Dr. Martin looks at some new studies on depression. He has often spoken of vitamin E, exercise, and it turns out it’s as effective as taking drugs in treating anxiety and depression. Also, with vitamin S, steak, people who eat red meat are 50% less likely to get depression. And finally, a sobering stat is that 1 in 5 people in the US will go through major depression!
Three studies on dementia also came out in the last week. The studies looked at fruits and vegetables versus fish and red meat, refined carbs, and high fructose corn syrup for increasing your risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s.
Join Dr. Martin as he goes through a hodgepodge of studies in today’s episode.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good afternoon everyone. Hope you're having a great day, and thank you for coming on with us today. And as we go through another The Doctor Is In live and we sure enjoy having you guys on. What I'm going to do this afternoon, we're going to go through a hodgepodge of studies. Why not? I want to bring you up to date on several studies that came out this week and I figured why not do study day? We're going to look at some of the studies. I always find them fascinating. I flagged these ones here. Three studies in the last week that came out on dementia. Three of them, okay?
New study, okay, on dementia, and the study showed, and this was a study using fruits and vegetables, fish and meat. And they separated it, separated these foods and they said, okay, so fruits and vegetables, people were eating those. People were eating fish. And then another group was eating red meat. Only those who were eating red meat had an effect on lowering levels of dementia. Okay? And again, this was an association study. It's not the gold standard, but when they compare fruits and vegetables, fish, and I love fish. I have fish every day in a capsule. Fish, and then red meat only red meat showed a decrease in the group in dementia. Okay? Don't shoot the messenger. This is what the study said.
Here's a second study. Refined carbs is associated with an increase in dementia and Alzheimer's. Hello? Yes, crappy carbohydrates, and they're showing a direct link between refined carbs is associated with an increase in dementia and Alzheimer's. Hello. Why do I say that? Why have I been saying that for years? Because when you look at Alzheimer's, it is type three diabetes. It really is. It's your brain becomes diabetic way before. Look, if you're a diabetic, you're already in trouble, but even if you're not a diabetic, your brain becomes a diabetic way before your blood sugars. Your brain hates sugar. Can I tell you that? I know it's headquarters, but if you insist on giving it bad fuel, your brain will not continue to operate. It won't operate properly. Refined carbs is associated with increased dementia and Alzheimer's.
Here's the third one. Avoid high fructose corn syrup because it increases your risk of dementia. Again, there's sugar and then there's the antichrist of sugar. High fructose corn syrup. There is absolutely nothing, nothing good about high fructose corn syrup. It was made in the lab. It's very inexpensive. It's highly addictive. It takes a direct root in your brain. It creates pathways in the brain. It takes a direct root in your liver that causes fatty liver. One of the biggest causes of fatty liver is the introduction of high fructose corn into a person's diet, and what they're saying here is not only does it affect your liver, but it will have a very major effect on your brain. High fructose corn syrup, avoid it. Now, remember the food industry, they get away with it. They couch. They don't have to tell you they're using high fructose corn syrup. There's about 92 different names that they can use, but believe you, my friend, they are using high fructose corn syrup because it's cheap, it's addictive. Remember who took over the food industry, the tobacco industry, they knew how to hook people big time. Those are three on dementia.
Okay, we're going to look at 1, 2, 3 studies that came out in the last week on depression. Okay? This one here, exercise. Vitamin E is as effective as drugs, especially SSRIs in treating anxiety and depression. Vitamin E is as effective in treating depression as medication. Now I'm telling you, okay, just going to say it. This is not going to get a lot of traction and the reason it's not going to get a lot of traction. There's no money to be made in vitamin E, exercise. There's no big money behind it. It's so good for you. Everyone really knows that. Maybe they don't know how good it is even in depression.
Now, let me just say one thing about depression, and I've tried in my years of practice to get people who had a tendency to be bipolar, anxiety, depression, to form good habits, exercise, form good habits. Why? Because when your brain starts playing tricks on you, you are going to have it as part of your D N A, because once someone is depressed, just try and get them to exercise. It's almost impossible. They'll take their medication, but the studies are showing that exercise would be every bit as effective and probably more. The problem with that is, is once you are unwell, it's hard to get people to exercise. This is why I always used to talk about make a habit. I get up every morning, every morning, every morning. I do not allow myself, even though I want to. I'd rather do, but I don't allow myself. I have 16 ounces, half a liter for my Canadian friends of water every day, seven days a week, no exceptions. If I'm traveling, I'm in a hotel or whatever, I make sure I have water in the morning.
I told you this story many a times my father started exercising, specifically jogging in 1968. Nobody jogged. But my dad did, and he got me going because I wanted to be with him. And so I would work out with my dad. I formed habits even as a young man, and today, 71 years old, I still work out. That's the key is forming good, healthy habits. I love the gym. There's some days I don't feel like going admittedly, but even when I don't feel like it, I go, and you know what the sweet spot is for vitamin E because I've told you this, three to four times a week, 15 to 20 minutes, okay? Walking is exercise, but that's separate. Okay? Walking is bonus, but you want to do some kind of especially, and we've proven this. I have a study I want to show. I'll bring this in after 15 to 20 minutes, three to four times a week, get strong. I can't tell you that enough, okay?
