EP200 Six Signs Your Kidneys Are Stressed

Transcript Of Today's Episode

Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast brought to you by martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info, maybe it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin Sr: Well, hello everyone. Good to be with you on another edition of The Doctor Is In Podcast and Dr. Martin Senior here [00:00:30] and always enjoy doing these podcasts and today on episode number 200 I believe, Ooh, let's have a party, 200 edition of The Doctor Is In. We're going to talk today about everything kidneys and kidneys in a lot of ways are sort of the Rodney Dangerfield of your body. They don't get a lot of respect until they don't work, and a lot of people [00:01:00] in this day and age are suffering from kidney stress. It's one of the things that I see in the office very frequently and that is poor functioning kidneys. It's very, very common today. And we'll get into some of the reasons, but for sure that kidneys are essential. And believe me, if they're not working properly, you're heading for disaster. [00:01:30] And therefore, let's talk about some of the things that you can look for that would sort of tell you that maybe your kidneys are not working at the level that they should.

Dr. Martin Sr: So the kidneys, first of all are, they're just critical filters. They help with waste elimination and it's essential that they work properly. They support water and fluid balance in your body and your [00:02:00] blood pressure. Like I said, if you want to live a long a healthy life, you better make sure your kidneys are functioning properly. And the problem with kidney disease in general is that most people, until it's really almost too late, find out that their kidneys weren't functioning properly. And so let me give you six symptoms of possible kidney [00:02:30] disorder in the sense that perhaps your kidneys are not up to snuff and these are symptoms, possible symptoms of the fact that your kidneys are under stress. Okay. Symptoms. So one of them is edema. Edema is swelling, especially in your legs or your ankles, your hands, you can't get your rings on.

Dr. Martin Sr: This is what [00:03:00] we call Edema. It's fluid that is been retained in the body and this can be a very, what we call silent symptom that your kidney function is not where it should be. One of the other things is fatigue. Fatigue can be a sign that your kidneys are toxic, that the waste elimination is not taking place [00:03:30] in the kidneys and this can lead to fatigue, unexplained fatigue. Third is itching. Yes, you're just itchy. A lot of times the, you know, your skin is itchy and there's no ... you can't figure out a reason for it. You're always scratching very, very dry skin. Unexplained rash can be another sign of [00:04:00] a poor kidney function. High blood pressure of course is very, very common and that the kidneys are not working properly. High blood pressure can give you kidney problems and kidney problems can give you a high blood pressure.

Dr. Martin Sr: And another one is muscle cramps. Just where you get the ... a lot of times they can get you out of bed, wake you up and you're cramping in your legs, mostly in your feet [00:04:30] or your hands. They just cramp up. They go into a spousal, and this can be a sign that your kidneys are not working properly. So critical critical filters. Now let me talk a little bit about five common, what I call them, kidney diseases of the kidney or a malfunction of the kidneys. One of them is what we call chronic kidney [00:05:00] disease. Okay? And this is so common in diabetics and very common for people that have trouble with insulin. As you know, at the Martin clinic, we always talk about, I don't know if you ever get tired of us, but we're always talking about insulin high circulating insulin. Well, the reason we do that is because it's not only at the top of the charts of kidney disease it's also [00:05:30] at the top of the charts, and if you know us as we reverse engineer any disease, just about you have three common factors of that disease.

Dr. Martin Sr: One of them is high circulating insulin, the other one is leaky gut and the third one is oxidative damage, which has free radical damage. So if you look at these diseases, kidney disease, one of the biggest issues is [00:06:00] diabetes, if you have diabetes, if you don't control it, if you don't get it under control, you are going to damage your kidney. So chronic kidney disease, the number one issue is insulin. And so let me just say this, when you have trouble with your kidneys, it's not the salt, it's not salt. You know when they put you on a low salt diet, [00:06:30] it's not salt, it's sugar, it's not protein, it's sugar. Oh, I got doc, I got my doctors says that I have protein in my urine, therefore I must be eating too much protein. No, you're not. You're not eating enough protein. You're eating too many carbohydrates. You're elevating your insulin.

Dr. Martin Sr: It's not salt it sugar, it's not protein. [00:07:00] It's sugar and the proof in the pudding is, look at the amounts of kidney disease that we have in our society today. It's an epidemic. It used to be rare. It's not salt, it's sugar. It's not protein. It's not, oh doc I must be eating too much meat. No, you're not eating enough meat. You're eating too many carbohydrates. Your insulin is [00:07:30] elevated, you have high circulating insulin and that there's nothing more damaging to the kidneys than high circulating insulin because glycation, which is AGE, glycation end products caused by sugar damages the kidneys. It gives you chronic kidney disease which will elevate your blood pressure and elevated blood [00:08:00] pressure doesn't come from you eating salt. It comes from you having high circulating insulin and I tell you, you can reverse kidney disease a lot of times with just getting your insulin down and so chronic kidney disease.

