If you've followed Dr. Martin for any period of time, you’ve probably heard him use the example of a ballpoint pen to talk about cancer. For a tumor to get the size of the tip of a ballpoint pen it takes 5 years… and it turns out that Princeton agrees!
A new study out of Princeton University is saying that the metabolizing of cancer is, “as slow as molasses.” It never happens overnight and by the time you can detect it, it’s already been growing. The second part of the study is saying that cancer needs fuel. Princeton agrees that a tumor cannot survive when it’s fed nutrients, vitamins, and amino acids. It needs glucose to grow, and when you feed your body the right fuel, you're not feeding cancer.
Join Dr. Martin as he unpacks this study that validates what he’s been saying for 50 years!
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good afternoon everyone. Hope you're having a great day. Now let me give you something on cancer research first and then I'm going to get into our topic today. We're going to talk about adrenal health, okay? But before we do, brand new research out of Princeton on cancer and tumors, and very, very interesting, okay? And guys, if you've been following me for any period of time, and I talked to you about cancer, I've often used this, haven't I? The ball point pen, right? Because it's a good illustration, cancer cells, to get to the size of a ball point pen for a tumor to get to this size. And ladies, I'm going to tell you something in your breast tissue, I think you have trouble finding that even. But that's a five year growth right there. Five year growth, the size of a ballpoint pen. And guess what Princeton said? Ah-huh. They said, that's exactly right.
They said, okay, let me read. "Cancer metabolism," okay? The metabolism is the word for energy, cancer energy or cancer growth is an, I'm quoting, "slow as molasses." Cancer is slow as molasses. First part of the study, okay? Because people have this idea. Last week I went to my doctor, I felt a little lump or whatever, and my doctor took a biopsy. And a couple of weeks later, I get the diagnosis. Guess what? It's cancerous. Who likes to hear the C word? No one. But they have an idea that before they could feel that little lump, there was nothing going on there. But that's not true, guys. That's not true. And Princeton research is confirming there's been a growth going on, and by the time you can detect it, and by the time most testing detects it, it's been there for a long time. It's slow as molasses. That's the headline today, slow as molasses. Okay?
Now the other thing that Princeton said in their study, cancer. Now tell me if you've heard this before. Cancer is looking for fuel. Okay? So let's pretend this is a little tumor here. Took five years to get here. Studies are confirming it, and this tumor needs fuel. Okay? And isn't it interesting, here's what Princeton said, it cannot, will not survive. A tumor will not survive when it is given nutrients, vitamins, amino acids. When you feed your body the right way, you're not feeding cancer. Cancer, I've said it for 50 years. Cancer only thrives on glucose. Sugar. Princeton is saying that. Well, that didn't surprise me. I know it doesn't surprise you, but have you ever heard of an oncologist? Okay. And if you have, good for you. But there's very few that ever sent a patient home and said, by the way, I want you to eat eggs, meat, and cheese. I don't want you to eat any sugar. Got it?
And you know what? One of the things that drives me crazy is when they leave oncology. I used to have so many patients when I was in practice, and of course a lot of them came to see me after they got the diagnosis of cancer. And I used to treat a lot of nurses from the oncology department, and I really liked the people in the cancer industry. And there was some good doctors in there too. Very good. They just didn't know anything about nutrition. And I remember one time a patient after getting cancer came to see me and I said, man, no sugar man, no sugar. And they said, well, my doctor sent me home with Ensure. I said, well, that's to ensure that your cancer grows. You don't want to be drinking Ensure, one of the worst things you can do, we talked about fructose yesterday. One of the worst things you can do is drink sugar, especially fructose. Cancer thrives on it. And yet it's the drink, the official drink of the Toronto Maple Leafs or you know what I mean? Here's their official Gatorade or whatever their official drink is. And cancer patients, here's their official drink, Ensure or Boost.
