Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners.
Some of today’s topics include:
- Beef vs. pork
- Trigeminal neuralgia
- Bodybuilding & excess carbs
- Calcification in joints
- Lutein vitamins for eyes
- IV therapy with vitamin C
- Food grade peroxide
- Iron dysregulation
- Cerebral amyloid angiopathy
- Thiamine/B1 supplementation
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. Welcome to another live. Hope you're having a great day. Question and answer Friday. Always fun. Okay guys, let's get to our questions. "Beef is expensive, is pork any... is pork as good?" Okay, this is from Meta. Look, pork is very good. Okay? Especially bacon. I was reading somebody just, they get on me because I like bacon, but I tell people, look, bacon has oleic acid, olive oil, everybody likes olive oil. You talk to people, the Mediterranean diet, you talk to a vegan, you talk to a vegetarian, you talk to almost anybody and they put olive oil right on the top of a health food. They do. And I say, well, okay, let's analyze bacon. That's got oleic acid. That's what makes olive oil good. Very good. Okay, so bacon.
Again, someone was saying, "doc, when you eat eggs, meat, and cheese, how are you going to get your potassium?" Somebody asked me that the other day and I said, well, what would you take for potassium? They said bananas. I said, okay. Can I tell you the difference? Bacon's got more potassium than a banana has and bacon ain't sweet and bacon's not going to elevate your insulin nor your blood sugar. Now let me answer the question because I went around the bush. Pork is good, but it's not as good as red meat because there's a little bit of B12 in pork, but not much. There's a lot more B12 in steak. That's why I like steak, but there is some B12 and pork's good. So you like pork. So do I. Okay, so do I.
Okay, Carolyn, "does Dr. Martin have any recommendations for trigeminal neuralgia?" Yeah, we talked about that. Trigeminal neuralgia, okay, is pain in the trigeminal nerve and there's three tri, right, and that nerve eye, the eyelid above the mouth and below the chin and your trigeminal nerve does this. It's a cranial nerve, okay? One of the best things you can do for trigeminal neuralgia is vitamin B12, anything that has to do with nerves, you got to look at B12. It is such an important vitamin and any nerve problem you're looking at. Start with B12. I like the combination. I do this with a lot of people in my practice days of trigeminal neuralgia, I gave them B12 with Navitol. We talked about Navitol the other night and it really works well in combination with B12 for diabetic neuralgia, neuropathy, that's a big issue today. Neuropathy and I use the combination of B12 and Navitol. Okay, thanks for the question. We appreciate it Carolyn.
Vince, "my 30 year old son is bodybuilding and getting very big," I hope muscle wise. Sounds like it. "He eats three times a day, which includes lots of carbs, pasta, rice along with his eggs, meat and cheese and protein shakes. Is this healthy for him to have so many carbs? He works out six times a day." Well, look, Vince, I would tell him not to eat the amount of carbs he is because at the end of the day, look, he's building a lot of bins for those carbs, okay? Because he's so big. He's got bins. We talk about that, right? Muscle uses glucose even without insulin, okay? And that's what makes it so metabolically good for you is building muscle. I talk about that all the time. Sun, steak and steel. Okay? And so I'm big on that.
Now, he's getting away with it it looks like. But remember this, I would have your son get his blood work done and send it to me because there's a few things that I would be very interested in. One, his triglycerides and hdl, okay? Triglycerides and HDL and watch out for liver enzymes, okay? Because it's never good to eat a lot of carbs in my opinion. Now, like I said, he gets away with it because he's building so much muscle, but how much is he really getting away with, right? I don't care who you are. When you talk about carbs, I talk about sugar because those carbs, pasta, rice, whatever, they're going to be sugar in five seconds. So is it good to do that? Nah, I don't think it's good at all. Okay. Like I said, because he is building so much more muscle, he's getting away with it. But is he really? I'd need to see his blood work. I've seen people, they could lift the house, but there's damage going on to their blood vessel because they're eating way too much sugar and carbs that turn to sugar. Okay, so I hope that answers your question.
