If you’ve been at the grocery store lately, you may be surprised at the price of eggs. Dr. Martin is worried the increased price will deter people from trying the Reset. To encourage you to keep eating eggs, Dr. Martin shares 3 convincing studies in today’s episode.
A Greek study is saying that eating eggs 1 to 3 times a week can decrease your risk of heart disease by nearly 50%. Another study about choline is saying that eggs decrease your risk of Alzheimer's. The third study about tryptophan says eating eggs increases serotonin levels.
These are some amazing benefits of eating eggs! Join Dr. Martin as he teaches on cholesterol and shares why eggs have been vilified.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good afternoon guys. Hope you're having a great day thus far. Okay folks, have you noticed something? Go to the grocery store. I was there today. I was looking at the price of eggs. My word, it's unbelievable the price of eggs, how they've gone up. And that bothers me because I hope it doesn't deter people from eating eggs. You know me, eggs, meat and cheese. And I want to bring you three studies on eggs. I know they're expensive guys, but they're a complete food. They're so good for you. I was looking, this is not in the study, but I was looking at eggs. People think it's still even today, people think, well, eggs, number one, have cholesterol. Folks, you're only going to find cholesterol in the animal kingdom. Don't go looking for cholesterol in plants, in fruits. It's not there. Okay? But cholesterol's not bad. Cholesterol is just good for you, okay? And we talk about that. It's almost daily, right? Cholesterol, it's a scam. It's a scam.
Now, eggs have cholesterol. You can't live without cholesterol. And because you can't live without it, your body makes 85% of your cholesterol. You and I are responsible for about 15%. Okay? You got to cooperate with God. God provides 85%. You better provide 15%. And it's amazing when I look at blood work, okay? When you send me your blood work, I'm looking for high cholesterol, not low cholesterol. My doctor said my cholesterol's high. Good, good. That's what I'm aiming for. I want high cholesterol. Coming back to studies on eggs, eggs is one of the best ways to elevate cholesterol. And by the way, by the way, I know you guys know this, but it's worth repeating. There's no such thing as bad cholesterol. There's no such thing, okay? There's no such thing as bad cholesterol. They made LDL cholesterol, the bad guy, the boogeyman. Get your LDL down. Why? You want to die young?
Okay? Now let's get to these studies. A Greek study. A Greek study says that eating one to three eggs a week will decrease. Listen, Linda... Greek study will decrease heart disease up to 50%. I wonder what would happen if you had one to three eggs every day. One to three eggs a week. According to this Greek study, decreases your risk of heart disease by near 50%. Of course it does. Eggs are like God's perfect food. There's nothing in an egg that's not good for you. Okay? Okay, so that's one study, a Greek study on heart disease, and then published in the Journal of Frontiers in Nutrition. A second study on choline. Okay? Now eggs are famous for an amino acid called choline. Now you get choline in cheese and you get choline in meat, but you don't get choline in plants, okay? They're just not there.
So you get choline, what does that do? Well, that is a brain food. Choline, okay, is a precursor to acetylcholine, which is a neurotransmitter. Acetylcholine, okay? Does a lot of things. Acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that is responsible for continuing communication between your nerve cells and your brain. They're neurotransmitters, but they don't work without the precursor choline. So here's what this study said, okay? In the Journal of Frontiers in Nutrition, it says, when you eat eggs, you are elevating your choline, which elevates your acetylcholine, which decreases your risk of Alzheimer's. Hello? Hello? We knew it. But you want to decrease your risk of Alzheimer's. You must elevate your acetylcholine, your neurotransmitters in your brain. And you do that by eating eggs. Fun eh. Are you having fun yet? And I read this afternoon, actually, it was on our private Facebook group, and the lady said, I'm not going to do the reset because I don't like eggs. Ooh. Hey listen, I feel sorry for you. Okay? I wore my yellow shirt in honor of eggs today. Okay? And if you want to be a golden oldie, and with your golden years and having your brain, you better eat eggs. Better eat eggs, perfect food, full of cholesterol, full of choline, decreases your risk of heart disease, decreases your risk of Alzheimer's, my my. That sounds fun.
Now here's another study in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition. It says, eating eggs improves your psycho neurological testing memory, decrease in depression because it is a precursor. Okay? Eggs contain tryptophan, another amino acid. Okay? You get tryptophan, you get choline. Tryptophan is found in turkey too. You guys know that. Okay? But tryptophan okay, is a precursor. So we saw the other precursor. Choline is a precursor to acetylcholine, which is a neurotransmitter. So your neurotransmitter, your electrical grid in your brain needs choline. Tryptophan found in eggs is a precursor. Okay? To serotonin, what is serotonin? Serotonin is a happy hormone. Are you happy? Is your mood good? Well that helps guys. Is there anything negative about eggs? Not that I can think of. I was reading an article on eggs and diabetes. Okay? This wasn't a new study, but it was an older study and I was reading an article and it said that people that eat eggs, especially in the morning. Okay, eggs are good all the time.
