Transcript Of Today's Episode
Dr. Martin Jr.: You're listening to the Doctor Is In podcast from although we share a lot of practical and in our opinion, awesome information, what you hear on this podcast is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes, so enjoy.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Hi, I'm Dr. Martin junior.
Dr. Martin Sr.: I'm Dr. Martin senior.
Dr. Martin Jr.: And this is the Doctor IS In podcast [00:00:30] and this is episode 183, and today we want to go back to what we did a few weeks ago in our few episodes ago where we go into a little bit more detail on some of the questions that people asked us after one of our live webinars. Now every time we do a live webinar, afterwards we stick around for quite awhile and we answer a ton of questions, and it's a lot of fun because it's life. It brings us back to the days of being on the radio in a live call in and just people asking questions and it's a lot of fun. We enjoy that. We [00:01:00] enjoy teaching, but I equally enjoy that part of it, just answering the questions and it's good for the brain, it stretches the brain a little bit. But one of the questions that somebody asked after, we're going to try to answer two questions today, depending on time.
Dr. Martin Jr.: One of the questions that somebody asked us after had to do about canola oil and seed oils, and they asked, are they good for you and what oils do you recommend? We'll tackle that one first because we answered that question [00:01:30] right after the webinar, but now we want to go into a little bit more what the research says and why, in our opinion, vegetable oils like these high omega-6 crappy oils have proliferated the obesity epidemic, chronic disease epidemic, heart disease epidemic, I mean everything, right? They've made everything worse. They're cheap. They're in everything. When you think of processed food, at least myself, [00:02:00] when I think of processed food, I now, that's what I think about, these cheap vegetable oils, these cheap high sugar, high processed carbs, and high vegetable oils, right?
Dr. Martin Sr.: They're highly industrialized, right? Like they're in huge, huge vats and has nothing like an olive oil or anything like that. That sounds healthy, like Canola, right? Oh, canola oil, you know, Canada ships it-
Dr. Martin Jr.: Or sunflower [00:02:30] seed oil.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah, it sounds great, right? But you can run your car on that stuff. That is a highly synthetic, right? Like, you know when they tell you to run your car on a highly synthetic oil, which for your car's good.
Dr. Martin Jr.: And we said this before, if you go Google or go onto YouTube and look at how they make these oils, there's nothing natural about them, first of all.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah, nothing at all.
Dr. Martin Jr.: And one of the characteristics that they have, they are high in omega-6 fatty acids. Most of these seed oils are very high in omega-6 [00:03:00] fatty acids, whereas a lot of the better oils are higher in omega-3 fatty acids. Right? Because of that, our consumption of omega-6 fatty acid compared to omega-3 fatty acid is very skewed.
Dr. Martin Jr.: In fact research, I'm looking at a study back in 2008 and I know this has changed since then, but even back in 2008, this study that I have in front of me figures that the average western diet is [00:03:30] a ratio of about 16.7 to 1, so for every one gram of omega-3, they consume 16 plus grams of omega-6s.
Dr. Martin Sr.: So, when people are thinking of omega-3 the first thing that would pop into their mind of course is a fish oil, right? Everybody knows that fish oil is good for you. I mean they just know that. I don't think there's a cardiologist that I ever met, or ever read about, or whatever. [00:04:00] One thing they'll do, they'll take fish oil. they know the importance of omega-3.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Fish oil, and you know what's funny is, I don't know what country it is, I want to say either Australia or New Zealand where they have the colour coded calorie. So they have their nutritional label and it's kind of colour coded and they have the stop light system, green, good, yellow, cautious, red, bad, so what they do is they break out the carb content, the protein content, and the fat content [00:04:30] and then they colourize it, right? The idea sounds good, but of course fact is always going to be-
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah, no matter what kind of fat it is, right?
