Boost Your Body's Natural Energy Production with B12 5000
Vitamin B12
More Energy. Less Joint Pain!
"This is my second bottle and I am loving it! I have a lot more energy now and have less joint pain, thank you Dr. Martin and your team"
– Stephie P.
- Turn up your body's natural energy production and unleash all day energy and focus.
- Active coenzyme form of B12
- Support healthy skin, hair and nails in 1 daily serving.
- Get 5000 MCG's of B12 (most B12 supplements only carry 1,000)
Your Price:
100% Money Back Guarantee
More Energy. Less Joint Pain!
"This is my second bottle and I am loving it! I have a lot more energy now and have less joint pain, thank you Dr. Martin and your team"
– Stephie P.
- Turn up your body's natural energy production and unleash all day energy and focus.
- Active coenzyme form of B12
- Support healthy skin, hair and nails in 1 daily serving.
- Get 5000 MCG's of B12 (most B12 supplements only carry 1,000)
Still Think Low B12 Is Harmless?
Consider this case study from Harvard University:
Over the course of two months, a 62-year-old man developed a creeping numbness in his hands.
Maybe you’ve felt that sensation before and just brushed it off.
It started as a “pins and needles” feeling.
Then he started having trouble walking, and blurred vision when he got up too fast.
Next came the joint pain, shortness of breath, and soon even a daily nap wasn’t enough to recover his energy.
So, like anyone else would, he went to the doctor.
They tried every test imaginable.
Blood tests, heart tests, MRI scans, you name it. They all came back negative.
According to the science he was healthy as a whistle, but he sure didn’t feel that way.
Over time, it got worse.
Depression, paranoia and delusions, memory loss, incontinence, loss of taste and smell, and more.
And it wasn’t until a friend recommended an all natural energy boosting supplement that he finally realized what his true problem was.
A lack of B12.
The Most Overlooked Nutrient Deficiency In Modern Times
Studies say that nearly 40% of the population is B12 Deficient…
But in our small local clinic we see nearly 70% of our patients suffering from a B12 deficiency.
They come in to see us and they’re worn down, burnt out and slipping into “old age” faster and faster every year.
And that’s just the “tip of the iceberg”. They’re also experiencing:
The worst part is that a B12 deficiency is hard to diagnose.
That’s why so many people with the issues listed above will try solution after solution with no clear results.
When that happens, it usually means you’re dangerously low on B12.
What is B12 And What Does It Do?
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is extremely important.
Your body needs it to create red blood cells and grow tissue.
It’s needed to protect your heart, protect against blood clots and strokes.
It’s also a major player in your DNA for nerve and brain protection.
And when it comes to natural all day energy, B12 really shines.
6 Sign You’re Low On Vitamin B12
The Tingling Sensation:
Also known as neuropathy, it’s often described as a tingling sensation in your fingers, toes, and even your face. It’s caused by improper nerve function - a major warning sign of low B12.
The Swollen Tongue
Ever had the feeling that your tongue is too big for your mouth? If your tongue is enlarged, smooth and swollen, you’ve likely got low B12
The “I’m Always Tired” Feeling”:
If you’re already up to 1 nap per day and still don’t have the “get up and go” my best bet is that your body is begging for more B12
The Brain Fog:
Lack of focus, trouble thinking, or constant forgetfulness are some of the top signs we look for in our clinic when patients are low on B12
The “Tipsy Turvey” Walk
A massive B12 red flag that most doctors miss, is imbalance. If you’re feeling clumsy or someone says “you’re just not walking right”, then it’s time to consider your B12 levels.
The Non-Stop Ringing
If B12 is too low for too long, you’ll begin to notice a slight ringing in your ears. Your doctor will tell you it’s related to hearing loss, but more often than not, the quick fix is boosting B12
But there’s one big problem with B12.
You see, B12 is a water-soluble vitamin. That means your body doesn’t keep it.
And as you age your body also makes less of it.
That means it must be replaced, especially if you’re over 50.
Getting B12 From Food Will Help, But It’s Not Enough
A normally functioning stomach and digestive system are
crucial to the absorption of B12
But if you’re low on B12, your digestive system probably isn’t working correctly.
It’s the ultimate catch 22.
We saw this day in and day out in our clinic and we knew we had to find a solution.
Introducing a Better and More Effective Way of Absorbing B12
Sublingual VITAMIN B12 5000
Most B12 Supplements Are Missing This
Crucial Piece Of The Puzzle
And It’s Why Most B12 Vitamins Won’t Work!
It’s called Methylcobalamin and it’s the single most important thing to include with a B12 supplement.
The truth is just because a supplement has B12 in it, doesn’t mean it’s going to work inside your body.
Without Methylcobalamin you can take all the B12 you want and your body won’t keep any of it.
Like pouring your morning coffee into a glass with a hole in the bottom…
You’ll get some of it, but not all that you should be getting.
That’s why the B12 inside of our custom formulation isn’t just any run of the mill B12.
It’s packed with 5000 mcg of B12 Methylcobalamin for premium absorption.
That means you get the best B12 on the market, and your body absorbs more of it.
We Put Our Reputation Into Every
Bottle Of The B12 5000 Formula
Our small town clinic opened its doors in 1911.
Since then we’ve provided a groundbreaking natural solution to our patients on the front lines of health.
If something doesn’t work, we don’t continue to use it. Period.
And that matters a lot to us.
But here’s why that should matter to you...
We treat REAL people every day in our clinic and they look to us for solutions.
They don’t want “maybe’s” or another lecture. They want results.
When other supplement manufacturers sell you something that doesn’t work, they can refund your money (maybe) and go about their business.
But when we give a customer something that doesn't work, we have to look them in the eye at the next appointment.
We put our reputations as practitioners on the line every day and we do the same for each and every one of our products!
Either you love our Vitamin B12 5000 formula or you get your money back.
It’s that simple.
Plus, I’ll personally email you to offer you an apology for having wasted your time just like I would when I’m face to face with any of the patients in our clinic.
We can’t promise to be perfect, no one can.
But when something’s not right, we work to make it right.
That’s why you’ll have a full 30 days to try the B12 5000 formula and see if it’s for you.
No More Naps
I am finding that I no longer need a daily nap to get me through the day
Jodie G.
Makes Great Things Happen!
This is a great addition to my bodies energy production. Gives my lifestyle the boost it needs to make great things happen.
Ed L.
Vitamin B12
More Energy. Less Joint Pain!
"This is my second bottle and I am loving it! I have a lot more energy now and have less joint pain, thank you Dr. Martin and your team"
– Stephie P.
- Turn up your body's natural energy production and unleash all day energy and focus.
- Active coenzyme form of B12
- Support healthy skin, hair and nails in 1 daily serving.
- Get 5000 MCG's of B12 (most B12 supplements only carry 1,000)
Your Price:
100% Money Back Guarantee
More Energy. Less Joint Pain!
"This is my second bottle and I am loving it! I have a lot more energy now and have less joint pain, thank you Dr. Martin and your team"
– Stephie P.
- Turn up your body's natural energy production and unleash all day energy and focus.
- Active coenzyme form of B12
- Support healthy skin, hair and nails in 1 daily serving.
- Get 5000 MCG's of B12 (most B12 supplements only carry 1,000)