Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by During the episode the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease, it's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Hello, I'm Dr. Martin Jr.
Dr. Martin Sr.: I'm Dr. Martin Sr.
Dr. Martin Jr.: And this is The Doctor Is In Podcast, and this is episode 206. Today we want to go a little bit deeper into something that we talked [00:00:30] about last night. We had a live webinar, it was called Where To Start If You Want To Feel Fantastic Again.
Dr. Martin Jr.: And today we want to kind of go through some of the stuff that we talked about during that live webinar and then share a little bit of stuff, a little bit of different stuff, as well for those that were on the webinar that are going to listen to this episode. But one of the things that we get asked a lot is, "All right, where do I start?" That's such a common question.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: And it makes sense, right? It's like, "Okay, I'm [00:01:00] interested in getting better or I'm interested in feeling better. I'm interested in getting my energy back, but I don't know where to start." That's such a common, and I mean, it completely makes sense, right?
Dr. Martin Jr.: And we always like to, you go to a mall or anywhere, but a mall a lot of times too, right? You walk in, especially if it's a mall you're not used to. I remember we were at Mall of America not too long ago and you walk in, this place is massive. I mean, it's just huge.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: And you walk in and you're like, "All right." Everybody has the different [00:01:30] areas they want to hit. So you walk in, you look, you find the big board and you're like, "All right, where is everything?"
Dr. Martin Jr.: But it's very helpful that there's a little X or a little circle that says, "You are here. This is where you're at now." It's much easier to look at a map when you know where you're at. Then you can say, "Okay, I want to go to this destination. So I'm here, I have to do this, I have to go right, straight." And all that stuff.
Dr. Martin Jr.: But when you don't know where you're at, it's very hard to get anywhere, if you don't know where you're at right [00:02:00] now.
Dr. Martin Jr.: One of the things that we like to do is always help people first figure out exactly where they're at, because once you know where you're at, then when it comes to starting, then you know how strict, you know how serious, you know how long, all those kinds of things.
Dr. Martin Jr.: It's easier to answer those questions because another question we get asked a lot is, "Well, how long do I have to do this for?" And then our question back to them is "Well, where are you at right now? Have you been diagnosed with something?" That's [00:02:30] a loaded question. There's a lot of context that needs to be answered.
Dr. Martin Jr.: One of the things we want to do today is help you, if you're listening to this episode, know where's the best place to start and especially where are you right now on this road from health to disease because.
Dr. Martin Sr.: It is a path. It's definitely a road, right?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well, you always say it. You don't go to bed healthy tonight and wake up with a disease tomorrow. That's a fact.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: 100,000 plus patient visits, 46 years [00:03:00] of practice, and you always say this, "There's nobody that goes to bed healthy tonight with a disease tomorrow." Now, you like to point out we're not talking about bacterial infection because you can go to bed healthy tonight and wake up with a-
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah, you could have flu tomorrow.
Dr. Martin Jr.: That's right.
Dr. Martin Sr.: You've got a bug, that's different.
Dr. Martin Jr.: But we're talking disease.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah, and when we talk about disease, and we'll hit this because we're going to go through this a little bit, but you know on our podcast we're always talking about a condition called inflammation. [00:03:30] I like what you said years ago, "It's not infection. It's disease without a fever."
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah. Today, inflammation is the new fever.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Right? Prior to the 50s, really, the number one killers back then were all infection based stuff. That was the top killers. Then as antibiotics came out and all those things came out, infection deaths went down, but now we're seeing the top killers, heart disease, cancer, [00:04:00] Alzheimer's, diabetes. All those things are all, they're non infection based killers.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: And it used to be if you were sick, you got a fever. Especially a lot of these foreign invaders would trigger a fever, and a fever meant that your body was working, it was doing its job.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah, the immune system, right?
Dr. Martin Jr.: That's right. It meant that it identified a problem and your body was mounting it's defence. A fever is your body mounting its defence and a fever, I heard somebody say this, I heard years [00:04:30] ago this one professor saying, "You know, fever, it charges your white blood cells. It's like charging your white blood cells." It's fascinating.
Dr. Martin Jr.: But now, so you used to know if you had a fever, you would know, oh, there's something wrong with you. But today, because we're dealing with inflammation, the body doesn't give you a fever when you've got heart disease coming.
