Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In podcast brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Hi, I'm Dr. Martin Jr.
Dr. Martin Sr.: I'm Dr. Martin Sr.
Dr. Martin Jr.: And this is The Doctor Is In podcast and this is episode 198. Today, we want to talk about something that you and I have had a [00:00:30] discussion about off the air, and we've talked about this many times. It revolves around the idea of how often cardiologists have gotten things completely wrong over the years.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Which is ... I mean, listen. They do a lot of things that are right, and we're not here to bash cardiologists, but when they get behind something as a group, they've been wrong way more times than right.
Dr. Martin Sr.: I'm trying to think of when they got it right.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well, that ... You [00:01:00] and I, that's what we were trying to do. We're trying to figure out: When did they get something right? We couldn't think of anything.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: And we're talking as a group.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: I want to talk about individual cardiologists and the work that they do, but we're saying as a group, when they've gotten behind a public movement, they've gotten it dead wrong and sometimes completely on the opposite end of wrong. I mean, they've been dead wrong on numbers of issues. So what we want to do today is talk about some of the biggest mistakes [00:01:30] they've made in terms of promoting heart-healthy ideas, and we'll talk about those cause some of them aren't ... We were laughing about a few of them. They were actually ... We were quite amazed how often they get these things wrong. The reason why we want to talk about this is because the American Heart Association came out last year and said 50% of almost half of the population in the United States ... But this is definitely true in Canada as well.
Dr. Martin Jr.: They're saying half of the population has heart disease. Some form.
Dr. Martin Sr.: [00:02:00] Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: And they're basing that on certain biomarkers, but they're saying, basically, half the American adults, half the Canadian adults for that matter, have heart disease. So, I mean it's a big problem.
Dr. Martin Sr.: It's a big problem. It's a killer. It still beats cancer, in terms of the number one condition that it's still number one-
Dr. Martin Jr.: It's still number one.
Dr. Martin Sr.: On the [crosstalk 00:02:23], right? Cancer is right up there, but it still beats cancer.
Dr. Martin Jr.: It still beats cancer, and you and I have talked about this before; overseas [00:02:30] in the UK, dementia has climbed up to-
Dr. Martin Sr.: Crazy.
Dr. Martin Jr.: I mean, it's just insane, but when it comes to heart disease, heart is still the number one way that a majority of adults in North America are going to die. No question.
Dr. Martin Sr.: I think it's probably the number one thing that ... In terms of medication-
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yes. I mean the number one-
Dr. Martin Sr.: Like in terms of-
Dr. Martin Jr.: The biggest drug of all time-
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Is a statin drug. So let's start there.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Okay.
Dr. Martin Jr.: We'll start. Obviously, I mean, if we were to list ... [00:03:00] We'll just go back and forth and name off some of the biggest things that cardiologists got completely wrong when it came to public health.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Cholesterol.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Number one.
Dr. Martin Jr.: We'll start with cholesterol number one, right? Cholesterol. I think we're living in a time now where people are starting to finally understand that cholesterol is one of the biggest myths. I mean, has there been a ... I can't think of something that has been ... I mean maybe when it comes to saturated fat, but when it comes to cholesterol, I mean that idea of cholesterol being an [00:03:30] important indicator of heart disease was thrust upon society to the point that we still get emails every day asking about cholesterol.
Dr. Martin Jr.: How do I lower my cholesterol? How do I lower my cholesterol?
Dr. Martin Sr.: And you know, go to a teaching that I did on blood work to look at what are important markers. Triglycerides and cholesterol-
Dr. Martin Jr.: The ratio of triglycerides to HDL is by far a better indicator, and-
Dr. Martin Sr.: It's the best biomarker at all together to look at heart disease, right? And I explain it. But my [00:04:00] word, when you think ... I mean it's almost, we look back now-
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well, the number one selling drug.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: A crazy amount of money they've ... Hundreds of billions of dollars sales of statin drugs, which are cholesterol lowering medication.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Think of how that influenced people.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yes. Across the board, to the point ... We probably have, I'm sure it's on a podcast. We've mentioned this too, that it actually got into the British parliament. They had a vote. It didn't pass, but I mean, when you think of that, [00:04:30] it actually got a vote. It was to put statin drugs in the drinking water for heaven's sakes.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Like, are you kidding me? Here's the thing. What they're starting to find out now with statin drugs are the myriad of side effects that go along with them.
