating of Martin Clinic Formulas


Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live this morning, your favorite, according to surveys, question and answer Friday. So hopefully we're going to have fun together. We usually do. Okay, here we go. Giselle, "ringing in the ears got worse with Navitol and B12 not help." Ringing in the ears, tinnitus. Okay, now let me just say something, Giselle, I think is important. When someone tells you that if you do this at 100%, you're going to get rid of tinnitus, run. They're lying to you. You can go on YouTube or whatever or Google it and oh, tinnitus, a hundred percent cure, run.

Now, I'm going to do a session on this because I think it's really important. Okay? I always say diabetes goes everywhere and diabetes without diabetes, meaning that you can have insulin resistance and your blood sugars are, they're still within normal range. A1C may be up high, but not high enough to be called a diabetic. But diabetes of the brain, that's Alzheimer's. Diabetes of just name any organ. And without the official diagnosis of diabetes, you can have symptoms away from your pancreas, for example. So, let me say this about tinnitus. Oftentimes tinnitus can be a sign of insulin resistance. Okay? So first thing that I would tell anybody with tinnitus to do is do the reset for 30 days. Okay? Not going to hurt you, it's only going to help you, but a lot of times it's a sort of a hidden or weird symptom of insulin resistance or high circulating insulin. Okay? I said sometimes, not always.

A lot of times tinnitus can be damage in the ear, but the other one is poor blood supply. Again, that could be caused by diabetes or pre-diabetes or low B12 or low nitric oxide. This is why over the years I used to get, when I was in my days of practice, I used to get 50% effectiveness on my protocol for tinnitus. One, the reset start with food. Two, B12 and Navitol. I used to combine them to elevate nitric oxide. Remember, nerve supply to the ear coming from the cranial nerve or whatever. B12 is a nerve vitamin and nitric oxide opens up blood vessels, and that can be helpful. 50%. Someone tells you they get better than 50% like I was in practice, almost 50 years, run. They're lying to you. Because if they did, everybody and their dog would do it, and tinnitus would be wiped out, is it? No, it's not. But that's my protocol, Giselle, and hopefully that's helpful to you.

Pamela's asking about ubiquinol, "is it safe for all adults to take? I listened to his podcast about it, but I didn't hear he mentioned if it's safe for everyone." well listen. Pamela, let me just answer your question this way. One, what is ubiquinol? It's coQ10 that gets absorbed. Okay, so what is coQ10? Well, coQ10, your body makes coQ10. Okay, your body makes it. But ubiquinol became famous when they invented statin drugs. Statin drugs are cholesterol lowering medication. Now, I don't have to tell you about that, do I? What I think of those meds never have and never will like them. Why do I not like statin drugs? Okay, why? Because they're looking for love at all the wrong places. I always ask people the question, why do you want to lower cholesterol? You want to die young? But coQ10, listen, your body makes it, and coQ10 is essential for your mitochondria. Okay, what are mitochondria? Go back to high school biology. What are mitochondria? Battery packs and coQ10 helps battery packs. Strengthens.

So here's what happens. When you take a statin drug. You're lowering cholesterol. Does it work for cholesterol? Sure, it'll lower your cholesterol. It lowers L D L cholesterol, whoopee, but it destroys your coQ10. Now, your heart's a pump, right? It's a muscle. You're taking a statin drug for your heart, but you're lowering your mitochondria in your heart muscles. So now your heart doesn't pump as well. That's a big problem. So even on the American commercials, they'll tell you, oh, coQ10, you need it. Okay? Now there's two types, okay? There are two types of coQ10. Look, what did I used to tell you all the time? Why are people low in coQ10, besides statin drugs? They don't eat steak because that's how in food you get coQ10. Now, if people were on statin drugs, I used to tell 'em, you better get on ubiquinol because there's ubiquinone and ubiquinol and only ubiquinol is absorbed by your body.