Dr. Martin Jr.: It doesn't give you a fever when you got diabetes coming. It doesn't give that. It doesn't work the same way.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah, for cancer.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Inflammation is what they call a lot of times a silent [00:05:00] killer. However, the second part of the truth. So the first truth is you don't go to bed healthy tonight, wake up with a disease tomorrow. The second part of that equation is the body will give you clues as you move from health towards disease.
Dr. Martin Jr.: It's just that a lot of times we don't pay attention to the clues or we're not associating the clues with what's coming.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: That's what we're going to also talk about today. The body definitely gives warning signs. We like to tell the story of the Titanic. [00:05:30] It's fascinating because-
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah, I always loved that story.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Most people are not aware of the fact that the Titanic got a lot of warnings not to go where it was going.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: And in fact-
Dr. Martin Sr.: Change course.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Was it the US California, I think it was?
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Was in the area exactly where the Titanic was going and they actually warned the Titanic multiple times. And then I think the last communication between the two ships was basically the radio person saying, "Shut up. Shut up. I'm tired." [00:06:00] Because they'd been hearing it all day. And that was the end of it.
Dr. Martin Jr.: And then obviously, we know what happened. It's not like the Titanic didn't have warnings. It just chose not to listen to them. And that's, the body's doing the same thing. It's giving warnings, it's giving distress signals, it's giving clues.
Dr. Martin Jr.: But a lot of times they're so vague, it doesn't make any sense. We're going to help. We're going to hopefully help with that as well in today's episode.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Now, one of the things that we like to do is we want [00:06:30] you right now, it doesn't matter where you're at right now, whatever age you're at. I want you to picture how you envision your seventies, eighties and nineties. Wherever you're at now.
Dr. Martin Sr.: How about sixties?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Sixties, well, then you want to think about your seventies and eighties and nineties.
Dr. Martin Sr.: I'm thinking seventies.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Somebody is fifties, thinking sixties, right?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, but I mean I'm talking about in the future. How do you envision finishing off your life? That's what I'm talking about. Where you're at now, doesn't matter your age, how are you going to finish [00:07:00] off your seventies and eighties and nineties, because that's when a lot of people would consider senior citizens type of thing. How are you going to finish that?
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: I want you to think about that for a second, because what ends up happening is this. Think of now the ideal situation. How would you like to see yourself in the seventies and eighties and nineties?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well, I think most people would say, "Well, I'd like to have good energy."
Dr. Martin Sr.: For sure.
Dr. Martin Jr.: "I'd like to be able to move around. I want to be able to get up out of a chair. I don't want to have help everywhere I go. I want to be able to [00:07:30] get out and drive or get out and walk."
Dr. Martin Sr.: Brain.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Brain's a big one. I want to-
Dr. Martin Sr.: I think that's the biggest one people have.
Dr. Martin Jr.: I think that's becoming the number one fear that people have, that their body is going to outlive their brain.
Dr. Martin Sr.: We've talked a lot about that.
Dr. Martin Jr.: That's another thing. They want their heart to be strong. They'll say, "I want strong bones." They want to be sleeping properly. That's ideal. Okay, now you've thought of your ideal. Now let's talk about what would be less than ideal. What would be a bad outcome?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well, you get [00:08:00] diagnosed with heart disease. You start to get dementia or sarcopenia for example, or osteoporosis. Or you have no energy or you get diagnosed with cancer. That would be a less than ideal, obviously.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Less than ideal would be your best friend becomes your pharmacist.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yes.
Dr. Martin Sr.: You're taking so many meds. You know how many seniors I see in the office that they are on 10, 15 or more medications? I'm not kidding you. Every medication almost that you can think of, [00:08:30] from cholesterol to heart, to blood thinners, to sleeping pills, to you name it. They're on. I mean, it is incredible. I don't want my best friend to be my pharmacist. I really don't.
Dr. Martin Jr.: And then, and as you mentioned.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Ideal, that's what my goal would be.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Now the thing is, obviously, that's bad, but there's one thing that's even worse and that's dying early. Where you're at now, think of ideal, think of [00:09:00] bad, as we just talked about, and then think of even worse off, you just don't make it. You die of a heart attack or you die earlier than you are planning on dying.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Think of that situation. Now here's the thing. Where you're at now, to get to that ideal is uphill. The line is up. It's not straight across. You can't just necessarily continue doing the things you're doing today and that will guarantee that you're going to have an ideal seventies, eighties and nineties because it's [00:09:30] uphill.
