1027. The Antimicrobial Benefits of Vitamin D: The Future of Health


Dr. Martin has shared before how getting 20 minutes in the sun is equivalent to getting 10,000 IUs of vitamin D. But some new research on vitamin D is showing that you also get something else. In just 20 minutes of sun, you also benefit from a release of some 200 antimicrobials.

So not only does vitamin D help strengthen your immune system, it’s also providing a natural antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal! This is just another reason why everyone needs vitamin D.

Dr. Martin also shares about a woman who mistakenly took 50,000 IUs daily to combat pancreatic cancer. The woman meant to take 5,000 daily, but after 6 months, most of her cancer had gone away. An amazing story about the power of vitamin D!


Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day. Okay, now studies on vitamin D, studies on vitamin D. Now, if you're part of the private Facebook group, I actually posted a couple of these earlier this morning so that you could have a look at these studies on vitamin D. Hey, you know what guys? They, they've looked at, uh, vitamin D and I just... I just want to talk about this one first. It's not specifically what I want to talk about this morning, but I just gotta tell you. They've done research and had, like I suggested, had the government gave everyone vitamin D, okay, very inexpensive. Had they insisted on everyone taking vitamin D during the pandemic, it would've been absolutely incredible. The I C U and these studies have been done, by the way, keeping people outta hospitals and ICUs with vitamin D.

Unbelievable research done on it. People who had a measurement of vitamin D that was optimized, they, their chances of getting real sick were almost nil. They suppressed it. And you know, one of the points I was making, it was interesting that when the President of the United States, I, I'm talking about before, uh, the vaccines were available when the President of the United States got sick with Covid, they gave him vitamin D, they gave him what we call therapeutics and all of that was dismissed. Anyway, I don't wanna get into, you know, too much on that because I've got some other studies on vitamin D that I want to bring to you this morning. But every time I read these things, it drives me crazy. Vitamin D, the sun.

Now, do you remember me at the start of the lockdowns and whatever I was screaming blue murder, would we get out in the sun? You go back to the Spanish flu. Even in, what, what was that? 1918, I mean millions of people died from the Spanish flu and then they figured out if we could just get these people in the sunlight, it would help. Okay, now why am I bringing that up? Because let me give you a study and I actually posted this this morning when you are exposed to the sun, okay? So I'm not talking about vitamin D supplementation. I will in a minute. When you are exposed to the sun, then the sun vitderma, remember we gave it a name? Vitderma. Vitamin D on the skin, vitderma, vitderma. Listen to this study. In 20 minutes of sunlight, what happens in 20 minutes? You guys should know this. You'll talk about it all the time. In 20 minutes of exposure to the sun, what happens?

Okay, let me see if we got somebody. Give me an answer cuz you guys know this and maybe you've forgotten, but I don't think you've forgot. Somebody give me an what happens in 20 minutes of sunlight? Wendy, you got it. 10,000 IUs of vitamin D. Okay. Uh, Renee, you got it. You get 10,000 IUs of vitamin D. Gary, you got it. Babeeka. You got it. You guys are... Karen, you got it. Yeah. Uh, come on. You're the smartest... Chantal, you got it. 10,000 IUs. Brian. Oh my audience, my audience, my, uh, Sue. Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. You guys are unreal. So when you get this is, what I tell people all the time, okay, uh, Rose <laugh>, you got, okay, here's what I tell people... When you stay away from the sun or when you put... Gloria, you've got it. Norma, you've got it. Eh, you guys, anyway, I gotta stop. Otherwise I'm not gonna talk about it. When you get 20 minutes of sunlight, you get 10,000 IUs of vitamin D. We know that. Okay? So when someone tells you, "Oh, you're taking too much vitamin D, ah, you're gonna die. The waiting rooms are full of people with vitamin D overload."

In 20 minutes in the sun, you get 10,000 IUs in 20 minutes. But here's what else, here's what else happens. Now we talk about this all the time. When you even get out in the sun, even if you're not like it's 40 below <laugh>, you know Ginette from our staff, her daughter has gone back up to the Arctic, she's a lawyer and, and uh, her family, they moved up to the Arctic and she was saying they were flying in or whatever and she said it was minus 55 <laugh>. Oh boy. Oh boy. Okay, now you're not getting 10,000 IUs of vitamin D up there, okay? Because you're not going to get exposed to the sun. But even if you see the sun on a sunny day, what are you getting? What are you getting? I'm asking questions this morning. Someone give me the answer. What if you just are out on a sunny day? What are you getting?

Okay, so it's 40 below. So you're not getting vitamin D but you're getting, you guys know this <laugh>. Okay? You guys know this. Barbara, melatonin. Deanna, melatonin. Renee, melatonin. Jeannette. Oh you guys... Kevin, melatonin. Uh, Lorna, melatonin. See, you guys are so stinking, so smart. <laugh> Carol. Yeah, you got it, Heather? Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. Uh, Dave, yeah, on my audience. Okay. You see why I wanna give you an and Theresa, uh, Gary, you guys all got it? <laugh>. Oh, I love you guys. I love you guys. Could hear some stink and smart. You know, when we use that, listen Linda, you guys are Linda's that listen, okay? So you getting all the time, okay, here I am again, just getting excited and rather than continuing on on what I want to teach this morning from these, okay, so in 20 minutes you get 10,000 IUs of vitamin D.