Dr. Martin Jr.: ... red and I think saturated fat, and so there's different things, right? But it's funny on fish, it's labeled, even though everybody in the world, like you said, would agree the fish oil, the omega-3s from fish are good for you, it's packaged because it doesn't like .. So you know, for the carb [00:05:00] content it would be green, but it literally has a red for the fat content.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Fat content.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Which is funny, right? Again, it sends such a funny message. But anyways, when you said that even though they agree that it's good for you, when it came to labeling these things, they labeled it in a way like that. I've said this before, if I were to make one change on a label, I think that putting things in the label measured in grams is not deceitful, but I think it's deceitful [00:05:30] accidentally on purpose, because it's very hard for-
Dr. Martin Sr.: People don't figure out things in grams.
Dr. Martin Jr.: No. It's hard to do that calculation in your head, so when somebody has 12 grams of sugar, it doesn't do anything for you. But if we know that there's roughly four grams per ...
Dr. Martin Sr.: So, four teaspoons of sugar or whatever, why don't they put that on there?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well, that's what I would do. I would have an animation where it would have four teaspoons, right? A little little small thing and you would know.
Dr. Martin Sr.: You'd never drink another soda.
Dr. Martin Jr.: No. Well, it'd be different, right? With those things [00:06:00] that have, you know, even a high sugary drink that had like 15 teaspoons on it, you would ... Because I mean, you visualize that, right? Take 250 or take 500 millilitres, so two cups of water and then pour 17 teaspoons. You would never do that. You wouldn't do that. But that's what happens a lot of times when we consume these things, so I think it's confusing that way. But anyways, that's a long way off topic just to point out that the labeling [00:06:30] can be funny sometimes.
Dr. Martin Jr.: But all right, so back to this ratio stuff. What's happening is a lot of research is being done now in the area of looking at this real bad ratio of consumption of omega-6s to omega-3 and what that's done in your health, and so what research has looked at, and they found that a higher omega-6 to omega-3 ratio promotes, and this is in the study, the pathogenesis of many diseases, so it can [00:07:00] start off the disease process and they list cardiovascular disease, cancer, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. You and I've said this before, a lot of people suffer the effects or worse effects of an autoimmune disorder because of seed oils, but autoimmune disorders. And then they said, okay, the study looked at what happens if you-
Dr. Martin Sr.: Get that ratio down.
Dr. Martin Jr.: ... bring that ratio down, so this is what they found: a ratio of four to one was associated with a 70% decrease in total mortality, [00:07:30] right?
Dr. Martin Sr.: Huge.
Dr. Martin Jr.: That's massive. Then a ratio of 2.5 to 1, so they found this. So in patients with colorectal cancer, they found a reduced rectal cell proliferation. What they found is you were better off just by doing that. Then a ratio of two or three to one reduced inflammation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. A ratio of five to one had a beneficial effect on patients with asthma.
Dr. Martin Jr.: [00:08:00] Again, we would never attribute asthma to this high processed diet, but I tell you, there are so many people that when they start the whole foods and they have lung issues, they don't even associate the fact that it's improved their breathing, yet if you ask them about it, they're like, "Oh yeah. You know, it's funny, I haven't had the same kind of ..." So, even vegetable oils consumption, processed food consumption can affect your lungs, right?