Dr. Martin Jr.: You've got to be eating the right foods, you've got to be getting enough sleep, you've got to be getting the right nutrients, you've got to be getting the right kind of exercise. And you better be living a relatively stress free life.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Those are the steps. Really, those are the five things that kind of dictate what our seventies, eighties and nineties are going to be like. On the other hand, to go down to the bad scenario, or even the really bad scenario, all it takes is some inflammation. [00:10:00] All it takes is some high insulin or leaky gut that gets out of control, that creates more inflammation. And then next thing you know, you're on that bad path.
Dr. Martin Jr.: And so now most people that are listening to this, they are heading on that wrong direction. They're heading down that slope, down that bad results. They're heading towards heart disease, which you know, over half the American adults or Canadian adults have of some form of heart disease.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah. 50%. Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: And then you've stated [00:10:30] this before, what percentage of people are metabolically healthy? Less than-
Dr. Martin Sr.: 12%.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Sr.: 88% are unhealthy, metabolically, which is all the precursors to the same things we talked about, to diabetes. It's a precursor to-
Dr. Martin Jr.: Heart disease and cancer.
Dr. Martin Sr.: And cancer. And these are all precursors because metabolic syndrome-
Dr. Martin Jr.: So 88% of the people listening are heading down towards a less than ideal outcome.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah. 12% or less are healthy metabolically.
Dr. Martin Jr.: [00:11:00] And I liked that one. You know that one proverb, that one Chinese proverb. The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today. If you're listening to this episode and you're like, "All right, I would like to have a a better, I'd like to have an ideal end of my life. I've got to take the necessary steps, which requires action."
Dr. Martin Sr.: It's investment.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Absolutely.
Dr. Martin Sr.: It's investment.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, absolutely.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Always sacrifice involved.
Dr. Martin Jr.: The first thing that you have to do, in our opinion, in order to get to that ideal situation, is you have to know [00:11:30] where you're at right now. That is, for a lot of things in life, you have to know where you're at. Because then you can know where you've got to go.
Dr. Martin Jr.: That's what we're going to talk about. What we've done over the years is we've found that there are essentially four stages that take place between health and disease. Because as we've mentioned, you don't go to bed healthy and wake up disease.
Dr. Martin Jr.: There are actually four stages, from health to disease, and everyone listening to this [00:12:00] episode is somewhere, is in one of those four stages.
Dr. Martin Jr.: We'd like to help people figure out what stage they're in, because when they know what stage they're in, then when we talk about, "Okay, what do you do now?" You can kind of go based off the stage you're in and it's pretty easy that way.
Dr. Martin Jr.: All right, so let's talk about the four stages. Well, the first stage is what we call the state of wellbeing. The person is healthy. And you and I, we've talked about this and we talked about it on the webinar last night.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Getting a definition of health is not that easy, because it [00:12:30] depends on who you ask.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: And we've asked a lot of different healthcare professionals over the years, a lot of different types of people, and we get a lot of different kind of answers about what healthiest. A lot of doctors would say, a lack of disease or-
Dr. Martin Sr.: Absence of symptoms.
Dr. Martin Jr.: That's right. Or the lab tests are normal. So you could feel crappy, go to your doctor, get blood tests, and your doctor would say, "Well, everything's normal. You're healthy." And the person's thinking, "Well, I don't feel healthy." [00:13:00] Is that the definition of health? Of course, that's not the definition of health.
Dr. Martin Sr.: And to some extent, and you know, I don't want to be negative through and through, and I think medicine got hijacked. You and I talk about this, we've talked about this ad nauseam, but medicine got hijacked by labs. We've talked about that, that the labs become everything.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Whereas functional medicine, the labs important. It's not that we ever dismissed the lab, but the lab and the patient, how they're feeling, because my dad used to say, [00:13:30] "Well patients have inside information, listen to them."
Dr. Martin Sr.: And the problem is now doctors are busy and they don't listen to, "Oh let me look at your lab test. Oh, your thyroid's good." We've talked about that so many times. Medicine has got hijacked by the labs. And so doctors are not using their instincts like they used to and listening to patients. Asking the right questions 'cause we're a question asker.
