1018. Cancer Cells & Insulin Resistance: Understanding the Connection


Dr. Martin says it’s amazing what we're learning more and more about cancer. A new study is saying that cancer cells are much different than ordinary cells. Cancer cells have seven times more receptors for insulin than ordinary cells.

So, what does this mean? Our cells, and especially the cells in our muscles and liver, have little receptors that are docking stations for insulin. Whenever we eat, insulin is created, and something must be done with sugar. Insulin goes knocking on the doors of these receptors asking that sugar be stored, as sugar cannot remain in the bloodstream.

With cancer having seven times more receptors for insulin, when eating bread, cereal, pasta, rice, pastries, muffins, bagels, store bought milk, carbs, sugar, etc., you’re essentially feeding cancer. Join Dr. Martin as he unwraps the study and explains the connection between cancer cells and insulin resistance.


Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning, everyone. Once again, welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day and looking forward to our little session together today. I was reading a study on cancer in the last few days, and I flagged it because I want to talk about it this morning. Okay? It's amazing what we're learning more and more and more about cancer. Now, cancer cells are much different than ordinary cells. And here's the headline of the study. Cancer cells have seven times more receptors to insulin than ordinary cells. Okay? So here's me and okay, for folks listening later on a podcast, you have to use your imagination, okay? Because I'm, I'm going to show you something. Believe you me, I flunked art. The left side of my brain, <laugh> it don't work, okay? I'm not an artist by any stretch of the imagination.

But here, you see, okay? And I'm going to bring it up a little close. I drew a picture of a self. You say that don't look like a self. Yeah, you're right. It really doesn't. But here, here's me, okay? Because I, I'm very visual, and the way I learned in school is I was visual. I had to write everything out. That's how I studied. And if I could do a little drawing, I couldn't even draw a stick map properly. But it doesn't matter in my mind, I was eight. Well, okay, here's a cell here, okay? Now I want to show you an ordinary cell. Okay? What do you see in a cell? Of course, you guys know this from biology and in high school, even in grade school, okay? Cell wall, nucleus, and I didn't draw them here, but there'd be a lot of mitochondria right there. By the way, the cell wall is made up of cholesterol. How can cholesterol be bad for you? Anyway, I don't want to stick up, but if I bring this a little closer, you can see I drew these little things that come off the cell wall. There's antennas there. They don't look like in an antenna to you, but to me, they do. Okay? Those are antennas for vitamin D. Okay? 

So your cells, you are a human solar panel. Your brain cells, your heart cells, your muscle cells, your liver cells, every cell in your body has a little antenna, has antennas on it, looking for the sun. Amazing, isn't it? Now, you guys know that, and most of the rest of the world, they don't even know that, even though they feel better in the sun, blah, blah, blah. Okay? Now, that's not what I wanted to focus in on, although we'll come back to that. When you look at the little drawing I drew, okay, where did I put them? Right here? Little docking stations on yourself. They're docking stations, and you got lots of those docking stations are for insulin, okay? So when you eat, insulin is a food hormone. It must do something with sugar. And remember, a piece of bread's going to be sugar rapidly. So bread, cereal, pasta, rice, pastries, muffins, bagels, store bought milk, carbs, sugar, and your cells, especially your muscle cells and your liver cells and your fat cells, they have receptors there.

They have docking stations for insulin because insulin's going to come knock on the door at the docking station and say, open up, let me in. I must store sugar. Sugar can’t stay in the bloodstream. You guys know that sugar destroys your blood vessels very, very rapidly. So you've got to get rid of sugar, and you have an organ, your pancreas that secretes insulin. And insulin is dedicated to storing sugar. Okay? Now, that's an ordinary cell that I drew. What this study is, think that cancer cells, they're a different puppy. Cancer cells develop seven times more docking places on the cell for insulin, seven times more than an ordinary cell. Hello? Hello, you out there? 

