Since 1980 the rates of obesity in North America have quadrupled! What has changed to make these numbers soar? Dr. Martin says it’s because they changed the sugar.
In the 1980s, high fructose corn syrup was approved for use in food. They went from a glucose to a fructose because it crystalizes well, it’s inexpensive, and very addictive. Dr. Martin says the food industry knew exactly what they were doing. They essentially liquified sugar and now it goes directly to your liver. This is bad news!
Dr. Martin also responds to some unanswered questions from the last Q&A session. He answers questions about vitamin D with K2, diabetics with high A1C, varicose veins, coconut milk, apple cider vinegar, and more in today’s episode.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good afternoon everyone. Hope you are having a great day. Thanks so much for joining us. Couple of little headlines here today. Okay, and I actually gonna maybe answer a few questions that came out last week and I forgot. Well, I didn't forget, first of all, I didn't finish last Friday cause we had a lot of questions and I guess I was pontificating on other things. And secondly, I meant to do it, to answer the questions I didn't earlier this weekend. I, I must admit that, uh, it slipped my mind. Obesity rates quadrupled in 1980 to now. What happened? Okay, why have obesity rates tripled? Well, I'm gonna tell you why they changed the sugar. Okay? They changed the sugar. They went from a glucose, a sucrose, and they went to a fructose. Not a good idea. It sounded good. High fructose corn syrup. And remember, fructose heads to the liver liquid, okay?
They liquify it. High fructose corn syrup. And the reason, it's because it crystallizes very well. You can put it in food, you can add it to everything. It's very inexpensive. It is very, very addictive. One of the most addictive sugars ever. The food industry knew exactly what they were doing and they hooked us. And the result of that is a quadrupling of obesity rates. So that's the story since 1980, quadrupled, uh, you don't have to be a rocket scientist, you just need to use your eyeballs. Walk around in a mall, wherever you go. What do we see? Right? We see the, um, obesity rates skyrocketed. Now listen, that's not all that is skyrocketed. Non-alcoholic fatty liver, when they changed that sugar and they went to high fructose corn syrup, one of the worst things that they could have ever done in terms of our health, not for their pocketbook, but for our health, because of that direct line to the liver. And the liver is a parking lot. That's the way I like to look at it. It's only got so many room for so many spaces. I call it the Costco parking lot. Tony Jr. likes the minivan. You pack it up, go on a holiday, and you're outta room.
And, okay, let's talk about this just for a second. Let's break this down. The side effects. We talked about obesity. We've talked about non-alcoholic fatty liver. Epidemics today. Quadrupled in obesity. And let me tell you something, non-alcoholic fatty liver was unheard of before 1980. I mean, it was so rare. It was incredible. Okay? And then if you draw a line from 1980 and you look, and what do we have? We have an explosion of diabetes. I call it diabesity, okay? Diabesity. We have an explosion because you can't have non-alcoholic fatty liver and not get the ramifications of that liver being stuffed up. We've talked about this a kazillion times. When the liver is stuffed up, its response is to make triglycerides and your triglycerides go through the roof and your HDL, your cholesterol goes down. And now someone in that position is in a very high likelihood of having heart disease. It's not cholesterol. Well, okay, it is, but it's not high cholesterol. It's low cholesterol. It's not high cholesterol, it's triglycerides. And your HDL will go over and over and over again. And so, you know what happens in the liver. It's not Las Vegas, it doesn't stay in the liver. It's now often to the bloodstream. And you're damaging your blood vessels with fat balls. Nevermind... And the inflammation that affects the endothelium. That's your Teflon layer of your blood vessels. Inflammation over a period of time will damage that. It will plaque it up.
And then we have the effect on the brain. We've talked about this a lot. When the liver you get and you have trouble with insulin, you have insulin resistance. The brain is very much affected by that. That sugar high fructose corn syrup is very destructive to the brain, very destructive. The problem with high fructose corn syrup, okay? Not only that it's fructose headed off into the liver, but your brain... Look, your brain is the federal government. Your brain is headquarters. Okay? Think about it that way. So it doesn't matter what you eat, your brain says, hey, you owe me from that food. Your brain is an energy crazy machine and it takes your food every time you breathe oxygen, okay? Your brain needs oxygen. You knew that and your brain needs food. And what happens in the brain is that, especially your little mitochondria in the brain, it produces ATP and it wants the first fruits.