Dr. Martin Sr.: 50% become diabetic.
Dr. Martin Jr.: 50%, and here's the thing: When it comes to the benefit of statins, there really is no benefit of statins, and we're talking about ... You know, it's funny, [00:05:00] it's all math, how they do it. It's a 1% improvement rather than a 50% reduction. It's just math. You could say if you go from 2% to 1% ... This is what they've done. This is actually how they've done it. When they say ... They don't tell you the numbers, they'll say it's a 50% reduction in relative risk, whereas what they're not telling you is that it's going from 2% to 1%-
Dr. Martin Sr.: Effectiveness.
Dr. Martin Jr.: So it's ... Yeah. Rather than saying it's a 1% improvement, [00:05:30] which sounds idiotic-
Dr. Martin Sr.: I mean, why would you take a drug-
Dr. Martin Jr.: If I were to give you a pill ... You come to see me and I'm like, all right, you got high cholesterol, we got to bring it down. Now, there's a chance that this may damage your muscles. There's a chance it may damage your nerves. There's a chance it may cause liver damage. There's also a chance it may mess up your hormones. There's also a chance to may cause cancer. It definitely may cause diabetes. It might, actually, in the long run, hurt your heart, and it may cause [00:06:00] birth defects but it's gonna help lower cholesterol and give you a 1% chance improvement. I mean, it sounds stupid.
Dr. Martin Sr.: You know, it's always interesting to me that you're ... One thing that everybody will agree with, I mean, even in mainstream medicine, is that when you take a statin drug, you're lowering your CoQ10 levels, and guess what? Your heart doesn't work properly without CoQ10. It just doesn't. I mean, it's almost [00:06:30] like, are you kidding me? This was passed off as science as a consensus amongst the American Heart Association and-
Dr. Martin Jr.: They got fully behind it to the point that as soon as you're 40, you're checked for cholesterol and you're on statin drugs, right?
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: I mean, now you're starting to see it swing the other way, which is finally ... But it's still not enough yet. Like we said a few minutes ago, we get emails everyday; people asking, "How do I lower cholesterol?" Whereas the [00:07:00] response that we always give is, "All right. Okay, let's just put cholesterol aside for a second. What's your triglycerides? What's your HDL? Are you insulin-resistant?" Because one of the best ... Our favourite indicator by far of potential heart disease in your future is insulin resistance.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Hyper ... High circulating insulin.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Absolutely.
Dr. Martin Jr.: We're gonna do a webinar coming up on heart, and we're going to talk about how that is by far the best indicator, but in your blood [00:07:30] work; what's your HDL? What's your triglycerides? That's where it matters. What's your CRP? What's your inflammation levels?
Dr. Martin Sr.: That's the true indicators, because you've said this before. When you look at LDL, because people ask me all the time, "What do you think of my LDL? Is it good?" I go, "I don't care.".
Dr. Martin Jr.: No.
Dr. Martin Sr.: I look at it ... I really don't. I mean, we've been-
Dr. Martin Jr.: No, because in context, right? It's always context.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah, it's always like ... I mean, no. It's not that ... I mean-
Dr. Martin Jr.: Here's the thing-
Dr. Martin Sr.: If [00:08:00] you lower your LDL, it does nothing for you.
Dr. Martin Jr.: No, of course not, because you can artificially lower it with a drug and still feel terrible, still get dementia, still get heart disease.
Dr. Martin Sr.: And it doesn't help you!
Dr. Martin Jr.: No. Not at all
Dr. Martin Sr.: It doesn't help you with lowering your LDL. So I always ask my patients, "Why do you want a lower LDL?
Dr. Martin Jr.: It's fake health.
