How Thyroid Balance Works
Why Most Supplements Fail Here's How Thyroid Balance Works
Why Most Supplements Fail.
Hello. My name is Dr. Tony Martin Jr., of the Martin Clinic. If you've watched the first video in this series, you know that the thyroid presents with a lot of symptoms.
We have people come into the clinic that will complain of just low energy. We'll have other people come into the clinic who'll say, "Hey, my hair's starting to get thinner. It's starting to fall out."
We'll get people also who come in, they got dry skin, muscle cramping, changes in menstrual cycles, increased heart rates, even some people who'll even get a change in the coloring of their hands. The palm goes a little bit more yellow. They don't sleep well. I mean, literally, the thyroid affects every cell in the body, so the symptoms that people come in with are very broad, which makes diagnosing thyroid very difficult.
The other thing is, is that the testing that's out there today, quite frankly, is very limited. It gives a lot of people a false sense of security.
They have every thyroid symptom in the book, and yet they go in to their doctor, and their doctor runs all the tests, and then they come back and say, "Well, you're normal," even though your thyroid, you have every symptom of thyroid, but yet, for some reason, your thyroid is testing normal.
What I want to do in this video series, I want to show you why the thyroid is actually a very complex organ that really has a lot of different things that influence it, and then at the end of this video, you're going to understand why thyroid is very difficult to diagnose.
I'm going to do some drawing. I'm going to apologize ahead of time. One of the sayings about being a doctor is having bad handwriting, is very true. I have a hard time reading my own handwriting, so anyways, you're going to have to bear with me a little bit.
The first thing you have to understand is that the thyroid, and we say this a lot of times in podcasts and different things, the thyroid never acts alone.
It never acts in a vacuum.
Essentially, what you have here is you have your thyroid gland. Very important, as I said, acts on every cell in your body. It is your body's gas pedal. It's your body's thermostat, so you absolutely need it.
The problem is, is that your thyroid is actually controlled by two things in your brain. You have what they call the pituitary gland here, sorry, and then you have the hypothalamus up even higher.
That's the hierarchy of how the thyroid works. The thyroid, by itself, does not do anything on its own. What happens is, is that when you need to use your thyroid, your hypothalamus sends a signal to your pituitary gland, and that is actually just called TRH.
That hormone tells your pituitary to get your thyroid going, so then your thyroid will make a hormone called TSH. It's well named, thyroid stimulating hormone. They didn't come up ... There was no creativity when they come up with these names.
The pituitary then sends a message to the thyroid to get going, start doing something. Then what happens is the thyroid then starts to make hormones. The thyroid, which is interesting, and most people don't realize is, is the thyroid then makes T4, makes T3, T2, and T1 mainly. Also does a little bit of another hormone called calcitonin, but for today's purpose, I just want you to understand, that's what it makes.
Now, 90% of the hormones that your thyroid makes, when it's told to by your pituitary gland, 90% comes in the form of T4, so 90%. The problem is, is that your T3 is actually the one that is active, so whenever you need to do something, that your thyroid has to exert an effect on a cell, it has to be converted from T4 to T3, and that takes place in your liver.
You can already see how complex the thyroid is. After it makes these hormones, it takes T4 and it converts it into T3 in your liver, and then in goes in and acts on every part of your body. That's how the thyroid works.
Now, again, that's an oversimplified version of it, but for this purpose, it actually ... It tells us exactly what you need. You can see the problem, then, with the thyroid. The thyroid in itself could be a problem, but you could have problems all the way up the chain, and we're going to talk about three main things that happen that could give you thyroid symptoms, yet you will still have normal thyroid testing.
You're going to your doctor, you get your thyroid checked, it's going to come back normal, yet you have absolutely every symptom of a thyroid, and your thyroid can still be the problem, and I'm going to show you why.