Now you know it, but the world don't know it. So I'm trying to get their attention. Hello. What do we know about cancer cells? They're seven times more receptors for insulin on a cancer cell that ought to tell us something. Okay? Now there's other things that destroy and make cancer cells proliferate or at least start. Okay? So let's talk about that, that we'll come back to food. So you look at a cell, and one of the first places in a cancer cell that gets destroyed is the nucleus. Okay? The nucleus, it gets destroyed and tampered with primarily through the process of oxygenation. Okay? So let me tell you again, you guys know that. Take an apple. I don't know if there's a better example, at least it's one that I always, always used in my mind when someone talked to me about oxygenation or oxidizing or rusting up. That's what I used to think. Okay? You take an apple, you cut it in half, and right before your eyeballs, it doesn't take long. It starts to get brown. It oxidizes. The apple rusts out. And when that gets accelerated, that aging, the premature aging of your body at the cellular level, that's one of the processes in cancer. Okay? 

Now here's another thing. So we'll come back to food because we talked about insulin. The other problem is oxidizing rusting out of the cell. And in a cancer cell that kind of oxidizing is on steroids. I mean, it is rapid. It's a rapid aging of the cell. You ever seen someone, I did many a time in my office because I had people come to see me. I hadn't seen them in years. And then they come into the office and I barely recognize them. They said, “Doc, I got cancer. Can you help me?” And sometimes you couldn't tell just superficially looking at them, but sometimes you could really tell. I'm thinking in my mind's eye of a few people that holy, moly, you're in deep trouble. I mean, I can hardly recognize you. I wouldn't say that, but I'd be thinking it. What was happening on the inside of their bodies that cancer was taking off like wildfire, and they were prematurely aging? They looked like they were 80 years old when they were 40. Terrible cancer takes off. 

And that happens primarily in the nucleus of the cells where your DNA and RNA are and that gets hit. That can get hit. Now, what causes oxidation? What causes premature aging? Well, sugar, sugar's one of the worst things. And the sugar, it's a double edged sword because in cancer, sugar can start the process by causing aging of the cell. But then of course, you and I know this, that cancer cells need fuel and cancer cells love sugar and hate steak, but there's no fuel in steak. Cancer cells are like teenagers. They need junk food. Cancer cells don't survive on good food. If food is nutrient dense, cancer can't feed on it. Cancer needs sugar. And we've done that hundreds of times with my audience over the years. When I had my radio show and I talked about sugar all the time, they said, “Doc, is that all you ever talk about?” That's not all I talk about, but it's important because cancer needs fuel. But listen, listen, Linda, cancer cells have receptors. They have docking stations, even more than an ordinary cell. For what? Insulin. Insulin. 

You only need insulin really when you're eating crappy food, okay? You don't need a lot of insulin. You're eating a steak. You don't need insulin. It's on the sidelines going, I've got nothing to do. So how can steak, eggs or cheese be bad for you? It's not even close. Okay? I've always said this about cancer. Cancer's a perfect storm, okay? It's a perfect storm. And at the start of it, of course is metabolic storm, insulin, the docking station food, got to look at that. And then you have oxidation, the premature aging of the cell. One of the factors is sugar. The other is environmental. I'm sure I don't negate the environment. And one of the things that I believe that's happening in cancer is the not only oxidation, but the… How can I say this and try and be woke. It's the female realization. I just made up a word of cancer. What do I mean by that? Okay. Part of the process in growth of cancer is estrogen, the female hormone. Okay? The problem is with estrogen, okay, ladies, makes you beautiful. Why are women so much better looking than men? No, but it's true. Women are beautiful, right? Why? Well, you have estrogen. Okay? So estrogen's a wonderful hormone, but not too much. Not too much. 

Because when you get too much estrogen, and remember, how do you get too much estrogen? “Oh, doc, I'm a woman.” Yay. Yeah, but that's all right. As long as you're in balance. No. Every chemical, every chemical that we can think of, if you can't pronounce it, look at your boxes of food. Look in your kitchen cabinet under your sink, all those chemicals, they mimic estrogen, okay? They mimic estrogen. Your body thinks, hey, that's estrogen. Come here. I like you. You know what the problem with estrogen is? It makes things grow. Estrogen is a growth hormone. Okay? Ladies, don't try and get to 8% body fat or whatever. I used to tell women, listen, Linda, you don't want to get skinny as a rake. Why do you want that? You want to be lean, but you don't want to be skinny as a rake. You have estrogen. Estrogen is good for you when it's balanced. You need estrogen and it's funny that when I used to test estrogen and progesterone in my office, I never met a woman that didn't have estrogen. Even though they were menopausal, they still had estrogen. And by the way, I never, ever recommended estrogen therapy ever. Never did. I don't like it. I never did. Because you don't need estrogen, my friend. Ladies, you need progesterone. You need to elevate that progesterone, not estrogen. You are getting bombarded with estrogen every day. 

