Dr. Martin continues his talk on factors that age you faster in today’s episode. The study from the Gerontology Society of America named 8 factors. Dr. Martin continues with ways to stop accelerated aging.
Dr. Martin also shares another study that’s showing how mitochondria is linked to major depression in older adults. The cells’ battery packs are no longer producing enough energy. The end result is accelerated aging in the brain.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day as I am. Okay, let me read. This is part two of accelerated aging. We did part one yesterday for those who couldn't come on with us. It will be a podcast shortly and you can listen to it on the Doctor Is In podcast. Let's spend a few minutes here recapping in a minute as soon as I give you this new study. Factors that Age You Faster from the Gerontology Society of America, and they named eight of them. And we'll recap that because I'm, I want to bring them to you again a little bit. And we spent some time yesterday too, talking about what you can do to slow down aging, to stop accelerated aging. And I brought out yesterday probably four points and I wanted to get to a couple more and we ran out of time. We'll do that today.
But let me read to you, and I'm going to link this in. Here is the headline. And this came out of the American Journal of a Geriatric Psychiatry, okay? The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. And it says this, are the mitochondria is linked to major depression in older adults? And in the article it says, one problem feeds into another and make what began as a small issue into a much larger one. And again, we'll, we'll get into some detail about that. Mitochondria, you know what that is? Those are your battery cops, okay? You've got billions of cells and those cells have a nucleus obviously, but they also have battery packs. They're called mitochondria. And mitochondria produce energy, ATP, okay? But mitochondria are linked to major depression in older adults. The power plants, this was all in this article, the power plants within the cells are faulty. They're not producing enough energy. And listen to this. Older adults with major depression show accelerated aging and cells in their brain, more specifically the mitochondria. Okay?
So when they analyze the brain of people that have depression and major depression, they see changes in the brain at the mitochondria level, energy levels, and it's aging. It's even more aging. So that's why I wanted to bring this out. Let's go back to yesterday. Just spend a minute. I'm going to bring to you, and I really emphasize this yesterday, I'm going to bring to you what the Gerontology Society of America said about eight factors. Two of them. I mean, you don't have to be a rocket scientist. Two of them are smoking. That ages a person big time on the outside, usually with the skin and on the inside. And remember, aging can be measured by not the calendar, although the clock keeps ticking. But you can literally look at aging by measuring free radical damage. And I used to do that to some extent in the office. If anybody has ever attempted to see me, I used to show them a free radical what it looks like. Damaged cells.
Now everybody's got free radicals. The day you're born, you've got free radicals. As you get older, you got more free radicals and free radicals, it's oxidative damage. Cut an apple in half. What do you see? Doesn't take long. That apple's going to start rusting out. That's what free radicals do. They rust you out and everybody's going to rust out eventually. You just don't want it to be accelerated. You don't want that aging to be advanced. Okay? So you want to slow that down. Now, eight factors, okay, eight factors smoking, alcohol. The other six have to do with food. The other six. Now the A Gerontology Society of America didn't say that, but I'm saying it because of what they said. Okay? They listed, first of all, smoking ages you rapidly. Alcohol, ages you rapidly. Okay? Too much of it. Okay? Then here's the other list. I think it's worth repeating for those folks that weren't with us. And even again in teaching, what do you do? Repeat, repeat, repeat. Okay? Waist size was number three. Body fat was number four. CRP, which is your inflammation marker. CRP, C-reactive protein. I love that, that they talk about that. Triglycerides, I almost fell off my chair when I read this list and they actually put triglycerides on that list for aging. I've never seen none. And you and I talk about triglycerides all the time for heart disease, right?
Childhood obesity is number seven and diabetes is number eight. And what did I say yesterday? All of those, the bottom six have to do with food, okay? The bottom six have to do with food because they're all part of metabolic syndrome. Your waist size, your inflammation, CRP, your triglycerides, your body fat percentage, it's food and it's carbs. Now, they didn't say it, but imagine carbs because of all of these conditions are metabolic syndrome is this is guys really important. I know I say it maybe too much, but I've got to say it again. They have number eight as diabetes. But really when you have an increased waist size, when you have increased body fat, when you have elevated C R P, when you have elevated triglycerides and childhood obesity, you know what really that is? It's metabolic syndrome. Yes. Caused by carbs and sugars. Yes, and it's preventable.
And plus diabetes being at the end should have been put up at the top. Why? Because really all of those things that I just talked to you about are diabetes without diabetes. What do I mean by that? Don't wait till you're a diabetic. My illustration about the Titanic, blood sugar is the last thing that's going to go high on you. It's the last thing. Your body is so smart, so fearfully and wonderfully made. The Bible's got it right. Okay, listen, your body will do everything to keep sugar low. Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Because sugar is so destructive and your body knows it. You might not know it you, but the world doesn't know it. The world, "ahh Dr. Martin, moderation, moderation, moderation. Sugar is good for you. You need carbohydrates and you don't know what you're talking about Dr. Martin, because my dietician told me I need to have moderation in my diet. And even if I have cancer, I need a little bit of sugar because I mean, how am I going to get energy without sugar," and yada, yada, yada, yada.