Okay? We know that. Okay? Keep that in your mind and then I'm gonna give you the study. This is something that I, you know, I kind of thought about it, but I didn't know exactly how it works, okay? Okay. We know that your T-cells, okay, your T-cells, what are those? Those are your navy seals of your immune system, okay? They come outta your lymphatic system, they're the first responders, the navy seals to a virus, bacteria, even cancer. Okay? So what do they need? They have antennas, there's solar panels on the T-cells. What are they looking for? The sun. Vitamin D. Okay, vitamin D. Now here's the study, okay, finally I'm getting to it. When you're in the sun for 20 minutes, you get 10,000 IUs. Yes, we know that, but here is the new research on vitamin D. 200... Okay, let me read it to you. This is the headline, 200 antimicrobials. When you get 20 minutes of vitamin D, vitderma, you get 10,000 IUs of vitamin D plus you release 200 antimicrobials to kill viruses, parasites and fungi. Guys, vitamin D I didn't know that. I knew about the t-cells, I knew about the fact that they're solar panels. But the new research on vitamin D shows in 20 minutes getting that 10,000 IUs of vitamin D, you also release 200 antimicrobials. You talk about a natural antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal. Holy moly.

Isn't that amazing guys? Isn't that just incredible? And when you think that the boogeyman, they made the sun, the boogeyman, one of the boogeyman fear the sun. I heard it again the other day. Fear the sun. It's crazy to fear the sun. The sun is your best friend. Now don't go burn in the sun. Don't say Dr. Martin said I can burn in the sun. I didn't say that. Three types of cancer skin, there's three mean basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and the first two basal squamous, okay? They're not dangerous. Look, nobody wants cancer, but they're easily treatable. They won't kill you. And I believe, no doubt in my mind when I tell you this, they are induced not by the sun, they are induced by sunscreen. Those chemicals. You put heat to chemicals, you are asking for trouble. Okay?

Thirdly, okay, there's vasal squamous cell and then you have the uh, deadly can be deadly. Melanoma, melanoma. Guys, don't get mad at me, okay? Don't get mad at me. I'm just gonna tell you what statistically they've shown over 90% of them. It's 95% I think around there are people that don't get enough sun. It's the opposite of the world teaches you out there. It's the opposite. They say, well that's sun melanoma. You go to any dermatologist and you know what they'll tell you, stay out of the stinking sun. Stay out of it. And if you're going to go in it, you better have on sunscreen and sun block cause you gotta watch out for skin cancer and melanoma. But what they didn't tell you is people that get melanoma are people that work indoors mostly are not exposed to the sun. They get very little of it, but it's not their narrative. So, but you guys have heard it here, and I, again, I put a little asterisk here. I'm not ever recommending burning in the sun, okay? But when you look at the benefits of sun immunity, imagine this new study showing, holy moly, it blew my socks off that 200 in 20 minutes of sun, 200 antimicrobial are produced in your body.

Guys, there's no, okay, let me make a statement. Let me make a statement <laugh>, okay? And you can question this. I want you to use your noggins. I encourage thinking, I encourage discussion, but I'm gonna say, I'm gonna make a statement. There's no such thing as the flu season. Now let me finish this sentence. There's no such thing as the flu season. There is only low vitamin D season. There's only low vitamin D season, there's no flu season. It's when you're low in vitamin D that you're susceptible to getting a virus, a bacteria, the flu. And that's why at the start of 2020, right around this February, they were talking about it March, right? March they closed everything. They were scared skinny. And I was screaming, I have pictures of me, I was in Florida on the beach when they emptied the beaches, I was there. I watched them do it and I just put my hands up and said, how crazy is this?

The very thing that we need so that our immune system can fight... Our immune system is on our side. I had my hands up, I mean it on the beach, and they were emptying the beach. The police came, get off the beach, we're closing the beaches. And I was so upset. You have no idea. I know I'm just John the Baptist in the wilderness, <laugh>, you know, screaming in the wilderness. And people thought I was crazy, but I was right. I was right because I have been studying vitamin D for over 50 years. I have been consistently, consistently saying it. When it was not popular to even talk about vitamin D, it was because all medical schools, all of them teach this. Vitamin D is essential. It's a fast soluble vitamin essential for your bones, period. In our province, they don't even wanna test vitamin D because if you, you don't have osteoporosis, why are we gonna check your vitamin D levels? Why? Why would we do that? And I want to go and put my arms around your doctor, your physician, and say, listen doc, listen please. Vitamin D is essential. Your immune system doesn't work without vitamin D.

