1007. Food Intolerances: A Growing Epidemic


When Dr. Martin was in grade school, food intolerances were unheard of. Nowadays, it’s estimated that 60 to 70% of the population has some form of food allergy. What has changed that they are so prevalent now?

In today’s episode, Dr. Martin continues with his series on myths. Yesterday he dispelled myths about vitamin D, and today he looks at myths about food.

We live in a different world than when Dr. Martin was a kid. The overuse of antibiotics and the presence of chemicals and plastics in our food are just a few examples of the various environmental factors that we are constantly exposed to.


Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes. 

Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. Hope you're having a great start to your day. Nice to be with you. And okay, guys, I'm doing a week of, at least, I think I'm gonna do the whole week of myths. And yesterday we did some of the myths of vitamin D. There's a lot out there. So if you didn't get a chance yesterday to see that, stay tuned for the podcasts. That'll be coming up on the doctors in podcasts about the myths of vitamin D. It'll answer a lot of your questions because a lot of questions about vitamin D because there's no money in vitamin D. So there's a war on vitamin D. We've been saying that for the last several years, the war on vitamin D, because there's a lot of myths out there about vitamin D. People really don't know what they're talking about, and no one's giving them the right information about it. 

So let's do another myth here. Okay, are myths in eating, I guess I don't know how to, I want to describe this, but can someone explain to me when I was a kid, okay, we're going back into the days of Noah, okay? When I was a kid in the 1950s, when I was in grade school, okay? And I mean this, someone explained this to me. Why on Earth there was no such thing that I ever saw anyway. Uh, lactose intolerance, peanut allergies, gluten intolerance, you know what I call gluten, gluten schmoo in the office. I used to say gluten schmoo. Okay? So someone explained to me, okay, why today 60, 70% of the population have some type of lactose intolerant. Why do we see these people with EpiPens and whatever for peanut allergies? I never saw that as a kid. 

Not once that I can remember. And the other thing is the gluten. Why do we see that so much of that today? Now, I have my theories and I think I'm right, but I want you guys to think about that. Someone explained it to me. Why didn't we see these things that we never really saw before? Okay? And you guys are thinking, I've talked to you about it before. So let me give you my take on the myths, okay? On the myths. Because when you look at these things, okay, whether it be gluten, whether it be intolerance to peanuts or, or whatever, and I mean, think of today, there's a lot of school. You can't even bring peanut butter into a school. True or false? What? What? Yeah. Can't even bring peanut butter into a school. And a lot of schools, I don't know if it's everywhere, okay? Don't bring peanut butter and dairy, but especially lactose. So the myth is that one, that these things have always been around. Uh, no, they haven't. Or they would just misdiagnose, uh, no, that's not the right answer. That's a myth. 

Why is it today that we see so much of that? Well, I wanna give you a couple of reasons. One, we live in a different world, okay? You and I live in a different world. Things have changed. One of the things that have changed is what we call the microbiome. Your immune system found within your gut, the microbiome. It's everywhere. But more specifically, 80% of your immune system is found in your gut. Do you wanna know why we see so much peanut allergies? You wanna know why we see so much gluten, schmoo, Celia, our gluten intolerance, 70, 80% of the population have some form of lactose intolerance. I'm gonna start with the microbiome. Things are changing. Our guts have changed. You and I live in a generation, okay? You and I are living at a time that most people on the planet, not all of course, but most have damaged their microbiome. They changed that ecosystem within their God. And the primary culprit are antibiotics. 

The greatest discovery of the 20th century and what I call the curse of the 21st, the curse of the 21st. And guys, I'm adamant about that. Wonderful lifesaving medications, wonderful lifesaving medications, but there's a double edged sword. They wipe out in five days. The microbiome, they change the status of your gut. It creates a condition called leaky gut. So it's the chicken or the egg, guys. And today I wanna talk to you about the chicken, not the egg, the chicken. What started, why? I always ask why if I see something in almost like epidemic proportions. And like I said, I started off with that statement this morning, who can explain to me something that I never saw as a kid? And I, that guys never, I don't remember. Can I tell you something else? I never, ever remember asthma as a kid in kids. 

I'm not saying no, didn't occur. I'm just saying no one that I ever saw as a kid in any of my classes ever had an asthma pump. What has happened? See, that's the way I think. Why, why? And I'm telling you my friend, we start in the gut. There's no such thing, in my opinion, no such thing as any autoimmune that doesn't start in the microbiome, in the gut. Because autoimmune disorders where the immune system turns on itself, things come into the body that never would bother the body before. Now they see it as a foreign invader, including foods like peanuts, including foods like, uh, dairy and including foods like gluten. See, I don't blame gluten. I really don't. And you know what, again, I've seen celiac. Okay? I've seen celiac, but it's a rare, rare condition. My friend. I tell you people, if they would change their microbiome, if they would fix their leaky gut, whether it is an allergy, whether it is an autoimmune disease like ms, like Parkinson's, like rheumatoid arthritis, like eczema, like psoriasis, what you see there, my friend, is started in the gut. It's leaky gut. And leaky gut is never meant to be. It's never meant to be. 