So, exercise. This is one. Exercise is as effective as drugs in treating anxiety and depression. Here's another one. Red meat decreases the risk of depression. Eating red meat, okay? We already found out what it does for Alzheimer's. Alzheimer's hates steak. Depression hates steak according to this study, and there's a 50% decrease in the risk of depression in people who eat red meat. Can I tell you why? The number one thing in red meat that you don't find in any other food? You guys know this question. Why would that work in depression? I want to see it. You guys are smart. What's the answer? What vitamin is in red meat. It's not in the other meats. It's not in chicken. Okay, which vitamin is it? Wendy, you're right. B12. Rick, you're right. It's B12. Donna, the smartest audience in the world, Emile, I like the way you're thinking. You said coQ10. It's not far off, but it's B12. Katherine, Myrna, my audience, Louise, vitamin K2. Well, pretty close. Barbara said B. Yeah, it's a B alright. It's B12. Emile, Derek and Rosemary, my audience. I'm telling you, I put you guys up against anyone else. And you guys got it, Cheryl, you got it. Gary, you guys are, I tell you. I tell you. I tell you. I tell you. Anybody, Brian, Louise. You guys have got it.
Okay, and here's another one, and it's on. Third study on depression, and I'll come back to the B12. One in five in the USA, one in five will go through major depression, one in five. Incredible when you think of the number of that. This study said the key in why there's so much depression according to this study is inflammation. Now, you and I know that inflammation is not Houdini, so where I agree with the study that inflammation is a big factor, but you don't just get inflammation for no reason. You get inflammation for three reasons. One, high circulating insulin. That's food. That's crappy carbohydrates. That's sugars, okay? That's seed oils. Got that one? Two, leaky gut. Leaky gut, leaky brain. When you have leaky gut and you have toxins that enter the bloodstream, your body starts an inflammatory response. Remember, inflammation is not Houdini. Inflammation comes because of insulin or leaky gut. And the third one is oxidation. Free radical damage, and that often occurs when you're eating too much sugar, so it goes back to food and chemicals can have it. We'll talk about chemicals in the minute if we can get to these. Okay?
Let me give you another study. I tell you, they were coming out of the woodwork this week. Vitamin B12 is a very effective vitamin against high blood pressure. Now, vitamin B12, okay? New study is very effective against high blood pressure, okay? Now, I want you to be thinking, I was talking to someone today about B12 and they had neuropathy. They were diabetic and they weren't listening to me, and when someone doesn't listen, eh, next, I'm not going to waste a lot of time. They weren't listening, but I was trying to tell him about diabetic neuropathy and B12, how effective it is because B12 is a nerve vitamin. Now the question to my unbelievable audience, the smartest in the world, why would B12 be so effective in lowering high blood pressure? I'm waiting if you guys get this. I'm telling you. I'm telling you.
Okay, let me wait just a minute. I want you to think, why is B12 so effective in lowering high blood pressure? Okay, because this is what the study's saying. They didn't even say why, but I'm going to tell you why. Vince, okay. Hold on, Julie. Okay, Grace, Annette, Gary, they don't even know this in medical school. Braheem. Emily, you're there, but keeps the artery street flowing. Rosa, Linda, you're right. What did we call that? Brenda? Kathy, you guys are too much. You're too smart. It decreases stress, Barbara, and you're right, nitric oxide. Chantel and Wanda, and you guys, I might I, Chantel, you're right. It relaxes blood vessels. It's called nitric oxide. Julie. Nitric oxide goes like this. Whoop, it opens up your blood vessels. You guys, I, it's not even surprising me anymore. Like it's, you're too wonderful. You're too smart. Cause that's not an easy, I said, I'm wondering how many people, Darlene, will be able to get this, okay?
Nitric oxide, nitroglycerin. Remember, remember the little teaching that I did on nitric oxide, how it opens up your blood vessels an explosion. That's why nitroglycerin works for people with angina, guys. You guys are unreal. Okay? When I was in school, okay, let me tell you something. I haven't stopped going to school, but when I was in school, we didn't even know that nitric oxide existed. We knew about nitroglycerin for angina, but we didn't know why it worked. It's because it elevates nitric oxide. B12 elevates nitric oxide. That's why B12 is such an important vitamin. Why do I, you guys all the time, or tell you guys to eat steak? Sun, steak and steel.
I didn't even get to all these. It blows me away, guys. It literally blows me away how smart my audience is. Okay, guys, we love you. Tomorrow's question and answer Friday, so don't be shy. Don't be shy. Send in your questions, okay? I should have my audience answer all the questions from now on. I mean it. I go like this because you guys are unreal. Okay? We love you guys. We'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!