Are You Ready To Feel Fantastic Again?
Choose The Best Antioxidant Supplement And Fight The 3 Causes Of Rapid Aging

"Always start my day with Navitol. I feel more energized than before. A great product!" - Rose R.
Navitol Ultra Strength
Increased alertness and clear focus
A better and stronger immune system
Improved energy levels
350mg of our Pine Bark Extract
Dietary supplement
Your Price:
100% Money Back Guarantee

Navitol Ultra Strength
Increased alertness and clear focus
A better and stronger immune system
Improved energy levels
350mg of our Pine Bark Extract
Dietary supplement
Attention Anyone Who Is TIRED of being TIRED, read this now...
The Miracle Discovery That Saved My Wife, Helped Her Regain Health And Feel Fantastic Again.
How A Near Death Experience Lead To The Uncovering Of The “Ultimate Super-Nutrient”
This super-nutrient is being used to get much more energy, build a stronger immune system, get rid of aches and pains, have a clearer, and sharper brain, better circulation, healthier blood pressure, and better sleep.
Better still — it gives a noticeable difference in energy in only 5 days without stimulants. And, it helps you feel fantastic in every system from head to toe.
And thanks to this amazing and powerful nutrient — thousands of people from all over the world are living life with abundant energy…like they deserve.

Dear Friend,
My name is Dr. Anthony Martin.
Over the next few minutes, I’m going to share with you my wife’s shocking health story…
And how the same nutrient used 500 years ago to save the lives of famous explorers —saved my wife.
Also how her near death experience forced me to come face-to-face with the fact doctors had zero answers for what was going on with her health…
And it changed our lives forever.
I know it can impact yours as well.
What Makes This So Different?
First off, this super-nutrient is available exclusively from MARTIN CLINIC.
And, unlike other companies with ZERO experience dealing with real people, they end up using cheap nutrients, weak dosages, and the wrong formula.

We’ve been around since 1911 and we’re blessed to play a part in helping 100,000+ people feel fantastic again.
Bottom line — if our stuff doesn’t work, it would make for uncomfortable follow up visits. Our patients deserve to overcome their symptoms and get back to living life to it’s fullest.
Here’s Why This Nutrient Is So Powerful And How It Saved My Wife:
The nightmare began in the month of June shortly after my wife (Rosie) turned 40. At first, it started with allergies — swollen eyes, dry cough, runny nose, and sinus congestion.

Her doctor told her it was allergies and gave her pills.
She was able to continue her normal routine that included jogging 3-5 miles every weekday, and longer runs on the weekend.
But, by August, the allergy pills were no longer working and her symptoms were getting much, much worse.
Even normal breathing became difficult — so she was forced to stop all activities.
Her doctor now told her she had asthma and gave her a few different types of inhalers. But, the inhalers didn’t help.
This is when things got dangerous.
In October, she was rushed to the hospital semi-conscious. Her oxygen levels had dropped because her lungs weren’t doing their jobs anymore.

At this point, a specialist diagnosed her with Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis — a fancy way of saying she was allergic to almost everything and her lungs were paying the price.
The specialist gave her a lot more pills — and still, her quality of life evaporated.
Soon after, she started to get sore all over. Every joint and muscle ached. She could hardly walk without PAIN and EXHAUSTION.
She was tired all the time, but oddly enough, couldn’t sleep. And when she could fall asleep, she woke up exhausted — almost like she didn’t sleep at all.
Nobody knew what was going on — and this went on for YEARS.
As you could imagine…she was FRUSTRATED.
Her health got progressively worse and eventually was able to see a neurologist — Who diagnosed her with CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME.
She was relieved, she finally had a diagnosis.
But, when she asked about treatment, the neurologist said...
“Come back in 10 years, we may be able to help you then”.
It was at this moment I knew traditional medicine wasn’t going to help my wife. I had to start looking at alternatives.
I began to extensively research Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and was shocked to learn how many women were suffering from the exact same symptoms across the world.
I was determined to find the cause.
While doing research, I came across some information about a nutrient I thought would help my wife.
As I dug deeper, it turns out this nutrient has a long, interesting history of saving lives.
Why This Nutrient May Be The Missing Link You Need To Overcome Your Symptoms

Over 500 years ago, a ship and crew led by the famous French explorer, Jacques Cartier, got stuck in ice near Quebec.
As time went on, his crew got deadly ill. They were suffering from scurvy, a serious illness from not getting enough vitamin C. Fortunately, scurvy isn’t a problem anymore. But back then, it was deadly
When you go a few months with getting enough Vitamin C, you get extreme fatigue and weakness. After the fatigue and weakness, you get significant pain in your arms and legs. Your skin is then covered by small red-blue spots and soon your gums swell up and your teeth fall out.
At this point, you end up with liver failure and fatal heart problems.
All because of not getting enough Vitamin C!