Okay, Paulina, "diagnosed with calcification on my shoulder, ankle and knee. What can I do or need to stop doing?" Well, one thing for sure if you've got old injuries, they're old injuries and they can calcify, they can develop spurs and joints, ankles or whatever, and calcium sort of builds up around an injury in order to get you... The body's smart. It says stop moving it so it sort of calcifies to keep you from pain in a lot of ways, but I start with food because one of the ways your joints break down in calcify is by what we call a free radical damage of A G E S apostrophe S, advanced glycated and products. Sugar can destroy your tendons and destroy your joints over a period of time. Okay? Sugar can destroy your tendons and destroy your joints over a period of time and calcify them, okay? We call them glycated end products. So a lot of people, especially when they get on the reset who've had joint pain for years, find that they get better when they cut out the sugars. Okay? Now is that going to completely regenerate your joints? No, but it can make a difference, especially pain wise. Okay, so let me just see if there was a second part to that question. What can I do and need to stop doing? So stop eating sugar. I really like our inflammation formula. It's made to help regenerate joints. It lowers inflammation obviously, but that's what I like. Okay, Paulina? Thank you.
Pat. "What does Dr. Martin think about taking lutein vitamins for the eyes?" Well, look, Pat, I got to be honest with you, I've talked to a lot of optometrists, ophthalmologists over the years and I would try and introduce them to Navitol pine bark and the research on eyes is incredible and look, I'll just say it again and again and again. When you look at anything in the eye, you look at blood supply, okay? The key is blood supply. Your eye depends on it. Why do diabetics have so much trouble with their eyes? Sugar destroys blood vessels. Your body knows it. Your body is so smart it can't allow sugar to stay in your bloodstream. That's why you have an organ dedicated to taking sugar out of your bloodstream. It's called your pancreas, and the first thing that gets affected when sugar is left in the bloodstream is your capillaries. Okay?
If I pull a little strand of my hair, I shouldn't pull much because I don't have a lot, but a strand of hair is about the same size as a capillary and red blood cells going to line up one by one behind each other to go through that capillary, but sugar destroys capillaries. That's why it's not salt destroying your kidneys. It's not protein destroying your kidneys, it's sugar destroying your kidneys. Cardiologists always got that wrong. They were trying to lower salt for blood pressure, trying lower protein doctors for kidneys, they got it wrong. It's not right. What destroys your eyeballs ask a diabetic who are 90% more likely to have glaucoma, 90% more likely to have cataracts, a hundred percent more likely obviously to have diabetic retinopathy. It's blood supply and blood supply gets damaged by sugar.
Now, I know you asked about lutein. I like Navitol. I tell you it's better. Pine bark is better for blood supply than lutein. I'm not against lutein. If you're asking me which is better, I'm going to tell you what's better. I had clinical experience for this over years and years and years and years, okay? I used to love looking in eyes and looking at blood supply because it's everything to the eye. It's everything. I like high DHA too combination with Navitol for your eyes. Proof in the pudding is me. 50 years old. You get older, I had to wear glasses, okay? Now I don't need my glasses to see far away, okay? I don't. I'm used to wearing my glasses, but I need them to read. But at 70 years old or seven was I 71, my last 70, I went to the optometrist for new glasses and the optometrist said, man, you're, you're getting better at your age. We never see that. This was a new optometrist. And I told her all about Navitol and high DHA. Now she knew about DHA omega-3, but she didn't know anything about Navitol. I said, you got to try it, man, with your patients. This is fantastic. I know they like bilberry and they like lutein and whatever. Nothing compared to Navitol in my opinion. Okay, thanks for the question Pat.
Annette, "what are your thoughts on vitamin C in IV therapy?" That's where I really like vitamin C. The other vitamin C. I do like IV therapy of vitamin C. I do. See vitamin C really to be effective, you got to take high doses of it and you can't take a lot of high dose vitamin C orally. I like IV vitamin C I do, I think as a cancer treatment, I think that every oncologist ought to be using, whether they do chemo, radiology, whatever, they should be doing high IV vitamin C. I believe that big time. There's studies out that show it can be pretty effective. Okay, and we used to work with an oncologist who loved IV vitamin C, loved it to shrink tumors. Anyway, it certainly not mainstream, but it should be in my opinion. Thanks for the question, Annette.
Judy, "what does Dr. Martin think of ingesting food grade peroxide? Does it kill fungus in the body?" Well, look, I'm not big on it, okay? Hydrogen peroxide, you can use it on your skin for scrape or an antiseptic. I got no problem with that. Internally, I remember there was sort of a craze. I can't remember now. It's got how many years ago? 15, 20 years ago. Oh, hydrogen peroxide. That's cures cancer. We have the cure for cancer, eh? No. You know what I mean? I didn't buy it. Look, here's me, and again, I'm very opinionated, so I got to tell you what I think. Okay? I put up oil of oregano up against any fungal killer big time. Okay? Now we're finally getting our own oil of oregano, okay? Tony Jr and I have been scouring the planet to find the best oil of oregano. Oil of oregano owes me money, okay? I haven't seen a check yet, but they do.
