Transcript Of Today's Episode
Dr. Martin Jr.: You're listening to The Doctor is In podcast from Although we share a lot of practical and in our opinion awesome information, what you hear on this podcast is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes, so enjoy.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Hello, I'm Dr. Martin Jr.
Dr. Martin Sr.: I'm Dr. Martin Sr.
Dr. Martin Jr.: This is a Doctor Is In podcast, [00:00:30] and this is episode 179. Today, what we want to do is, well, we just had a live webinar, so we're recording this episode at the beginning of April. The last week of March, we just did a live webinar specifically titled How to Overcome Your Thyroid Issues. We had a blast. We had hundreds of people on there with us. It was a lot of fun. What's interesting is after every time we do a webinar, we stick around for quite a while. [00:01:00] I can't remember how long we were there for after, at least an hour for sure.
Dr. Martin Jr.: We just answer a bunch of questions, and it brings me back to the days of when we used to have the radio program with live callers. It was a lot of fun being put on the spot, having to answer questions, and stretching your mind thinking quickly. The questions were awesome. What we want to do today, we're gonna talk about a couple of studies and then we'll go through some of the questions that were asked after the webinar now that we've had time to [00:01:30] think more about them as well if there's anything we wanted to add to that.
Dr. Martin Jr.: That's what we're going to do today, but first, there's a couple of interesting studies that have been on for a while in a sense, but I've come across them just recently, and I find them interesting. One thing you talk a lot about, you've talked a lot about it in clinic. You talk a lot about it just when it comes to health in general is vitamin B12. This one study basically concluded that a vitamin B12 deficiency, it can destroy your brain. [00:02:00] It can rot your brain out in a sense.
Dr. Martin Jr.: We've said this before, but one of the things that happens as we age is our brain shrinks, right? It sounds funny to think about, but our brain volume, brain mass shrinks as we get older and that's somewhat normal. What is normal? It is not normal when it shrinks too quickly.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Rapidly.
Dr. Martin Jr.: One of the characteristics of Alzheimer's or dementia is a smaller [00:02:30] brain. We've talked about this before on previous episodes, and we've written about this in the past, but there are certain things that we can do lifestyle wise that can accelerate the brain shrinkage. I mean, it can make things happen. It used to be that the biggest causes of brain shrinkage was smoking. Smoking did a lot of things for the body, but it also, because of blood flow and all that stuff, which ...
Dr. Martin Sr.: Antioxidant or free [00:03:00] radical damage really got at the brain.
Dr. Martin Jr.: ... shrunk your brain, and now the things that shrink your brain faster are all somewhat related to high-circulating insulin. They can shrink your brain, but what's interesting is there's a few deficiencies, key deficiencies that are so common. There are a few very common deficiencies. If we are to list, we could do a full episode on the most common, whereas if we were to take 80% of the population, they would be deficient [00:03:30] in these things, one of them being B12, so common reasons for that are dietary. Well, the two biggest reasons of B12 is dietary and absorption, bad digestion, and you can add a third in there which would be medications would be the cause.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Almost every medication, I think we've said this on the podcast, is almost every medication strips your body of B12. [00:04:00] Well, a couple of things about B12. One, it is a very finicky vitamin in the sense that structurally it's a very large vitamin, and therefore it's very hard to absorb. Almost everything that you can think of in your body needs B12 to function properly. It's not like you're going to drop dead from a lack of B12 on day one. I mean, it just doesn't happen. People Associate B12 with energy, and [00:04:30] they should. They associate B12 with oxygen, and they should, but B12 does a lot more things.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Your metabolism doesn't work properly. You don't even lose weight properly with B12, and the thing that I like to tell my patients at the office is I said, "Well, there's a weight loss clinic in the big cities. Doctor Bernstein and his trick is to starve you to death."
Dr. Martin Jr.: I know. I looked into that.
Dr. Martin Sr.: He gives you 600 calories, I think. I mean, you can hardly survive on it, but then [00:05:00] he gives you B12. He gives you B12 to stimulate your metabolism.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well, it's funny because ... Speaking of that, what's that diet they inject? Is it HCG?
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: They inject it and they're like, "Oh, this thing is a miracle." I'm like, "Yeah because you're eating 600 calories a day." Like, "Oh, we will give you 600 calories to eat, and we'll inject you with this thing, and it works wonders." No kidding. You're starving yourself. I mean, it doesn't take rocket scientist. I mean, I can give you a fruit roll up [00:05:30] every day, and give you 600 calories, and you're going to lose weight. You're going to feel terrible, and ain't going to be healthy, and you're not going to have energy. You're not going to think, and your brain's going to fall apart, but if the end result is just weight loss, I mean, that's why a lot of these things ... I
Dr. Martin Jr.: t's funny because a lot of times, these studies make news because they're so stupid. The guy who lost weight eating Twinkies is one researcher, and then all these stupid things. [00:06:00] I mean, listen, at the end of the day, you could do a lot of things to lose weight, but, A, you're not gonna feel good. You're going to take years off your life. Your metabolic profile may be okay while you're doing it, but after, I mean, it just creates all these issues. I laugh when I see ... Again, I don't know enough about them to ... Somebody's going to be listening and say, "Wow, the HCG diet actually does."