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Can affect Asthma.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Well, it brings up every [00:08:30] marker of your inflammation, right? You know how is they always say that inflammation is sort of the root of all disease? Well you know, I love what you say. Like, inflammation is not Houdini, it just doesn't show up. You have to be doing something to create inflammation in the body, right? One of the big factors is food, and we know that sugar is very inflammatory, but a of people don't realize that the oils, the vegetable oils are highly inflammatory. [00:09:00] Because I think the thing that happens in your body is that your body really doesn't know what it is, because it's a foreign invader. If you look at omega-6, omega-6 on its own is all right. Like if you get some plant oils that have omega-6 and they're-
Dr. Martin Jr.: Like flax and stuff like that that are higher in omega-6.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah, flax. Yeah, and that's all right. They're in nature and actually your body likes that, but when you get canola oil or these seed oils that are highly industrialized, your body is [00:09:30] like, it's like margarine. You know, like you got to go back years where the craze for margarine, and get away from butter and eat margarine. Well, it was so industrialized, even though it looked like butter and it certainly didn't taste like butter, but it looked like butter. I've seen this on YouTube or whatever, even a mosquito, or an ant, or whatever, they're smarter than we are. Like if you put an open [00:10:00] tub of margarine and butter, the bugs are going to go and eat the butter, but they will never go near the tin of margarine.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah. I'm going to say margarine just because that's how I've always said it. I don't know who's right, but I can't, it's potato potato.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Margarine.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah. Okay. I'll just-
Dr. Martin Sr.: Okay. I agree with you.
Dr. Martin Jr.: I'll say margarine just for myself. Just you could say, I actually like when you say margarine, it's just-
Dr. Martin Sr.: But it's so true, isn't it? Like when you look at that high-
Dr. Martin Jr.: It is. But it's a chemical-
Dr. Martin Sr.: It's a chemical high. It's like plastic, for heaven's sake.
Dr. Martin Jr.: It was a lab creation. Well, it is plastic. It's a lab creation. Right? [00:10:30] You know, it's so funny, they sold a ton of margarine over the years because they successfully, the very same companies that sponsored research to scare you away from butter, also happen to sell on the back end, margarine, right? I mean, it's crazy. It's absolutely insane how the eating habits of a whole generation were influenced because of breakfast food manufacturers. Literally, [00:11:00] they sponsored a ton of research.
Dr. Martin Sr.: They were smart.
Dr. Martin Jr.: They really follow the playbook of big tobacco and a lot of ways, they've created now people. I don't know about anymore, but I'm not asking enough young people about this, but I mean, for the longest time ... I'm 45. I heard my whole life, school and everything, that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well I mean, listen, if I was a breakfast cereal company, if there was one motto I would want people in [00:11:30] public to say would be that breakfast is the most important. I mean, that's literal propaganda.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah, that's exactly what it is. And they were good at it. Like I mean, they were marketing genius, right?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Right into the school system, right.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Like even today, like I had a patient and it's more rare now, but I had a patient in this morning and said, well first of all, she was on a statin drug.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah. They're back in the news again.
Dr. Martin Sr.: They're back in the news. All negative.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Always. Yeah.
Dr. Martin Sr.: [00:12:00] But two, she was sort of boasting to me that she was taking Becel, which is your you call it margarine, I called a margarine right?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Oh yeah, that's right. That's right. That's a brand of margarine.
Dr. Martin Sr.: A brand, right? She was boasting to me. And I looked at her like, because I don't hear that that much anymore. Like, if you go back 10 years, I heard it every day, but now the public, because of there's a lot of information out there and they all agreed, like, "That's [00:12:30] plastic. Okay. Don't eat that stuff." But she was still boasting to me and I kind of found it ... I had a real smirk on my face when she said it to me. And I said, "Well, I don't think that's too good for you. You know?" "It isn't?"
Dr. Martin Sr.: But she was a little bit older and just hadn't got the news yet that that is fake. You know how we say fake news?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Oh, that's fake food.
Dr. Martin Sr.: That's fake food, big time.
Dr. Martin Jr.: That's fake food, there's no question. All right, so I just want to quickly highlight to other studies why [00:13:00] ... I mean we're not a fan of a seed oils in any way, but I just want to talk about a couple more quickly. One which I found interesting is, well here's one, a consumption of a diet, so if somebody is eating 20% of sunflower seed oil for only four weeks, so 20% cause mitochondrial damage and heart dysfunction. Now this was done in Rads.