Dr. Martin Sr.: "Oh, my doctor wants the lower LDL." Why?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, because to them ... That's the thing, it gives you a sense of fake health because you can have everything else off, and yet your LDL is down to normal and your doctor is like, "Good, we brought your cholesterol [00:08:30] down," right? I mean, that's a good thing. Your relative risk, they say, went down. That's not true. I mean, that's a big one.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Let me just give you one other thing that is fascinating. I watched it happen about 15 years ago with cholesterol medication, statin drugs. The American Diabetic Association and the Canadian Diabetic Association, in conjunction with the American Heart Association, decided to give every diabetic ... If you ... There was an edict [00:09:00] that came out to the doctors; family doctors and said, "Look, if your patients have diabetes, then, because with diabetes you're always at a much higher risk for cardiovascular disease," which is true. It's absolutely true. They said, "You know how many hundreds of thousands of people that had normal cholesterol were put on statin drugs because they were diabetic?" And then they find out ... But seriously, that really happened.
Dr. Martin Sr.: I watched it happen. I had patients [00:09:30] come in, they're diabetics, and they'd go ... Well, I'd look over their medications. I said, "Why are you on cholesterol lowering medication?" "Oh, I don't know. My doctor put me on it." Why did your doctor put you on ... I said, "Your cholesterol is completely normal." Yeah, but anyway, imagine. Imagine. They got that wrong too. As a matter of fact, what did we ... What did we just mention at the top of the show? That 50%, and especially women. Women, it's .. The percentage is much [00:10:00] higher that women that take statin drugs are almost invariably going to become diabetics.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah. It-
Dr. Martin Sr.: For heaven sakes.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Diabetes, one of the end results of diabetes is dying of heart disease. It doesn't make sense. I want to give you a couple of stats here, okay? I looked a few things up as we were talking here. Lipitor, which is really the king of statins, that's the big one. That's the best selling prescription drug of all time. 149 billion dollars between 1996 and [00:10:30] 2016. 149 billion.
Dr. Martin Sr.: If you were ... You know, why didn't I get a piece of that pie?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Right? And that's ... Obviously, I mean, what I just read to you right there was the reason why it was pushed as hard as it was, right? Now let's flip it over and talk about some of the research here. A large study done showing that out of a hundred people who take statin drugs for five years ... Let's put aside the side effects that a lot of people experienced that don't even get registered as side effects. Let's just push those aside.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Out of a hundred people who take statins for five [00:11:00] years to avoid a myocardial infarction, 98 don't experience any bad ... It's zero mortality benefit, five to 20 of those people experience significant muscle aches, fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, increased risk of diabetes. That's just from one study. Now, another study that really kind of put the nail in the coffin of cholesterol, this is what they ... This is a quote from the study. It says, "There is no evidence that high levels of total cholesterol or bad cholesterol cause heart disease. According to a new paper [00:11:30] by 17 international physicians based on a review," and here we go, "Of patient data of almost 1.3 million people." Again, cholesterol is fake news.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah, cholesterol is fake news.
Dr. Martin Jr.: It's fake news. I mean, at the end of the day, if that's the only indicator that people are worried about, it's absolutely fake news. Which is why, again, when people email in asking about cholesterol, there's so much more to the puzzle that's way important than cholesterol. One of the things that you and I are going to talk about more in detail on our webinar we're going to do and [00:12:00] if you're listening to this episode in the future, that will be available on our website. You can just go there and grab it on our website. There was another study, and I like this study a lot because it gives you a very good idea. They took 200 people, and they classified them based on their level of insulin resistance. So a high level of insulin resistance, moderate insulin resistance, and low to no insulin resistance, right? They followed them for six years to see who got heart disease. Here's the thing. Heart disease, stroke, cancer, hypertension or diabetes, [00:12:30] and at 200 people-
Dr. Martin Sr.: All the big ones.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Divided into thirds based on where they fit on the insulin resistance scale. None in the lowest third became ill with anything. Think about that. The number one indicator of heart disease, or disease for that matter, is insulin sensitivity. The more insulin resistant you are, the more likely you are to have heart-
Dr. Martin Sr.: High circulating insulin-
Dr. Martin Jr.: Cancer, stroke, high blood pressure, everything. We'll talk a lot more about that in our webinar, but that's [00:13:00] a much better indication than cholesterol. People message us asking about cholesterol, or their doctors, we hear it so much. A majority of people that come to see us are on cholesterol medication.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Think about what you just said. I you come back to the two markers that are routinely done, insulin is not routinely done, ordinarily.