So the way to get coQ10, if you want to take a supplement, you need to take ubiquinol because if you're taking a ubiquinone, you're wasting your money. Your urine is going to be expensive for nothing. You need ubiquinol. So I used to give coQ10 ubiquinol to patients that had AFib because their heart muscle gets out a rhythm. I used to tell vegetarians this all the time and vegans, you, you got to be careful, man. Your mitochondria are not going to produce enough ATP, and the mitochondria itself needs coQ10, and if you don't eat steak, you ain't raising your levels of coQ10. So coming back to your question, okay, let me finish it. Pamela, is it safe? Well, of course it's safe. It's very safe. The supplement is good for you. The reason I don't put it with probiotics, because everybody and their dog should be on probiotics. I'm sorry. That's just the way it is. Okay? And people, oh, probiotic. Nah, everybody and their dog. Okay?

Ubiquinol, no, it's not going to hurt you, but I am very specific on it and there's good research. Now you got a lot of mitochondria up in your brain. There's good research now showing ubiquinol is good for the brain, the mitochondria, and the brain. Okay, but you're asking a good question, Pamela. Okay? If you've got any of those issues, you might consider taking ubiquinol. Don't take ubiquinone. You're wasting your time. Okay, now she's got a second question, "Does caffeine restrict blood flow?" Nope. You heard wrong, okay, Pamela, you heard wrong. Okay, coffee. The real vitamin C, I doubled down. I tripled down. I quadruple down. It's the real vitamin C with over a thousand phytonutrients. Good for your brain, good for your heart, good for your gut, good for your liver. Good, good, good, good, good, good. Coffee. It's better than metformin. Have a coffee with your meal. Lay off the sugar. Okay, in the coffee. Okay. Thank you very much, Pamela.

Olive, "what causes geographic tongue?" Well could be... okay, I always say, look, I mean, whenever I saw geographic tongue, I used to do blood work all the time. I used to see a couple of things pretty consistently. One was leaky gut, two off at anything in the mouth. What do I say? Anything in the mouth, it's B12. So I always looked at B12 and to see when I tested it, if they were low, look at Annette, you know that anything in the mouth, Marni says, if coffee was harmful, I'd be dead a long time ago. Yes, and that's true. Georgie, Sherry, you guys are so smart. Okay? It causes sensitivity to spices and salty foods, Olive says. Well, I don't know if it causes sensitivity to those things. Maybe it does for you, but if you have sensitivity, it's not from your tongue, usually go to the gut or B12.

Louise, "does a lower number of blood pressure a possible reason for chronic constipation? Or it could be my thyroid?" Well, yeah, it could be your thyroid. If you have symptoms of thyroid. I don't care so much about blood testing for thyroid. I look at all your numbers. I don't spend a lifetime looking at numbers. The reason is is because I'm more interested in your symptoms when it comes to thyroid. Why is that repeat teaching thyroid is a puppet. It has a lot of strings attached to it, okay? And when you don't know that in medicine, I think you make a big mistake because then you rely only on blood work. Now, it's not like I don't look at blood work. Like I said, it's one of the things that I look at the overall picture.

But Louise, if you have low blood pressure, you certainly better look at the thyroid being sluggish. The other one is constipation. Yep, yep, yep. You know, your peristalsis in your gut has slowed down. That's the little hairs that move your feces along and that can slow to a crawl. The thyroid can slow your metabolism to a crawl. Why do women, Louise, why do women 90 to 10 or 95 to five, why do women have trouble with their thyroid much more than men do? Why? It's a good question to ask. Why? Because women are complicated. Why are they complicated? Because they have horrormones. Why do they have horrormones? Because they got ovaries. And ovaries need to be balanced between estrogen, progesterone, and if that's not balance, wow, that can really affect your thyroid. Men don't have ovaries. Okay, I'm sorry, I'm not woke. Men don't have ovaries, okay? And you can't grow them. Oh, okay. Stay out of those controversies. Can't help myself. Okay, Louise. Okay, thanks for the question.

Cheryl wants me to talk about cortisol adrenal insufficiency. Okay, I'd love to talk about it. Okay, low cortisol, okay? Now you can have high cortisol or you can have low cortisol. High cortisol stress. Okay? Stress. And that can affect your body in a million ways. It pours gasoline on the fire of inflammation, insulin, you name it. It can really be a factor in horrors too, is cortisol. Now, adrenal insufficiency, I just want to say this, okay, Cheryl, listen, I wrote a book, wait a minute. I'm showing a book for those listening on a podcast. My book, Steps to Fight Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for the Modern Woman, Dr. A W Martin. I don't even look like that, do I? That's how long ago I wrote that book. Okay, Cheryl, what I wrote on there, I was the first guy to write about this, that chronic fatigue syndrome was an adrenal gland exhaustion.

