1013. Sugar’s Connection to Chronic Disease


Did you know that 65% of the population has some form of chronic disease? Heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s and cancers are all considered chronic diseases. But did you know that 90 some years ago, in 1930, it was under 8%?

What has happened that two thirds of the population now has some form of chronic disease? Dr. Martin says it’s because our diets have changed. The introduction of seed oils and the over-consumption of crappy carbs have all contributed to this change; but the biggest culprit is high fructose corn syrup. It’s the Frankenstein of sugar and it has set off an epidemic of an insulin resistant nation!

Join Dr. Martin as he lays out sugar’s connection to chronic disease. It’s not a pretty picture and it continues to get worse!


Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your wonderful day. Okay, here's what we're gonna do today. We're gonna talk about sugar again. Yesterday I showed you a study on um, what sugar does to your immune system and how it makes you, one more susceptible to colds and then makes colds, getting a cold. And once you get it, it'll last longer depending on what you're eating. Isn't that important? Who ever thought there might be a connection between food and your immune system? And yesterday we went into some detail on the immune system. Your white blood cells, they're put to sleep by sugar. They have a siesta. From 10 minutes to an hour, 10 minutes to an hour after one teaspoon of sugar. Okay? And then we talked about what sugar does, not only to the immune system, but how it affects your body in different ways.

And today, I just wanna sort of continue this because let me read something to you. I might have even mentioned this. I don't know if I did yesterday or not. I can't remember. We now eat in two weeks, you and I on average. Okay? You and I don't do it because we try and avoid sugar, okay? But the rest of the population eat more sugar in two weeks than our ancestors eat in a full year, 200 years ago, okay? The world's changed guys. And I always bring it back to that. Now, we, you and I live in a different world. I saw enormous changes in my lifetime, even in my practice lifetime, which was just about 50 years. Enormous changes. And look, I mean, some changes obviously very good. I mean, come on.

But when it comes to our health, here we are, let me give you a statistic. This is on chronic disease, okay? So I'm gonna link this to our food because really that's what's changed here it is in 2030, okay? Here's what they're predicting. Half of the population will be diagnosed with diabetes. 2030. Well, it's almost there now because the last thing that happens in your body guys is diabetes. That's the last thing. It's never the first thing, it's the last thing that happens. The last thing to go south is your blood sugar. Cuz your body has an organ dedicated to balancing, keeping your blood sugar low. Your body is smarter than we are. Why is that? Because your body knows how toxic sugar is. So it does everything to keep your blood sugar down. One place. One place that sugar does not belong is in your bloodstream. It don't belong there. And your body knows that and it does everything to get rid of.

Okay? But listen to this. In 1930 7.5% of people had a chronic disease like heart disease, cancer, forget Alzheimer's. That was hardly, known, we're talking about 1930 autoimmune. Were they around? Yeah, but less than 8%. So 7.5%, 1930 by the year 2000, okay? So 23 years ago, 45% of the population had some form of chronic disease. Today it's 65% of the population have some form of, it's already been diagnosed in that chronic disease. So heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer's, cancer of any kind. Those are considered chronic diseases. Now, you and I, you and I know we can even take that a step back because we know that the vast majority of these chronic diseases start with a condition called insulin resistance. That means it starts with food.

That means something has changed, right? I mean, if in the 1930s less than 8% of the population had had a chronic disease, and today in 2023 we're at 65%. Nevermind the people that have a chronic disease and they don't even know it, right? What is the major culprit? Food? Yes, specifically sugar. Now we got bad oils too. So when I say sugar, I always include, and sometimes maybe I don't spell it out as much as I should. Crappy carbs. You see our diets have changed. We have sugar. It's in everything. And then of course, I've always, always reemphasized the change of sugar that occurred when the food industry, the liars, liars, pants on fires people changed the sugar. When the tobacco industry bought out the food industry. <laugh> Like, oh, they were into addiction big time and they were liars.

Guys, if you don't believe me when I say that, I'm not saying, okay, hold on. I'm not saying there's no good people in the food industry, okay? I'm not saying that. There's a lot of people, scientists and whatever, there's a lot of good people there working there, but they don't run the show. They don't run the show. And, uh, the food industry really, and I mean this, they don't care about your health. They're very ignorant. They don't want to hear what they did. And they're very smart, okay? They're marketing people are geniuses. Okay? So, you know, when they, the other day they had the Golden Globe awards for acting. Well, we ought to give them a Golden Globe for marketing. Cause they were smart and they market this, everything in moderation.