Leaky gut is a modern D phenomenal. It's a modern day. Phenomenal. And if we look at it and we backtrack and look at what's happened in our society today, even from the 1950s when I was a little boy, what in the heck? What has happened? Why do we live in such a different world? What has happened? And my friend, we start in the God, I've been preaching <laugh>, the leaky gut for a long time. I have. But when you look at the modern day conditions, it's amazing to me how the obvious has been missing. They're not into fixing these conditions. They're into managing these conditions, managing them. How about we fix them before they happen if we can. I tell you, I've talked to you about this many times in the past, the gut, and with a baby, it starts right in the placenta. Mommy has leaky gut. Baby gets leaky gut. 

And baby in their first couple of years of life, this is so essential for their long-term health, is the develop a condition called leaky gut when they are on their first round of antibiotics. And it doesn't happen right away, guys like leaky gut, you know, because people think leaky gut, they think in their mind, at least when I talk to a lot of people, leaky gut, well, I don't have any digestive issues, doc. I don't feel no pain in my gut. Yeah, but that's not what leaky gut is. Now you can have ibs, you can have I b D, you can have all these conditions. You can have upper gi, you can have stomach problems and all that. Now they're part of the parcel. But you might not have any symptoms at all and have leaky gut. And that's why even today, if you did a survey, I can't even believe I'm saying this, but if you did a survey amongst physicians, okay, just let's go to medical schools. 

And we did a survey, and then those who have graduated from medical school did, did a survey. Do you believe in leaky gut? Yes or no? And I'm telling you, my friend, I'm telling you, I doubt that even 30 40% of physicians even believe in leaky gut. They really don't know what it is they haven't been taught. And that's why, again, we look for love in all the wrong places when it comes to autoimmune. Because if you got a peanut allergy, you got an autoimmune disorder, your immune said, peanut shouldn't bother you, shouldn't bother your children or your grandchildren. What? 

So what's happened, number one, leaky gut. Leaky gut is when, again, always good to repeat. You have a barrier in your gut between your gut and your blood. Now remember what your blood is. Your blood goes through 60,000 miles plus of blood vessels. What does blood do? Well, it brings you all of one oxygen from your brain to your toes. It brings you nutrients that have been micros sized from your food. And your blood is the river of life. Now, have you ever seen a polluted river with waste and garbage in the river? Have you ever seen that? A toxic soup in the river? Yeah. Yeah, I've seen that. Well, that's what leaky gut is. You see, the river is supposed to be pristine. Your body has a barrier between your gut and your blood. The blood gut barrier, it's supposed to be tightly, tightly knit. 

Nothing gets into the bloodstream that doesn't belong. Water, oxygen. Your red blood cells do that. And nutrients, micro size. What happens when the barrier has been compromised? What happens? You have pollution. And like I said, there's other things that cause that. But the number one cause, and I've been talking about this for 50 years, are antibiotics. They're wonderful. They save your life. But the flip side of them is they start a process in the body that allows the river to become polluted. And your body responds to that pollution. They set off an inflammation, they set off an autoimmune response saying that don't belong in your blood. What's it doing in there? Let's get it out of there. And the body overreacts, my friend. That's what autoimmune is. It sets up antibodies. And then you get thyroid problems. A lot of times it's an autoimmune response. You get skin problems, you get brain problems, you get lung problems. And the myth out there is, well, it's just the way it is. Johnny boy has an allergy, the peanuts, and here's an EpiPen. They never try and fix it. Susie over there has a problem with gluten. 

They don't think past their nose. What started that problem? And Joe, he's got a problem with dairy man, lactose. Okay? So number one, where does it start the gut? And I'm telling you, my audience knows more about leaky gut than just about anybody else in the world. It's one of our three seeds of a disease, right? Leaky gut, insulin and oxidative damage, the premature aging of the body. Anyway, back to, can someone explain to me why we see so much of these conditions? Why? So that's number one. Number two, follow with me here. Okay? When you get leaky gut, something else happens. Yes, you have toxins in your blood and your body responds to those toxins, and sometimes they over respond. You get autoimmune. But the other thing that happens, very important to understand that the body creates what we call a disbiosis. Okay? Leave it to medicine to give us a big knee and what that is, okay? 

Dysbiosis is the war that we don't see. It's an invisible war. A war that occurs within the gut. It's a war, okay? Between good and bad bacteria and dysbiosis is that you, when you have an imbalance of that, you have more bad guys than good guys. Of course, that creates havic in the body, leaky gut. One, two, you get an invasion of a third army, fungus, yeast, Candida, I've always said, always said yeast, when it gets into your bloodstream where it doesn't belong, it can travel. It hitches its wagon inside your blood, and it travels to distant territories from your gut to your brain, from your gut, to your sinuses, from your gut, to your joints, from your gut, to your lungs, from your gut, to your liver, from the gut to your toes. 