But your body is smarter because it says to itself, this person is eating carbs and sugars and we must take sugar out of the bloodstream and therefore we have an organ dedicated to doing just that. It's called your pancreas. And insulin will get the sugar out. So by the time somebody gets to be officially a diabetic, they've been a diabetic a long time. You guys know that? Okay? I emphasize it because we always knew, okay, you look at any chronic disease, look at any chronic disease. The World Health Organization said it. I didn't say it, although yes, I did. But let me quote them. "For the first time in recorded history of man, the biggest killers in the world are not famine, not infection, bacteria or viral," okay? Not even wars. I brought you a whole podcast on that. The biggest killer in the world today is food. It's metabolic syndrome, chronic disease.
So, take a little arrow in your mind. This is the way my mind operates. I go from, okay, diabetes or even pre or whatever leads to the number one killer in society. Heart disease. Number two, cancer, heart disease, cancer. Three, Alzheimer's, the number three killer in society today. Number one in the United Kingdom. And then fourthly, diabetes. Well, diabetes, diabetes, but they're all diabetes. Okay? You get it. And now the Gerontology Society of America. You have to understand, when I read stuff like this guys, I go, holy moly. Okay, holy moly. These people get it. They're saying that food ages you. Now, they didn't say food, but when you say waist size, you don't get waist size. Wait, remember what we used to call beer bellies? Okay? They're sugar bellies. Alcohol is like fructose, my friend. They're metabolized the same way in the liver.
When you see belly fat, listen, when I was a kid and even in the 1970s, you never saw a woman with a belly. I mean it would, no, I mean it. You saw men. If they drank too much beer, we call it beer belly. Do you remember? Is anybody my age so that they can confirm what I'm saying is true women. But go around the world today, go to your local mall. Observe. Why is it? Yeah. Cheryl said, only when pregnant did they have a belly. But today it's a big issue why, why? We changed the sugar from sugar to fructose, high fructose corn syrup. I've been saying that for 40 years, and I'm telling you guys, I'm telling you guys, this is incredible. It's doubling down on what you guys already know. Metabolic syndrome, 93% of the population have metabolic syndrome and it will age you. It will cause accelerated aging.
There's two types of aging inside the body. Two types. There's free radical damage. Think of the apple when you cut it in half, okay? That's what's happening inside your body. It happens to everyone and some depending on what they smoke, drink or yeah drink too. Even when it comes to fructose, the worst thing you can do, the worst thing you can do is drink fructose. God wanted you to eat fruit, not drink it. And when they put high fructose corn syrup in soda and in all these drinks, you go to Starbucks and you order this wa ha latte latte. I tell people, man, you have no idea what you're doing to yourself there. But what they're saying about aging is that it is a big, big problem of accelerated aging. So there's free radicals and then there's a second form of aging. It's called glycation. Advanced glycation end products. They give it a big name. What does it mean? Well, glycation is literally the loss of elasticity in organs, in skin, in collagen. It's aging, you can often see on the outside of the body, but even within the joints, caramelization is another word. When you look at joints that are glycated, and you know what causes that? Sugar, it ages you. Okay?
Now let me give you a little bit of a list. Okay? You got those eight. Six of them have to do with metabolic syndrome, even inflammation. If your insulin is too high, you create a silent deadly inflammation. And that's why I love looking at CRP, C-reactive protein. That actually measures that. I love looking at blood work, guys. I love looking at the right blood work, okay, because you can tell metabolic syndrome. You can tell metabolic syndrome. Now, let me give you good news and then we're going to get to the study on the brain specifically. This is very significant. This brain study done by American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. You know what? Psychiatry right now is really been turned on its head. But don't wait for psychiatrists to change. Don't wait for that. That's not going to happen. It's going to take a long time if ever. Okay? And what they're studying is those battery packs within the brain and they get damaged and they age rapidly.
Now, they don't tell you why they do it, in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. They don't tell you why that's happening. They just tell you it's happening within the brain. The brain ages and they're finding out where it ages and it causes depression. It causes depression. And I'm telling you, that's even in younger people. But anyway, I'm telling you that your little mitochondria all over your body, but especially in the brain, according to these studies, they're showing that when people are depressed. It's not just chemistry, friend, it's actual energy. It's energy. Because the mitochondria are prematurely aging and they're not giving out the ATP. They're not giving out fuel. And I'm telling you why it happens. Yeah, alcohol, smoking, I guess it can affect that. But the real problem is what I've been saying for so long. It is crappy carbs and sugars, crappy carbs and sugars that affects the mitochondria in the brain. And for some people it's depression. Other people it's Alzheimer's or both. It's dementia. It's food. It's not your genetics. It's not genetics. "Oh, my mother had Alzheimer's." Okay? But that doesn't mean you have to get it. And what we know is what we can do for ourselves.
