1011. Healthy Weight Loss


If you’ve listened to Dr. Martin for some time, you know he’s not a fan of sugar. Two recent articles shared some interesting facts about sugar that Dr. Martin says are surprising, but not shocking.

We now eat in two weeks the amount of sugar our ancestors 200 years ago ate in a whole year. The average North American is consuming 200 pounds of sugar yearly! This is also making us heavier. The average weight of a man in North America is now 200 pounds, and it’s 171 pounds for women. Back in the 60’s those numbers were 30 pounds lighter!

Join Dr. Martin as he shares some principles of weight loss that often go overlooked. Sugar is a problem for most of the population but it doesn’t need to be for you!


Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live this morning. I might be surprising some of you. We had planned an afternoon session today, but, uh, we're gonna go on, uh, this morning. This morning I wanna talk about weight, women always told me don't talk about weight. Okay? Don't get personal. But, we're gonna talk about a few things that you can do now, next Monday. I'm just announcing it ahead of time next Monday, as many as want to, to sign up. Okay? To sign up. Now, a lot of you are already on the reset. Stay on the reset. But what I wanna do next week is start a little program with whoever wants to join us. And we're gonna call it meal replacement therapy. So it's not fasting, but what we're gonna do is we're going to do a shake.

Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie. So what does that include? Cream, four ounces of heavy cream. Now for those who have trouble with cream, there are a few that can't take any of that stuff that you use. Water. Okay? Protein powder. Now I recommend bone broth. There's nothing better than bone broth because it's collagen protein. It's good for your gut, it's good for everything. I'm going to personally be using the bone broth, okay? And I like the vanilla one, but you guys can use any protein powder you want. I don't like the vegetable proteins personally, but if that's what you like. And the idea with this is we're gonna do a meal replacement program. And here's what I'm gonna do.

Once or twice a day, we're going to have a shake, and then we're going to eat one meal a day. Now you can have one shake or two shakes, meaning that for those who want to eat breakfast, you can have a shake and you wanna have your, your meal at lunch, no problem. At supper, you can have another shake. Well, we wanna try this because I've already done it. I, I used to do it in my clinic, but I've already done it again with about, eh, I had more than 10 people. Just try it even on the reset. And they found it to be fantastic. Never hungry, felt good and got more weight loss out of, uh, a program. So that's gonna be next week as a group. If you wanna start it, you can start it ahead of time. Okay? Once a Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie, four ounces.

And this is great for kids, great for kids if you're on the reset, no berries, but just because we want you off of all carbohydrates. But for the meal replacements, if you're not on the full reset, then you can use berries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, use a few berries, give this shake to the kids, four ounces of heavy cream and protein powder, a scoop of it and blend tastes like milkshake you would get at, McDonald's, but good for you. Okay, good for you. So the reason I wanna talk a little bit about weight loss this morning is I read two articles over the weekend and did they blow me away? No, it didn't shock me, but it shocking they didn't shock me. Cuz I talk about this so often. But here's what it is, okay? This article, one of the articles said this, okay, I'm gonna quote it.

We now eat, okay? You and I and the average population, cuz you and I don't do this, but the world out there does this. We now eat in North America in two weeks. The amount of sugar are ancestors. 200 years ago, eight in a whole year. Let me restate it, we now eat in two weeks. The amount of sugar are ancestors 200 years ago ate in a whole year. You know, I always tell my grandchildren, this grandpa, you know, cuz they know I'm the sugar monster cuz I, you know, they all grandpa, there's sugar in them. Grandpa, sugar grandpa don't like sugar. And they know they've known me for a long time. I have my own radio show. My grandchildren, they grew up and they said, grandpa, one thing he don't like is sugar. Yeah. And they were right. Okay, but can you imagine folks that we eat more in two weeks than our ancestors 200 years ago ate in a whole year.

And I tell my grandchildren, Hey, grandpa had cookies and ice cream too, you know? But remember in the 1950s when I was a little boy, it was 25 pounds of sugar a year. And it's up to now all close to 200. That's the average. Okay? And then the second one, a second article goes along with this article, but it says this, the average weight of a man in North America is now 200 pounds. The average weight of a woman in North America is 171 pounds. In the year 1960, the average weight of a man is the same average weight of a woman. Here we are in, this was taken in 2000. So in 1960, the average man in North America weighed 171 pounds. That's gone up to 200 pounds. Okay? Almost 30 pounds, guys, what's happening? Okay? What's happening? Why is the world changed so much?