The first thing that happens is that after your pituitary gland makes TSH, and TSH tells your thyroid to makes these hormones, what happens is, it's very interesting, is in order to make T4 and T3, you need something called iodine. Actually you need an amino acid as well, called tyrosine. So, your body takes an amino acid and iodine, and then it makes T4 and it makes T3. You cannot make T4, you cannot make T3, without these specific nutrients. The problem is, we do not get this any more in our diets. No more.
We used to get a fair amount of that in our foods, but that is essentially gone out of our diet today. We see, in our clinic, more iodine deficiencies as a reason for thyroid as almost anything else.
There are two other things that cause more thyroid issues, which we'll get into in a second, but that's a major issue. This is something that we see all the time.
Thyroid deficiency is a real issue today, and then it combines with the tyrosine amino acid, you make T4, T3. So what happens, again, is you can have a problem in this area here, and you're not going to make enough T4, you're not going to make enough T3, so that's a big issue.
Another big issue that we see a lot in our clinic as well is this hormone here. Now remember, without the TSH hormone, your thyroid does not get going and making the hormones it needs, so you absolutely need this TSH hormone.
The problem is, is there are two big things that we see every day that will affect the ability of your body to make TSH. The first thing is, is that estrogen, estrogen will absolutely destroy your ability to make TSH.
We see a lot of estrogen dominance, and that's a word that you might have heard us use before, but there's a lot of women and there's a lot of men who are estrogen dominant.
We get estrogen dominant today because of the foods that we eat, because of the chemicals. I mean, there's so many xenoestrogens out there.
Bottom line, we are surrounded by estrogen. That estrogen will, if it becomes dominant, will actually inhibit our ability to make TSH, which will affect our thyroid gland indirectly. That's a big problem that we see today is estrogen.
However, it's not only estrogen that will stop that from happening. Cortisol, stress, kills your thyroid gland. Too much cortisol, same thing.
Too much cortisol will also destroy your body's ability to make TSH, which will then affect your thyroid. If you are too stressed, and people say, "Well, listen, I'm not that stressed. I got a good marriage. I got a good financial situation." There's more to it than that.
Our body perceives stress from diet, from exercise, lack of exercise, sleep, lack of sleep. There are so many things that our body will interpret as stress, and will release cortisol and adrenaline. Those two things will directly affect our body's ability to make thyroid hormones properly.
Then another thing that happens, again, remember, 80 to 90% of your hormone that your thyroid makes is T4. You have to convert it into T3, into the active form, in order for it to go and do its job around your body.
Anything that can stop that conversion from happening, anything that will inhibit that from happening, will have a devastating effect on your thyroid. Think about it. You'll get every symptom in the book.
Again, there are two ... well, the biggest factor that stops this is not only does cortisol stop your TSH, cortisol also inhibit your T4 from T3, so it actually has dual effect on your thyroid. That is why we say stress kills your thyroid.
So, you can see there are a lot of things that can happen all the way up the chain that will affect your thyroid, which is why you can have thyroid symptoms and get tested, and have normal results, yet your thyroid is still a problem. This is the problem here. This is something that we see a lot in our clinic.
What's the solution?
How do you fix this?
If you're going to design a supplement for thyroid, there are a lot of components of this that you have to be able to fix, so a good thyroid supplement needs to have a lot of components to it, and that's what we're going to talk about in the next video, how you design a supplement to fix this thyroid issue, that you can see, that's very complex. So, stay tuned for the next video.
Here's How Thyroid Balance Works...
Hello, my name is Doctor Tony Martin of the Martin Clinic and, in this video what I want to talk to you about is how to construct a supplement that works for essentially, all kind of thyroid sluggish issues.
Now remember again, we've talked about this a lot in the past but it's good to summarize that, the thyroid does not act alone. The thyroid only does what it's told to do. And the thyroid is essentially controlled by two things in your brain. One being the pituitary gland and the one that controls that is your hypothalamus.