So let's go over the list that I talked about yesterday. I think it's worth repeating. And I'm a simple man. I'm simple, guys. I am. I don't like complicated things. I really don't. I don't like to get into weeds. I don't. My brain don't operate in weeds. My brain operates in simplicity. What can we do? And what did I say yesterday? I'm not looking for longevity, okay, I'm not looking for quantity of life. I'm not. It's not my goal. A lot of people, "I want to live until I'm 110." Well, good luck with that, okay? And be careful what you wish for, okay? Be careful what you wish for. I want to have my brain guys, okay? That's what I want. Now, listen, stuff can happen. I get that. You're not in complete control people. I'm in complete control of my life. Let me tell you, that's not true. Okay? Quality. Quality of life. And this is why we spend so much time on prevention, guys. If you get sick, I'm on your side. I'll help you any way I can. I've told people in my office, if I thought hanging you upside down from this building would help you, I'll go up in the building on top of the building with you, and I will hold your feet and hang you upside down if I thought that would help.
But here's what I know, okay? Here's what I know. Here is my list of what you can do to help yourself so you don't age prematurely, obviously from what we've been talking about. You start in the kitchen, please. Or as someone has said to me, the grocery store, start there and eat meat. Eat eggs and eat cheese. They're anti aging. They're anti anything else you can think of too. But I mean it, you need to change fuels. Anything that turns to sugar rapidly is very, very destructive. You're burning the wrong fuel for most people. They burn the wrong fuel. It creates a lot of free radical damage, oxidative damage when you feed your body the wrong fuel. And people, for the last 50 years have been eating the wrong fuel. They're carboholics. Number one thing I said is steak. Eat steak. And when I say steak, I mean meat. And yeah, red meat is better than any other meat in terms of quality, in terms of vitamins, in terms of amino acids, in terms of protein, it's much more bioavailable. Change fuel. I would start with the Reset, do it for 30 days and then adopt a low carb lifestyle. Don't live on carbohydrates like the rest of the world is doing. It is destructive. Destructive.
And ah somebody's saying, nitrates, what are nitrates? What does it come from? What's nitrates come from? I'm waiting. Somebody. Give me the answer. This is a teaching moment because someone is saying, Dr. Martin, what about nitrates in meat? Yes, Grace. Yes, Grace, yes, Grace. Celery. It's celery powder. My bacon has got nitrates. Ah, it comes from celery powder. Ah. Why are you scared of celery powder? See why I get a migraine? Guys, I love you guys. Could you? You're smart. And you question me. I want to be questioned. I want you to think when I go and see bacon and it's, it's got nitrates. Who told you that was bad? Oh, they did. Who's they? The vegetarians of the world and the vegans of the world. And they want to take over the world. And they don't want you to eat meat. They want you to eat celery. Okay? And then celery powder is nitrates. How can that be bad for you? Ohhh. The best breakfast you can eat are bacon and eggs. If you want to have steak and eggs, go for it.
Guys, bacon's got a bad rap for why? It's got the same oil as olive oil. And everybody loves olive oil. Oleic acid. I like olive oil. Okay? I do. But I like bacon better because it's got the same oil in it. If I don't have a watch that tells me to breathe, because if I did, it would be telling me to breathe. No, but I know. But you see how easy it is to get duped when they want to vilify red meat, they do something. They say something. Follow nitrates. That's just the worst thing since sliced bread. It'll kill you. Nitrates will kill you. Oh, red meat causes cancer isn't it awful. Red meat is acidic. Isn't that terrible? It's all nonsense, my friend. I'm sorry. I used to get up real close with my vegetarian and vegan patients and get real close to them. And I said, can I teach you something with this face? Can I teach you something? And they look at me. Usually they were intimidated a little bit. I said, you've been lied to. You've been duped. It ain't true.
Okay, I got to stop today because I'm getting too excited. Okay? I'm getting too excited. We're going to continue. This is to be continued, okay? Look, let me say this in closing today. See this face? Well it all. We didn't always look like this. Okay? That's aging. Okay? And let's be honest, okay? When you see movie stars, they got a plastic surgeon on speed dial. Okay? I kind of laugh like their lips are, they got lips out to here and they're puffed out. I think it was Madonna, who's apparently 64 years old. She's scared the life out of me. She looked like a monster. She's had so much plastic surgery and Botox and whatever. Look guys, you can do whatever you want and get all the plastic surgery you want. Eventually you're going to age. But what I'm talking about is slowing it down, okay? Slowing it down. And my friend, it works. And we'll get to the rest of the list. I got to talk about it again.
Okay guys, eat your bacon, okay? Don't let anybody tell you not to eat bacon. Bacon is so much better than oatmeal. Ooh, I literally had a patient, ex patient or whatever say, well, as soon as I'm done the reset, I'll go back to my oats. My head exploded. Oats are for horses, not for you. Stop. Okay, love you guys. Talk to you soon!
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!