Now, let me ask you a question. Has that statement, everything in moderation, has that stuck with people? Of course it has. I even every week, every week, even on our private Facebook group, there's somebody that will come on and they'll say, yeah, but everything in moderation. Guys, I heard that in my office every day. Where did that come from? Everything in moderation. The food industry, the food industry, everything in moderation. So you can go down the middle aisles of the grocery stores, you look at snacks, you look at cereals, you look at cookies, you look at this, you look at that and everything in moderation, okay? And guys, use your eyeballs. Look what happened. 65% of the population already have a chronic disease. And you and I know that 93% of the population, 93% of the population have metabolic syndrome. And again, metabolic syndrome is insulin. Metabolic syndrome is food. Because insulin is a food hormone. You only use insulin when you eat. Okay? And by the way, why did I create the reset to change insulin resistance? Okay?

Now, yesterday we talked about the immune system and then we hit on a couple of other points. But I, let me, let me go on today. Let me go on today and we're gonna look at some other things that, that crappy sugar does. Okay? So yesterday we, we talked about your immune system, specifically the white blood cells. Sugar and crappy carbs they make a beeline. When they finish their destruction inside your gut. And we talked about that yesterday. Your gut, your microbiome gets changed by your food. Bad food, sugar destroys your good guys, feeds the bad guys, and especially candida yeast, fungus bad because that's an invasive army. And when you have any form of leaky gut, that army will spread like wildfire into your bloodstream. And then from your brain to your toes, fungus spreads.

Okay? Every area of your body, let's talk about that. It disrupts, we talked about this yesterday a little bit. It disrupts the mineral. People today, they don't even realize they're going around and they're so depleted in their minerals, okay? They're so depleted in their mineral. They have no idea that sugar is so destructive and crappy carbs. What does it do? Kills your magnesium. Destroys your chromium. Chromium is really important to regulate blood sugar, chromium. And that's why in in our insulin balance, I put in chromium picolinate because I know when you're a carboholic, you're a sugar addict. It and you know, and kids today, the poor kids they don't know because they're told it's just moderation. It's destroying their minerals that's destroys their kidneys. There's nothing more destructive to the kidneys. It ain't, listen Linda, it ain't protein. Protein, never ever, ever, ever, ever destroys kidneys. I've been screaming for 50 years. That's a lie.

And I, I understand why they do it because, wait a minute, protein, I saw protein in your urine and oh, you're eating too much protein. Your kidneys are bad because you're listening to Dr. Martin and, and, and, and you're that e emc, emc, eggs, meat, and cheese. That's bad. That's hard on your kidney. No it's not. It's the opposite. There is nothing that will destroy your kidney like sugar does. If you don't believe me, ask a diabetic. They know exactly because you get disrupted. Why do you think so many people are on high blood pressure medication? Why do you think they have so much trouble with high blood pressure? It's not salt, it's sugar. My friend, and I know you guys know this, but repeat, rinse, and repeat. That's me. Rinse and repeat. I get high blood pressure thinking about this. Like it goes up because it bugs me, it bothers me.

Okay? And yesterday we talked about you and I know this, the world should know this, but it's amazing. I've had conversations with oncologists and they go, uh, I don't know if that's true. I, I don't think so. Everything in moderation. And you go to an oncologist and they don't even wanna talk about food. Hey doc, what do I eat? I got cancer. What do I eat? Well, everything in moderation. And, and here's what some of them upset. I know. Well, don't eat that red meat because from what I heard that that gives you cancer. It's not good for you.

How does the PET scan work? And pet scans are not for your pets. They're a cancer detector. You'll light up like a Christmas tree once they give you a cup of glucose, sugar and you got cancer anywhere in your body and you get a PET scan, you know what happens? You light up like a Christmas tree, wherever the cancer is, that sugar goes directly to the cancer cells. Did you know that? How can it not be important? Think about it. Think about it. You know, people ask me, I get asked probably every second day, "Doc, a friend of mine, a brother, a sister, my mother, my father has cancer. Doc, what do I do?" Well, they said number one on the hit parade. No more sugar. None nano.