Dr. Martin Jr.: No.
Dr. Martin Sr.: But if look at the two markers that are routinely done for your lipid profile, your your heart profile, you're gonna get your HDL numbers and you're going to get your triglycerides. [00:13:30] Well, guess what? If your triglycerides are high, your insulin is high.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well, here's the thing about triglycerides. Triglycerides is really a good indication of a couple of things. One being your fat cells are full.
Dr. Martin Sr.: The liver is full. It's suitcases full, man.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Now you have circulating fat rather than a ... Right? It's not a good ... It's an indication of insulin resistance in a lot of ways for a lot of people. We always kind of roughly called it your "carb tolerance indicator". The more carbs [00:14:00] you're eating, based on your carb tolerance, there's a good chance that your triglycerides go up. We've talked about these things in past episodes, but the bottom line for the purpose of this episode, they've messed up. They've missed the mark on cholesterol. To this day, you talk to cardiologists, ones that are not keeping current, they're still talking ... You go see a cardiologist, they get you on statin drugs.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Some of the newer ones, and we've heard this, we've had people tell us that, "It looks like you guys were right. We've heard [00:14:30] that from cardiologists." They said, "It looks like you guys were right on this one.".
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: The funny thing is that it's not even crazy to say, because it's in the research. All right, so we talked cholesterol. They've missed the boat on cholesterol. The second thing that they've absolutely, 100% missed the boat on, was fat.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah, yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: They've, again ... They've about saturated fat, artery clogging, saturated fat. Low-fat diets is the way to go. A low fat diet, you know your blood vessels [00:15:00] will be clean, they'll be pumping no problem. Except, there's zero research to back any of that up. There's no research showing that saturated fat causes any kind of heart disease.
Dr. Martin Jr.: I mean it's crazy that in 2019 when we're recording this episode, that people still associate saturated fat with artery clogging fat.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Well, you see it. You see it. It's in the news. Again, you watch the ... They're going to put a tax [00:15:30] on meat. They are going to ... Right? The tax is coming. They've talking about that in Canada. They're talking about in the United States, they're certainly talking about it in Europe, taxing meat. Not only that, they want to make it illegal. If they had their way, a lot of people would ... They wouldn't even let you eat it under any circumstances. Well, for two reasons. One is the climate and I go crazy-
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well, listen. Even ... We should talk about that as well at some point in a future episode, because the one study showing that we got to reduce meat consumption [00:16:00] by 40% by a certain thing was actually funded indirectly by Al Gore, which is ... We all know his position on things. Anyways, it's, it's an agenda-based-
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah, it's an agenda.
Dr. Martin Jr.: It doesn't matter what your opinion on meat is, that's bad science, terrible science. We should not be making any decisions based on those kinds of studies, and it's not a coincidence that those studies are out now, when you got one of the largest IPOs in history with Beyond Mead ... All these [00:16:30] guys coming out with their plant-based everything. It's no coincidence that these studies are coming out at the same time. Stock, their stock is ... I mean, it's just exploded out of the gate. Again, just like cholesterol drugs, just like pharmaceutical drugs. It's the same concept, same idea. Propaganda, fake stuff-
Dr. Martin Sr.: Well, look at eggs, which would be a ... What they consider a saturated fat, right? The fat that's in an egg.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Cardiologists-
Dr. Martin Sr.: Don't eat the yolk, man. That's cholesterol-
Dr. Martin Jr.: Have been a yo-yo on eggs.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Right? They're good for you, they're bad for you. They're good for [00:17:00] you, they're bad for you. Again, saturated fat, bad for you, like the cholesterol in eggs. I mean, everything. The cholesterol in eggs have caused more seizures in cardiologists. They can't figure out what to do with it, because their, their dogma tells them that cholesterol is bad, yet they can't ... They know that eggs are good for you. Every once in a while, you get an article written for-
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah, and my generation ... Remember, my generation, we went hook, line and sinker. Right? Our generation, you know ... Somebody [00:17:30] that's ... I'm 67 years old. In The '70s when you were just a baby, guess what? I mean, eggs are bad man. Cholesterol, that's going to kill you. You got a ... Well, brought to you by Post Frosted Flakes, right?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Kellogg's. Yeah. The low-fat craze went full peak when you used to see on candy, "low-fat". Twizzlers, low in fat, because back then, that's all that mattered. Right? I mean you can eat [00:18:00] SnackWell cookies, which are vegetable oil-based sugar, everything. But they're low in fat. It doesn't matter because-
Dr. Martin Sr.: Low-fat ice cream.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Which cardiologists got behind in Canada, the health check, that health check thing, and again-
Dr. Martin Sr.: It was all fat.