Dr. Martin Sr.: And the second thing is that pharmaceutical industries had a major effect on them, because they're just writing out prescriptions without. [00:14:00] Anyway, when it comes to ideal health, a lot of times people are put on a path and they-
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well, they're told they're healthy.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: And they're on the path to disease, because they're, by all accounts, objectively blood test wise, nothing's showing up.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Nothing's showing up.
Dr. Martin Jr.: They don't feel great, but there's nothing showing up, so they're healthy. But they're on that road.
Dr. Martin Jr.: And so you know, so you ask the doctor, they'll talk about their version of health and there's a lot of different versions for us. When we look [00:14:30] at health, you and I, we've kind of defined someone who's healthy, that first of all has vibrant energy. They feel fantastic.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Great energy.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yep.
Dr. Martin Jr.: It doesn't mean you have to have it seven days a week, 365 days a year. But I'm saying for the most part.
Dr. Martin Sr.: They feel very good.
Dr. Martin Jr.: They're not lacking energy. Energy is-
Dr. Martin Sr.: Energy is, what an indicator it is.
Dr. Martin Jr.: It is and we'll talk about this in a minute, but it is a tremendous check engine light indicator. That's the first thing. A person that is healthy has generally vibrant energy. Their energy is good. [00:15:00] The second indication that we like to use, what we call biological age. The person is aging slower than the norm. There is a chronological age, which is how old you are on this earth.
Dr. Martin Jr.: I'm 46, so my chronological age is 46. Biological age is a whole different thing. That's the insides. How old are my cells? How old is all the stuff inside of me, which, there are a lot of people in their sixties that have a biological age of forties.
Dr. Martin Jr.: And there are a lot of people in their forties that have a biological age of sixties. [00:15:30] We have people coming in, people in their seventies, they get down on the table and they hop up like nothing. And then we have people in their forties who can barely do a pushup to get up off the table.
Dr. Martin Jr.: They can barely get off, which is why one of the best all cause mortality indicators is still the get up from the floor.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: If you can get up from the floor without having to grab 15 things, all cause, you're going to live longer, generally speaking, than somebody who can't.
Dr. Martin Jr.: That's a good indication.
Dr. Martin Sr.: You become very frail, when you're-
Dr. Martin Jr.: Biological [00:16:00] age is something, again, a person should look younger than they are. They should feel younger than they are and they should behave in a sense they should be able to move around younger than they are. That's another indicator of health, is that.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Also another one would be little to no inflammation. We don't think a person could be 100% inflammation free, because we think that's a natural, a reaction that takes place inside of our body over every little scenario that can possibly occur.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Sure and you've got the environment, unless you're-
Dr. Martin Jr.: Plastics. Are we breathing plastics? And all these kinds of things.
Dr. Martin Sr.: [00:16:30] We live in a crazy world today, it's not the same.
Dr. Martin Jr.: You're going to have inflammation. We would say little to no inflammation. And then of course we would also say the absence of symptoms as well. A person, and we're going to talk about different symptoms, but that's our definition of health. So that's stage one. If you're experiencing those things.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Vibrant.
Dr. Martin Jr.: You're in the first stage of wellbeing, as we call it, but the next stage, so what happens? How does a person go from being healthy to move into that second stage, which we call the check engine light stage. The second stage, what happens?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well, you and I, we've [00:17:00] done this before. We call it the three seeds of disease, which the very foundation, the first seed that gets planted in a healthy person that starts to bring them from health to disease. We think there are three main ones. We talk about the three seeds of disease, which are leaky gut syndrome and there are a lot of things that can cause leaky gut syndrome. The other one would be high circulating insulin.
Dr. Martin Jr.: There's a lot of things that can cause high circulating insulin, mainly crappy carbs.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Eating way too much in the day and eating way too often in a day [00:17:30] can lead to insulin issues, which will lead to high circulating insulin. And the third one of that three seeds would be free radical damage.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Those three things are one by themselves, but usually they play with each other, leads to inflammation and it grows inflammation. And then that's when the problems start. As that happens, you end up going from the first stage of being healthy and you slide a little bit into what we call stage two, which is the check engine stage.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Now, the check engine stage is interesting, [00:18:00] because that's when people start to experience things like a little bit lower energy or they may start to gain a little bit of weight or their brain might not be quite as sharp as it used to be.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah, they've got brain fog or their right short term memory can be affected.