I remember a cancer patient 30 years ago, and I said, man, you gotta cut out sugar outta your diet. And she says, I can't. I gotta have my slurpy. It's seriously, guys, I'm slurpy what? I said. Well, there's no magic. First thing you gotta do is cut out sugar if you've got cancer, and you and I, if we do anything, if we form one habit and we cut out sugar out of our diets, I mean, holy moly, what happens? Okay? Immune system, right? Your gi we, we explained that yesterday. How sugar changes your pH in the wrong way in your stomach. It makes you more alkaline where you should be acidic and in your gut where you should be more alkaline. It makes it acidic. That's not good. And we talked about that yesterday and why the reset is so good, even for your gi nevermind what it does to the microbiome. We talked about yesterday, type three diabetes discovered in 2005. I remember that.

I, I had a radio show in those days, and I'm telling you that was our topic for weeks and weeks and weeks. I just went into Alzheimer's and dementia and the sugar connection type three diabetes. And today you can, you'll hear it. But, and then we found out in August of 2022, they fudged the research on Alzheimer's. They fudged it. They were looking for love in all the wrong places. They had a medication to help with amyloid plaques and then they realized it was fudged. It was never true. And they had completely dismissed type three diabetes, completely dismissed it for 20 years just about. And every medication that came on the market for Alzheimer's had to do with getting at that amyloid plaque in your brain. And they found out, you know what, that wasn't true. The whole premise was not true. And we brought that to you hot off the press last August. We brought those stories to you.

Okay, let's talk about A G E <laugh>, okay? <laugh> Medicine and its big words, okay? Advanced glycation end products. How to keep you confused when you consume sugar. Crappy carbs. Crappy carbs. Turn to sugar in nanoseconds. Okay, "But Dr. Martin. It's whole wheat." You know how many seniors <laugh> that whole wheat toast in the morning? Oh, I wanna scream, I want to scream it's sugar. You know what? Why don't they just put a chocolate bar and have a Snickers bar or a granola bar. It's granola. I don't care. It's crapola, it's sugar, it masquerades as something good. It's not good for you. A granola bar, Dr. Martin? No, because you and I know what it does. Okay? Now back to advance, glycation end products. What does that mean? It's how your tissue from your skin to your joints carmalize, age, lose its elasticity. You look at skin.

People, they got a lot of pain and they're in constant pain and they're stiff as boards and they can't move. And look, I'm not saying there's no such thing as arthritis in the joint. Of course there is. I'm telling you what makes that worse. What puts arthritis on steroids? What? Degenerates joints takes away the elasticity outta joints, takes away the elasticity out of your skin. It's called advanced glycation end products. I have been preaching about that for so long. Sugar will age your body, not only because it creates free radicals, not only because it goes after your mitochondria. You see people think, okay, here's um, how people think in the medical field. You need energy. So eat a carb because you're gonna get energy fast, right? It's just the opposite guys. Because when you eat, uh, a simple carb, A crappy carb, okay? First of all, that breaks down way too rapidly. It's like a wood stove. I've talked to you about this for many, many, many years. I I like illustrations guys. Okay? So think of a wood stove. Your body's a wood stove. When you have a piece of bread, what are you putting in the wood stove to heat your house. Paper.

Now have you ever had a wood stove? <laugh> Okay, we had a chalet. We heated it with a wood stove. I tell you one thing, the only time you used paper was at the start because it burned like this. That sugar my friend, when you have a piece of bread, I don't care. "It's 50 grain Dr. Martin. It's 50 grain." I don't care. It's paper in your wood stove. It's gonna burn like that. So what kind of energy you gonna get outta that? Not much. Better to have a log. You take an egg, you got a log, you take meat, you got a log, you eat cheese, you got a log on the fire. Burns slowly, real slowly. But the second part of this is when you eat sugar and you have a crappy carb, it goes to your mitochondria. What are mitochondria? Your battery packs. The problem with sugar in the battery packs. Yes. It don't last long. It's destructive to the mitochondria. Your body is so smart, your little mitochondria go don't gimme that. It's going to destroy my batteries. You're gonna run my batteries empty rapidly.

So your mitochondria, which releases ATP, okay? ATP is the energy, but it destroys it. That's what a free radical does. A free radical oxidizes the mitochondria. And nevermind, you don't get any energy. You're actually destroying your energy centers within your cells. That's how destructive sugar is. And crappy carbohydrates are. They're paper in a wood stove. They are oxidized. They'll age your body so rapidly, not only through AGES glycation, but oxidation. Yeah. Ages your body quickly. Not only your joints, your energy. And people go around and they're consuming 200 pounds of sugar a year. A truckload, a dump truckload of sugar. That's where we're at today.