Dr. Martin Jr.: It was all based off of fat. It didn't matter the sugar content; it didn't matter anything. Some things would fail and you see this in other countries around the world. An avocado fails to hell ... Whatever their system is, an avocado fails it-
Dr. Martin Sr.: But Frosted Flakes win-
Dr. Martin Jr.: Would pass it right? It's crazy, but [00:18:30] they got that wrong as well. They got cholesterol wrong, they got fat wrong. Those two things there has led to a public health crisis in my opinion. It's responsible for a ton of bad dietary advice.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: So they got ... Let's get into it. They got carbs wrong as well. They got fat wrong. Again, diet, they got completely ... Cardiologists got diet wrong. Salt. Here's another thing, they went after [00:19:00] salt. It didn't matter what you were eating, but eat a low salt diet. Well, first of all, a low salt diet is terrible. I'm not talking about bad for you. I'm saying there's no reason to live, if you have to eat a low salt diet. You might as well pack it in. It's game over. If you can't eat and enjoy salt in its purest form ... I can't get over it. That's their solution. [00:19:30] Low salt foods. Now, you're eating bland everything because somehow ... It doesn't matter the sugar content in there, it doesn't matter the glycemic response of that food. It's the salt that's the problem, and therefore, eat a low salt diet. Of course, research has come out-
Dr. Martin Sr.: No. Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Completely wrong on that. Salt is not the issue. It turns out, which, any biochemist will tell you: Insulin controls [00:20:00] water retention. There's a lot of things that go on behind the-
Dr. Martin Sr.: It's amazing, what happens to your blood pressure, right? When you go on a low-carb diet?
Dr. Martin Jr.: That's right, and you see that all the time. People, their blood pressure gets better, their biomarkers get better. Again, they got salt wrong, and we could do a whole podcast on salt.
Dr. Martin Sr.: We should.
Dr. Martin Jr.: There's been some really good books written on salt, and how the research was just completely wrong on salt. I mean, they got salt wrong. Now, let's talk about some of the recent news they got wrong. They got aspirin wrong.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: I mean they got [00:20:30] aspirin completely wrong. How many people-
Dr. Martin Sr.: How long have we been saying that?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Millions of people have been taking aspirin every day for heart, and now they're coming out stopped.
Dr. Martin Sr.: We used to tell them to stop. We didn't want to ... We never want to tell people not to take their meds, right? If a doctor had them to take aspirin ... I didn't want to tell any of my patients, "Look, just stop doing that," but-
Dr. Martin Jr.: You wanted a read a whole bunch of research on it, so you could see-
Dr. Martin Sr.: I wanted to give them some real good reasons to talk to their doctor, right? [00:21:00] You know?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Sr.: I used to tell my patients, "You've got to quit having ..." Aspirin is not a vitamin. It's not a little wee vitamin that you take-
Dr. Martin Jr.: Like they have an aspirin deficiency.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah-
Dr. Martin Jr.: Just like a statin deficiency, right?
Dr. Martin Sr.: And then-
Dr. Martin Jr.: You're statin-deficient, you better take a statin. You're aspirin deficient. Again, now ... You did a Facebook Live on aspirin that's been viewed ... I don't know, how many? Half a million times?
Dr. Martin Sr.: Almost, yeah. It's crazy.
Dr. Martin Jr.: That came out before the news was coming out on [00:21:30] aspirin, and you were just talking about how ... The issues behind it. Yeah. They've gotten aspirin wrong. Let's just keep score for a second here-
Dr. Martin Sr.: And the FDA has come out and told you. They told Bayer-
Dr. Martin Jr.: Now, [crosstalk 00:21:40] stop.
