The World Health Organization has recently made a pretty significant statement. They have said that the number one threat to our health is now chronic degenerative conditions which are largely preventable.
Dr. Martin says this truly is a blow your socks off moment! It means for the first time in history, more of us are losing our lives to chronic and largely preventable diseases than to trauma, infectious disease, and even to war. This news ought to be heralded around the world!
When Dr. Martin hears statements like this, it just reinforces the significance of what he’s doing with The Doctor Is In podcast. Join him in today’s podcast to hear more about this significant announcement.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. Welcome to another live. Hope you're having a great start to your day. I certainly am and hope you've had your vitamin C. Okay, now, I am going to read you this morning, a statement from the World Health Organization. Guys, it's not surprising to us, my audience, this won't surprise you, but it's shocking nonetheless that the World Health Organization is finally cluing in. Okay, finally, cluing in. Let me read a statement from the World Health Organization. We'll talk about it for a minute, but it's something that you and I know and you know what guys? It, what it does for me, okay? What it does for me, it just reinforces the significance of what we are doing, okay? What we are doing, it just reinforces the significance. Listen to the statement, okay? According to the World Health Organization, chronic degenerative conditions, okay? Chronic degenerative conditions now represent the number one threat globally. The number one threat to our health is chronic degenerative conditions.
Now, let me finish this statement. This means for the first time in history, okay, more of us are losing our lives to chronic and largely... listen to this statement, largely preventable conditions. Let me read that part to you again. This means for the first time in history more of us are losing our lives to chronic and largely preventable diseases more than trauma, infectious disease, and even war. Guys, if you've been following me for a while, this is a blow your socks off statement. It blows your socks off. Hello, the world is clueing in to what you and I have been talking about. Chronic degenerative conditions, largely preventable. Okay? Largely preventable. Why? Because people are dying and it's not war. Although I'm sure millions of people die a year in war. Still it's not infectious disease and it's not trauma.
Now we know what happened. The whole world went absolutely insane over a virus. Okay? Now I'm not minimizing it, okay? Don't come back to me and say, Dr. Martin, you know, COVID doesn't exist or whatever. I'm not saying that. What I'm saying is, and you guys heard me, if you've been following me, the elephant in the room, do you remember that? Cause the only people that even died during the pandemic were very old, and people that had a chronic degenerative condition already. That's what happened. It's scientific fact. And now the World Health Organization is coming out with a statement that just about blew my socks off. And the reason it did is cuz they're finally admitting and listen to their quotes. First time in history, and largely preventable conditions.
Now, let me continue with this statement. Chronic degenerative diseases are largely preventable and powerfully linked to lifestyle choices. You ready for this part? Are you ready? Diets higher in sugar and carbohydrates, coupled with a lack of physical activity, are strongly related to an increased risk for some of the most common degenerative conditions like type two diabetes, obesity, coronary heart disease, Alzheimer's, and even cancer. Now, folks, I didn't say that. Well, yes I have, but they're saying it. The World Health Organization guys, this is significant. It's unreal. And it tells us we're on the right track.
Now, you know, my... You know the way I operate. My goal with my audience is to educate you. And I used to do it on my radio show. I educate my audience and now I've got a much bigger audience and my "raison d'etre" Okay? The reason that I am so vocal and like a one track mind is because I'm trying to get you guys to understand why in this day and age, here we are in 2023, why in the heck are we so unwell? Not you, but the world out there, the World Health Organization, they're clueing in, okay? They're clueing in it's lifestyle. It's not a virus, it's not a bacteria, it's not war. All those things are no good. It's not trauma. You know, like people still die today from car accidents and accidents and you know, violence and yuck, and I don't minimize that. But what's preventable? And that's what they're using largely preventable. I like that, it's lifestyle.
Can I quote to you what I brought to you? You have to understand where I come from, okay? Because I tell this to my grandchildren. Grandpa born in the days of Noah, used to have cookies and ice cream too. Okay? In case you, you didn't think they were invented. Yes, they were there, cookies and ice cream. But in two weeks, give or take a little bit of time, but let's say two weeks. In two weeks, my grandchildren and great-grandchildren, okay? Their generations eat more sugar in two weeks than what we used to eat in the 1950s. When I was born in two weeks, we consumed 25 pounds Canadians. Americans consumed 25 pounds in the 1950s of sugar a year. Now, that's still a lot of sugar. You ever seen a 25 pound bag?
Now, it's 200 pounds. It's a dump truck load. And then nevermind. Never you mind what they did to oils. I'm not even talking about that, but let me just gloss over it, okay? And that is when we change the oil, what do I mean by that? We changed the fat when we went from eating butter to margarine, everything in the grocery store. What is it? What did I say the other day? Like about 33,000 items. And if you go through the middle aisles of your grocery store, from cookies to crackers, to ketchup, to whatever else is in those middle aisles of your groceries, it's all made with seed oils, which kills. Okay? Oils like canola and soy, all these seed they call vegetable oils.