Dr. Martin Jr.: I haven't looked it up. I haven't researched it, so I'm just talking ...
Dr. Martin Sr.: Well, I see, again, clinically. You know what I mean?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Again, [00:06:30] I haven't done the research on it specifically.
Dr. Martin Sr.: It doesn't fix the root issues of what we always talk about in terms of hormones, right?
Dr. Martin Jr.: No, of course. That's right. It's not like they're just injecting HCG. It's that and a very low calorie diets. I remember somebody telling me about it before, and I'm like, "Oh, so it's a low calorie diet. It's a very low car." It's a VLCD, very low calorie diet. That's what they call it in research.
Dr. Martin Sr.: A [00:07:00] mouse don't live on that.
Dr. Martin Jr.: No.
Dr. Martin Sr.: A mouse don't live on that because ...
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well, and that's why it's funny, and the B12 so as you were mentioning, right? You said the trick is ...
Dr. Martin Sr.: It gives them ...
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well, they have probably energy.
Dr. Martin Sr.: It gives them a false sense of wellbeing. While you're losing weight, you feel not bad because they're shooting you with B12, but anyways, B12 like I said is it's almost everything in your body, almost like, and we're going to talk about it in a minute, vitamin D, but [00:07:30] it's almost like every cell in your body needs oxygen. Every cell in your body needs B12. Today because it's been a long lost relative, I mean, I can tell you in the 1950s, I remember this like it was yesterday. B12 was probably a little bit in the '60s but big time in the '50s.
Dr. Martin Sr.: If you had low energy, your doctor gave you a B12 shot.
Dr. Martin Jr.: I [00:08:00] remember mom, a nurse, given B12. People asking about B12 shots all the time.
Dr. Martin Sr.: B12 shots, because in those days, there was no taking B12.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Do they still give B12 shots?
Dr. Martin Sr.: They do, but to get a doctor to give you a B12 shot, you'd have to bring them to a dentist and have their teeth drilled, because they don't do it, because unless they see a major deficiency of B12.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well and the nice thing is that with supplements today, you don't really need a B12 shot anymore.
Dr. Martin Sr.: [00:08:30] No. It's actually better. They've proven it, because people have asked me, "Why don't you give me a B12 shot? I'm so deficient." I said, "No, I want to give you B12 every day." This whole thing about getting one shot a month, I mean, that's what they usually do. Well, of course, the doctor didn't want to see you every week in his office.
Dr. Martin Jr.: No, they won't give it to you every month. What's so funny is that if you talk to somebody who gets a B12 shot, what happens is they get on this cycle typically. They get a B12 shot. They feel awesome, and then over the next few weeks, their energy decreases again. Then they get [00:09:00] a shot, and they feel awesome, whereas if you take a good sublingual B12, it's consistent. You're always better to have consistent blood levels than a yoyo or an elevator.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Well, a lady come in today, and we just chuckled about it because she said, "I stopped taking my B12." I said ... Well, it's the first time I had seen her, but she listened to our podcasts and all that, so she was a big fan of B12. She said it's just because she went to her doctor and the doctor said, "Well, your B12 is high." I said, "Well, [00:09:30] let me look at your blood work." The B12 was still well within normal limits, and even on the blood work, but I said, "I like it higher."
Dr. Martin Jr.: We like optimum. Plus, we use that term optimum all the time. What's optimal for one person may not be optimal for somebody else.
Dr. Martin Sr.: She felt so good taking it. She said, "I feel so much better." I said, "Well, why are you stopping it? It's a water soluble vitamin. It's not like you're going to croak from taking too much B12. It's so good for you."
Dr. Martin Jr.: One more thing, I guess, before we even talk about the studies since we've been talking a little bit about the injections [00:10:00] and stuff like that when it comes to B12 is B12 ... Like I said, there's three ways people come deficient, right? They're not getting enough based on diet. People are scared of red meat today.
Dr. Martin Sr.: The boogieman.
Dr. Martin Jr.: They got digestive issues or they have ...
Dr. Martin Sr.: any digestive issues.
Dr. Martin Jr.: ... any. They're just not getting.
Dr. Martin Sr.: It can be in the upper GI.
Dr. Martin Jr.: The B12 needs intrinsic factor in your stomach in order to properly do its magic and get it. If you have any digestive system issues, you're not going to get that, [00:10:30] but when it comes ... This is the thing. You'll ask them. It's like, "Are you taking B12?" They'll be like, "Yeah, I'm taking a B complex." Okay, that's great. I mean, that's awesome. You're getting the other B vitamins, but you're not getting B12 because you really can't swallow B12 in a capsule or tablet, again, because intrinsic factor is in the stomach, and you need it, so the capsule or the tablet especially just never goes.
Dr. Martin Sr.: It goes by [inaudible 00:10:57].