Dr. Martin Jr.: However, here's something else that's interesting. So if you look at cardiac cells for example, right? The battery pack [00:13:30] of any cell, it doesn't matter, which it is-
Dr. Martin Sr.: Mitochondria.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Obviously it's mitochondria. mitochondrial research is really growing tremendously because, you and I've said this for years that cancer is a disease of the mitochondria. It's a dysfunction at the cellular level and it's how the cell makes energy and everything. But mitochondria is the battery pack of this cell, right? If you have healthy mitochondria, you're going to be healthy. Disease [00:14:00] takes place when the mitochondria becomes unhealthy.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Now as you age, your heart, specifically, your mitochondria in your heart, they become dysfunctional. They're less efficient. They don't work as well.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah, right. It's like my old battery in my phone.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, they're not as energy efficient as they used to be, right?
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah. They'll plug it in more.
Dr. Martin Jr.: I mean, that's a big thing. Look at even appliances today, we had a fridge for 20 something years, and we finally switch it over, and one of the selling points that they're trying to talk about was how [00:14:30] much more energy efficient. Over time, your heart cells, specifically your mitochondria, become inefficient as you age. They become dysfunctional. They get lazier in a sense, right?
Dr. Martin Jr.: What they found in this study, and this is interesting, that omega-6 fatty acids, seed oils, make that worse. It causes that to happen at an increasing rate. On the flip side, they found that omega-3 fatty acids can actually reverse that process, [00:15:00] right? Which is why we're huge fans of DHA and EPA, but we're big fans of DHA. Even from a heart standpoint, which is so funny, it's so ironic, because every food that used to have that heart check sign on it contained seed oils. Heart check.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah. Good for you.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, it's crazy. That's the first study that I found interesting. Then another study again looking at, like we just talked about, [00:15:30] the actual ratio of lowering the omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids and what that does across the board and is specifically again for heart disease. You mentioned statins earlier, statin drugs.
Dr. Martin Jr.: The typical thing is what happens now is you hit a certain age, you get blood tests, and they're like, "Your cholesterol is high, let's get you on statin drugs." Then you go back and they're like, "Oh, your blood pressure's climbing. Let's get you on some blood pressure medication." You know, and then [00:16:00] you get on the heart disease merry go round. At that point, right?
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Once you get on statin drugs and high blood pressure, I mean you're on a rollercoaster and the end of that is going to be heart disease. I mean, that's what happens, right?
Dr. Martin Sr.: No getting around it.
Dr. Martin Jr.: No, that's what happens. It's like a diabetic who starts to get on insulin. You know how it's going to end, that movie, the script has been written. You have to break that cycle. And we're not saying don't take insulin, we're saying correct the underlying problem. Don't just [00:16:30] mask it. But anyways, that's another-
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah. Don't manage it. Don't manage it. That's another podcast.
Dr. Martin Sr.: That's another podcast. So, they do all these things for heart disease, yet a simple thing they can do would be saying, "Hey, you know what?"
Dr. Martin Sr.: And they talk about fat and they talk about all these kinds of things. Even if they said to them, "Decrease your omega-6 intake and increase your omega-3 intake," that would probably save a lot of lives when it comes to heart disease.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah. If you did nothing else.
Dr. Martin Jr.: If you did nothing else, because if you increase [00:17:00] your omega-3s and you decrease your omega-6s, you're cutting out a lot of those crappy foods anyways. You're cutting a lot of that stuff out.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah. When you're going on a low carb diet, generally you are really cutting out a lot of that omega-6s, because you always say that the omega-6s, as you know, when you put fat together with carbohydrates, it's your worst poison, right? I mean, you know.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well, and that's the funny. Every time I see a study that says, "High fat diet causes this," you'll look at what they fed, usually it's a mouse study usually, [00:17:30] or it's a bad observational study.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah. I can't remember what I ate yesterday sometimes.
Dr. Martin Jr.: We have a great private Facebook group, and every week a study comes out and people post it because they want to know what our opinion on it, and it's always-
Dr. Martin Sr.: An observation.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well, which one's the latest one? Bacon again, right?