Dr. Martin Jr.: And sleep. All of a sudden they get a little bit of insomnia, they're not sleeping anymore or their skin or their hair are starting to give them some issues. Their hair's falling out or getting thinner or they start to get allergies that they never had before. They get sensitive to foods. They start to get some [00:18:30] digestive issues.
Dr. Martin Jr.: This is the stage, we call them check engine lights because again, just like in your car, when your check engine light goes on, it can mean a lot of different things. It's tough to know what the cause of a check engine light unless you get direction after you plug a little computer and it tells you what's going on.
Dr. Martin Jr.: But when your check engine light goes on in your car, it could be anything. It could be, as I said last night, I found out the hard way. I didn't tighten my gas cap after filling it up. Didn't click it. You've got to turn [00:19:00] till click. They put that on there because of me, because I didn't turn to click and my check engine light went on.
Dr. Martin Jr.: And then my buddy who's a mechanic says, "Yeah, had air airflow and all that kind of stuff." All right. Or it can be very serious.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Transmission.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, could be your engine.
Dr. Martin Sr.: No more oil.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, you're in trouble. We call these check engine lights, because when somebody comes in or somebody says, "Well, my energy's low." Wow. There's a lot of things that can cause that. That's a check engine light. There's a lot of biochemical hormonal [00:19:30] systems in the body that can cause a person to experience low energy.
Dr. Martin Jr.: It doesn't point to anything specifically. Same with weight gain. There's a lot of things that can happen where a person starts to gain weight for no other reason. The fact that they, could be simple as stress or it could be just hormones. There's so many factors.
Dr. Martin Jr.: But that's why we call this stage the check engine light. Because people in this stage, when all of a sudden they're going along, they feel good. Then for a while they don't have as much energy. They book an appointment to go see their doctor, the doctor [00:20:00] runs a bunch of tests, the tests come back and the doctor's like, "You're healthy. There's nothing, ah, maybe a little this or a little bit of whatever. But for the most part, no, your numbers are good."
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: They're in that check engine stage and we call it the check engine stage, as well. And we want to let people know that they are taking a step towards disease at this point. They're on that journey.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: And they're starting to create the conditions in the body where disease can start to grow and start to cause some issues. [00:20:30] That's that first stage that we like to talk about.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Now from a clinical standpoint, they go get their blood tests done and generally speaking, everything's back. But here's what, from a functional health care standpoint, from a biomarker standpoint, this is what's happening.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Inflammation is starting to creep up.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Generally speaking, they don't have optimized levels of vitamin B12, vitamin D or even DHA for that matter. Oxidative stress is going up, insulin is [00:21:00] starting to go up. They have leaky gut and usually cortisol start to creep up as well. They're starting to have some cortisol cycle or pattern issues.
Dr. Martin Jr.: That's what's going on at this stage here.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: It's fascinating. But again, most of the time they go get their stuff and everything's good, but they don't feel great. This is also the point now where if they, again, don't address the underlying causes, which are the three seeds. Free radical damage, high circulating insulin or leaky gut. They now take a step more [00:21:30] towards a disease, because what happens is inflammation continues to grow at this point. They're now creating inflammation.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Inflammation is starting to grow and the longer that they stay in that check engine light stage, the more they slowly start sliding to the right towards disease and then they get into that third stage, which you and I have called the diagnosed symptom stage, because this is the stage where, well, first of all, the same symptoms they had on check engine light, they have, but some of them are getting worse.
Dr. Martin Jr.: They're more fatigued, [00:22:00] they're having more of a hard time sleeping. They're gaining more weight. Their hair's starting to fall out more, or all those symptoms are starting to go more. But now they also start to develop symptoms that you can point to.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Meaning they've got high blood pressure.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Very common.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Very common. That's right. Or you can point to lab values in their lab and say, "Well, see you've got high triglycerides, or now you're starting to get hyperinsulinemia or you're starting to get uric acid. Or now some [00:22:30] of your panels are going off."
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Or you've got metabolic syndrome, where you got pre-diabetes or you have-
Dr. Martin Sr.: Liver enzymes or whatever. It can be starting to go up.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Exactly, and we call this the-
Dr. Martin Sr.: Some kidney stuff-
Dr. Martin Jr.: The diagnosable. And this is, as you've mentioned this, well, we'll get into that in a second.