And fungus, yeast, three names, fungus, yeast, candida albicans. My friend, I talked about this in chronic fatigue syndrome when I wrote my first book about, I talked about what happens with that invasive army, what it does to people and how destructive it is, and how your body fights it. Autoimmune. The body wants to fight it. It knows it's there. Again, it oh, overreacts. And that's how I explain to myself why we see what we see in this day and age. That's why I always call the gluten schmoo my friend. It ain't the gluten, okay? It's not the gluten gluten's been around forever. It's what we've done to ourselves in the name of progress. Look, like I said, you get antibiotics and then you feed. See that army, that third army, when it invades your body through the bloodstream, it'll go into the break. 

By the way, by the way, how does Mercury, stay Dr. Martin stay away from fish. Okay? You know how many times I've heard that because of mercury? And I said, well, you don't have to worry about mercury. Your party knows how to get rid of mercury unless you have leaky gut. And the only way mercury lead cadium can travel through your bloodstream, it needs a ride. Okay, guys, it needs a ride. You know how it travels. You know how heavy metals travel through your body? That's why I'm not that big on heavy metals. It's not that I don't talk about it, of course, like mercury, lead, cadmium, like, you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah. But they have no ability to get into your body. Like there's mercury in, you know, especially the big fish, right? And they say, well, there's mercury in there, dog. Well, look, first of all, you ain't living in a pristine world. 

I'm sorry. Everything you eat, to some extent, even if it's fully organic, has been tainted. Okay? Now, Dr. Martin, I never eat steak because you know, those cows eat grass and there's pesticides and herbicides and antibiotics that the cows eat. And I'll never eat that stuff. I said, well, listen, your cow, your neighborhood cow, it's got a liver. You got a liver, and you can get rid of anything with your liver as, first of all, as long as it's not gummed up. Okay? And second of all, okay, if you get rid of yeast, because yeast, candida fungus gets into the bloodstream, and heavy metals love to attach their wagons to that stuff. That's how it crosses the blood brain barrier, that's why in Parkinson's, and I said this 50 years ago, Parkinson's, when they used to see, and they still do, by the way, on autopsy in the brain of people who have Parkinson's. 

It's incredible how that is on steroids today. There's so much Parkinson's, there's so much Ms, there's so much autoimmune. But by the way, when they do autopsies on Parkinson's, you know what? They found heavy metals. Mercury led almost invariably. But here's the big point that I wanna make. Never in the absence when they see heavy metals, never in the absence of candida in the brain, fungus, fungal infection, you don't know it. So my friend, that is a huge, huge issue. Leaky gut. And then we feed the bears. Yeast can only live, listen to what I'm gonna say. Yeast only lives on sugar. Okay? Yeast only lives on sugar. Now, let me say this as a statement, okay? Sugar has more people in the last 70 years has caused more destruction in the last 70 years than any war, than any virus, than any bacteria sugar has. 

Because sugar, it's destructive. Your body wasn't made to eat it. And of course, today, you know, man always thinks they're smarter than God. Always, right? They always think they're smarter. So here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna take sugar and we're going to make one that's cheap, addictive, and we can make it in our laboratory, and we're going to give it a name that appears to be healthy. And what are we gonna call it? High fructose corn syrup. Oh, boy, does that ever feed ye fungal? And by the way, high fructose corn syrup has mercury in it, and they put it in everything, and they couch it by giving it what? A hundred different names to nobody. Nobody. Nobody, ah, I shouldn't say nobody, but just about nobody ever calls the food industry on this thing. Cause I'll tell you what the food industry has done, and they're smart. 

They have bought and paid for their little lackies to push from the dietician schools to the, you name it. You know what's interesting that even today in 2023, I gotta get used to that. 2023. I'm used to 2022 and just wanna get used to 2022. It's 2023. So what happens is that they couch this thing, this sugars and everything, and it feeds, feeds. That third invasive army that sneaks in through the blood gut barrier, it sneaks in. And never, never, never, never, never should get into your bloodstream. Here we are today. All these allergies, all these intolerances. I don't care if my friend, if whoever came into my office, if you had any kind of intolerance at all. I wasn't aiming at the intolerance. I was aiming at your God. I said, let's fix the border. 

Okay? President Biden visited the border, the southern border. Why doesn't he visit the northern border? Well, there's no problem at the northern border, you ever tried to get into the United States without your passport? US Canadians, right? You ever tried? Good luck with that. Okay? At one time when I was a kid, you needed your driver's license. Today, you better have your passport. You ain't getting into the United States. That border is well secure, but the leaky gut is at the southern border. Right? That's leaky gut, my friend. That is why I can explain to myself what is going on in our world today. And yet not even taught in medical schools. They don't even teach it. Now, a lot of people are doing research on the microbiome. It is one of the most fascinating new things in medicine is that they're studying the microbiome. I love it. I do. I hope it filters down to the rank and file in medicine so they start understanding what's happening in our society today. Okay, guys, have I told you lately that I love you? I haven't, well, I mean it. We're gonna continue with this myth things, I think all week. Okay. The myth of different things. I find them fascinating. Okay guys, we love you and we'll talk to you soon. 

Announcer: You've reached the end of Another Doctor is in podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin, Jr. And Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode, and thanks for listening.

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