When I had my own radio show, oil of oregano in Sudbury, I had natural product sales people telling. Do you know that Dr. Martin oil of oregano sells more in Sudbury than anywhere else in Canada? Well, of course I had my own radio show for 20 years and I often went to Windsor and spoke there. What did I speak on? A lot of times? Oil of oregano, oil of oregano, antifungal, antiviral, antiparasitic. I put that up against hydrogen peroxide, any day, anytime, anywhere. Okay, that's me. Okay? Am I saying hydrogen peroxide is no good? No, I'm not saying that. I'm just saying there's something better. See me? I am good, better, and best. That was me because I was in practice. I had to, as Tony Jr said the other night, dad, you had to look people in the eyes. So did he. Okay. And I wanted results, man. I wanted results. So I'm giving you my opinion. Okay? There's good, there's better, and then there's best. Okay, that's me.
Okay, Sally, "do you know anything about iron dysregulation?" Yup, I do. I don't know what you want to know about it, Sally. It's rare. I've read opinions from doctors who think that iron dysregulation is a big factor in cancer. Okay? I'm not sure. I'm not sure it's it. I guess it's possible I'm going to do this next week. I've actually, I went out and1 draw it again. Draw it. I flunked her, right? You guys know that, but I, let me just see if I have it right here. I can show you what I'm going to show you next week because there was a new research. Okay? Now for those listening on a podcast, you can't see this, but you see that I got two cells there. Okay? I have a normal cell and then I got a cancer cell. Okay? What I know about cancer, I, I'm just going to bring this up because cancer cells, this was a study recently published. Cancer cells had 10 to 50 times more docking stations for insulin than a normal cell. Okay? So when you talk about iron dysregulation, yeah, maybe, but one thing I know about cancer is what insulin does to it. What insulin does to cancer cells, meaning how do you get insulin up? Sugar. Sugar, okay, thanks for the question, Sally.
Charlene, "is it okay to take different supplements together?" Yep, I do. I took my supplements this morning. Okay, I'll tell you why I do it because I forget. If I put supplements in my pocket. Tony Jr. likes to take his supplements together at noon. I like my supplements together in the morning, okay? It's part of my routine with my coffee. I don't have coffee though until I have my water first and then I take my supplements with my coffee. But for sure you can take 'em together.
Janine is asking, "does Dr. Martin know anything about cerebral amyloid angiopathy? A friend was recently diagnosed and there's no current treatment." Yeah, you see, you really want Janine, like when I read cerebral amyloid angiopathy, this is amyloid plaque in the brain that destroys blood vessels. Again, we're coming back to circulation, aren't we? So look, if you have cerebral amyloid angiopathy, it ain't good. It's advanced. The key though, I would tell you, Janine, is this is getting ahead of this because that is a severe form of dementia and the brain is really gets destroyed rapidly, but protect your blood vessels, okay? Protect your blood vessels in your brain. One of the things with amyloid, okay, they found out that really amyloid isn't the key to it, okay? It's not the key because they tried to make amyloid the bad guy, but it's not really the amyloid, it's blood supply. And what was discovered in 2005 that Alzheimer's was type three diabetes. What did I just tell you about diabetes and the eyeball? Not good. Not good, okay?
That's why I try and get a diabetic to go into remission and they can. Understand that why they became a diabetic is because of what they ate, and they don't have a good relationship with carbs. They've got a bad relationship with carbohydrates. They don't get taught that by their doctor or anybody else in the nutrition field. Really? They don't talk about that. But I do, and I've been talking about it for a lot of years. You have an allergy and one of the biggest factors in your brain is blood supply. And again, what does sugar do? It destroys blood supply. And so all I'm saying is get ahead of it. I'm big on the reset. I'm big after that eating low carb as a lifestyle. I'm big on high DHA because your brain's made up of that fat. I love Navitol because it crosses the blood-brain barrier and it helps protect your blood vessels. It elevates your nitric oxide, I mean, yada, yada, yada, yada. I go on and on and on, okay? Appreciate the questions. They're such good questions. Okay?
Diane, "does homemade kafir have hormones left in the fermenting since it is made with milk?" Well, I like kafir. I do. I don't like the taste of it to be honest with you, but it's good for you. Now, does it have hormones? Probably, good luck unless you got a cow in the backyard. Okay? Good luck. Where are you going to go? Remember, if you haven't gone there, go to my podcast. You can run, but you can't hide from our environment. You can't hide from chemicals, you can't get away from, they're everywhere and hormones, xenoestrogens, everywhere. Good luck. Okay? That doesn't mean you shouldn't have it, Diane. Okay? And if you can get an organic one, whatever, make it yourself. Good for you.