Okay? And what I attribute that to more than anything else is not only the amount of sugar that we consume, but it's because the world thought they were smart, changed the sugar to high fructose corn syrup. And the rest is history. Because we have gotten so big, because it's high fructose corn syrup, it's liquified sugar. It's the worst thing on planet earth. Believe you mean the Frankenstein of sugars. It goes directly to the liver after it does damage in the gut, it changes your microbiome in the gut. It's not good for your gut at all. But there's sugar, which is in everything, and it's couched. And the food industry, okay, that used to be in the tobacco industry, found a way to hook people. And you gotta give them credit they're good at. And then they spend a fortune buying dieticians, buying their way into medical schools and they hook up with the pharmaceutical industry.

The pharmaceutical industry is not interested in food whatsoever, except they want you to stick to the plan because you are gonna need their medications. If we, if we eat, consume that much sugar, you're gonna need meds. And let me give you another article that came out, just to tie this in a little wee bit. If you don't think food has affected us, not only in our size, but heart and stroke, Hey, listen to this. Now in the United States of America, this is only in the states. It costs 363 billion a year for heart and stroke. Between medical costs and lack of productivity cost 363 billion a year. Diabetes 327 billion a year. And let me say this, both of those things, diabetes, heart and stroke are primarily without very little exception. It's metabolic syndrome. And metabolic syndrome is a food syndrome. And the food syndrome is sugar and crappy carbohydrates, sugar and crappy carbohydrates.

It's killing. Are we gonna do anything about it generally? No. You know, I know we become messengers. I talked to someone at church yesterday and they got the memo, I guess I talked to them about a year ago about cutting out sugar and cutting out those crappy carbohydrates. And I haven't seen that person in a year. And he told me it's made an enormous difference in his life. It lost 30 pounds, felt so much better and was sticking to the plan. He said, doc, I feel thanks. And I said, oh, okay. What did I do? I, well, because you talked to me. Uh, I did, yeah, I talked to a lot of people. Tens of thousands a week. But this person, I guess I talked to him personally about it. Now let's get back to weight loss a little bit.

I just wanna give you some principles of weight loss. Now remember the reset was not primarily for weight loss, okay? So just understand that people think it's a weight loss program. Well, you can use it for a weight loss program, but it was meant to fix metabolic syndrome, which is a food problem, which is an insulin resistance problem. It was named da da. But let me talk about weight loss a little bit. I can talk about weight loss. I've been around for a long time. You name the diet, I can give you a little Cole's notes version of what it is. And you know, is there any real tricks? You know, here's what it is. We have to form habits and habit forming is not easy. It just isn't. But it's worth it. Okay? So let me give you a few tips on weight loss that sometimes people don't consider. And folks I will not mention a calorie ever. I won't even mention weight loss in with exercise. I won't do it. Why? Because you cannot out exercise a bad diet. You can. So this will be very practical. Let's change our drinks.

Okay? So here's what you can do and it's very doable. Let's change our drinks. Okay? What are we gonna drink on a weight loss program? Okay, this is for weight loss. It's in the reset by the way. Drink water. How much? At least two liters a day. Drink water. 64 ounces for my American friends. Drink water. You have no idea how good water is for you. And water actually helps with your metabolism. Only water is water. No juices. Now if you wanna do a meal replacement and do a shake, you do Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie. I allow that. Otherwise you drink water and coffee. Why coffee? Because coffee acts like metformin. Now, I brought this to you last week that the, geniuses in the medical industry and pharmaceutical industry were saying last week it was a big thing. And I was actually hit the mainstream media. We gotta do something about obesity in 12 and 13 year olds. It's catastrophic. I agree with that. But their solution was to give medications like metformin. Is it ozempic? You know, which is an insulin drug.

What you wanna give drugs to kids or surgery staple their stomach at 12 and 13 years old. That's your solution to obesity. My word. But you see that's sponsored by the food company. The food companies don't want you to change your diet. Well, you just eat our cereal cuz it's good for you. Nah, it's no good for you and it will make you fat. But you see, they don't want you to change food. They want you to put you on drugs. Oh, what do we drink? You wanna lose weight, you wanna have a healthy weight loss, then drink water and drink coffee. Coffee acts like metformin. I preach that all the time. And study after study has confirmed it, it will actually lower your blood sugar if you lower your blood sugar. That's why a coffee is great with a meal. If you lower your blood sugar, you're gonna lower your insulin response.