Every chemical, food that has been sprayed in pesticide and herbicides, you're getting estrogen coming out, both your ears. You don't need any more estrogen. And it's a cancer proliferation hormone when it's out of control. I think it's one of the reasons we see so many kids with cancer today. One of the factors is all of those chemicals, those estrogen, you can't get away from it. People that tell me they can get away from that. “Oh, Dr. Martin, I'm going to go live in Costa Rica on an island by myself.” Actually heard that once. I'm going to live on an island. Hello? Plastic is in the ocean. Plastic is on top of Mount Everest. Plastic is in every placenta that's tested. Every placenta. You want to get away from plastic, good luck.

And when they gave you the plastic mask through the virus, I was going crazy. I said, that's putting that right in your mouth. What are you doing? You can't get rid of it, guys. So that's what happens at the cellular level in cancer. It goes directly at the nucleus of that cell. The cancer cell becomes a renegade. And now it's looking for fuel and its primary source is sugar. And things that turn to sugar. You got to remember that. “Oh, doc, I don't eat any sugar.” Yeah, you eating bread? Yeah, well, that's sugar. I eat oatmeal. Well, that's going to spike your blood sugar to the moon and back in a hurry. You might as well have two chocolate bars. If you're going to eat oatmeal. What's the difference? And especially when we drink sugar, we drink it. “Ahh Dr. Martin I'm having Tropicana,” I don't care-a. It's bad for you-a. It's sugar. You're feeding cancer cells. You don’t want that. 

So when patients came into my office, I said, okay, let's get a history. I'm talking about the ones that already have cancer. Here's what I saw in general. I'm going to just talk in generalities. Rare exceptions to this, especially breast. Breast and prostate cancer are identical cancers. One happens in a woman and some men and women can't get prostate cancer. <laugh>, okay? But they're the same cancer they proliferate in the same way. They're caused by the same thing. Yeah. Here's what I used to see. One, low levels of vitamin D, almost invariable low levels of vitamin D. And today, good luck trying to get your vitamin D levels tested. I mean, doctors, vitamin D, that's for your bones. Why do you want that tested? What's that got to do with the immune system? Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba. I hear it all the time. It has everything to do with the immune system. When you look at cells, they got a little antenna up there looking for the sun and vitamin D.

The greatest cancer fighter in terms of vitamins is vitamin D, the sun. Got it. And when you have low vitamin D, your T-cells, your navy seals, your immune system, one big part of your immune… It's not the only part of your immune system, but a big part of the immune system was vitamin D. And what it does to your navy seals, it charges them up, man. So we saw lack of vitamin D, high levels of estrogen. Even in men. Even in men. High levels of insulin, high levels of insulin resistance. That's food, my friend. That's food. My name is Tony, and I'm a carboholic. And almost every cancer patient I ever saw, and they didn't know because nobody told them. Nobody told them they were living on carbohydrates. That’s Canada's food guide, it's the US food guide. They got it wrong. 

You don't need grains to be healthy. You need your fiber, fiber, fiber, fiber. Ooh, I used to get so uptight about fiber. I said, the best fiber is not fiber. <laugh>. The best fiber is water. That's what your bowel needs. H two O, not fiber, too much estrogen, too much insulin. Here's another one. Big factor. Almost invariably a big factor. High cortisol. I wrote a book, Two Hormones that Want You Dead, okay? Serial killers, one or two. Serial, not with a C <laugh>, although cereal will kill you. And Dr. Kellogg's was a, I call him a cereal killer. Now, he might have been a nice guy, okay? He might not have meant it <laugh>, but he was wrong. Wrong. Not a person on the planet should ever eat cereal, ever. You don't need fiber. You need water and probiotics. Anyway, I'll talk about that in a moment. 