Okay? So you can get adrenal gland deficiency, you can get exhaustion and actually the shape of the adrenal gland, we didn't even know it back then, but we know it today, can go from a size of a chestnut to the size of a P. That's adrenal insufficiency. That takes time because most people today with stress and everything, they have high cortisol. But when it goes prolonged for a long period of time, it can drain the battery packs. We're talking about batteries this morning of the adrenals. I talked about the mitochondria in the adrenal gland back in. This has been a long time ago. Okay, finally, okay, just on the back of the cupboard, finally, the book that hits the nail on the head concerning chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia, Dr. Martin explains why so many people are getting sick and more importantly, what to do about it.

So if you have adrenal insufficiency, if you go on our website, and I don't know anything about anything, but I know that Cheryl, if you go on our website, take the hormone testing, okay? The survey, and you are going to find out, or someone that has adrenal insufficiency, they have a category five storm going on in their body. Category five, it's all out of mess because when the adrenals become the size of a p exhaustion, the thyroid slows down. You got every hormonal problem, usually between estrogen, progesterone, you have insulin problems, you have thyroid problems, yada yada ya. You get category five storm. So unfortunately that book has been out of print for a long, long time. Okay? So what can I tell you? But we talk about it. If you go on our website and go through the category five and it'll set up a protocol for you to get people better with that. Okay? So thanks for the question, Cheryl. Really appreciate it.

Helen. I would like to know Dr. Martin's reasons for why D H A is more important than E P A in fish oil. Most fish oils out there have a higher E P A. Yeah, because they're cheaper. Look, here's why, isn't it? You know what, Helen? I appreciate you asking questions like ask question. What do I want you guys to do as an audience? Ask questions. Read labels. You can go to Costco, you can go to a health food store. You can go anywhere you want. Take out a fish oil and look at it. Okay? Are they good? Yeah. I love fish oil. I take fish oil every day in a capsule. I don't like fish. I like fish in a capsule. Not just me. If you eat fish, good for you. It's good for you.

Now, why do I like D H A? EPA is very good. It's a small chain fatty acid. Very good for you. D H A is a long chain fatty acid. And D H A is the win gretzky. I'm going to talk hockey. Connor McDavid of oils. Why? Because it's longer. By the way, your brain is made up of D H A, that fatty acid, your brain's made up of it. And there are so many studies showing that if you take D H A as a supplement, it is one of the greatest supplements there is. You can eat it, but you're not going to get the D H A that's therapeutic. Okay? Do you understand what I'm saying? It's therapeutic doses. And for us at the Martin Clinic to get that D H A as high as we have in our capsules, believe you me, we call that pharmaceutical grade Health Canada to give us the N H P number for that means they've certified the amount of D H A that's in our capsules.

It's that good. So I'm not against E P A, okay? I'm not. But it's not therapeutic like d h A is. I want to preserve my brain. I know what my brain is made up of. It's not wood. There's fat up there. Someone calls you fathead, take it as a compliment. But the fat that's in your brain is D h a fab. Okay? So that's why we emphasize, and someone else asked a question about that. Let me just get to it. Look, we've gone through a process of rebooting some formulas and changing them or tweaking them, okay? We've decided to tweak a few formula. The reason is, okay, covid, as everybody knows there's a supply chain issue. You want something cheap, no problem, no problem. But if you want something exclusive like D h a to be as high and filtered the way it's made, it's incredibly complicated process to get that D H A and plus Health Canada's label requirements, okay?

They change the rules all the time. And all I'm saying is you better follow Health Canada. Okay? So there was supply chain issues in Health Canada. For example, our hormonal formula. I get asked every day, doc, where's hormonal? Now look, we're rejigging it because we want to get the dim, okay? DIM is the main ingredient in there to lower estrogen, to level out estrogen and progesterone. And we had to rejig it. We don't like to do it in a sense, but I will not. Okay? For me, remember I was in practice for almost 50 years. I had to get results. People that came with estrogen dominance, hold on. Proof in the pudding. Proof in the pudding, hormonal formula. I used to show oncologists because you could do an estrogen test on the skin. I had a very specific scan that I used to use in my office, okay?