So look, if people insist on giving it high fructose corn syrup, your brain says okay. Problem with that is it produces a very rapid response of ATP. You're using oxygen and digested food. High fructose corn syrup takes a beeline to your brain. And because of that, you have a lot of debris. You have carbon dioxide and you have oxygen free radicals. And the brain is really saturated with these free radicals when people make the wrong choices. This is why I always want to you guys to think of eggs, meat, and cheese. Why is that? It's a much better fuel for your brain. You're not going to have the debris. Now, we talk about this quite a bit too. Your brain has its own self-cleaning oven, <laugh>, okay? You got a self-cleaning oven at home. Okay? Well, your brain's got a self-cleaning oven. It's called your glial cells, your lymphatic system.
So when you eat eggs, meat, cheese, you don't have a lot of debris. You're not creating all these free radicals. You're gonna have a few, but you're not having locks in them. I, I was reading something in a book recently. Your brain goes through nearly six kilograms of ATP per day. Holy moly. But much less if you're eating eggs, meat, and cheese. But it folks insist on giving the brain the wrong fuel. And the worst is high fructose corn syrup. Addictive. It takes a root in the brain the same as cocaine. Do you think the food industry didn't know what they were doing? But I don't think they ever thought it would be that destructive. I really don't. I give them the benefit of the doubt. Yes. So we're hooking you on sugar. So what? They had no idea and they should've how toxic sugar is and especially high fructose corn syrup.
And so what do we see today? Here's the stats. Obesity rates since 1980. And by the way, that's when high fructose corn syrup was created. I think it was 1982 if I'm not mistaken on that. So I just thought I'd mention that. Brain energy, liver damage, blood vessel damage. And folks, someone that's obese, their cancer rates go through the roof compared to a normal weight person. It's the way it is. Cancer's up. Cardiovascular disease is up, Alzheimer's is up, and obviously diabetes, obviously diabetes. Okay, thought I would bring that to you. Okay? Bad news on the antibiotics. We talked about it earlier this week, but I just want to give you a little bit more. This was an article that came out recently. Listen to this, 30 to 50% of antibiotic use is unnecessary. 30 to 50%. Listen to this one. 20% of emergency room visits are due to the side effects of antibiotic. 20%. 2 million people get infected a year with bacterial resistant like super bugs. 2 million people in the United States alone, 23,000 of them die from that infection because antibiotics are not working. They go into sepsis. 30 to 60% of antibiotics in intensive care are unnecessary. And I understand why they use them. Uh, we don't want any chance of infections. So they use antibiotics, but when they're not necessarily, you're creating these super bugs, okay?
Center for Disease Control estimates by the year 2050, okay? 2050, the cost of antibiotic resistant bacteria will be around a hundred trillion dollars. Bad news on antibiotics, they can save your life. But we gotta get ahold of antibiotics and use them properly. It's not like doctors don't get the memo on that. I remember even in Ontario, the College of Physicians and Surgeons put out a memo. This is 15 years ago, maybe even 20. I remember I reported it on my radio show back in those days. And they send out an etic saying, look you guys, doctors, stop giving antibiotics for colds. If it's viral, leave it alone. Don't give them an antibiotic. But it's been hard to get their attention. And I mentioned this last week, pharmacists should never, ever, ever let you leave the pharmacy with an antibiotic without a probiotic saying, you know what, you need to take a probiotic with this. And we talked all about that last week. Okay? So just wanted to give you an update on those couple of stories.
Let me get to a couple of questions that were asked. Yvonne asked a good question. “My vitamin D does not have K2.” Why not Yvonne, why not? Oh, that's alright. Okay. Our vitamin D does have K2, but Yvonne's doesn't. Okay? And you're asking me if I take a couple of slices of cheese, will that be good enough to get the K2? Well, yes. I love cheese. K2 is such an important vitamin. I'm telling you guys, it's amazing to me. It's another reason why you want to live not exclusively, primarily on animal based products. Vitamin K2, hello is only found in the animal kingdom. What does vitamin K2 do? Well, vitamin K2 takes calcium and puts it into your bones and teeth where they belong. That's where calcium, blood, calcium doesn't belong in your bloodstream. You don't want calcium in your bloodstream and you don't want sugar in your bloodstream. That's why I love cheese. Guys, do you think I'm crazy? <laugh> I know some of you probably do, but do you think when I say I'm sorry and sometimes I have to get into a dispute, even online, even on our Facebook. You know, with people because hey, you know you need moderation. No you don't. Look guys, I'm not telling you not to eat vegetables. I'm not telling you not to have some fruit. I'm not. But if you want vitamin K2, Yvonne, you're right. Gotta have some cheese or butter or steak or eggs. That's where vitamin K2 is found. Why do you think I talk about that all the time? I don't do that just for fun. Although it is fun. Okay?