Dr. Martin Sr: The second one is acute injury to the kidneys. This is very common again today and here's the reason that it can happen is drugs. You know what's [00:08:30] in your medicine cabinet just over the counter medications, Tylenol, Advil, Motrin, stuff that's in your even anti-histamines and Benadryl and things like that. Man, you have no idea how difficult this can be on your kidneys. Acute kidney injury, non steroidal anti-inflammatories over the counter ones and [00:09:00] if you ever take half the take Celebrex or anything like that, those destroy your kidneys. And it can happen overnight with no advanced warning. You just been taking maybe Advil for a headache and you take it for two or three weeks in a row and you can get an acute injury to your kidneys. And now your kidneys are damaged. Acute injury caused by chemotherapy. And you know, [00:09:30] again, look you got cancer and you take chemotherapy. But one of the biggest side effects of chemotherapy is acute injury to the kidneys.

Dr. Martin Sr: And here's a whopper. Antibiotics. Antibiotics the greatest discovery of the 20th century can be a curse to your kidneys. Cipro, I've seen people, women take Cipro for urinary [00:10:00] track infections or maybe even for a kidney infection. And guess what? They've damaged their kidneys and some of it can be permanent in just one dose of an antibiotic. And again, I'm not telling you not to take it, I'm only telling you what some of the common side effects of these medications. So chronic kidney disease, insulin, insulin, it's not salt, it's not protein, it's sugar, [00:10:30] it's sugar. And acute injury, drugs right in your medicine cabinet, over the counters antibiotics, chemotherapy. Third kidney stones, kidney stones. Now there's a couple of types of kidney stones. There's calcium oxalate is not caused specifically by calcium and there's uric acid stones.

Dr. Martin Sr: And [00:11:00] one of the main reasons that people get kidneys stones is you got to go back to the diet.If you're drinking juice. And so for people that love to make smoothies with fruit smoothies or whatever, you got to be very careful with that because again, because it can elevate your insulin and you have high circulating insulin, this is one of the major causes of calcium [00:11:30] oxalate kidney stones and uric acid. Cut your sugars. I call fruit God's candies. But for some people they just can't have a lot of God's candies and fruit is good for you, except if you make uric acid and even a calcium oxalate. It's a byproduct that AGE that I talked to you earlier about glycation, which again is sugar, [00:12:00] sugar, sugar. So chronic kidney disease, acute injury to the kidneys from drugs, kidney stones, much more common today. My, my word, we see so much more kidney stones.

Dr. Martin Sr: And fourth thing that happens to the kidneys is dehydration. So when earlier I was talking about symptoms of muscle cramps, dehydration, muscle contraction, even nerve [00:12:30] impulses, and you get where you're getting dehydrated and you're losing your electrolytes, especially sodium and magnesium and potassium and bicarbonate. These are things that are common again today much more because we see so much dehydration. People, okay, let me just take a little drink of water because I'm reminding myself how much Dr. Martin needs water. Let me just have a little drink. Okay. [00:13:00] I just had some water and how fast people dehydrate and dehydration will kill your kidneys, damage kidneys. You got to think of kidneys like Niagara Falls. You constantly, constantly must flush out the toxins. Remember, it's one of the greatest filters in your body. Your kidneys are one of the biggest sources of waste elimination in your [00:13:30] body and you keep your kidneys flushed, flushed them out, and only water is water.

Dr. Martin Sr: You don't flush out your kidneys with coffee or tea or juice or whatever. No, only H2O. Water is water and spring water is the best water to drink because it gives you minerals and it really helps with your pH. So make sure [00:14:00] you're not dehydrated. I like about two litres of water a day. I know it sounds simple, but your kidneys are like Niagara Falls. Keep them clean. Now, fifthly, one of the things that you want to look for in kidney disorder is the gut kidney axis, the gut kidney axis. Again, one of the biggest problems in kidney function is the evidence of yeast [00:14:30] that gets into the kidneys. Dysbiosis is when you get, it starts in the gut. Remember when you take an antibiotic or you are on a high sugar, high carbohydrate diet, the yeast in your gut gets into the bloodstream.