My friend, that is the craziest thing in the world. Princeton, Ivy League school, their department of cancer research is saying, lay off the sugar. Lay off the sugar. I've written Sun, Steak & Steel (and Sleep), coming to a theater near you. Okay? You know what I wrote in there? Cancer hates steak. Hates it. And Princeton says it. When you give your body nutrients, vitamins, amino acids... cancer can't feed on it. It says, what have you done for me, me lately? How about something sweet, honey? That's what cancer does and that's what cancer needs. Princeton catching up with the times. Now guys, there no guarantee. There's no guarantees. Just over the last couple of weeks, you know what people said, "Hey, I've got cancer. I ate well and I did the reset," and whatever. And there's no guarantees, okay? But do everything you can. Put everything on your side, okay? Everything you can put everything on your side. We'll help you out on this end by giving you the latest information so that you can make choices.
The idea with information is people get to make choices. You decide. I've been around so long, and people would come to me and they said, "Man, I got a bad diagnosis. Stage four cancer and doc, can you help me?" I said, well, look, I would've loved to have seen you years ago, but look, let's do everything we can to build your immune system. Turn your body into a lean, mean fighting machine. And I said, we're going to pump up your tires so that your immune system is going to turn on that cancer. We're going to make sure your T-cells are working properly. We're not going to feed that cancer. You're not going to give it any more fuel. None. And we're going to block estrogen because estrogen is a growth hormone and no insulin because insulin is a growth hormone. And so my protocol was immune system blocking and don't feed cancer. And if you eat the right foods, cancer cannot feed on a steak. Cancer cells hate steak according to Princeton.
Okay, so I mean, look, again, this protocol, I talk about it all the time. When people ask me, I say, well, look, I'm a very simple guy. If you want to go to Mexico and they're going to give you this, that, and the other thing. And you hear about, I remember telling patients in my office, I said, man, if I thought hanging you upside down from this roof in the building that we were practicing in, I said, if I thought hanging you upside down would do you any good to get rid of cancer, I'll go up on the roof and hold your feet. I said, look, all I know is what I know. All I know is what I read. All I know is my personal experience with tens and hundreds of thousands of patients and many of them with a very, very dark diagnosis. And look, I said, man, look, I'm not God, okay? I'm not God, but here's what I recommend you do. Are you taking chemotherapy? You're taking radiation, you're having surgery. Hey, I'm not telling you not to do that ever. Nobody ever got, don't do that, from me. I didn't, I don't do that. I never did it with patients. I just said, man, you want the best of both worlds if you're going down that road.
And I used to tell patients too, if you don't do what the oncologist wants you to do, you are going to hear it from your family. I've been around the block a long time and I say, you better be prepared. I, I'm not telling you what to do with that side of it. That side of medicine was never my expertise. I knew about it, of course, and read everything about it. And I wish we would've had more cooperation over the years between oncologists and guys like me. Some of them did by the way, okay? Some of them did. I had oncologists send me patients because I got results. They liked it. And they said, well, I go see Dr. Martin. I think he's worth going to find out what his protocol is. And I appreciated that. They didn't understand.
I might have told you this story before, but I'm a storyteller, okay? No, but I got a call in the middle of the day and usually I never took calls or whatever, nah, I was busy. But my secretary came to me and said, look, has the doctor on, she's an oncologist and at the cancer center wants to talk to you. Okay? Okay, I'll talk. She says, Dr. Martin, I'm mad at you. Why? Well, she said, I got a patient here that was one of your patients. I said, what's her name? And she gave me the name. I said, I sent her to you. Oh, you did? I said, yeah, I'm the one that sent her, because I used to do thermography and I did thermography differently, okay? Because I wasn't looking so much. I did look for inflammation, okay? Because that's what thermography does. It's a heat detector. But I liked thermography because I had a very specific machine that looked at estrogen. And I had this lady come in and she had estrogen up the wazoo, especially around her chest wall. And she looked like a leopard on the scan, not face to face. And she had a little bit of a growth, I thought. I said, you got to go get it checked out, man. Go get it checked out. I'm suspicious because of the amount of estrogen. And I said, you need to get this checked out.
