The Gerontology Society of America has published a list of 8 factors that age you faster. Dr. Martin says it’s a surprising list because six of the factors have to do with metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is food, and 93% of the population has some form of metabolic syndrome.
Join Dr. Martin as he goes over the 8 reasons for aging more quickly… but don’t worry, Dr. Martin also shares how to slow down aging in today’s episode!
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, hello everyone and welcome to another live. Hope you're having a great start to your day. Thanks for coming on guys. We appreciate it. Let me, we're going to talk a little bit about aging this afternoon, and this comes out of the Gerontology Society of America, okay? The eight factors that age you faster, okay? And we can open this up to be a quiz, see how close you got. But this is according to the Gerontology Society of America, and they list eight factors that will age you quicker. And then I'm going to talk to you maybe if we get it today or not. Maybe tomorrow I'll talk to you about what's the best thing you could do about anti-aging. And then there's a study that I want to comment on. It talks about mitochondrial aging, mitochondria aging linked to major depression in older adults. So if we can get to that, we will get to that today.
So let's do the list of eight factors that age you faster. Okay? Number one is smoking. So number one on the list, according to the Gerontology Society of America, the number one thing that ages you is smoking. Now, let me just say on the inside of the body, the way they measure age, okay? Other than by a calendar where they actually look at cells, one of the things they do is they measure free radical damage. And free radical damage, the best example I can give to you is you cut an apple in half right before your eyeballs, it starts to rust out. An apple cut in half will oxidize very quickly. The same oxygen that you live by you need oxygen to live, is the same oxygen that will kill you. It'll rust you out. So that's inside the body. That's what happens. Okay? So they're, it's called free radical damage.
And there's oxidation and there's glycation. Oxidation and glycation. Glycation is a form of what they call advanced end products. And your body aging, your tendons, your muscles, your skin glycation. And we'll get into that in a minute. Okay? So I just want to talk about aging inside, but what are the factors that age would create free radical smoking being the worst? Well, we know that. Now I just got to say it because I find this interesting that smoking is actually gone down in North America. We got the memo, okay? It's not, the people still smoke, they still smoke too much. But one thing, medicine, I got to give them credit, is they really went against smoking. You know that. I mean, this is, it's been for 50 years or more. I remember when my dad quit smoking, he had read a cancer study that said smoking caused cancer. My dad, he came home from the office one day, and I remember it like it was yesterday. I was about 10 years old and he took his pack of cigarettes, Buckingham filterless. I didn't like my dad's cigarettes. I liked my mom's. She smoked filtered Peter Jackson's, everybody smoked. My older brother smoked in the house. Everybody smoked.
And it's kind of funny because now today it's, it's so taboo to smoke, which is, I'm happy about it. But anyway, my dad just went cold turkey, never had another cigarette in his life. I wish my mom would've done that too, but she didn't anyways. And everybody understands lung cancer and smoke. But today, and the reason I bring this up is because I want to connect something for here today. Lung cancer's still the number one killing cancer in North America. Did you know that lungs yet smoking has gone down, but what's created lung cancer? Well, they're finding the same thing when you don't have a good diet, and especially these seed oils, anything fast food, any manufactured food, any kind of food like that, they're full of these oils. And now they're finding out that that is a major of lung cancer and lung cancer is still the number one killing cancer in North America, smoking.
Number two, alcohol. Okay? Number two is alcohol, according to the Gerontology Society of America. Now, the next six, the next six have to do with metabolic syndrome. And my friend metabolic syndrome is food, okay? 93% of the population, this is not, according to me, it used to be 88%. Now it's 93% of the population have some form of metabolic syndrome. Let's continue down the list of the gerontology society saying factors that cause aging in the body. Smoking, alcohol. Number three, waist size. Okay, the size of your waist, well, that's metabolic syndrome. Belly fat, they classify it. The society here classified in a woman anything over 36 inch waist measured at the belly button, I believe. And for men, 40 inches, any kind of belly fat is very, very involved in accelerated aging. Waist size.
Four, body fat. Body fat percentage has a huge effect on aging. Now, again, I'm just telling you, you can be as skinny as a rake and not be healthy. And I see that every day when I look at people's blood work, when I look at their triglycerides and their HDL, and I look at biomarkers that I'm interested in. You know, can sometimes see it on their blood work that this is how old they are and how tall they are and how much they weigh. A lot of skinny people. Waist size, body fat, C R P, C-reactive protein. What is that? Again, it's a measurement. It's a measurement of what? It's a measurement of inflammation. I always used to say, what's a double edged sword for your body? Oxidation and inflammation, double edged sword, okay, oxidation and inflammation and C R P. If you have elevated C R P, what should be your C R P number? C reactive protein, it should be zero or under zero. They actually can measure it under zero.
If you've got a cold or you're fighting a bug or you just had a car accident or whatever, your C R P's going to go up because it's going to measure inflammation. But generally what we're talking about here is silent inflammation. Inflammation that you wouldn't even know you have. So it doesn't mean you have to have rheumatoid arthritis or even osteoarthritis. You might, but this is a silent inflammation. That's why I love the C R P test. It is such an important biomarker when it comes to inflammation and inflammation according to the Gerontology Society of America. They're saying that inflammation is a big factor in aging, okay? A big factor in aging. C R P, that's number five.