Dr. Martin Jr.: But, so they'll come in. This is the stage where people say, "Hey, I've got pain now. I've got pain, I've got gout, I've got psoriasis. My prostate's starting to, I got BPH, I've got PECOS. I've got thyroid [00:23:00] issues."
Dr. Martin Sr.: ED.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Exactly. This is the stage where you start to have diagnosable symptoms. They're not a disease yet, but you've got symptoms. High blood pressure is not a disease.
Dr. Martin Sr.: It's a symptom.
Dr. Martin Jr.: It's a symptom of something else. But you've got high blood pressure. This is the stage and as you've mentioned, this is also the stage when people start to get on medication.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yep. And you see a lot of that. Where people are now, instead of addressing the issue, they're actually taking a medication. Blood pressure, again, it's a symptom. [00:23:30] If you're taking a blood pressure medication and we're not telling you not to take it, we're just saying that you're not really addressing the issue.
Dr. Martin Sr.: What caused you to have high blood pressure? The inflammation within the blood vessels, the restriction, nutrient deficiency, oftentimes with low levels of vitamin D, B12 and whatever. We have talked about this, even low levels of magnesium can affect and give you the high blood pressure.
Dr. Martin Sr.: But you're starting down that, now you're really on the path. [00:24:00] And again, the medications are not meant to fix. They're meant to mask. They are there to generally. And they'll always say, "Well, if you're on a high blood pressure med, well, your blood pressure came down, so now stay on it."
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, it's the catch 22, because they're like "Well, hey you went on blood pressure medication, your blood pressure came down. That's awesome. You better stay on it because it's working."
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Or you go on blood pressure medication, it's not coming down. They're like, "Well, you'd better stay on it because we've got to bring [00:24:30] it down because it's not coming down."
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: "We better up the levels." And I'll tell ya, there are very few people who feel fantastic when they're taking blood pressure medications. They just don't feel good. Their energy is down. They're bleeding B6 and B12. It's affecting, they just don't feel good.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: And what's interesting, and again, five-year studies on people that go on blood pressure medication or don't, there was a large meta analysis done. And I'll tell you, there's no difference in mortality. The only thing is that people on the medication felt worse.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Again, [00:25:00] we're not telling people not to go on medication. We're saying that they're treating a symptom and it's not working.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah. It's not working.
Dr. Martin Jr.: There's nobody that goes on a high blood pressure medication that all of a sudden saves himself from heart disease, because that's one symptom. That's all we're saying.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: But this is the stage when they do that. Now, they're in the third stage. If you're taking medication or you've got a diagnosed symptom like we've mentioned. There's a whole bunch of different ones. You are now in that third stage and here's the thing. You are now approaching what you and I call the now or never zone, [00:25:30] because they are almost at the point of disease.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah, point of no return.
Dr. Martin Jr.: It's the point of no return and then when somebody gets to that point of no return and they cross it, they enter into the diseased state. Now they're in a diseased state. That's a whole different ballgame.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Also, you are now moving from the concept of prevention to the concept of actual treatment. Again, big difference. Prevention is always best, but prevention for a lot of people, isn't interesting.
Dr. Martin Jr.: [00:26:00] They'll deal with it when they get it. That's how it is.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Especially men.
Dr. Martin Jr.: They always say this and we wrote a book on cancer and we've written a lot of books and of all the books we've written, the cancer book was the least bestseller that we had. And we found out and we were told this ahead of time, it didn't matter.
Dr. Martin Jr.: People are really only interested about cancer until once they get-
Dr. Martin Sr.: When they get it.
Dr. Martin Jr.: When they get cancer or somebody else does, then they want to know about it. But before that-
Dr. Martin Sr.: It's not sexy.
Dr. Martin Jr.: It's like saving for retirement. It's hard to tell a 20 year old to worry about retirement [00:26:30] when they're in their twenties. They just don't think about it. And as humans, you know what's fascinating. We are guided by a very strong psychological principle.
Dr. Martin Jr.: And the principle is this, because it hasn't happened, it won't happen. And we do that all the time, for many thing. Well, because this has never happened. It won't happen. And that's how we are with cancer.
Dr. Martin Sr.: I remember a lawyer told me once, people, clients, would come in to do their will and they said, "Well, we're coming here [00:27:00] to do a will, if we die."
Dr. Martin Sr.: And he said, "No, no., when you die." "No, no, if. If I die, here's my will." I used to just die laughing literally, about, that's kind of funny. But that's the way people are.