It's unfortunate they don't use it anymore. As far as I know, you can get thermography done, but you can't get your estrogen checked. I can't get over that. But anyway, anyway, we had a very exclusive camp, okay? I'm going to show you again for the folks listening on a podcast. See the dark there and the red, that's estrogen. See on the breast tissue, how dangerous that is. Okay? I want to show you, okay? This is before the hormonal formula, and this is after. And this is taken about six months after. See the difference? Where's the estrogen down? I had to prove it to people. Get your estrogen down. Estrogen makes you a woman. But he couldn't drive cancer big time. So all I'm saying, Helen, okay? All I'm saying, D H a, dim, whatever, they better work. And one thing I know about fish oil, all fish oils are good.

All of them are good. The Cadillac, that's what we used to say. Okay? Maybe it's the Mercedes-Benz today. Maybe it's the BMWs today. But the best of all fish oil is d h a. Compare ours to anyone else's. The process is incredible, but I won't back down. Okay? I won't back down. I want my brain to work. I want my eyeballs to work. You know how d h a is good for your eyes? Do you know how d h a is good for your heart? I take it, but I have no issue giving it to patients. Why? Because it works. I could prove it with D H A, because you can actually get a blood test to check your D h A levels. It's expensive, whatever. But boy, we had the best d H A. Okay?

Mary Lynn, what did Dr. Martin say causes high blood pressure? Well, look, a few things can cause high blood pressure, but the number one thing that causes high blood pressure is insulin. And insulin comes when you, you're a car aholic and you eat too much sugar. It's not salt, it's sugar. Okay? It's amazing what happens when people go on the reset with their blood pressure. It's not meat that elevates your blood pressure. It's not cholesterol that elevates your blood pressure. It's crappy carbs and sugars. Mary Lynn, thank you.

Sherry, regarding diabetics. I understand insulin. Okay? She says this is not cause a person to get too much insulin, okay? When you're officially a diabetic, okay, Sherry, now your pancreas doesn't work anymore. It's not working properly because you use too much insulin. It's like, you know my illustration of the ballpoint pen? There's your pancreas. Cause the, it's the same size and the ink inside the ballpoint pen eventually will run out. Okay? So you cannot be a diabetic without being a carbohydrate. You have an allergy to carbs, an allergy, it's carbs. It's not meat, it's not eggs, it's not cheese, it's not even fruits, vegetables, okay? Like fruits, I guess if you lived on them, you could be a diabetic. But generally, no. It's sugar, it's carbs, it's crappy carbohydrates that causes your pancreas to secrete insulin.

And then when the cells become resistant, you got to do more and more and more and more. Eventually, diabetes is, your insulin don't work anymore. It works a little bit, but not enough. So they give you insulin. Okay? Now they give you other drugs, but they give you, a lot of people are on insulin pumps or whatever. They have no choice. If they don't change their diet, they have no choice otherwise they're going to die. So medicine, you know, they're wonderful. They give you insulin. Beautiful. The problem is that don't fix it. That just manages it. And what I set out to do, years and years and years and years and years ago, because I saw tens of thousands of diabetics in my office over the years, and I gave them the same story. You know what your problem is? You're a carboholic. You have an allergy to carbs. What? My doctor says, I need to eat more often. I don't. My doctor says moderation. My doctor, my dietician, whatever. Said, well, how's that working for you? Not good. Well, I'm sorry you have an allergy.

Did you hear my cat story? A lady comes into the office, she's got allergies. I said, you got allergies? What are you allergic to? She said, my cat. I said, get rid of it. She said, I can't. I said, well, I can't help you. How do you want me to help you if you won't get rid of the problem? I love my cat too much. Okay, diabetes. I always tell people, you're on the Titanic. You already hit the iceberg time to get into the light boat. Ah, I can't. I'm scared. I said, trust me for 30 days I'm going to get you off. All carbohydrates. All get rid of them. What? Yeah, you don't get along with them. Don't fool yourself. Okay, so medication. Look, you might have to take meds. You will have to take meds if you don't change your diet. And believe me, those meds are only going to work for a certain amount of time. You know what I always tell people with diabetes, can I guarantee you one thing? It will not end well. Can I guarantee you another thing? You're not going to live as long as you should.