Dr. Martin Sr.: They told Bayer aspirin and the other makers of aspirin, "You're not making claims anymore like that.".
Dr. Martin Jr.: How many years have people been taking aspirins everyday, and it's eaten their stomachs alive?
Dr. Martin Sr.: If you get a stroke and you get a chance for somebody to give you an aspirin, I've got no problem.
Dr. Martin Jr.: That's right.
Dr. Martin Sr.: They're finding out the benefits of aspirin on a daily basis versus the negativity [00:22:00] and the side effects; Mm-mm (negative). They said, "You stop telling people. It's just no good for it." When the FDA tells you to stop, they did it with their ... You know? It wasn't easy to get them to do that.
Dr. Martin Jr.: No, you can imagine the meetings when that came up, right? They're like, "Do we have to?" And then people are like, "No, we don't have to," and then 35 meetings later, they're probably like, "I guess we probably should stop, tell people to stop.".
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Again, at the end of the day ... That's another thing too. They got the little, I mean, [00:22:30] they expect us to trust them with all their things and they can't even get a little pill like aspirin right. Think about that for a second. They are so adamant on all these things, right? Again, let's just keep score for a second here. They got cholesterol wrong, saturated fat, wrong, fat, wrong. They got carbs wrong. They got sugar wrong.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Salt wrong.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Salt wrong. Aspirin wrong.
Dr. Martin Sr.: That's seven.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Those are all big platforms.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Those are really big platforms. Those are things that they-
Dr. Martin Sr.: You see why we get excited all the time? This is last-
Dr. Martin Jr.: [00:23:00] Why do we get frustrated?
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah, frustrating, and then-
Dr. Martin Jr.: On the flip side is that we get frustrated because-
Dr. Martin Sr.: We jacked up because it bugs us that people are ... This is why we're so information-based. We give a lot of information, but we don't want people to ... You've got to at least read.
Dr. Martin Jr.: We're called by ... A lot of times, we hear that we're crazy, right? We have crazy views or we're outside the box thinking, and we're nuts. The reality is, we may ... I mean, listen, I'm a little crazy. I have no problem [00:23:30] saying that. Nope, no problem saying that. I rarely believe anything I read, because for every study you pull up on one side, I could pull up to on the other side. It doesn't matter. Of course, research in itself is corrupt. Even the editors of these journals will tell you that most of the studies are wrong. The math is bad, the statistics are wrong.
Dr. Martin Jr.: They don't say anything. There's a study that somebody did, which was funny, talking about how sometimes studies are stupid. They've never tested the safety of a parachute because [00:24:00] the only way to properly test a parachute, research scientific-wise, is a double blind placebo-based ... Nobody's jumping out of an airplane without a real parachute. I mean, it goes to show you, some things you don't have to study to see that they're effective, like a parachute. You know parachutes. If you're jumping out of an airplane and one person has a parachute, and the other one doesn't, one's going to live and the other one isn't. You don't have to do a study on it. There are a lot of times in real life situations you don't need to research what you can visibly see.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: A lot of times, research actually does [00:24:30] harm more than good, because look what's happened with the sun. You and I are recording this outside. It's a beautiful, sunny day. Research has scared people away from the sun, to the point that now it's gotten crazy. It's gotten stupid. When, in fact ... We're gonna talk about this on the webinar. Being out in the sun lowers triglycerides.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Being out in the sun raises HDL.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Isn't it crazy?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Being out in the ... The avoidance of sun. I wrote an email that's going to go out ... That went out by the time people are listening [00:25:00] to this episode, it's like, "How to get Alzheimer's".
Dr. Martin Jr.: If you wanted to get set out to get Alzheimer's, how would you get it? One way is to just avoid the sun all the time. Never go in the sun because you're scared of it. See, research has scared people because what's happened was is that there was a ... You know, skin cancer. They said, "It's got to be the sun because ..." Even though skin is an organ; skin is the largest organ.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah, it's inside out.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah. Does it only make sense that the very same things that can cause cancer of your liver can cause skin cancer? Of course it can. Why does [00:25:30] it always have to be an external factor, when majority of time, it's an internal thing? Plus, skin cancer rates in office workers is higher than those that work outside.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Especially the deadly cancers, the melanoma.