Number six, triglycerides. Hello. I get a little bit miffed when I see triglycerides because even today, 2023, you can hardly get a physician to talk about triglycerides. Even over the weekend, somebody sent an email and they want me to look at their blood work and their doctor's worried about cholesterol, and you can't make me worry about cholesterol, okay? And I know it's not your fault. Your doctor's uptight. Dr. Martin, what am I going to do? My cholesterol, my doctor wants to put me on medication. I know I sympathize with you, but you can't make me sensitive to cholesterol. Yes, I look at cholesterol, yes, cholesterol is important. Only when it's high. Cholesterol is bad when it's low, not high. Dr. Martin, I got a high cholesterol yippy yippy, that's what you want.
But this society is talking about aging and they're talking about triglycerides. I just about passed out. Are you kidding me? Somebody actually thinking about the importance of keeping your triglycerides low. You want to have low triglycerides and high cholesterol, high HDL specifically, somebody sent me blood work the other day. It didn't have their HDL there. It had triglycerides, but it didn't have HDL. I need to see the both numbers because it's the ratio that counts. But according to the Gerontology Society of America, it's really important to keep your triglycerides low. Now, let me tell you again, where triglycerides come from, your body makes triglycerides, okay? So are triglycerides bad? No, only when they get high, because tri, three glyceride, three fat balls. So your body makes them nothing to be worried about unless they get high, and especially if they're high. And your cholesterol, your HDL is low because high triglycerides, and we always talk about heart disease because fat balls clog up your blood vessels. Triglycerides, especially in the absence of high H D L.
Okay, so what am I saying? That's for heart disease. How do you get triglycerides to go high? Well eat nothing but junk, sugar, crappy carbs. They turn to sugar rapidly. Okay, so what? Well, then they go to your liver and your liver when it gets full, when the Costco parking lot gets full, it sends triglycerides into the bloodstream. And the problem is when that liver is full not going to produce enough H D L cholesterol, okay? So that's in a nutshell, something very important cardiovascular wise. But for this gerontology society is saying, yeah, but even for aging, isn't that interesting? It's one of the primary factors. Number six on their hit parade for aging the body. Triglycerides, imagine that. Yeah, it's not cholesterol. It's not cholesterol, it's triglycerides that are in that list.
Number seven, childhood obesity, childhood obesity. Again, metabolic syndrome. If you were obese as a child, you're going to age quicker. I guess there's a lot of free radical damage that occurs that it continues to occur. Listen, I'm going to give you some good news in a minute, okay? I'm giving you the bad news first, okay? Smoking, alcohol, waist size, body fat, CRP, triglycerides, childhood obesity. And then at the end, number eight, and it really should be right at the top because they don't see this the way I do, but they say, well, type two diabetes is number eight on the aging list. Now listen, I said this to a diabetic last week. I said, you're on the Titanic, and I don't care if you're on meds and they're controlling your blood sugar, if you don't turn the ship around, you are in deep doo doo, okay? And I spelled it out, said, listen, you're a diabetic. It will end poorly. It will end poorly.
But let me say this, okay, diabetes is the last thing that occurs in the body. One of the last things. Why? Because blood sugar is a lagging indicator. Okay? Tony Jr. and I like that term. It's a lagging indicator. Don't wait til your blood sugar til the doctor says you're a diabetic. Because if the doctor says you're a diabetic, you've been a diabetic probably for over 10 years. It just that your body, your insulin in particular was working extremely hard to keep your blood sugars low, but you were already a diabetic without getting the diagnosis because waist size is diabetes. Obesity is diabetes. What? Yeah, it's really diabetes. Triglycerides really is a form of diabetes, body fat. It's a form of diabetes without the actual diagnosis. I'm going to do a whole show or two on that in the near future, maybe even this week, I'm going to explain that to you.
But when I see this list, and six out of the eight have to do with food, it really is a diabetic problem without the official diagnosis of diabetes. Now, diabetes type two is number eight on the hit parade. You want to age your body fast? Be a diabetic or a pre-diabetic. Have high triglycerides, have high C R P. Okay? Interesting list, isn't it? I found it fascinating, really and six out of eight have to do with food. You want to age quicker, it's food. Now, let me give you some good news, because I just wrote this out in 2022, there was a huge study on meat consumption with 175 countries polled, and the places that had the highest meat consumption, it was meat they're showing is anti-aging. It increased longevity. Wow. I don't think you're going to hear that in many places. What's the best thing you can do to help to protect your body from aging? Meat.