You know what happened in the food industry? I talked to you about this in the past. The food industry was very, very smart. Not necessarily good people, but smart people. I'll give them that. And marketing people, I'll give them that too. The food industry, especially the cereal companies decided, let's go back. I'm 71, so let's go back to the 19 and mostly 60's, 70's. They were out to change the breakfast of North America. The food industry, especially the cereal company were out to change people's habits in the morning. And the result of that has been a cash cow for the food industry. Like I told you, I was in the grocery store today and I observed, okay, so I go down the cereal aisle, not to buy it, not to buy it, but to look and shake my head. And it's probably some of the cheapest food in a grocery store. Everything's gone up, but it's still relatively cheap. It's quick. So it's easy for kids, but they really did a number on our society today. They taught people a lot of BS, and I hate to use that word, but they really did. Cholesterol, the boogeyman, the bad guy. Bacon and eggs are going to give you a heart attack. You see all the fat in the bacon. You see all the fat in an egg. Don't eat the yolk. If anything, have an egg white, but certainly don't eat any yolk because that's where cholesterol is. That's true. That's where all your vitamins are too. That's where all your amino acids are pretty well are in that yolk.
They were unreal, weren't they? And look at the result of what we have today. We have people who live on carbs and they start their day with a heavy carbohydrate diet. And then they have pizza and pasta and noodles and it's carbs, carbs, carbs, carbs, carbs. And eggs, well, dog, they're expensive. Yeah, I know. But it's worth the investment. When you understand what's in an egg, when you understand how good they are for you. And research is very, very, let me show you something. I made out a list of all the bad things that eggs do for you. Okay? Ready? There's a list of all the bad things eggs do for you. There's nothing on the sheet. Oh, cause there's nothing bad about an egg. And in heart disease, the study didn't say it, but one of the biggest effects of eating eggs is getting vitamin K2. Again, you don't get vitamin K2 in the plant kingdom. It's only in the animal kingdom.
So when people tell you that you should be vegetarian or mostly vegetarian or vegan or mostly vegan guys, they don't know what they're talking about. And I understand that vegetarians can eat eggs, so good for them, hallelujah. But vitamin K2 is a vitamin that takes calcium. There's a lot of calcium in an egg. Somebody said to me not long ago, "Doc, how come you don't like calcium?" I love calcium. What are you talking about? Well, you never tell anybody to take calcium. No, because I want you to eat it. When you eat an egg, you get a lot of calcium. Plus, isn't it amazing in nature when God puts calcium with vitamin K2 in perfect harmony with each other because calcium, you don't want calcium to stay in your blood. You want calcium to get to your bones, right? And your teeth right? You need calcium. But the delivery mechanism is built into the egg because it has vitamin K2 and so does butter and so does cheese and so does meat. Meat has a lot of calcium. Did you know that?
I'm not against calcium, I just don't like calcium supplements without vitamin K2. So when you get vitamin D from the sun, beautiful does a lot of things including increasing your calcium. But you want to be taking K2 either in a supplement but in food to take that calcium and drive it into your bones and take the calcium out of your blood vessels. Plaque, the buildup of plaque, and they didn't say it in the study, they just said one to three eggs will really help when it comes to heart disease. But one of the ways it doesn't is by taking calcium out of your blood stream and your blood vessels. Nature, guys, nature, animal kingdom, eggs.
Now eggs generally. I was laughing because I saw this article, another article on eggs and it talked about eggs versus a pizza. Okay? So you get a big slice of pizza calorie wise, and you compare it to three or four eggs. And the calorie recount is just about equal, but there's a big difference on how your body responds. Big difference. See folks, it's not calories in and calories out. It's not calories in and calories out. The big factor is how much insulin food produces. So when you're eating a slice of pizza, okay, you are going to get a huge insulin response because most of it, not all of it, because if you have cheese on there and meat. It's the bread, it's going to turn to sugar rapidly. And now you need a lot of insulin. When you eat an egg, your pancreas goes, oh, what are you doing? I'm on a coffee break. Why? Well, you're eating an egg. You don't need me. Your pancreas goes, you don't need me. I'm having a break because it's not calories in and calories out my friend. It's just not. Your body doesn't work that way.
And we have been on this yo-yo dieting for as long as I was in practice, one diet after another diet and low cal and this and that and the other thing. And I used to tell people, well, you can try and starve yourself to death because generally medicine, it still teaches it in medical school today, move more and eat less, move more, eat less, and eat everything in moderation. They still teach that in medical school today about the one hour of nutrition that they get in medical school. Can you imagine? Eat less, move more. That's still taught today. They have no clue as to insulin. And yet 93% of the population is on the road. The broad road to destruction. Metabolic health is heart health. Metabolic health is brain health. Metabolic health is cancer health. Metabolic health is autoimmune. And yet imagine that if you went to any, I hate to say it, medical school today and dieticians teaching, eat eggs sparingly. They're full of cholesterol and they're a high calorie food. And you're better off having some oatmeal for breakfast because it's good for your stool.
I get a migraine. A migraine when I think about the lack of true science when it comes to nutrition, my friend. And that's why whenever you really are honest and you look at the nutritional profile of an egg, you are going to be shocked on how good eggs are for you. Well, you're not shocked because my audience knows better. Okay? I was having fun. I hope you were. Okay, we got a great week lined up guys. We really do. So we, love ya. And remember now, okay, if you haven't voted on the book cover, Sun, Steak & Steel and Sleep, if you haven't voted on the book cover, vote. It's not too late, but we want to get that chosen, and I'm not telling you who's in the lead, okay? So you can have a look. It's posted there at the Martin Clinic Private Facebook group. Those book covers, so you get to choose for us. Help us out. Okay guys, we love you. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!