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah. Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Bacon came out again, even 80 grams, so one piece of bacon can cause whatever. It was a observational study based on questionnaires that somebody filled out three, four months after [00:18:00] the fact. I can't remember what I ate yesterday, let alone exact amounts that I ate.
Dr. Martin Sr.: And what they didn't take into account-
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well, yes.
Dr. Martin Sr.: ... is how many doughnuts were the eating? How many french fries were they eating? How much pizza were they eating? How much ice cream were they eating?
Dr. Martin Jr.: They put bacon on their burger, they wrote down bacon burger, right?
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah. Bacon burger, and that did it.
Dr. Martin Jr.: That did it. So, that one piece of bacon. It's just irritating.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah, I know.
Dr. Martin Jr.: But that's a unfortunate.
Dr. Martin Sr.: But people buy it. People buy it, right?
Dr. Martin Jr.: It's great headlines, right? And listen, [00:18:30] those observational studies, when I see an observational study from Harvard, I don't even want to read it. They are chasing headlines all the time. You know, that coconut's bad for ... I mean they just are constantly, constantly chasing headlines.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah. And they don't even recant it.
Dr. Martin Jr.: No, because they-
Dr. Martin Sr.: When they called on the carpet, they don't get even recant it.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well, no. And listen, if you want to do research, there's not a lot of money left and research. The only people paying for research are drug companies, food companies, [00:19:00] and some grants. I mean that's pretty much it. That's the only thing. And there are a lot of research facilities that were built for research and they're all chasing the same amount of money because there's not a lot of money going around. So, if Mr. Big Food Corporation comes along and wants you to study whatever they have or let's just say they have a low fat something, so they want study again on why high fat is bad for you.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well, you dig into [00:19:30] these observational studies, you make the funniest-
Dr. Martin Sr.: Conclusion.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah. Then you just come out and that's what happens.
Dr. Martin Sr.: You run with it.
Dr. Martin Jr.: And they get a ton of press. Next time, let's just say I did this study and I go out and I'm trying to get money, I would say I was the guy who did that bacon study showing that, right. It's like a resume. But anyways, I know I'm pessimistic when it comes to studies, but that's what happens.
Dr. Martin Sr.: It's crazy.
Dr. Martin Jr.: And you're not going to bite the hand that feeds you. You're not going to turn around to these companies [00:20:00] that are sponsoring your research and tell them that whatever they want, that it didn't work, or you know it's not going to happen. It's just not going to happen. They've shown this, you can manipulate any data, any data in any study you can manipulate.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Which is why we'll take clinical experience over research everyday of the week.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Every time. Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Every, every day of the week. And we always say that research is when it comes, especially that nutrition is a lagging indicator, but it doesn't matter. All right. So [00:20:30] at the end of the day, we're we're not fans of canola oil or we're not fan of like sunflower seed oils. We're not fan of those things at all.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: We much prefer the old fashioned butter, olive oil.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Lard.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah. Olive oil is tremendous, right. Tremendous cooking oil is olive oil.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: But again, you have to make sure you're getting ... How many times did they lied about the-
Dr. Martin Sr.: Content of it.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah. They lie about it, right, so you got to get a good one. Generally you've got to pay a little bit more for a good one.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Coconut oil is a fantastic oil.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah. Coconut oil is good, good for you as well. Right?
Dr. Martin Sr.: Old fashioned butter.
Dr. Martin Jr.: So there's a [00:21:00] lot there. Okay, so that's the first question. We got a few more minutes.
Dr. Martin Jr.: We can talk about the second question, somebody asked us about fasting. Let me just pull it up here and read it. The question was if a person is fasting for weight loss, what about adding butter to coffee and all these kinds of things? What's our take on that?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well before we answer that question, I want to talk about a new [00:21:30] study that came out that was actually very fascinating. What they did is they took men, and they were basically at risk for type two diabetes. So they took a group of men, they are at risk for type two diabetes, and what they wanted to do was put them in a nine hour eating window, right? That means for nine hours in a day they're eating and for 15 hours in a day they're fasting.