And so I sent her, and now the doctor was mad at me because this lady, patient said, well, it was Dr. Martin that said I had cancer. Now, I never did say that. And this oncologist, I disarmed her. I said, I sent her to you. Oh, I said, would you let me know? I said, I was very suspicious. I told her about thermography. She said, what are you talking about? I said, well, look man, I'm going to send you. And I did that day I sent her pictures. I said, look at her breast tissue. And she was fascinated by it. I said, well, you know what I do in my clinic, and this is what I'm recommending to this lady. I said, you tell me whether she has a tumor growing or not. I thought, I can't tell that. But I said, man, I got to get her estrogen down. She said, how are you going to do that? Well, I said, you do it with medication with enormous amount of side effects, Tamoxifen. And I do it with a natural DIM. What? She didn't know what I was talking about. I said, can I prove it to you? So for the next few years we work together. She said, go see Dr. Martin. I'll do my thing here and I'm going to send them to you. Get on that protocol to get that estrogen down.
And I told this oncologist, I said, listen, you might disagree with me, but I think I'm right about this. And I said, in all due respect, I said, every, every, every, every breast cancer, every one. And I said, you don't do prostate cancer, but if you did. Whenever you get breast cancer in men, think of prostate cancer. You know why they're identical. Same thing causes them. And I said, estrogen coming out the wazoo. She said, well, I, we test the cells, they're not estrogen receptive. I said, every cell body is estrogen receptive. Just some are more receptive than others. But I said, if you don't knock that estrogen down... Anyway, wasn't that a long story? We're on the topic of cancer. But for me, it wasn't that complicated. I was a guy that wanted to get certain things done. Number one was in the kitchen. Number one was in the kitchen. Start in the kitchen. And that's not easy for people. Even with cancer, you would be shocked on people who can't, even with cancer, they'll go through chemo, they'll be sick as two dogs. They will go through radiation, they will lose their hair, then whatever. Can you change their diet? What I got to give up sugar? What?
Coming back to that same oncologist, by the way, we had a funny relationship... that was actually pleasant relationship. I said to her, when people leave the cancer center, make sure you don't give 'em many sugar. She said, Dr. Martin, is that true or come off? I said, well, you know what a PET scan is. It's not for your pets. She said, yeah, yeah, we have one here. I said, yeah, and what happens if you have cancer with a PET scan? Oh, she said, it's tremendous imaging. And I said, how does it work? She said, I don't know. I said, they give 'em a cup of glucose and glucose goes directly to the cancer, whether it's in your head or in your toes. They give you a cup of glucose or they give it to you IV of glucose, for heaven's sake. I said, if you don't think sugar has no effect on cancer, I don't know what to tell you. She said, we didn't get taught that in medical school. I said, I know. And I wasn't being facetious, okay? I was trying to be nice because I understand they didn't know that.
Okay, so protocol, remember two things out of Princeton. One, cancer is slow as molasses. The growth is slow as molasses and don't feed it. If you hear someone say red meat causes cancer, run. They're lying to you. Okay? Cancer, oh, don't eat steak or don't eat red meat, or that will give you cancer. Run, guys. Run. I'll tell you why. Princeton's telling you to run. Now, they won't say it in that way. They said nutrient dense food does not feed cancer. So when you eat an egg and you eat cheese and you get all those nutrients in steak, and when I say steak, you know what I mean? Red meat. Okay, you can have chicken too.
Okay, you know what "demain" means? Tomorrow, off. Day off, tomorrow again. Guess what we're doing Saturday. Question and answer Saturday. 8:30 Eastern. Are we in daylight yet? No. Eastern standard time. Okay. Saturday morning. If you haven't got your questions in, send you questions in. Okay? We'll be happy to respond. Hey guys, thanks for putting up with the rants. You make it fun. I enjoy it. I hope you do too. We appreciate it. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!