Dr. Martin often talks about why we need vitamin D, but he’s never really focused on the specific reasons why someone would be low in vitamin D.
It is estimated that 80 to 90% of the population have very low levels of vitamin D. Dr. Martin says it’s an international health crisis because the majority of people don’t know they’re deficient!
Join Dr. Martin in today’s episode as he goes over reasons why people are low in vitamin D!
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. Welcome to another live this morning. How are ya? Hope you're doing well. Guys, yesterday we talked about the significance of vitamin D, especially in aggressive breast cancer. And I talked to you about what numbers to reach according to the research, which really boost your immune system against aggressive breast cancer. And guys, don't, tune out, okay, don't tune out. This is for you too because prostate cancer and breast cancer are like identical cancers. They're just very, very similar. Now, breast cancer, okay, according to the research, and we went over this, you want in the United States numbers 50 to 70. I like it around there. I can even go higher and translated into Canadian numbers. It's two and a half times. So we're looking at 150 to 170. And again, if you're above that, good for you. But most people don't even know where their vitamin D numbers are because they can't get tested. Or at least not routinely because doctors don't understand the significance of it.
And what else did we look at yesterday with the vitamin D? We looked at how vitamin D stops the mutation. Not only have we talked about those renegade cancer cells out of control cancer cells and vitamin D seems to stop those mutations. And again, we talked about there's a war on vitamin D. You're not going to hear too much about it. It's unfortunate, but I can't think of one reason. I can't think of one, why someone wouldn't if they had cancer or want to prevent cancer, that they wouldn't take vitamin D. Either as a supplement or get in the sun. The problem with the sun is again, you're looking at maybe limited. During the summer, yeah, great. Okay. And my rule of thumb, I always told people, look, if you are living in Canada, Northern United States, okay, just the rule of thumb. Start your vitamin D in around September as a supplement. And if you're not a snowbird, you know, got to take that vitamin D til April or May.
And then if the sun's out and you get out two to three days a week at least, and you get in the sun and your arms are exposed and your legs are exposed, okay, you should be alright. Okay? But the best way to find out for sure is to get your blood serum, what they call dihydroxy 25, get it done. And if you have to pay for it, I tell you, just from the research that's coming out, I would say it's worth it. It's unfortunate, but doctors don't understand vitamin D. Health Canada doesn't understand vitamin D. The governments don't understand vitamin D, they just don't understand it and it's too bad, but it's the way it is. So you guys have to be proactive.
Now, somebody asked me the question yesterday and I thought, okay, let's spend some time on this. Why is it that some people would be low in vitamin D? Okay, some of it of course will be just common sense, but there's a lot of people. I'm telling you it's 80 to 90% of the population have very low levels of vitamin D. Guys, that's an international health crisis. Having low levels of vitamin D, most people don't know it. But what could cause it? Okay, well obviously you're not getting enough sun. Okay? You're not taking a supplement or you're not getting enough sun. And most seniors, most seniors, especially if they're in a home or whatever. My little story, if I could get into every senior home, every senior home, I take two vitamins with me, vitamin D and B12, because seniors are extremely low in both of them. And almost without exception, and I'm going to tie this together a little bit on the reasons that we could be low in vitamin D, obviously not getting enough sunshine or you're getting sun with sunscreen.
Sunscreen, you ain't getting no vitamin D. Okay? So when I see people spraying their kids and they spray themselves and there's a cloud around them because they put so much sunscreen on, I know, I know, I know what the narrative is. I don't have to be told. I know skin cancer, skin cancer, skin cancer, and you're going to wrinkle up and you're going to get old in the sun. I guys, I mean it's craziness, but it's out there. My generation, my parents' generation, and maybe even young people today, they buy them. And you have to understand, I'm giving out information here. I'm not telling people what to do, but my word when I see sunscreen being poured on, I just like, to me, they don't know what they're doing. They don't know the negativity of that. Okay?
Now, so what else could be happening? Okay, so number one, lack of vitamin D. Why? And we looked at not getting into sun or sunscreen. Those are really two points. Three, you need magnesium. A lot of people, and they don't know it. They have no idea. And by the way, testing it, I find magnesium tests, serum magnesium tests really don't tell me much. But if you are low in magnesium or low even in zinc, and you know why people are low in zinc, especially because they don't eat vitamin S steak. That's how you get zinc. But you need those cofactors, magnesium, zinc, even to absorb vitamin D properly. That's why I get people's suns, steak and steel. You think I'm kidding about that? I'm not kidding. I mean it, okay? I mean, it's so good for you and it helps absorb vitamin D, okay? It's just part of the equation. If you have darker skin, okay, you have darker skin, you need more vitamin D.
I got beautiful grandchildren. I've got four of them that have darker skin. They're gorgeous. Well, of course grandpa knows, right? But I always tell 'em, you, you need more vitamin D than grandpa does. Why is that? Well, you have darker skin. Darker skin. This is why the African American population in the United States extremely low in vitamin D, extremely low in vitamin D when they're tested. And so are Floridians by the way. And so are Arizonians. My word I always tell people I live in Florida, you don't get heaven. You, you're in heaven, you don't get heaven. Heaven is for Canadians, you're in paradise. And most of them, they're white as ghosts and they get in the sun or they're, they lather up with sunscreen like it's no tomorrow. It drives me crazy. There shouldn't be a Floridian ever that's low in vitamin D, but they're extremely low. African American, extremely low. Okay? If you have darker skin, you need more vitamin D. It's as simple as that. And that's the reason that people could be low. Okay?