Melissa was asking would a type one diabetic always have high A1C? Well, there's certainly gonna be much more subject to high A1C, but not necessarily always depending on how their insulin is working. Remember, type one is different. Remember we talked about this yesterday, what they used to call diabetes, it used to be called sugar diabetes, and type one is autoimmune. Pancreas is not working properly. So they pretty well are going to have, look, you try and get their A1C down because that's an average and depending on how their insulin is functioning, the medication. But listen, let me say this, Melissa, type one, type two, type three Alzheimer's, you need eggs, meat and cheese. The best thing for any type of diabetic is protein and fat. Fat and protein together. Not carbs, okay, not carbs and certainly not fat and carbs, but the best food is protein and fat. And God put the two of them together. That's why they taste so good.
Okay? And Rick says, I'm on the reset three weeks, my sugar's going up, Rick. Oh, I think maybe I answered this. I already called you weird, didn't I? <laugh> You're not doing anything wrong, Rick. First of all, I'm not that big on taking your blood sugar all the time. Okay? Like I know people do it and we're encouraged to do it. That's the pharmaceutical industry that makes a lot of money on those meters. Oh, I, I used to tell my patients, would you stop, stop checking all the time. You're driving me crazy and you're gonna drive yourself crazy. How are you feeling? I feel good, doc. Well that's a good sign. Okay? And I know when you're, especially when you're type one, you have to monitor your sugar more regularly. I get that. Okay. But you know what, like don't overdo it and Rick, don't worry about it.
Varicose veins. Anna was asking about varicose veins. Well look, varicose veins usually is micro circulation. You know, have a baby get varicose veins and you know the valves don't, you know, they're, they're not pumping up like they used to in opening. I like Navitol for it. Okay? That's what happens. Extra weight too can be hard on that.
Diane, "Why are we allowed coconut milk on the reset?" Because you're a bunch of babies. <laugh> I just, why are you allowed coconut milk? <laugh> Okay, I know it's a fruit. Okay, so coconut is a fruit and you're saying why are you allowing that? Well, because some of you can't have cream in your smoothie, but I only want you to have coconut milk in a Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie if you can't take cream. Okay? So I allow you to substitute with some coconut milk. Okay? I'm just being a nice guy. That's all it is. But coconut milk is actually, I, I don't mind it. It's actually pretty good.
Okay, Brenda, "Why would an 80 year old have such dry eyes when they wake up especially?" Well, 80 years old or 60 years old or 40 years old when you got dry eyes, you're, you're low in lubrication. Dry eyes is low DHA. You need DHA, I'm telling you. And when that gets slow, your eyeballs are gonna dry out.
Okay, Celine. Okay, a couple of people asked about apple cider vinegar and does it count as water if I add it to my water daily? Well look at when you do it, it counts as your water, but it's not gonna take that direct route. So if you add apple cider, I like apple cider vinegar. Okay? I do. I like it. It's good for you. So you can certainly have it, you can have it on the reset. It's good for your acidity in your stomach. I like that. I like balsamic vinegar too. Okay. I do. It's a little bit sweeter but it's, it's good for you. I like it. Okay. I like those vinegars and they help with your blood sugar too and they help with your A1C. Okay?
Okay. What else were you asking about that? Does lemon in the water count as water? Yeah, lemon in the water. Yeah, if you wanna put some lemon there, I got no problem with that. Okay, that counts for your water. And the process of absorption is asking, this is Celine. And look, it's different because whenever there's something in water, lemon, probably not very much. It'll take a pretty well direct root to your gut. You don't want anything in your water that has to be processed, okay? That's why tea, which is 99% water, coffee, 95% water. Coffee's good, but it's not water cause it's processed differently. You want water as hydration, a little bit of lemon apple cider. That's not gonna bother you and you certainly don't need insulin for it. Okay? You need no insulin at all. At all, okay.
Giselle, "I wonder if I did the reset with lots of saturated fat while I flush out gallbladder stones and I'd be careful with it?" Okay, I'd be careful with it because your gallbladder, it's a use it or lose it type of thing. And then if you just start using it <laugh> to flush out the stones, I'd go easy on the fat to start off with, with the saturated fat. Okay, I think I answered all the questions. Okay guys, have I told you recently that I love you? Yesterday? Oh, okay, well, I mean it, you know what tomorrow is? Question and Answer Friday. Okay guys, we love you. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!