As you can imagine, Jacques Cartier and his crew were in big trouble. But, luckily for them, they crossed paths with a local indigenous man who taught them a life-saving skill.
He showed them how to make tea using this nutrient. Once Jacques Cartier and his crew started drinking the tea — they were cured.
The local indigenous knew this nutrient contained a vital component they needed to keep healthy during the long winters.
Today, we know this nutrient naturally contains vitamin C, which is exactly what the crew needed to cure their scurvy.
But, the vitamin C content of the nutrient isn’t what makes it a ‘miracle’ nutrient — It’s something else.
But first, back to my wife’s miracle recovery.
After extensive research into the nutrient, it was now time to get some for my wife.
It was expensive and hard to find, but I managed to get a few bottles.
Here’s where it gets exciting…
Rosie started taking the nutrient on a Thursday.
By Sunday morning — she woke up amazed.
First, she was astonished she woke up because it meant she actually fell asleep. She also didn’t feel quite as sick or fatigued.
She was skeptical, but continued to take the nutrient. And soon, the ‘cloud’ she had over her brain for over two years was gone (She described it as trying to think through a heavy blanket covering her brain)
…but now, she had clear thoughts.
Her aches and pains were gone. Her lungs felt clear. Her allergies were much better.
And, her fatigue was GONE.
She FINALLY got her life back!
Needless to say, we were both stunned.
At this point, I should tell you the nutrient that saved my wife was the very same nutrient found in our NAVITOL.
And that nutrient is PINE BARK EXTRACT.
But, not just any Pine Bark Extract. There’s a lot of crappy, counterfeit ones out there.
And, after witnessing how much it helped her, I knew PINE BARK EXTRACT could help millions of other people…
I had to find a way to make it available to everyone. That was my new mission.
How To Make Sure You’re Getting The Right Pine Bark Extract
(It’s not as easy as you think)
You may not know this, but for ANY supplement to work, it has to have the…
Right nutrients
Correct Formula
Proper Dosage
If just one of those are missing, your urine will be more expensive than a pricey drink at Starbucks.

And, as I’ve already mentioned, most companies use the wrong nutrients (because they’re cheaper), a defective formula (They don’t know anything about nutrition or human physiology) and an incorrect dosage (They have zero experience with actual people with symptoms).
I knew what I wanted, but finding the perfect PINE BARK EXTRACT was harder than I ever imagined.

The first challenge was getting the RIGHT Pine Bark Extract. Most of them on the market were junk. They were poor quality and mainly from China.
That’s not what I wanted at all.
I was looking for a Pine Bark Extract that:
100% natural.
From an unpolluted environment.
From a tree that got more than 300 days of sunlight.
From a specific type of Pine Tree — Pinus Radiata.
It had to be sustainable.
After a long search, I finally found the perfect PINE BARK EXTRACT.

Now, it was time to address the dosage.
Pine Bark Extract works best when you get the proper dosage — which is at least 1mg of Pine Bark Extract for every pound you weigh.
That’s the minimum dosage I’ve found to be super-effective.
When my wife started taking Pine Bark Extract, each of the capsules only contained 20mg.
You can imagine how much of a pain that was to take everyday.
Not only were the bottles she took expensive, she had to take a lot of capsules everyday to get the minimum effective dosage.
I knew this wasn’t acceptable.
Plus — I wanted a much higher dosage than the 1mg per 1 pound of body weight for my patients. (Our Navitol contains 350mg of Pine Bark Extract per capsule!).
After finding the perfect Pine Bark Extract...
I was crushed to discover how much it would cost to bring to market with the proper dosage.
How expensive was it? Originally, it was priced north of $100 for 60 capsules just to make the numbers work.
Now, considering how powerful and effective the dosage was, it would still be a steal at that price. And, it was much cheaper than the one my wife was taking.
But, I knew it was too expensive to fit my mission of making Pine Bark Extract available to everyone.
So…I decided to deal directly with the manufacturer and cut out all middlemen from the equation. I did it all myself.

It also means you won’t be paying the retail value of $100 for your 30-day supply of NAVITOL.
(Because I’m offering it to you direct, the final cost comes down to just $49.95)
I had now found the perfect Pine Bark Extract, and was able to manufacturer the right dosage — but, there was still one thing missing.
The Perfect formula
Our Pine Bark Extract is powerful on its own, and it’s easily absorbed into your bloodstream.
On the other hand, did you know most nutrients have poor absorption?
Pine Bark Extract is water soluble — what your body doesn’t need, it excretes.
You’ll also noticed we added the right amount of vitamin C to NAVITOL.
One of Pine Bark Extracts remarkable benefits is its ability to improve the strength of vitamin C.
Pine Bark Extract and Vitamin C work hand in hand.
If you’ve had no success with other supplements to get better energy, or better sleep, or get a stronger and clearer brain, or even better circulation…It’s NOT your fault.
That’s because most supplements on earth are missing one of the three things I’ve mentioned earlier. All you end up with is expensive urine.
But Navitol is different.
Today, There Is Absolutely No Risk To You

If Navitol isn’t for you, you’ll get every single penny back. Your decision to try Navitol is entirely risk-free. You are protected by our 100% money-back guarantee.
If you’re ever dissatisfied with Navitol, for any reason, just send it back to use with 30 days. Even if you’ve opened the bottle! Every penny you paid will be promptly returned, with no questions asked.
And as a thank you for trying Navitol, all of the FREE bonus (below) are your to keep. They’re yours whether you return your supply of Navitol or not!
That way, you don’t have to take our word for any of this.
And, that’s how confident we are you will love this product. There’s nothing else like it on the market. And you can’t get it anywhere but from Martin Clinic.
We’re a small but rapidly growing clinic and company. We have thousands of customers like you all across the country, from all walks of life, who love our products.
If you want to feel fantastic again, why not order your risk-free trial supply today?

"Always start my day with Navitol. I feel more energized than before. A great product!" - Rose R.
Navitol Ultra Strength
Increased alertness and clear focus
A better and stronger immune system
Improved energy levels
350mg of our Pine Bark Extract
Dietary supplement
Your Price:
100% Money Back Guarantee

Navitol Ultra Strength
Increased alertness and clear focus
A better and stronger immune system
Improved energy levels
350mg of our Pine Bark Extract
Dietary supplement