"My hair has stopped falling out and I'm starting to lose the weight that crept around my middle. Best of all I'm feeling so much better. What a wonderful product. Thank You!"
~ Rose R.
Thyroid Balance Formula
Boosts crucial thyroid hormones to help balance thyroid
Supports healthy metabolism
Dietary Supplement
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100% Money Back Guarantee

Thyroid Balance Formula
Boosts crucial thyroid hormones to help balance thyroid
Supports healthy metabolism
Dietary Supplement
The Thyroid Balance Formula is designed to support all aspects of thyroid function. It contains key ingredients like iodine, tyrosine, watermelon extract, L-carnitine, selenium, and resveratrol.
Iodine is essential for the thyroid to function properly. Without it, the thyroid can become sluggish and may even grow in size or develop nodules.
Tyrosine helps your thyroid make the hormones you need to be healthy.
Watermelon extract boosts the conversion of T4 to T3, the active form of thyroid hormone, and increases your metabolism to help you feel energetic.
L-Carnitine, an amino acid, helps regulate your thyroid and has been shown to help alleviate fatigue symptoms in hypothyroid patients.
Selenium, a nutrient often deficient in modern diets, is used by your body to convert T4 to T3.
Lastly, resveratrol is an antioxidant that helps with the production of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), which you need for a healthy thyroid.
By providing these essential nutrients, the Thyroid Balance Formula can help bring your thyroid back into balance, potentially alleviating symptoms of a sluggish thyroid and promoting overall health.
There are several symptoms that may indicate your thyroid could benefit from additional support. These symptoms include fatigue, weight gain, hair loss or thinning hair, dry skin, cold hands and/or feet, constipation, aches, thinning eyebrows, and depression.
However, it's important to note that these symptoms can also be associated with other health conditions. Therefore, it's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare provider if you're experiencing these symptoms.
The Thyroid Balance Formula from Martin Clinic is designed to be safe and effective, containing natural ingredients such as iodine, tyrosine, watermelon extract, L-carnitine, selenium, and resveratrol. These ingredients are generally well-tolerated by most people.
However, as with any supplement, individual reactions can vary. Some people may experience mild side effects such as stomach upset or allergic reactions. If you have any pre-existing medical conditions or are taking other medications, it's always a good idea to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen. If you experience any adverse reactions, discontinue use and consult your healthcare provider.
The time it takes to see results from taking thyroid support supplements can vary greatly from person to person. It depends on factors such as the individual's overall health, the severity of their thyroid imbalance, and their body's response to the supplement. Some people may start to notice improvements in their symptoms within a few weeks, while others may need several months to experience significant changes. It's important to remember that supplements work best when used in conjunction with a healthy diet and lifestyle. If you're considering taking the Thyroid Balance Formula from Martin Clinic, it's designed to provide your thyroid with all the nutrients it needs to significantly boost T3 production and support all aspects of thyroid function.
However, always consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen.