Dr. Martin Jr.: I mean, there's a lot to it; more to it than that. Then they come out suntan lotion, then they're finding out that that's ... I mean it may help not age the skin as fast, but it definitely does nothing to prevent cancer. It may actually cause issues, especially if you add heat and jump in chlorine pools. It's killing the oceans, it's killing the lakes with all the chemicals, and all that kind of stuff. I mean, a lot of times, [00:26:00] science doesn't advance things. It actually confuses. It scares people and causes a ton of health issues because people are staying away from it as a result of something, one study that they've read. A lot of times, you and I are skeptical when it comes to a lot of the stuff we read, but we do read a ton of studies.
Dr. Martin Jr.: I read those studies every day.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Oh yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: A couple of hours everyday, really, just looking for stuff. Anyways, at the end of the day, this is a long way of saying that cardiologists, when they get together as a group and they get behind a topic, they're dead wrong [00:26:30] more times than not. That really should be a cause of concern for them. If they were being honest with themselves, you would think at one of their meetings they would say, "Listen, we've been wrong.".
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: If they had a wall of causes they got behind, there'd be a wall of shame.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: What causes have they got behind? Ultimately, that is-
Dr. Martin Sr.: Stop smoking.
Dr. Martin Jr.: That's it. I was just about to say the same thing.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Stop smoking.
Dr. Martin Jr.: That has been their-
Dr. Martin Sr.: They got that right.
Dr. Martin Jr.: They got that right.
Dr. Martin Sr.: They got that right.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah. Smoking. That'-
Dr. Martin Sr.: That's the only dent. [00:27:00] That's what always bugs me. You don't need a lot of money in research to figure out that smoking was bad for you, right?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Very interesting. But yeah, you're right. Again, we just wanted to share this with you because it was a discussion that you and I were having.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Well, it jacks up our blood pressure, right?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, it does.
Dr. Martin Sr.: We almost need-
Dr. Martin Jr.: My watch tells me to breathe.
Dr. Martin Sr.: We almost need blood pressure medication.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yes. Yeah, well that's another subject-
Dr. Martin Sr.: It's so jacked up.
Dr. Martin Jr.: They've lowered the definition or diagnosis so that more people have high blood pressure, even though ... That's the last one. So, the eighth one-
Dr. Martin Sr.: [00:27:30] Wow.
Dr. Martin Jr.: That we want to end with-
Dr. Martin Sr.: I didn't think you were going to talk about that.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Is blood pressure. They've gotten that wrong. I'm not saying that blood pressure ... Because blood pressure, high blood pressure is not good for you. We're not saying that, because we know mid-life high blood pressure increases your risk of dementia or Alzheimer's in the back end. There's a lot of ... We're not saying that high blood pressure is not-
Dr. Martin Sr.: But what causes high blood pressure?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, and how they treat it, right?
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Studies have shown this: People that are getting treated for high blood pressure doesn't affect mortality rates one way or the other. Again, just by artificially lowering blood [00:28:00] pressure without getting to the root cause, you may bring the blood pressure down but they're still going to get heart disease.
Dr. Martin Sr.: It didn't help. It didn't help. Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: The underlying problem is still there. So, that would be the eighth one; it would be blood pressure. They got that wrong.
Dr. Martin Sr.: The eight wonders of the world.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, so very interesting. But again, we've been going on for a while, so we'll end with that. Fascinating stuff. If you're listening to this and we haven't had our live webinar yet, we encourage you to jump on and sign up for that. We're doing our webinar on heart health. If you're listening to this and we've already done the webinar, we have it [00:28:30] available on our website, go to, and just go to the "Start Here" menu, and you'll see heart health. Just sign up, watch the webinar, and we're going to share a ton of information, some of the biomarkers that we like when it comes to heart health; what the actual research is saying when it comes to heart health as well. So again, thank you for listening and have a great day.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin Jr. and Senior. Be sure to [00:29:00] catch our next episode and thanks for listening.