Yvonne. "What do I think of homeopathy?" Well, I took homeopathy almost 50 years ago as part of my training. You know what? I never really started practicing it. I studied it, but I said for me, I wanted to emphasize nutrition and I was not a homeopath. I could have become one, but nah. Some of my colleagues went into homeopathy and God bless them. What they did was I against it? Of course not. How effective they were or are. I'm not negative. I'm not for me, I went in another direction, so I like it. Okay?
Babita, "I have weak teeth since drinking four cups of coffee." Well, I'm sorry Babita, but you're wrong. It's just a coincidence. Coffee didn't give you weak teeth that I guarantee you, okay? And that doesn't mean I don't like the question. I just know it wasn't the cause of it. It's a coincidence because coffee would actually strengthen your teeth because it's got a thousand phytonutrients, a thousand. I'm not joking when I talk about coffee guys consistently telling you the benefits of coffee. There's three or four more studies that came out last week, how good it is for you. And so none, I don't agree with you. Okay? Now, seeing a dentist for a root canal, what would be the cause? Well, it's not coffee. Teeth. Think about it. Every dentist knows this. Every dentist knows this. What's bad for your teeth Babita? Sugar. A dentist knows that. What causes cavities? What destroys your gut? What destroys your blood vessels? What destroys your joints? What destroys your brain? Sugar and crappy carbohydrates. So I love you Babita, but it ain't coffee. Now you got sugar in your coffee. Well, you got to change a habit. Thanks for the question.
Yvonne, "my friend who is sick, naturopath told her not to drink 20 minute old coffee. Is this the blondie? I don't understand. That loses its value." Don't drink 20 minute old coffee. I like a fresh pot myself, okay? I do. I like fresh Tim Horton's when they always said every 20 minutes, you can be sure we make a new pot of coffee at Tim. I like fresh coffee, but as far as value, I don't know what your naturopath was getting at, okay? I don't know. Okay, so I'd have to almost talk to him or her to see what they were thinking because whether it's 20 minutes, I guess after 20 minutes, I don't know. Is it losing its nutritional value? No, I don't think so. Okay. Might not taste as good. Anyway, I need to know why the naturopath even said that.
Joanne, "is thiamine or B1, something we should supplement with? I heard it as helpful in prevention of Parkinson's and dementia." Well, you know me, Joanne, okay? I'm not saying you can't supplement with a B complex or B1. I'm big on Parkinson's and dementia much more with vitamin D than B1. Okay? My opinion. Two. B12 much more important than B1 for your brain, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. And three, I would tell you to eat steak because steak has all the B vitamins, including B12. I'd rather you eat your vitamin B1 than take it as a supplement, okay? That doesn't mean it's no good. I'm just telling I'm a B complex person in a steak because they got all the B vitamins. Sun, steak and steel. Thanks for the question, Joanne. I appreciate it.
Deborah. Oh, there's another one on B1. Deborah's saying, "for B1 and nutritional yeast, I'm wondering if this is a miracle vitamin? My daughter has every symptom of B1 deficiency." Well, I think I answered that. That doesn't mean if she has every symptom of B1, you might want to give her the thiamine, but I'm big on eating it because your daughter is probably Deborah, not eating enough red meat. And is nutritional yeast a miracle vitamin? No, it's not. It's good. I don't know trouble with nutritional yeast, but I'd rather you have a steak and I'll tell you what is the miracle vitamin. It's not B1, it's B12. Okay? It's not B1, it's not B3, it's not B6, it's B12 because that's what people are deficient in today big time. And B12 is a key, and I talk about that all the time. You give me B12 and you give me vitamin D and vitamin C coffee. I tell you, those are the superstars of vitamins. Okay? Thank you very much.
Mary, "had a hysterectomy 20 years ago, did the reset in 2022 and hormone supplements after I started with warm flashes. Now it is steadily hot. Did I force myself into full menopause?" No, you didn't force yourself into full menopause unless you had a hysterectomy. You didn't do that. So total hysterectomy or even sometimes partial put you into full menopause, but you didn't do it by doing the reset. It's just the opposite, okay? And again, you've got a coincidence for sure. It's no fun, Mary, because men we're big babies, we couldn't handle horrormones. Okay? You're out of balance. You need to lower your estrogen and get your progesterone levels up because that is why. Well, even in menopause, you still got hormones. You know you still got hormones.