Dr. Martin Jr.: That's how we are.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Human psychology 101.
Dr. Martin Jr.: And it's good, in a lot of ways, it protects us from a lot of things because we don't walk through life scared of everything. But generally speaking, prevention is a tough sell.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Most people, there are a percentage of people that [00:27:30] feel great and take supplements and exercise and that's awesome. But a large part of the population, and those that are listening to this podcast know this. If they've got family members or friends, they're trying to get them to do something health wise, it's hard to get people to do things because prevention is just not one of those things that people care too much about.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Because if that was the case, everybody would be flossing and doing all those things. That's just not how we are. That's what's going on here.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah, go against the norm if you're really into prevention.
Dr. Martin Jr.: And then, [00:28:00] once you cross that now or never, the point of no return, you are now fully in the disease state. Now you have been diagnosed with some form of heart disease or diabetes or some kind of fatty liver cancer. Or whatever. You were diagnosed, you are now in the diseased state.
Dr. Martin Jr.: That's the four stages. If you're listening, the first thing we want you to do is sit there and think, "Okay, what stage am I in?" Most people listening to this podcast, most people are in between stages two and three. Some of you've got diabetes, [00:28:30] you're in fourth stage, but most people listening are somewhere between two and three.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: And the reason why we want people to know that is because of a few things. First of all, if you're in that first stage, you're healthy. Well, you want to stay healthy. As we mentioned at the beginning of this podcast, it's an uphill line to get to where you want to go when you're older.
Dr. Martin Jr.: You have to live a low insulin lifestyle. You have to keep insulin low. You have to get the right amount of sleep. You have to keep your stress [00:29:00] levels low. You have to do some form of strength training, build muscle. You need muscle to age well, so you better be putting on some muscle.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yep.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Taking the right supplements to cover those nutrients, that's how you stay in that healthy stage. But now that you kind of have an idea of what stage you're in and here's what we tell people when it comes to eating, dietary wise, the carb tolerance scale that you and I use, it's very simple.
Dr. Martin Jr.: The further you are on the path towards disease, [00:29:30] the less you are able to tolerate carbs, in our experience. Listen, there's exceptions to every rule.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah, but not many.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Meaning if you're in that disease state or you're in that diagnosed symptom state, you have to go on that low end of carbs to do well, to kind of help get the nutrients to eat, to feel better.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Because every time you're eating, you're either promoting health or hurting health. You're either causing [00:30:00] a cascade of hormonal responses, in favour of health, or you're causing inflammation. The further you are along the path to disease, the more strict you have to be all the time.
Dr. Martin Jr.: It's so much easier when somebody's in that check engine stage, because they don't have to be nearly as strict because every bite is not going to kill them, literally.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Whereas if they're in a-
Dr. Martin Sr.: They can do more cheating.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Sr.: They can have more carbohydrates and they get away with it much [00:30:30] more. But if you're-
Dr. Martin Jr.: A diabetic.
Dr. Martin Sr.: You're a diabetic. I tell diabetic patients.
Dr. Martin Jr.: They can't cheat.
Dr. Martin Sr.: You can't cheat. You've got an allergy, man. You've got an allergy to carbohydrates. You and carbs or you might be frenemies. You like them, but they don't like you.
Dr. Martin Jr.: No. They're stabbing you in the back whenever they can.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah. And they're making you very unwell.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Heart disease, same thing. Heart disease. You're creating, if you have heart disease, you do not want to be creating inflammation every time you eat. [00:31:00] You definitely don't want to be doing that. That's why-
Dr. Martin Sr.: And you don't want, you've got to get your triglycerides down and you've got to get your good cholesterol up and its food, food, food, food and you know somebody's, people try and negotiate with me. I had a diabetic in this morning and they're trying to negotiate.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Because I said, "Look, man, you've got an allergy to carbs." And then they said, "Well, what about bread?" I said, "Well that's a carb."
Dr. Martin Jr.: That's a fast acting carb.
Dr. Martin Sr.: I said, because it was kind of funny. The guy was-
Dr. Martin Jr.: And it's so funny [00:31:30] because you feel for them, too. Because-
Dr. Martin Sr.: He said, "How am I going to eat eggs, if I can't dip my bread in the eggs?" And I'm laughing.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Eggs are catching.