Your eyes are going to go, your brain's going to go, your legs are going to go, your kidneys are going to go, your heart's going to go. Or you're going to cancer. I guarantee it. You're on the Titanic, you hit the iceberg. You either listen Linda, or you don't. I can't go home with you. I can't go home with you. But here's what you do. Because that's what diabetes is, my friend. Now type one is different because that's autoimmune. The pancreas doesn't work at all. Okay, that's different. But the diet's still the same. You might have to be on meds, you have to be very careful. But I really helped a lot of type one diabetics too. It's they got to eat. You got to eat. It's what you eat. Okay, Sherry, thank you.

Leanne. "Can too much vitamin A damage your liver?" I guess so. I've never seen it. Not once, it's like vitamin D. Can too much vitamin D be dangerous? I guess so, but I've never seen a case of it. Now I'm not telling you to go out and you know, what do I say about vitamin A all the time? Eat vitamin A when you eat eggs, meat, and cheese. I used to give vitamin A as a supplement to a few people. I did. They were very deficient and I needed to give them therapeutic vitamin A to help them. And by the way, vitamin A is not in the plants. That's better quarantine. That's not vitamin A. It's not pro retinol A. Okay? It's not Vitamin A is only in eggs, meat, and cheese. And when you don't eat those, you're probably going to be very low in vitamin A. High vitamin A. Yeah, I guess, why don't I worry about high vitamin A? Because I've never seen it. That doesn't mean it's not possible. Okay, Leanne, thanks for that question.

Sherry, I don't know if this is the same Sherry or another Sherry, "what happens to the bacteria in someone's gut after getting a colonoscopy?" You got rid of most of it. You better replenish it. I mean, to get rid of it for a colonoscopy, you're cleaning out good, bad, and ugly in that bowel. Okay, you're washing it out big time. Yeah, replace it. You really should triple up your probiotics for a couple of months to get all that good bacteria back. Okay? I mean, that's one of the side effects of taking a colonoscopy. You are going to get rid of your good bacteria. Okay? It's going to wash it out.

Lonny, "can low vitamin D levels cause headaches?" Yeah, it's possible. It's possible. Low B12 can cause headaches too. Low magnesium can cause headaches too. And one more question. I'm just going to answer the question about magnesium because somebody asked me that. Deb saying, Dr. Martin, can you explain the difference between your two magnesium? Okay, magnesium citrate, okay, is a chelated magnesium, very effective. Some of our patients over the years, okay, they found citrate, magnesium citrate, to give them a loose bowel for some. And you know, it's too bad. But one of the reasons magnesium citrates so good for you is people that were constipated, they found that, oh geez, that magnesium really helped. So if you have constipation and you have a sluggish metabolism, magnesium citrate is good and it's one of the better absorbed magnesium. Okay? Now, the bisglycinate is a lot less hard on your gut. For those people who are sensitive, they couldn't take magnesium citrate. So that's why, okay, that's the difference between the two. Both of them are very good. I love magnesium. Okay? So that's what, okay. Just because some people were asking us to do it and I found a real, real good formula for bisglycinate, okay?

Okay, one more, just because Judy's asking, again, it comes back to our formulas. The digestive enzymes are now called Ultra Digest-all. Why? Health Canada. It's labeling and sometimes they pick on us. Okay? No, and it's just labeling issues. And the laws in Canada are very stringent. Okay? They're very stringent and that's alright. Okay. When you read a label, it's going to be good. Okay? The DHA Judy has a little bit less of fish oil, but the same DHA, the reason is the processing. Okay? The reason is we get the sourcing of our fish oil. It's even more concentrated. We need less of it. Okay? That's why. We have 200 micrograms less of selenium, same thing because of the concentration of the selenium and the bioavailability of it, we didn't need as much to get the same effect. Okay? So that's why quality control the top of our food chain for us because again, results, results, results.

Okay guys, I will try and answer these questions. Maybe I got a fair amount of them, so maybe we'll do question and answer Monday. Okay. Let me think about that. If not, I will add these till next Friday. Okay guys, we love you dearly. We do. Okay guys, love you.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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