Now, what am I saying? Those oils were made for your car. They're highly processed, they're, uh, industrialized, and every time you go to a fast food place or even almost any restaurant, they cook and cook and the oil is bad enough, peanut oil and this and that. It's bad enough on its own, but when they reheat it and reheat it, and they cook the french fries and the chicken nuggets and uh, you know, whenever else they put in those fryers. Ooh. See, I told my grandchildren, they they laugh at grandpa. Okay? And that's fair game. You know when you get old <laugh>, I know they love me, but they laugh. I said, listen, when we were kids in the 1950s, there is no McDonald's. What grandma? Nah, in the days of Noah, there was not McDonald's. I said the first fast food that ever came in Timmins, Ontario, where I was born and raised, was Kentucky Fried Chicken <laugh>.
I know McDonald's, they actually used to use good oils until the oil police got ahold of them. You're cooking your fries in, uh, tallow, and that's full of saturated fat. That's no good for you. You gotta use polyunsaturated fat like canola, Canada's gift that's destroyed more lives and soy oil and all these seed oils. Terrible stuff. <laugh>, Proctor and Gamble. Crisco. That stuff's meant for your car, my friend. And we all know the story that they actually ran a jumbo jet on that <laugh> on that few it worked. When you see guys, what happened, and this is why I'm so passionate, this is why, yeah, Dr. Martin is that all he ever talks about is eggs, meat and cheese. Is that all he ever does? Yeah. Some of you have said that. Does he have anything else to talk about <laugh>?
Well, I do, but science is finally catching up to what you and I know. What is it? It's sugar. Imagine there's not a medical school in North America. You would think it would be on day one of medical school. It's not even in the curriculum of certified dieticians. You think it would be day one that hold on here. And I've been saying this to you guys for a long, long, long time, haven't I? Sugar is so toxic to your body that you have an organ dedicated to getting it out of your bloodstream. Remember my little analogy? You can literally eat 20 donuts. Don't do it, but people have done it. You can have 20 donuts and, and within about an hour or two, depending on your metabolism, your blood sugar will come back to normal range.
It'll skyrocket. If you have oatmeal. Listen to what I'm going to say. If you have a bowl of oatmeal, how can this be good for you? Think about it for a minute. Your blood sugar will rise to about 20. To my American friends, that's 200. It'll rise to 20. But because your body is so fearfully and wonderfully made, your body is smart. It says I can't leave sugar in the bloodstream. Why? Because sugar's toxic. Sugar is toxic to blood vessels. It destroys blood vessels. Ask any diabetic, ask 'em about their eyes. I mean, I I'm talking about a diabetic, okay, that has type two diabetes or even type one. But type one is autoimmune. It's not their fault. Okay? Now ask any diabetic, what are you worried about? Losing my legs, losing my kidneys, losing my eyesight. It's all circulation. And then of course, and this is really the background of the statement by the World Health Organization.
This leads to food, leads to the choices we make. And if they're bad ones, lead to chronic diseases, which is the number one killer in our society today. Beats infection. It beats trauma, it beats accidents, it beats you name it. Yep. That's why I'm so passionate, because people, somebody asked me the other day, it was a good point. Doc, what about moderation? I said, what about it? What about moderation? And people have that ingrained in their noggins moderation because it's, it comes from the food industry. You need all food groups. Ask any dietician, ask any nutritionist. Even most of them ask them all. Oh yeah, well you need moderation. That's the way to live. No, we live in a different world. Like I said, we went from 25 pounds to 200 pounds. That's just sugar. That's not even talking about these crappy carbohydrates. We don't need moderation. We need elimination. I'm an elimination guy. I'm not a carnivore. Okay?
People accuse me of that all the time. Dr. Martin, he's a carnivore. No, I'm not. I'm a nutravore. What's a nutravore? Good food. No crap. We live in a different world. We have to make an adjustment. We have to understand where we're at. And listen, there's no guarantees. But people today, I'm not kidding you, they're playing Russian roulette with a loaded gun and five of them got bullets and they just go, because everything's loaded against us because of our lifestyle choices. And here's what the World Health Organization said too. Our sedentary lifestyle. Yeah, big factor for sure. You know me in vitamin E, I love vitamin E, I love exercise. I know it's significant. I know it's important. I do. I've been preaching that for 50 something years. So they say that sedentary lifestyle, but primarily food.