Dr. Martin Sr.: They're not eating nine hours.
Dr. Martin Jr.: No.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Because some people ask me that. You know, like when you say not eating for nine hours, no, [00:22:00] no. If you started eating at eight o'clock in the morning and you didn't eat again til noon, you're in a four hour eating window. You ate at eight, you ate at noon, and let's say you waited six again, right. Then there, you have a 10 hour eating window. You've eaten for 10 hours. That's what we mean by that. It's not like every five minutes you have something to eat. It's you ate, you know?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, that's right. You know what's interesting is that with all the food tracking apps, [00:22:30] like My Fitness Pal and all these kinds of things, there's a lot of data available now that researchers are able to go in and look at for example, how much are people eating, what are they eating, and how long in a day are they eating? One of the studies that looked at all that data found that the average person was eating about 14 to 15 hours a day.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: This study here specifically, they wanted to say, "Listen, a nine hour eating window." But to go even one step further, [00:23:00] they wanted to see if there was, and they were going after glucose tolerance specifically. Now glucose tolerance, you know they have the glucose tolerance test, what they're measuring to see is how well basically does your blood sugar spike after eating uncontrollably or can you control that spike afterwards, right? Does your blood sugar levels go crazy after eating? The better you are at glucose tolerance, the less of a spike after eating, right? They wanted to see [00:23:30] the affect of fasting on glucose tolerance.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Now what's interesting, so they took the two groups and they had one group do what they call early time restricted feeding. That's fasting, but this group eight from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, so that's their nine hours. Right? Three squares a day basically, right? That's their nine hours and they fasted overnight till that. Then the second group did more of a traditional intermittent fasting, they would start [00:24:00] eating at 12 and they would end at nine.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Then they wanted to check stuff like glucose, and triglycerides, and all that kind of stuff. They wanted to see first of all, does this time restricted eating help-
Dr. Martin Sr.: Does it work?
Dr. Martin Jr.: ... on glucose tolerance and is one better than the other, and we get that question to asked quite a bit. Now, here's what they found. Well first of all, when it came just a pure glucose tolerance both groups did well.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Did well? Okay.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Again specifically, [00:24:30] they found that both lead to improve glucose tolerance. So hey, if you want to have better glucose tolerance, this nine hour window worked well. Again, and this is something that we like to say because it's important to understand this, this occurred, and I'll read you the quote from what they said here, they found that, once again this just went along and proved that the people [00:25:00] got benefits even if they didn't lose weight.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah. Metabolically, it really helped them.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Metabolically, and they only did this study for a short period of time. It was like two weeks.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah. Doesn't take long.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Metabolically, they got better. Even if they didn't lose any weight, they the improved on glucose tolerance. Both groups saw a decrease in triglycerides and that's just nine hours.
Dr. Martin Jr.: So at the end of the day, people ask us this all the time, how many hours? You know, when they start to read about fasting and [00:25:30] how many hours should they do? Well, this study here was nine hours. That's a long window, right? A lot of people when they do intermittent fasting, they're doing the 12, 8, but this just showed even then like you don't have to even go a full 16 hours. You could even go 15 hours and you know?
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: At the end of the day, you shorten your eating window, it helps.
Dr. Martin Sr.: It helps.
Dr. Martin Jr.: It helps your blood sugars. Here it showed it help their ... And these are people at risk for diabetes. Again, it's definitely, definitely beneficial.
Dr. Martin Jr.: All right, so now going back [00:26:00] to the question that was asked, somebody saying ... Whenever somebody asks about fasting, the first question we always ask back is, "Why you're doing it? Are you doing it for weight loss or are you doing it for metabolic health? Because if you're doing it for metabolic health, it's different in a way than doing it for weight loss."