And here we are scratching our head figuring why are we so sick? Why is the population filled with diobesity? Why is 93% of our population unwell? Why is 65% of our population in 2023 already at 65% already there of chronic disease? That mean they already have heart disease? They already have cancer, they already have Alzheimer's, they already have diabetes. Guys, if you don't think my mission here is important, I'm passionate guys about this passionate. Open our eyes. And I know you guys, you know this already. You guys are the smartest bears on the planet when it comes to help. The lay people here are smart. It's incredible to me.

Okay now listen, for those of you who wanna have some fun <laugh>, okay, we're talking about this, okay, we're talking about this. Now we're gonna start next Monday, but you don't have to start on Monday. You can start after. Look, we're gonna do what we call a meal replacement. I don't know, somebody asked how long are we gonna do it for? Well, let's do it for, um, three weeks a month. Up to you. Okay, let's say a month. We'll do it through the month of February and then if you want to continue on, but here's what it entails. It's meal replacement. It's going back to my weight loss clinic that I actually had in my office, okay? Part of the program was meal replacement, meaning that you got to eat once a day, you make the meal and you pick the meal. You like breakfast, have your bacon and eggs, and then you can have one shake at lunch or one shake at night or both up to you. A lot of people, they don't have breakfast, they have a shake at lunch. Now you're doing intermittent fasting, of course, and they have their supper.

Or you can have a shake at lunch and a shake at night, or you can do whatever you want with it. One to two shakes. Now what I'm asking you to do is do the Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie. Why do I do that? There's a reason for it, because it's so good for you. So you're using up to four ounces of heavy cream. You can use coconut milk. I really don't want you to use any plant or like oat or uh, almond milk or whatever. Do that stuff. That stuff is crap. Okay guys, I hate to say it. It's just crap. What I like, and this is where, uh, a lot of you have already got back to me and said, yeah, I'm going to use the bone broth because I already do it.

I already have it, or I just ordered it or whatever. I like that because there's a reason, by the way, that I like bone broth. I'm a huge, huge guy on bone broth because I know what it did in my office. I used to have hairdressers tell their clients, say, what is Dr. Martin got you on? Your hair is growing, your nails are better, your skin is better, your gut is better. Not the hairdresser was saying that, but bone broth is the best number one best protein in the world. Why collagen protein? Two L glutamine. L glutamine. What's that? Do? Regenerates leaky gut. It regenerates it. That's why I love it. But again, if you don't have that and you want to use, uh, a whey protein powder or whatever, I, you know, that's all right. Okay. I I I don't like pea protein per se. I never thought it was much good. Doesn't have enough amino acids in my opinion.

But if that's what you choose, okay, go for it and we're gonna do it together, okay? And I know a lot of people are doing the reset. They can do this too if they want on the reset. You'll notice in there that if you get my recipe for the perfect smoothie, one thing that I allow this even on the reset is flax seeds. And people always used to look at me like I had two heads. Dr. Martin, flax seeds. Yeah, I love flax seeds. I'll tell you what, because they block estrogen, extra estrogen. And that's a big problem in our society today. Insulin, estrogen. Okay? I did write a book, by the way, Two Hormones That Want You Dead. I talked about insulin and cortisol. That's years ago. I should have wrote three hormones that want you dead, insulin, cortisol, stress, and estrogen. Estrogen wants you dead. And it makes things grow, grow, grow. And it makes your body grow. That's why women have so much trouble losing weight compared to a man. They got estrogen, my friend. They got lots of it. They're too much of a woman. So that's why I have them. Okay? You have any questions about that? Ask your questions and we'll try and answer.

Okay guys, have I told you lately that I love you? I haven't. Okay, well, I'm gonna tell you right now and tomorrow. Okay? Afternoon session. Tomorrow's an afternoon session 4:00 PM Now, I know once in a while I change my mind. I don't mean to do that, but every once in a while on the, uh, when you're doing live programs, things happen. Okay guys, thanks for following us. We appreciate it. Share this. Share this with your friends. Tell 'em about the podcast. The Doctor Is In Podcast, you guys are the ones who do it. That's what's made this popular. You guys have done that. Thank you so much. Love you.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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