So what do we see? Low levels of vitamin D, high levels of insulin, high levels of estrogen, okay? High levels of cortisol. Two serial killers with an S, insulin and cortisol. And I could have used estrogen as a serial killer. Too much bad news, okay? Bad news and cortisol. That's what cortisol is. And again, if I scare you, no big deal, your body knows exactly what to do. I used to call your adrenal glands, add renal on top of kidneys. They're two little glands on top of your kidneys. They're the size of a chestnut. You got two of them. They secrete cortisol and epinephrine. And that's all right. If I'm scaring you, sometimes I scare people with my voice. They go… too loud. I remember a lady in the office one time coming, and soon as I started, I just said, hello. She goes, get it down. I don't like a loud voice. I said, you're in the wrong place. I shouldn't be like that. But it was my office. You're trying to change my personality. I won't do it. And I said, you want to leave now? I'm bad.

Okay, so this is important, guys. Cortisol, what does cortisol do? Well, it pours gasoline on the fire of inflammation, which is another factor in destroying normal cells and turning them into renegade cancer cells. Cortisol is a big, big factor. I'll tell you, when I used to do the history of people with prostate cancer, men, women, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, whenever I'm telling you, I rarely ever saw a case that didn't have high cortisol. Rarely. It's the perfect storm. So look, there's no guarantees in life, but here we are today. Let me give you a statistic that ought to be frightening. People have always died by the way in case… With this body, you ain't living forever. Okay? So just you know that. I know that. But you go back 70, 80 years ago, and cancer would be found in one out of 50 people. Now, it wasn't like there was no cancer. Of course there was cancer, but it was rare. People died. Of course they did. So there's been some great advances in modern medicine. 

But here we are today in 2023. And here is a frightening statistic. Here's a frightening statistic. One out of two, one out of two will be given a diagnosis with the C word in their lifetime. It's now one out of two. Do you think we're winning the war on cancer? I'll tell you why. We're not winning the war on cancer because we're looking for love in all the wrong places. It's genetics. It's this, it's that. It's, it's bad luck. And I tell you guys, people have really analyzed these things. They scratch their head to see how little progress we've made in cancer. It's the same thing. They wait till you get cancer. And the only thing that I, of course I agreed with this a million percent. The only thing that it even made a temporary dent that was only temporary in cancer was when they told people to stop smoking. I was 100% behind that. Stop smoking. That causes radical damage, especially in the nucleus of your cells and will turn them into a renegade. That was prevention. Stop smoking. But they don't tell you to stop eating sugar. They tell you to get out of the sun when you should be in the sun. Don't burn. There's a war going on on vitamin D today. How crazy is that? There's a war on. “Oh, vitamin D, Dr. Martin, you're always talking about vitamin D. Come on.” Yeah, I mean it. 

Okay guys, I thought I'd bring you that little thing. Now, remember, tomorrow afternoon session. Okay, Friday is what? Question and answer. Now I know a lot of you are on the meal replacement. How are you enjoying that? How are you enjoying that smoothie? So let me just give you a little tidbit, okay? Why don't I like protein powders on their own? Okay? So just take a protein powder and put it in water or mix it or whatever, or put it in juice or whatever. What makes protein? You have to understand the bioavailability of protein. Why do I love collagen protein? Why? Fat. Nature. See, God wants you to have fat with protein, not carbs, fat with protein. When you eat a steak, you got protein and fat. When you eat an egg, don't just eat egg whites. Don’t be silly. Eat the yoke. Why? Protein, fat, cheese, protein, fat. Dr. Martin's Perfect Smoothie, protein, fat. You put 'em together, you're going to get a lot more protein in the mixture. Your body is bioavailable, meaning your cells are going, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. I appreciate it. That is really absorbable protein. Understand that. 

Why do we talk about that all the time? I have a one track mind, eggs, meat and cheese. EMC. And even when you do the meal replacement, you're getting protein and you're getting fat. No, carbs are very little. It's fat with protein together. Okay, I just thought I'd talk about that because many of us are doing the meal replacement program. You eat one meal, pick your one you want, and you can have one shake to replace the meal or two shakes a day. Okay? Whatever you want. Okay, love you guys. Talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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