And insulin is a fat storing hormone. Okay? So what do we do? One, change your drinks. And you know, by the way, no diet cola if you wanna lose weight, why is that? Because it stimulates your insulin, it changes your microbiome. Okay? So don't get fooled by that stuff. You know, oh doc, I'm having a diet coke and I know it's not full of sugar, but it's full of bad sweeteners that really still stimulate your insulin. Maybe not to the extent sugar does, but it doesn't matter if you're trying to lose wheat and right. And I don't like water too bad. Suck it up buttercup. You can do this. Nobody said the weight loss is gonna be easy. It's never easy. It's never easy. Okay? One, change your drink. Avoid all sugar and all junk. Avoid all sugar and all junk. Okay? You're going to eat, but you're not going to eat sugar.

So you go on a sugar fast, like you're not having any sugars, you're not having any breads, you're not having noodles, okay? You're not having rice. If you wanna lose weight, you gotta avoid those things. They all turn to sugar in rapid nanoseconds. Okay? Now eat. Third thing, what do we eat? Eat a lot of animal protein. Okay? So I'm not talking only about the reset here. And the reset is all animal protein. It's protein and fat, eggs, meat and cheese. Eat a lot of the, okay, eat a lot of the Now if you're not hungry, don't eat. And what I don't want you to do is snack. No snacks. I'm talking about weight loss here. No snacking. Don't get your insulin going. Remember what I taught you last week, okay? I used this little illustration. Let me see if I can find it. Anyway, I can do it again.

It's easy to do. I'm gonna make a little drawing, okay? I'm just gonna put this, okay, now you guys can't read my writing, but okay, see my little notepad here. And this is at the two hour mark. See that two hours when you eat any carbohydrate, Martin, it's oatmeal. I don't care when you eat any carbohydrate, you're eating right here. See that? Okay. And for those folks listening on a podcast, I just put a little graph here and I started with this point right here. You're eating and you're having any carb. What people don't realize is two hours later, you see right here, two hours down the groth, you're still treating insulin. What? Yeah, your pancreas is still working. Secreting insulin. Insulin takes the carb, it's converted to sugar, and then insulin takes that sugar outta your bloodstream and parks it, it parks it in your muscles, in your liver or in your fat cells and it'll make as many fat cells as it needs to make.

Folks, that is nutrition 1 0 1. You have to understand that. That's why when we talk about the type of foods to eat, it's not calories. You get it? It's not calories, it's insulin my friend insulin. Okay? So how do you circumvent this? How do you stop insulin from being secreted hardly at all by eating animal protein and fat eggs? You need a teen sea weeny bit of insulin. When you eat an egg, you need a teen sea weeny bit of insulin. When you have a steak or bacon in the morning, you need a teen sea weeny bit. If you have some cheese. God, why do you think I talk about that all the time? I know you think I'm crazy. I'm not crazy. Well, maybe I am guys. This is food science. It's insulin baby. Because insulin is a fat storing hormone. This is why you don't wanna snack.

And if you are snacking, better be protein and it better be animal protein. Okay? If you wanna lose weight, we're talking weight loss. Now, you know, I'm not talking about just getting rid of insulin resistance. I'm talking about people that wanna lose weight. You drink water, change your drink, drink water, drink coffee. You can have a meal replacement. And we'll start that next week with Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie. Okay two, eat animal protein. Change your drinks. Change your food, okay? Change your food. It's very important to do that. Don't snack. And make sure you're drinking enough water and avoid all sugar and junk. That's what you do. It works. It's healthy, it's the best thing for you. Not calories in, calories out. Eat less and move more. Man. Oh man, I heard that. All my practice days and even today. Hi Dr. Martin. I'm on a 600 calorie diet. Well, not good because I can guarantee you that the day you come off of it, your weight's coming back. What are you gonna do? Eat 600 calories every day for the rest of your life. Well, good luck with that. This is sustainable guys, because it, again, you're changing habits. You're changing habits. You don't need medication. You need good, healthy habits.

Okay guys, we got a great week coming up. We do a lot of great studies coming out, we'll talk about them. So, keep, keep your questions coming. Get ready for Friday. Question and answer Friday. I did question and answer Saturday last week. How did you like that <laugh>? Okay. I shocked the living life out of people. Okay guys, we love you. We'll talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!
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