Oh, when I read that study, I got so excited, always knew about the 10,000 IUs and always knew it was tremendous antiviral. And how did it work? Now we know over 200 antimicrobials are released in your body in the presence of the sun. And when you don't have the sun, you take vitamin D as a supplement. Crazy is it. Okay? There's another study that came up, okay? And I actually posted it this morning on Facebook, okay, posted this study. Now what does it say? And I posted the other one, the one I just talked about, about the, uh, 200 antimicrobials. I posted it up there. Okay?

Now here's a cancer study that was published. Okay, let me just tell you about, it's just the one person, but it was published, okay? And I, I put it up on our Facebook page, okay? And it's one person, a woman. She was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She was 83 years old, okay? Pancreatic cancer, which is a deadly, deadly cancer. The prognosis for pancreatic cancer is usually very, very poor, okay? And one of the reasons the prognosis is poor is because pancreatic cancer, it usually only manifests itself in the last stages. Like oftentimes you get no symptoms at all until the end. In the fourth stage of pancreatic cancer. This lady, that's what happened to her. Now on her own, she decided in her mind she was gonna start taking vitamin D, okay? And she made a mistake. She thought she was taking 5,000 IUs a day. That's what she thought. But really what was happening, she was taking 50,000 IUs a day. Now the studies there, you can look it up, it says after six months, they were surprised that she was still alive.

Secondly, when they did pet scans, her tumor shrank. She was feeling better. She had very little signs of any cancer left. She made a mistake so-called of taking 50,000 IU a day for six months. Now, let me tell you something again, I've been studying vitamin D for almost 50 years. Let me give you some facts on vitamin D, vitamin D in order to become toxic because someone just put on this morning that their levels of vitamin D in their blood were very high. Now look guys, you have to understand that I'm not your doctor. I'm not your personal physician, okay? I'm not in practice anymore, okay? So I'm going to give you some generalities and understand that's all this is for educational purposes, okay? You have to get that because uh, every individual, you know, I'm not your physician. So let me tell you this, and I, you know, I have to be very careful about it.

But I wanna give you research that has been done on toxicity with vitamin D. Six months of 50,000 IUs a day is the only time that one becomes toxic on vitamin D. And yet this lady did that and she was not toxic. And when they measured her vitamin D levels in her blood, they were in the higher range, but she wasn't toxic. Now again, I talked to you about the therapeutic value of vitamin D guys. If, if someone has cancer, look, your oncologist, they might wanna do treatment, they, you know, whatever it is, I mean I'm not talking about that. All I'm saying to everyone and their dog, take vitamin D. When the sun is out, get in the sun when it's summer or better weather and you can be in short sleeves and shorts and sunbathing. It's so therapeutic. Sun, steak and steel. My new book, <laugh>, I hope to have an update this week. It's been slow as molasses, the publishing of it, but it's coming. Okay?

Sun, steak and steel. The sun, 50,000 IUs every day for six months. I'm not telling you to do that, okay? Please understand that I'm not telling you as an individual to do that. But wouldn't it be nice if someone is diagnosed with cancer and with their functional doctor specializing in a functional medicine was to supervise a patient with that kind of massive doses of vitamin D and supervise them, do blood tests. I'm not holding my breath, but there is research on vitamin D. There's lots of it. It just never really filters down to general medicine. It's too bad because there's a war on vitamin D. Even today, there's a war on it. It's too valuable and the forces to be don't like that. I hate to be negative.

Okay, now there was one more study, okay, let me finish up with this on vitamin D, here's another study. I didn't post this one, I guess I should. This is vitamin D and depression. Look at, look at what it says. Okay, this is done with US army veterans and this had even a stronger effect on black army veterans. The therapeutic doses of vitamin D were given to US army veterans. And a placebo was given to the other half in a study and they said depression in vitamin D. The ones who actually got vitamin D, depression and suicide went down over 50% in the group that was taking the vitamin D versus the group taking placebo, vitamin D and depression. You think that will filter down to psychiatrists, psychologists? Hey Doc Mackewn you think that'll filter down? I know you teach it to your students at the University of Tennessee. I know you do.

Guys. I shake my head, I shake my head and I have to talk to myself so that I don't get down and continue to remind myself I do have an audience and my audience is smarter than the average bear. And they can figure things out on their own and they're smart. Give them information, let them decide. Okay? Let them decide guys, instead of being discouraged, I'm going to be encouraged today <laugh>, because you guys get the memo you guys get it. Okay? Now don't ask me how much to take of vitamin D I won't do it because I can't do it. I tell you what I do, okay? What I do, 8 to 10,000, IUs a day. That's what I do. Okay? Now have I told you lately that I love you? I haven't <laugh>, I do. I do I do I do. You guys are so smart. How can I not love you? <laugh>? Okay guys. Anyway, thanks for putting up with my little rants and uh, I appreciate it. I really do. I look forward to seeing you guys tomorrow. Okay? Lord willing talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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