Dr. Martin Sr.: Weight loss. Especially in women.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Especially in women. If you're doing it for metabolic health, or let's just talk about weight loss first, then we don't recommend added fats. [00:26:30] Meaning don't put butter in your coffee, because I mean, think about it this way. If you have fat to burn, then you have fat to burn. You would rather burn your own fat, then add added fats to coffee and burn that off as energy. Because eventually it has to be burned off, so you'd rather burn your own fat off.
Dr. Martin Sr.: No, it's a better fuel. It's a fat. Fat is a ketone, it's better.
Dr. Martin Jr.: It's still good for you. But again, if your goal is actual [00:27:00] fat loss, then we recommend don't add fat. Don't add-
Dr. Martin Sr.: Ladies, this is for you.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yes. Don't add this. You know, again, if your goal is metabolic health, that's a different story. That's a whole different story because-
Dr. Martin Sr.: Then you can have a bulletproof [crosstalk 00:00:27:15].
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, because again, it's a slow burn, so you're still going to get the somewhat benefit of fasting. There's some debate-
Dr. Martin Sr.: As to whether it takes you out of fasting or not.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, there's some debate whether it's true fasting, if the liver, everything gets a break, but whatever. Like [00:27:30] you said, it's a good fuel, and you're going to get to a lot of the benefits of fasting, and metabolically you're going to get healthier. But if you're trying to lose weight, then we don't recommend it. It doesn't tend to go well for, like you said, especially women that are metabolically in bad shape, right? It tends not to go well for them. Anyways, that's a kind of a little bit longer way to answer that question.
Dr. Martin Jr.: At the end of the day, shortening your eating window, you're going to be much-
Dr. Martin Sr.: Helps for everything.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, you're going to be much better off. And you don't have to do it every day, but you should definitely incorporate [00:28:00] some form of fasting into your routine.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah, and for people who, because there are some people just think, "Well look, I'm hypoglycaemic, I can't do that or whatever." Like you say, just even any kind of stretching, that stretch the timeframe where you're just not eating, helps. Any. If you were used to getting up and eating at seven o'clock in the morning, [00:28:30] and you waited till eight o'clock in the morning, and and you stretch it out a little bit, you would get some benefits. If you can stretch it out to nine o'clock in the morning before eating, you get benefits.
Dr. Martin Sr.: A lot of people, if they just start, and like you say, don't have to do it every day, do it every second day, or some people find it easier during the week and they don't do it on the weekends or whatever, whatever it is. All we know is, and I think all these studies are confirming it, any effort you make to lower [00:29:00] your insulin, because insulin is the food hormone. That's what gets secreted when you're eating. If you lower that, you're resetting the body to the extent, you're letting the body have a true rest, because every time you eat the manufacturing plant gets going. A lot of work has to be done. Insulin is out directing traffic, and you know what I mean?
Dr. Martin Sr.: It really is interesting because we're seeing what we've been talking about for quite [00:29:30] a while now, the science is catching up and saying, "Yep. Anyway we look at it, it's all beneficial."
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah. Again, we shared a lot of information today. We have fun doing these things. And if you have any questions, I mean there's a lot of ways you can get ahold of us, right? I mean, you can go on our website, you can sign up for our newsletters, you can join our private Facebook group. That's a great way to also get ... I mean, we had a tremendous community in there. So many smart people in there answering people's questions. It's a lot of fun.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah. It's fun. Yeah, it's amazing how people ...
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, a very, very good group of people. But again, [00:30:00] we want to thank you for listening and have a great day.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Thanks for listening to the Doctor Is In podcast from If you have any questions, you can reach us at the If you're not a newsletter subscriber, you can head to our website and sign up for free. We also have a private Facebook group that you can join. It's a community of awesome. people. Finally, I do a Facebook live every Thursday morning at 8:30. [00:30:30] join us again next week for a new episode.