Dr. Martin Sr.: I said, "You'd better get used to it, man. Because your days of eating toast are over." And I said, "Only if you want to be healthy." Because I said "You're already there."
Dr. Martin Jr.: If you want to take insulin all the time, or you want a progressively get worse.
Dr. Martin Sr.: And you know what? Like you always say diabetes, it ends very poorly.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Sr.: You're on the Titanic.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, it's not going to end well.
Dr. Martin Sr.: And [00:32:00] the iceberg. You've already hit the side of it.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah. The current system of treatment and I don't even call it treatment. I call it management of diabetes. Everybody who gets on the diabetes train, we know where it ends. It doesn't end well. It ends with heart disease. It ends with vision issues.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Loss of limbs.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah. It doesn't end well. If you want to get off that train, you have to be very strict, which is why it's so much easier to address things early on because you don't have to be quite as strict. The carb tolerance [00:32:30] scale, somebody that's healthy can generally tolerate more carbs than somebody who is diseased.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Somebody that's healthy can tolerate more carbs than somebody in that check engine thing. But the carbs scale goes down as they get. And then when they're diseased, they're generally, diagnosed symptoms and disease, they're flirting with keto and then disease.
Dr. Martin Jr.: They should be, for a lot of these things. They should be in that keto phase right now. And then obviously you have to be way more strict with your supplements, your exercise, your stress management. [00:33:00] The further along you are, the more strict you have to be.
Dr. Martin Jr.: For a person that doesn't want to be nearly as strict and wants to be able to, more flexibility, get at things early. But if you're listening, you're like, "I'm in that diseased state or I'm in that third stage." All right. You definitely have to do some work that way.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Now. All right, so you know where you're at, you have a general idea of that carbohydrate tolerance in a sense. And again, we have a program on our website that, [00:33:30] it's the serial killers program. It's a low carb program, but it's cyclical, there's a whole bunch of things inside of there.
Dr. Martin Jr.: That's what we usually recommend for people. Now all right. People always ask us also. "I'm not sure about supplements. I don't know where to start when it comes to supplements." Well, it's very simple. A majority of the people , or the majority of the population, we call it the 80/20 rule, but it's more like the 95/5 rule.
Dr. Martin Jr.: A person that goes into stage two, three or four. They're [00:34:00] always going to be deficient in vitamin B12. They're generally going to be deficient in vitamin D. They're going to be low in magnesium and they're going to have DHA, which is an Omega 3 fatty acid.
Dr. Martin Jr.: They're going to have low-
Dr. Martin Sr.: They're in the low levels of those.
Dr. Martin Jr.: They are, and then, because there's the three seeds of disease that have to be addressed, a good probiotic for leaky gut. A very good antioxidant. We pine bark extract in our Navitol, for the free radical damage.
Dr. Martin Jr.: The high circling insulin. That's the eating part. Take care of that.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Insulin is food.
Dr. Martin Jr.: [00:34:30] And that takes care of the three seeds. Then you plugged those deficiencies that we just meant. And then if a person comes in and says, "All right, I've got my road to disease, I'm heading down. I've got heart symptoms."
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well you've got to address that. Somebody says, "Well, I've got hormones, I've got thyroid," or whatever. Then you get specific, but you've got to fix the foundation. You've got to fix the eating.
Dr. Martin Jr.: And then if you're listening to this and you're like, "Okay, I understand this part here, but I do have, I am heading down the road towards heart disease [00:35:00] or I am heading down the road. I have some thyroid issues." Well, we have a lot of great videos on our website, full presentations, webinars that we did that are recorded, they're available on our website that you can go there, get them, watch them.
Dr. Martin Jr.: We talk about stuff that we do in our clinic. We share as much information as possible, so that you can go-
Dr. Martin Sr.: And you can understand it.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, and that's the point. We want people to know where they're at right now and then know what they can do to help themselves get better because that's the thing. Because there's so [00:35:30] much misinformation out there, so we try to make it as simple as possible.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Again, we covered a lot of stuff.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: This podcast, again, as we mentioned, was based off of a webinar we did. If you want to see the visuals and you want to hear it again, but with graphs and all that kind of stuff, go to our website. It'll be available on our website. It's the Start Here webinar, as well. So again, we want to thank you for listening and have a great day.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In podcast [00:36:00] with your host, Dr. Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.