Dr. Martin Sr: It can travel to the brain. We've talked about MS, we've talked about Parkinson's, but in kidney disease or kidney malfunction, you [00:15:00] often get a dysbiosis. And this is where yeast, candida albicans gets into your kidneys and causes a chronic inflammation inside the kidneys. And the kidneys don't function at their highest level because of that yeast. And this is really, really important. So again, it comes back to keeping yeast down with your diet [00:15:30] and with obviously probiotics. But do you see how antibiotics, for example, you take an antibiotic because you got a urinary tract infection for example, ladies which is mostly you. And then you take an antibiotic and you get a yeast infection. It sits in the bladder, it crawls up the urinary track, and then it gets into the kidneys [00:16:00] or it can come through the bloodstream into the kidneys.

Dr. Martin Sr: And what happens then is again, that dysbiosis and yeast. Think of what yeast does. You have yeast and you make bread with it, right? It makes bread rise and it ... So in the kidneys it can really destroy kidney function and that your kidneys are not filtering [00:16:30] properly because of the amount of yeast in there. So this is really important. Okay, so what helps the kidneys? We talked about water, I call it vitamin W. it really does help the kidneys. Let me talk to you about a few supplements that really help the kidneys. Number one for kidney function, in my opinion, is vitamin D. vitamin D is essential for proper kidney function because vitamin D [00:17:00] what it does, is very, very important for keeping your inflammation down. And kidney function needs good levels of D hydroxy vitamin D, so vitamin D3, the sun, you should be the ... vitamin D council is recommending somewhere between 4,000 and 8,000 international units a day.

Dr. Martin Sr: If you're having trouble with insulin and whatever, then you might [00:17:30] even look to increase that vitamin D levels vitamin D. What else makes your kidneys work very well? Well, Omega-3. You see that healthy long chain fatty acid is essential for good kidney function. So vitamin D guys, you need vitamin D and you need Omega-3 and so I supplement with Omega-3 because I don't get [00:18:00] enough fish in my diet. I don't like fish. I wish I did. I mean I like it in a sense that I tell everybody to eat it, but I don't like it personally in terms of taste. So guess what? I take fish every day in a capsule. I take high DHA oil. It is so good for you. It is so good for your kidney. We know what it does for the heart, we know what it does for the brain, but it also is essential.

Dr. Martin Sr: You see when it comes to animal products, [00:18:30] animal products. When you think what comes in the animal kingdom, the vitamin D, it's not found in the plant kingdom. It's found in the animal kingdom. Omega-3, omega-3 is not found in ... The high DHA is not found in the plant kingdom. It's found in the animal kingdom in fish or grass fed beef. CoQ10 is very good for your kidneys. I don't [00:19:00] care necessarily so much if you use CoQ10 as a supplement, I'm not against it of course, but CoQ10 you get in your diet when you eat eggs, meat and cheese. Okay? And the other one, probiotics. We talked about the importance of probiotics because probiotics are essential to keep yeast down and yeast can get into your kidneys like it can [00:19:30] in other organs, but if your kidney function is not at the highest level, then absolutely probiotics, and this is another one I like because it elevates nitric oxide, which elevates your circulation to the kidneys.

Dr. Martin Sr: You see, kidneys is all about circulation. Your blood vessels, your capillaries and your ... We talked about high blood [00:20:00] pressure, but you see micro circulation and this is why I love Navitol because it opens up your blood vessels that opens up your nitric oxide. It elevate your glutathione. And glutathione is like Velcro in your bloodstream, which helps to take the toxins out of your body. So it helps to help the kidneys take out the toxins. So again, these are essential [00:20:30] things for your kidneys. So chronic kidney disease caused by high insulin gets your sugars down. Acute injury, be careful with your meds. Protect your kidneys if you're on medication, if you're taking Advil or Tylenol or antibiotics, you need to take probiotics to protect your kidneys. Kidney stones, we talked about dehydration, a very important factor in kidney disorders.

Dr. Martin Sr: People just [00:21:00] don't because don't wait till you're thirsty. Drink water and drink tea. You'll get used to it. Oh, Dr. Martin, I'm going to have to go to the bathroom. Well, that's a good thing if you have to pee. People think of pee, of course, you might have to find a bathroom and it can be inconvenient to some extent. But listen to switch your body. This is how your body gets rid of toxins. Don't be scared to get rid of those [00:21:30] toxins in your body. Maybe don't drink as much at night, so you're not up as frequently during the night, but you want to keep your kidneys flushed. And so these are very, very important things for your kidneys. Okay? So thanks for listening today to this podcast. We love your feedback. If you have any questions and certainly send us an email@infoatmartinclinic.com [00:22:00] and until the next time, make sure you take care of your kidneys.

Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.

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