Okay, Rita, "does coffee have mold in it?" Well, I guess it's possible. I like coffee too much to be too negative, okay? Because it's so good for you, right? Look, there's a lot of foods that can get molded, okay? I don't think you can totally get away from mold, by the way. Okay? You can't. That's why I'm putting emphasis Rita, on your immune system. So when you're exposed to mold, whether in food, whether in the environment, your body, if you have a good immune system, it's called you win. Mold, especially not so much in food, but especially in your basement or whatever can really affect the person, but it'll affect the person that is immunocompromised. Keep your immune system strong. Okay? Thanks for the question.
Kim. "Over a month now, if I do a semi hard blink, sneeze, cough or turn my head quickly, the bottom outer corner of my eyelid twitches, which happens several times a day." Kim, generally two things that generally would be low magnesium, okay? Generally could be pinched nerve too possible coming out of your neck. Magnesium. Okay, B12. Look at those two things because that's generally where I see them. Okay?
Joey, "I have a question. If there's a heart blockage, can it be reversed to no blockage at all?" Well, I've seen it reversed. I've seen carotid arteries really reverse themselves. Carotid artery blockings, because those are the ones, the easiest ones to see on ultrasound. Okay? I've seen it happen. The idea is to try and prevent it in the first place. But again, when it comes to blockage, remember diet, diet, diet, lubricate, lubricate, lubricate, oil, oil, oil, okay, change the oil. That's why I love high DHA. I'm big on omega three, especially the DHA. Lubricate, eat butter. Lubricate. Grease. Grease. Somebody asked about bacon grease, okay, Louise, "is bacon grease allowed to cook with?" Absolutely, it's good for you.
"If I was taking collagen before I started taking the bone broth, can I stop taking my other one?" Yeah, because bone broth is collagen. It's a collagen protein. Okay? But you can do both if you want. Okay, so Joy, I hope I answered your question and Louise, I answered your question. And Judy, "how is the Martin way of eating?" Okay, different from keto or old Atkins? Well, Atkins was high fat, low carb. Okay, did I like it? Loved it. Okay. Dr. Atkins said, eat your bacon and eggs. Do I like that? Yeah, he was right. He was a cardiologist. He wasn't a dummy. Okay? And he discovered research on insulin and he wanted to lower your insulin, a cardiologist ahead of his time, wanting to lower your insulin. Hello? He has a big, big problem in our society today is insulin. 93% of the population. 93 better change their insulin. They have insulin resistance and that leads to all chronic diseases. Okay?
Now keto, I'm a little less, look, I like keto, but I don't love keto because a lot of people start eating keto foods and they got all nothing but junk in them, can be very high in omega six. And I don't like that. But keto really should be the Atkins way. Eat foods, eat eggs, meat and cheese. Now, what's different about the Martin way is I got a 30 day program. It's called the Reset, and it's only eggs, meat, and cheese for 30 days. Okay? And there's a reason that I did it. I want to put diabetics into remission. I want to lower insulin, and that's the key. Okay? And then you can go low carb as a lifestyle the rest of your life. Not no carb, but low carb. Okay? But there's a lot of similarities.
Catherine, eye floaters. Yeah. Well, I talked about Catherine in the eyes. It's blood supply. You got eye floaters? It's blood supply. Strengthen those blood vessels. Get rid of sugar. Navitol, high DHA. Christine says she can't tolerate pine bark. Is there anything else? Drink coffee. Okay, simple. Not quite as good. Coffee. I love guys. You know that. Okay, thanks Christine, and then two more.
Okay, what are my thoughts on adding iodine for overactive thyroid? I never used iodine on its own. I like iodine and selenium. I like a formula. This is what I noticed in practice. Okay, so iodine's important for the thyroid. If it's high thyroid, you better be using selenium with it. But you should use selenium with iodine at all times. That's why thyroid, steak has got lots of selenium, okay? And Ella, "is one cup of flaxseed in a muffin too much a day?" I don't know if I like the muffin, but the flaxseed is very good for you. And one cup of flaxseed in one muffin? A cup in one muffin? That's a lot. Not going to hurt you. Won't hurt you. But anyway, I can't say that I've ever heard of them. I usually recommend a tablespoon of flaxseeds a day. So good to lower that estrogen. Okay guys, did you have fun? I did. Okay. I did. I enjoyed every second. Okay, love you guys. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!