So, whenever your thyroid needs to do something, your hypothalamus sends a hormone, which activates your pituitary gland and that hormone is called TRH. And then, the pituitary gland then, secretes a hormone called TSH, which acts on your thyroid.
And then, your thyroid will make it's hormones T4, T3, T2, T1 and it makes another little one called calcitonin. But also remember, 80 - 90% of the hormone that your thyroid makes comes in the form of T4, and T4 is the storage form and the active form of the thyroid hormone is, T3. So, you have to absolutely convert T4 to T3. So, there's another process that happens in there.
So again, you can see that we talked about how stress ...
We talked about how extra dominance will kill this hormone.
And if that hormones not there in sufficient quantities then, your thyroid will not act to make hormones. We also saw that if you don't go from T4 to T3, then you're going to have less active form of the thyroid hormone, that's a big problem as well. So, you can see when you build a supplement there's a lot of things you have to do. And that's what we've done with our thyroid balance formula.
Is that, we've taken a big step picture of the thyroid and then we said, alright. How do we construct a supplement that makes sure it covers all the basis, right?
So, the first thing that we did, and this is important to understand, is that our thyroid balance contains two nutrients, specifically contains iodine and it contains an amino acid called tyrosine.
Now, why is that important? Well, when the TSH acts on your thyroid, your thyroid then says. "Okay, I gotta make some T4. I gotta make some T3." But, it only does that by taking iodine. It takes iodine and then it takes tyrosine and then, it makes these things here. So, you need these two nutrients here in order to make T4 and T3.
So that's a problem, we've talked about this before, we don't get enough iodine in our diet. That's probably, the single biggest deficiency when it comes to thyroid problems.
So, a good thyroid supplement has to have iodine in it. It has to have tyrosine, the amino acid, in order to make this stuff so that's why we included that in there. We've also included some selenium.
Now, selenium is probably the most deficient in our diet. We just don't get it in our soil anymore, it's not in our foods. So, we're low in selenium. You need selenium to convert T4 to T3. If you don't have enough selenium in your diet, this conversion doesn't happen. And if you don't get enough of the active form of T3, you're in trouble. You're going to have a lot of thyroid symptoms. You're going to get low energy. You're going to get dry skin. You're going to get thinning of hair. You're going to have a hard time sleeping. Your menstrual cycle might be off if you're a female.
There are so many symptoms that can happen because of this lack of conversion. So that's why we've added something like selenium in there.
We've also added something ...
It's an extract specifically from watermelon, tremendous at boosting the production of T3 and T4. So, that's why we've added it in there.
Also, one of the things that happens in a thyroid problem is a slowed metabolism. Well, watermelon extract has been shown to increase metabolism. So, that's why we've included it in there.
We've also added another amino acid called l-carnitine because, that helps balance thyroid, it helps regulate the thyroid, how it functions. So, it's a very important amino acid. And then, we've also added in an antioxidant called ... It's called, very simple. It's called resveratrol and that is vital because, what that does specifically, is that helps in the making of TSH.
So, you're stressed. You're estrogen dominant. You're effecting your ability to make TSH.
So, we've added a nutrient in there specifically to help promote the production of TSH so that your pituitary can properly communicate to your thyroid gland to produce more thyroid hormones.
But again, we've also added ... Let's just say, this is okay. We've added enough so that you can make T3, T4 and then, we've added some stuff in there to help you make ... Go from T4 to T3. So, our thyroid balance formula is a very complete, all natural, non-stimulate way to help your thyroid function normally.
It'll help get you more energy.
It'll help stabilize your metabolism.
It'll help ...
I mean, just think of all the aspects of the thyroid gland.
And, in closing, anti-aging is a big area that people are always asking. They're always talking about anti-aging.
Your thyroid gland is ...
Your thyroid is a major leg in the chair of anti-aging. If the thyroid is off, you're going to age faster. You're going to age quicker than you should so, thyroid health is essential for anti-aging medicine.