Listen to this one. Recent injury or illness in infection. Some people get their vitamin D levels checked after a virus or infection and their vitamin D levels went down, okay? Now that's a rare thing, but if you get tested right after, you could be low. Make sure if you go through an infection or a virus, I guess your body sort of drains its batteries of vitamin D and your T-cells are not that have an antenna for vitamin D, they get low. So make sure you pump them up and get them back up to full charge. Okay? The other one is high stress. Cortisol. Isn't cortisol crazy? We can't live without it because cortisol's a very important hormone. But holy moly, when I wrote that book years ago, two hormones that want you dead, one was insulin and the other was cortisol. And I meant it, cortisol left unchecked will kill you. And one of the ways it does, it lowers your vitamin D. Crazy, huh? So just keep these things in mind.
Digestive conditions. What's the stomach got to do with vitamin D? Well, vitamin D is synthesized on your skin unless you're taking a supplement. But the digestive tract, it's where it's metabolized, that's really important. And people with Crohn's, ulcerative colitis, IBS, Celiac, all those people usually are extremely low in vitamin D. And again, because doctors don't seem to care about vitamin D, these people who already have a major, either autoimmune or whatever, they're in deep doo doo because their vitamin D levels are really low and no one's told them the significance of that. It's crazy. Liver disease, fatty liver. Stink, you mean even the liver? Yeah, even the liver. Okay. There's a lot of things that happen for vitamin D levels to be optimized. And if you got fatty liver, and what are they saying now? I mean, fatty liver is crazy out of control. And the Martin Clinic teaches you why... we're carboholics, and especially with liver. It's drinking fructose, drinking soda, drinking those stupid drinks at the coffee shops. When I go to the mall, I get a migraine. I see those fruit smoothies and they blend about 15 fruits together and all that. Listen, eat your fruit. God wanted you to eat it, not drink it. That can lower your vitamin D. Crazy.
Okay, no gallbladder. Again, we're looking at the emulsification of fat. Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin. Part of the process is bile. Now listen, your body has plan B. If you don't have a gallbladder, your gallbladder doesn't produce bile. It is a reservoir for bile. So remember that you got your liver, it will produce bile. The problem is though, without the gallbladder, keep that in the back of your computer that you could be low in vitamin D because you lost your gallbladder and you lost your gallbladder because you didn't use it. Use it or lose it. Why do so many women lose their gallbladder? Ah, hormones. I got to give it, yes, when they're low in progesterone, that can affect the gallbladder, no doubt about it, but in estrogen dominance. But the other one is that they don't eat steak. Not enough. When I say this to you, I know you guys got the memo, okay? So when I tease you a little bit, it's because I love you, okay? I'm teasing, but I love you. Okay, forgive.
Here's another one. So no gallbladder, bariatric surgery, which is for weight loss. They get the bariatric surgery. And boy, that makes it very difficult for any fat soluble vitamin to be absorbed, including vitamin D. There's the people who got a supplement there big time and get out in that sun. Get in the sun, okay? Meds almost every med. I was reading a study yesterday on what? Metformin, which is the most popular diabetic drug, even for pre-diabetics. They give metformin and they give it for Pcos, polycystic ovarian disorder to lower insulin. And a lot of people take that medication, and I hear it all the time. All the time in practice. It was every second person was taking metformin. And I used to tell 'em, look man, you are going to be low for sure in b12, a hundred percent. If you're on Metformin, you're going to be low in b12. It knocks the B12 out of the ballpark of your body. Secondly, metformin, it affects the absorption of vitamin D, okay, b12, the two vitamins, you know me, b12, vitamin D, b12, vitamin D, and vitamin C, coffee. You should see the new studies. I think I'll bring that to you tomorrow.
So metformin, but almost every other medication, you should see the list from diuretics to high blood pressure medications, to prednisone, to yada, yada, yada, yada. Like almost every class of medication, statin drugs, we know what statin drugs do to coQ10. Okay? Did you know that statin drugs will lower your vitamin D? Yeah. So you have this whole list of medications, absolutely crazy. So all I'm saying is, folks, you've got to take care of that because of vitamin D. You are a human solar panel. You are a human solar panel, and vitamin D is an essential vitamin. And there's a war on it. There's a war on it. So all I'm saying is if long as you know it, so when you see negativity on vitamin D coming from the media or whatever, believe me, they're not finished with vitamin D yet. So just keep that in the back of your mind that there's an attack going on. And vitamin D for doctors, it's too simple. It's too simple. What? Vitamin D. Okay, I get it. For your bones, nah, but your immune system, what? It didn't get the memo.
The memo got intercepted by big pharma. It got intercepted by big pharma and all the universities and all the colleges, the college of physicians and surgeons and whatever. And I mean, physicians are not getting the memo because they're getting intercepted. Oh, don't believe that stuff about vitamin D. Yeah, well, they can't patent the sun. Okay guys, little bit of shorter version today, okay? And remember what Friday is, it's question and answer Friday. So send you questions and I know a lot of people have already sent them in. Good. We love those questions. We encourage you. Okay? We love you guys. I didn't, I've never said that. Oh no, I mean it. Okay. And we'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!