Okay, now that goes against the narrative. They all want us to eat meatless burgers and they want to talk about the climate more important than anything else in the world. And it drives me crazy because you've got an elephant in the room that's killing millions and millions of people and they don't want to talk about it because they're bought and paid for by the food industry. And the food industry makes you sick, and the pharmaceutical industry profits from the food industry. True or false? It's true. I'm not a bearer of bad news. I just give you the news. You know the food industry's not concerned about your health. It's not. It's concerned about their bottom line. If they were concerned about your health, they get rid of sugar, they get rid of cereals, they get rid of all those crappy foods in the middle aisles of the grocery store that are absolutely no good for you. But they won't do that. Of course, they're not going to do that. They duped North Americans into believing that eggs, meat, Dr. Martin, cheese. How can cheese be good for you? It's full of cholesterol can't be good. It's not good, is it? Yes, it's really good. And so is meat and so is eggs.
175 countries and the countries that consume the most meat, people live longer. Okay? Now that's an association study. It's not the gold standard of all studies, but it's still a study. And I'm telling you, we need to eat more meat. Okay? Number two, vitamin D, you want to live longer. Look, guys, here's my goal, by the way. Okay? I talked to you about this in the past. This is my goal. Time, okay? Your birth and your death, I don't want to do it prematurely, but it's not really in your hands. You can help it out. But I'm not so worried about quantity, okay? I'm not worried about quantity. I'm more worried about quality. I don't want to live till 110 if my brain doesn't work. I really don't. You, I don't want to live till 110 people tell me I'm going to live to 110. Well, be careful what you wish for. You might be a real pain for your kids that got to change your diapers. I love guys and I love seniors. I'm a senior. So do you think I don't love them? Of course I do, but I'm more of a realist. I'm a guy that's after quality of life, okay? And look, I'm talking to you about anti-aging now. I talk to you about aging and now anti-aging. Look, I'm 71. I don't look like I used to, okay? It happens. I'm not trying to stop the clock.
I don't want to accelerate the clock. How's that? Okay, I don't want to stop the clock. I want to protect my brain. I want to protect my bones. I want to protect my heart. I want to protect my liver. I know the importance of all those organs. So I'm doing everything I can to put everything on my side. So when you see me talking to you about food, listen, okay? I try and practice what I preach, okay? Do I cheat? Yeah, but I'm disciplined and I don't eat sugar. Nah, I just don't. And I learned some very, very good habits a long time ago. I haven't had a chocolate bar since I was a kid. And like ice cream, somebody can their birthday or whatever, and I'll have 'em. I might have a little, wee bit and I'm not going to have much. I don't have a sweet tooth. I mean, I train myself.
And so I'm going to give you the list of anti-aging vitamins, okay? Eat vitamin S, steak, meat, put it at the top of your list. It's the best thing for you. Number two, vitamin D. We talk about it all the time. Get the sun. Get the sun. That's the best source. But if you're not going to see the sun, if you don't get in the sun three or four days a week, then expose your arms and legs, you're not going to get enough vitamin D. You need to take a supplement of vitamin D and we recommend it with vitamin K2. Okay? And hello, have I been consistent about that? Have I been consistent about talking about vitamin D? Yes, I have. Okay? Yes, I have. And by the way, there's a war on vitamin D. There's a war. They want to get rid of it. I mean it. Because one of the biggest factors in that was during the virus, there was studies came out and I talked to you about these studies that showed vitamin D was probably more effective than anything else. And what happened to it? It got poo pooed and it made me angry and they silenced me. I was not to talk about it. I was not to talk about it. I could hardly tell you the truth with the threat of ticking me off the air.
Man, vitamin D, it's so simple and it would've kept people out of hospitals and all this and that. But no, no, no, no. The farmers, if you don't think, there's not big forces in this world that are out to get us. I'm telling you folks, I don't know what to say to you. Even though they do good things. There's some bad apples there. There's some bad apples in those industries. And they influence the F D A and Health Canada and the rest of them. And now they're trying to outlaw vitamin D. I'm not kidding you. I'm not kidding you. Vitamin C, not ascorbic acid, vitamin C, I mean coffee. You want to get anti-aging, coffee. 1000 plus phytonutrients. You want to age slower. Vitamin C, the real one, the coffee one, not ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid, vitamin C. Hey, I like it. Nothing compared to the real vitamin C coffee, nothing like it because of quercitin in coffee because a thousand over a thousand phytonutrients. It's an anti-aging supplement and you get to drink it and enjoy it. How do you like that?
Vitamin E, exercise, sun, steak, and steel. A real anti-aging is vitamin E, the real one. Okay? There's another vitamin E that's nothing compared to exercise. The Martin Clinic, vitamin E. And the best thing you can do anti-aging is get strong. Ladies, if I can just hold on to you, bring you closer to me and tell you ladies, get strong, get stronger than you are. Every biomarker in the body will respond if you're stronger, okay? You don't have to be Arnold Schwarzenegger, but you need to be stronger. This is why we like weight resistant exercises. Get stronger, build bins, especially in the lower body, my friend.
Now I got a few more, but we'll do a few more as we go along. Probably this one might be an anti-aging week. Might be aging and anti-aging. Okay guys, we got a good week coming up, okay? We love you guys. So we want you to send in your questions for question and answer Friday or Saturday. We actually done the last two Saturdays. Some people really like that. Hey, give us some feedback on that, by the way. Okay? Give me some feedback on that. Okay? I love you guys. I don't say it enough and I mean it. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!