Okay? Primarily our choices we make. And it's not that complicated. See, people are confused cuz I see that all the time, even on our Facebook group. Okay? And you guys are the smartest bears. And I mean it, but you'll see it. The new people come on. They go, I'm confused. Uh, doc, I'm confused because my doctor, my doctor and guys, I love your doctor. Okay? I do. I mean it. No, really. I don't hate your doctor. They're just poorly trained. They don't know anything about nutrition. Imagine, imagine going to medical school and you've got the best intentions in the world. You wanna dedicate your life, you wanna dedicate your life to people, and you wanna become a medical doctor. Beautiful, wonderful.
And then you get to medical school. And medical school has been hijacked by big pharma and big food. There's eight to 10 huge conglomerate food companies that run all the food in the world pretty well. They're in cahoots with the pharmaceutical industry because they want to sell you sugar, crappy carbohydrates, very inexpensive, high fructose corn syrup, but sugar and very inexpensive oils that preserve everything. So the mantra is, okay, low fat. And if you're going to use fat, make sure it's, uh, monounsaturated fat. Because saturated fat is the boogeyman. Saturated fat like butter, bacon, that'll kill you. It'll give you cholesterol. Listen, day one in medical school, here's the boogeyman. You gotta understand it. Even in 2023, day one in medical school, you start learning cholesterol is bad. It's bad. Therefore, why would you want butter when you can have no cholesterol vegetable oils like margarine. Even today, okay? Cholesterol is back. Cholesterol causes heart disease. Okay? You'll never hear in medical school that sugar has anything to do with cancer. None. Zero, nada. Sugar and cancer. Well, that's Dr. Martin and his quack friends, right?
Three. The sun is the boogeyman. It's another boogeyman. The sun stay out of the sun. The sun's bad. No, that's what they learned. You know, wear sunscreen, the sun's cancer, sun's cancer. And for years and years and years and years and years and years and years, it's the same old story. And the World Health Organization is now saying something different. They're getting the memo <laugh> from the Martin Clinic. They probably still think I'm crazy. Okay? But all I'm saying to you, think about it. Think about it. People have been duped because in the higher echelon in medicine, in big pharma, I'm not saying they don't do good things. You get hit by a truck. You need medicine. Okay? You need good doctors and you need good drugs, okay? Like an antibiotic.
Okay? You get it? That's all right. That's what medicine should be for trauma. And you have an infection and it's raging. Okay? And they did one good thing. Medicine. I give them credit, they told people to stop smoking. When I played hockey. We'd have 3000 fans in the sixties in our stands. And you could barely see there was so much smoke in the arena. And I'm not kidding you, okay? My dad used to smoke four packs of cigarettes a day, <laugh>, until he found out smoking causes cancer. And my dad went woot, in the garbage, never had another cigarette, cold turkey. I said to my dad, what am I supposed to smoke <laugh>? Not that I, I really never did like it. My brother cured me of smoking. Okay? My oldest brother, David <laugh>, when I was about 10, I think, okay, he made me inhale. He said, you'll like it. Inhale a cigar. <laugh>. Like, I was so sick for 20 minutes or whatever. Like, I just was puking. I was, he made me inhale. And I, I, he said, you'll like it. And you know what he told me afterwards? He said he was a smoker. He said, I don't want you to ever smoke. That was good. I learned a lesson. I never liked smoking. Okay? Isn't that what big brothers are for?
But guys, this is where we're at. Doesn't, this story doesn't what the World Health Organization just pump up your tires today that we're on the right track. And they're talking about cancer and they're talking about coronary. Imagine the World Health Organization is not talking cholesterol per se. I mean, they might still believe it, I don't know. But they're talking about food and lifestyle choices. I love it. I love it. I'd love to them to invite me to give a lecture to all the doctors and I will give them a history of nutrition. When you look at the history of nutrition, it tells you what happened and why. That's what I did my thesis on. I'm a history buff. The history of food. Okay?
Ah, I need to breathe <laugh>. I'm glad I don't have one of those watches that tell me to breathe. I don't like that. Okay? Take a deep breath. Okay guys, enjoy <laugh> your week. We're gonna have a great week, okay? Got some study on new study. New study. Just came out on vitamin D. Again, new study that just came out. You're gonna love this one on DHA new study. Canadian study. Okay, and, um, I got a new study on adrenal glands. This one was very interesting to me and I wanna unpack it for you and we'll probably do it this week, okay? So stay tuned. Tell your friends. Tell your friends, tell everyone, because you guys are on the right track. See? So tell your friends, okay? Tell your friends. You gotta listen because you're gonna get the other side. And God gave you a brain and we're asking you to use it. We're getting you to think. We're not leaving our health to the medical profession. We're not leaving it to them. We're gonna be proactive, individually proactive, okay? I, I'm big on that. Okay guys, love you. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!