You probably never think of your thymus gland and likely don’t know of its purpose. A new study came out showing that this small little insignificant gland actually has a purpose. The research showed that the thymus gland is actually like a university. It’s a bootcamp for your white blood cells!
Join Dr. Martin in today’s episode as he teaches about the thymus gland and the role it plays in how our body functions. In Dr. Martin’s words, it’s absolutely incredible!
Announcer: You're listening to the doctor is in podcast, brought to you by Martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information as awesome as the info may be. It is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. How are you? I'm on the road this morning, guys. I'm calling this the U of T. Now, when I say the U of T, if you're Canadian, you're probably thinking the university of Toronto. If you live in the states where Dr. McEwen is, you're thinking the university of Tennessee, U of T, but do you know that your body has a U of T at university for your white blood cells? Do you know what it's called? Your thymus gland, your thymus gland. It's a university for your T cells, your white blood cells, your Navy seals, a new study came out.
Absolutely incredible. When you think about it, how your body operates, it's unreal. The university of Tennessee, the university of Toronto, except it's inside your body. Do you know where your thymus Cland is? By the way, your thymus Cland is just in, behind your chest wall, right? In behind the sternum. So hit your sternum, okay. Around the upper part of your sternum. See, I'm hitting my sternum right now. Your thymus gland is in behind that. It's just a small little insignificant gland. You don't think about it. Have you ever thought about your thymus? Probably not, but what we are showing in research. It's actually a university. It's a bootcamp for your white blood cells.
It trains them. Now, where are your white blood cells made guys? Where are your white blood cells? My bone marrow. Okay. But when you make T cells, they're sent from your bone marrow to your thymus to get educated. And you know, I start laughing. I mean, it's not like, I didn't know what the thymus gland did in a way, but not to the extent that we know now that there's actually an education that takes place inside that little gland. Are you kidding me? They actually teach your white blood cells. The difference between a bacteria, a virus, how to differentiate that. I wonder if they teach them how to use their little antennas to take in vitamin D. Isn't that incredible guys like, think about that for a minute. Come on. It's unreal. Now, what do we know about T cells, your Navy seals of your white blood cells.
They're the first responders this morning as we were driving, there must have been an accident behind us because there was three police cars racing, going the other way. First responders first one's in that's your T cells guys. And you know, what's interesting because the article talked about the precision that has taught these white blood cells. Unreal guys. Here's the words they used your perfect immune system and guys through the last couple of years, you know, this, what has frustrated me the most is the lack of talk on your immune system. You have an immune system and anything else that you do, okay? I don't wanna get into the virus or anything else, any virus, as a matter of fact, the idea is not so much what you're fighting. It's how your immune system responds.
You have an immune system and the first responders are your T cells and your T cells are educated, are trained in your thymus gland. So what do we know about T cells? Well, first of all, not only do they get trained in the thymus, but every T-cell in your body has a little antenna on top. You see T-cells now Nick Jeannette, people that worked with me for years, I used to show them your white blood cells, those Navy seals, fascinating chasing a bacteria, chasing down and often catching right on the screen. It was fun to watch. It really was. And they would knock over, like, if you had red blood cells in the way or other stuff in the way, like platelet out of the way here I come, guys, if you have a good immune system, you have nothing to worry about. And if you don't have a good immune system, I don't care what you do.
You're in trouble. You need a good immune system. So let's talk about keeping your T cells in tip top shape. You know that they've gone and got their education. They went to the U of T, they got their education. Now they don't work properly without what vitamin D vitamin D viderma. And you know what, guys, I've always done this by the way. And I don't think I've ever talked to you about it. What did I tell you? Where do you need to get sun in order to absorb vitamin D your arms and legs, right? Those are the main places. That's why you're not really getting vitamin D in the middle of winter. If you live in Northern Ontario, even if the sun is out now, it doesn't mean it's no good for you. We've talked about that. How important vitamin D is even for producing melatonin in your eyeballs, in your third eyeball, call your pin, Glen.
Okay. But if you don't have a good immune system, I don't care what you do. You're gonna be in deep Dodo. You need a good immune system. Okay? So Viderma on this skin charges up, your T-cell now cells. Now here's something that I've been doing for years and years and years. Okay. And again, I don't think I've ever talked to you about it. It's just something I do. I love to get sun right on my thymus plan. I try and aim for that. Okay. So letting the sun hit the thymus plant, so hit your chest. Okay. Hit, hit your breast bone, your sternum hit it and get the sun right there. Look, it's just a little trick, but I always believed, we didn't know about the specific education they got, but I always knew that white blood cells went from your bone marrow to your thymus gland.
So in my little mind, whenever I would get in the sun and I could sun bathe, I always tried to talk to myself saying, I want a good 10 minutes on my thymus camp. The sun coming right down on there and super charging my immune system. I, guys I've been doing that for 50 years when I can. Now, I don't know if that's science or not. We know the arms, we know the legs, but like I said, I I'm just sharing something that I've done for years. So you need vitamin D because your white blood cells depend on that. They are your solar panel. You got a solar panel today. We talk about battery charged everything. Well, your white blood cells work on a battery with vitamin D. Isn't that incredible. And secondly, on a negative side, this has been shown what will put your white blood cells to sleep sugar? Your white blood cells are going to have a siesta for an hour. This has been shown one teaspoon of sugar, white blood cells have a sleep. You ever had a big meal and you wanted to go to sleep after which isn't a good idea by the way. no, but that's what your white blood cells wanna do. When you have sugar on the positive side, you need vitamin D on the negative side, you gotta eliminate sugar. That's another reason not to consume sugar.
One teaspoon of sugar puts your white blood cells to sleep. Isn't that incredible guys. Isn't that incredible. Think about that. Think about the importance of good nutrition for your immune system. I know nobody talks about it. Don't wait for the mainstream media. Don't wait. You guys do it. Get your vitamin D you might try that little trick. Of getting some sun right on your thymus gland okay. When the sun's out, I was blown away by this yesterday. I really was.
Because I was reading this article and when I marveled how the white blood cells go to university, they go to boot camp before they're sent out to defend the human body. Incredible guys, incredible. You're fearfully and wonderfully made. That didn't happen by chance guys. I'm telling you that didn't happen by chance. Now it's a little bit shorter today. Because I'm traveling. I got a long way to go. Okay. Now guys, we love you. I want you to think about your time Thymus gland today. I really do. We love you and we'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another. Doctor is in podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin, Jr. And senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.