Low Energy, Slow Weight Loss, and Rapid Aging?
You Don’t Have A Metabolism Problem, You Have A Hormone Communication Problem!
When it comes to weight loss and energy, most people obsess over the metabolism.
But did you know that your metabolism is actually controlled by a very specific set of hormones?
This is especially true for women, and it’s why losing weight is about more than counting calories and watching carbs.
Studies show that unbalanced hormones can make it TWICE as difficult for women to lose weight, but a shocking low number of women realize the true cause of their weight struggle.
So they jump from diet to diet, picking up on the latest workout trends, and slowly starve themselves and yet they still gain weight.
Sound familiar?
Well it doesn’t have to be this way!
The truth is….
Your Most Powerful Hormone Regulator Is Your Thyroid
The thyroid plays an important role in all this hormone activity.
Consider it the floor manager in a busy factory.
That factory is your body and without the thyroid bossing everybody around, no work would ever get done.
That’s why, if you truly want to make it easier to lose weight…
If you want to feel the boundless energy you had when you were young…
And if you want to put an end to loose hair, dry skin, and weak nails…
Then you must feed your thyroid the proper nutrients it needs to function properly.
One of the ways we do this with our patients in our clinic is with supplementation.
The 3 Secrets To Effective Thyroid Supplementation
1. Optimize Key Nutrients
Your thyroid is your most important weight control hormone.
So how can you make sure it has what it needs to help regulate your waistline?
The simple answer would be with drugs.
Doctors can prescribe these, but they come with a hefty price tag and dangerous side effects.
The truth is, they should only be used in the most serious circumstances.
The majority of people with thyroid issues can fix their problems with some simple natural solutions.
For that reason I recommend that patients supplement with these nutrients:
Zinc - Low zinc levels may make your thyroid function improperly. Zinc is also a powerful anti inflammatory and it helps regulate the immune system. It's also great for your skin.
Selenium - Selenium can help balance your immune system and your thyroid. Plus it has been shown to be effective in helping reduce antibody levels in Hashimoto's.
Vitamin B6 - Vitamin B6 helps stimulate proper thyroid function and it also helps create and maintain neurotransmitters in the brain. In addition it's required for normal and healthy brain development!
TIP #2: Boost Iodine Levels
Iodine deficiency is the most common cause of thyroid problems worldwide.
Iodine is something the body doesn’t make on its own.
This is why dietary intake of iodine is important for thyroid health.
You need to make sure you’re getting adequate amounts of iodine from your daily diet so that your thyroid has the most basic building-blocks to make its key hormones.
What things should you add to your diet to boost iodine?
Try kale, organic yogurt and Strawberries.
TIP #3: Take a thyroid focused supplement
At the Martin Clinic we stay practical with our patients.
It can be hard to stick to a clean diet and remember everything you need to do to regulate your thyroid.
That’s why a supplement can be a big help - and a great shortcut.
But not all thyroid supplements are created equal.
Many supplements will be made of synthetic ingredients and other “filler” ingredients that aren’t reported on the label.
We’ve found it difficult to find something we can give to our patients with confidence.
So we did the next best thing, and we created our own!
Thyroid Balance Formula
The Perfect Balance Of Thyroid Balancing Nutrients
That Begin Working In As Little As 3 Days
Our Thyroid Balance Formula is specifically designed to help you balance your thyroid naturally.
Once you start using it, you’ll notice a difference almost immediately.
The majority of our customers would agree, there simply is no better feeling than NOT having to think about your thyroid problems.
My Hair Has Greatly Improved!
My hair was falling out really bad and this is not a good problem for us ladies!
I am on my second bottle of Thyroid Balance and my hair has greatly improved,
falling very little...I am so happy, thank you Dr Martin!
Betty M.
Clinically Proven And Personally Tested Ingredients
These nutrients are all crucial for balancing your thyroid and all come with additional benefits to speed up your metabolism and help you burn fat faster.
Fantastic Results!
My husband had a low thyroid reading and has Parkinson's so he feels tired during the day. This has helped him have more energy to do his exercises and go for his walk! I find I sleep better since taking it.
- Cecily B.
Why We Put Our Reputation In Every
Bottle Of Thyroid Balance Formula
Our small town clinic opened its doors in 1911.
Since then we’ve provided a groundbreaking natural solution to our patients on the front lines of health.
If something doesn’t work, we don’t continue to use it. Period.
And that matters a lot to us.
But here’s why that should matter to you...
We treat REAL people every day in our clinic and they look to us for solutions.
They don’t want “maybe’s” or another lecture. They want results.
When other supplement manufacturers sell you something that doesn’t work, they can refund your money (maybe) and go about their business.
But when we give a customer something that doesn't work, we have to look them in the eye at the next appointment.
We put our reputations as practitioners on the line every day and we do the same for each and every one of our products!
Why We Make Our Own...
Either you love our Thyroid Balance Formula or you get your money back.
It’s that simple.
Plus, I’ll personally email you to offer you an apology for having wasted your time just like I would when I’m face to face with any of the patients in our clinic.
We can’t promise to be perfect, no one can. But when something’s not right, we work to make it right.
That’s why you’ll have a full 30 days to try Thyroid Balance Formula and see if it’s for you.
Saw improvement within the first week taking it! I have energy and no more dry hair and brittle nails. Most importantly not feeling low and heart palpitations. Thanks!
Claudia G.
More Energy!
There is no doubt, for me, I have more energy when I take the Thyroid Balance Formula :)
Carole L.

"My hair has stopped falling out and I'm starting to lose the weight that crept around my middle. Best of all I'm feeling so much better. What a wonderful product. Thank You!"
~ Rose R.
Thyroid Balance Formula
Boosts crucial thyroid hormones to help balance thyroid
Supports healthy metabolism
Dietary Supplement
Your Price:
100% Money Back Guarantee

Thyroid Balance Formula
Boosts crucial thyroid hormones to help balance thyroid
Supports healthy metabolism
Dietary Supplement