Dr. Martin Jr.: It can't get it. It's gotta be sublingual. It's gotta [00:11:00] be injection sublingual.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Why don't you talk a little bit about the two types of B12?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well, that's what I was getting at. One of the frustrating things, and this is the frustrating things with a lot of supplements, so when it comes to B12, there's two that are on the market types of B12. Remember, B12 is the name for generically. There is what they call methylcobalamin, and there's a cyanocobalamin. Those are the two forms of B12 that you are generally confined [00:11:30] in a supplement. Now, they're both B12, so it doesn't matter if in the supplement you're taking it's cyanocobalamin or if it's methylcobalamin. It's still labeled as B12 because technically it's B12, but one is found in nature and the other one is found nowhere in nature.
Dr. Martin Sr.: It's synthetic.
Dr. Martin Jr.: It's 100% a lab creation. It's B12, and you're thinking natural, but there's nothing [00:12:00] natural about it. The cyanocobalamin is a lab creation. It's not found anywhere in nature. Somebody in a lab made it, whereas methylcobalamin is actually found in nature, and that's the natural form, which means if you're taking a supplement for B12 purposes, and it's in a sublingual, you better be taking methylcobalamin, and so we tell people to take a look at the label.
Dr. Martin Sr.: The label.
Dr. Martin Jr.: [00:12:30] Again, and so many of them are in the cyanocobalamin because it's cheaper. It's a cheaper product. It's cheaper to buy. It's cheaper to get. B12 if you're getting to take it, take it properly. Sublingual is the best way to get it ...
Dr. Martin Sr.: Daily.
Dr. Martin Jr.: ... daily in the methylcobalamin form. That's important to understand. All right, so getting back to this study, what they found is those that had B12 deficiency, [00:13:00] it affected cognition first of all, and they think it's because it actually reduced the total brain volume. They did this via MRI. The study used MRI measurements, so they actually measured the brain volume. What they found was those with B12 deficiencies had smaller brains, and then again that effected cognition because your cognition, the ability to think and process and all those things, are tied in [00:13:30] to the health of your brain.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Inflammation of the brain will affect cognition. Brain shrinkage will affect cognition. Free radical damage will affect cognition. There's a lot of things that will do that, but B12, a simple nutritional deficiency like B12 will kill your brain. It will kill it. Again, a majority of people are deficient, and, again, they get their blood tested. They may not be technically deficient, [00:14:00] but they're definitely not getting optimal levels for what their whole body needs for health [crosstalk 00:14:05].
Dr. Martin Sr.: As you age, it becomes much more difficult. I always say, and I'm sure I've said it on these podcasts, if I could get into old age homes, and let me in there, I might be dangerous if they let me in there, but no, seriously, I don't want to go in as a patient. Son, listen to me. Do not put me in an old age home.
Dr. Martin Jr.: That's all right. This will be edited out of there. We'll edit that [00:14:30] part out.
Dr. Martin Sr.: All I'm saying is if I could get in there and say, "Okay, you're limited to bring me two things, two vitamins for all the senior citizens who are in those homes." You know which two I'd bring in.
Dr. Martin Jr.: I could guess. I think, I've heard you say it a couple times.
Dr. Martin Sr.: It'd be B12, because I guarantee if we took their serum levels and they're testing of B12, they'd be all in the low end. Most of them are on enormous amount of medications.
Dr. Martin Jr.: The other one would be about their immune system and vitamin D.
Dr. Martin Sr.: How did you know that?
Dr. Martin Jr.: [00:15:00] I've been around you a couple of times.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Seriously, do you know how much better these people would get? How much better their brains? You and I talk about it all the time. I don't want to outlive my brain. The biggest fear in society today, and it's coming to a theatre near you, is when people are losing their memory. How many patients that I see, even just today, were people that are young, and they're 65 or they're 55. I had a patient this morning, 57, [00:15:30] starting to show early signs of dementia brain shrinkage.
Dr. Martin Jr.: That's terrifying.
Dr. Martin Sr.: That's terrifying.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Drug trials are failing.
Dr. Martin Sr.: But they're looking for love in all the wrong places.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Drug trials are failing, so this Alzheimer's dementia, in my opinion, it's going to be the next illegal frontier. Meaning because pharmaceutical companies are losing the war on Alzheimer's dementia, they're not going to want any success outside [00:16:00] of that. You're going to see them going to go after ... I saw it in the U.S. a little bit. They're going after Alzheimer's dementia prevention type of topics. Well, again, when a majority of the people over the age of 80 have Alzheimer's, it's over, right? I think it's over. It's a coin flip basically.
Dr. Martin Sr.: It's 50%.
Dr. Martin Jr.: People say they want to live into their 80s, but only 50% that live into their 80s have normal cognition. [00:16:30] That's terrifying.
Dr. Martin Sr.: You don't want to outlive your brain.
Dr. Martin Jr.: We talked about this in a free training they can get on our website, where what you do in your 40s, 50s, and 60s determines the health of your brain in your 70s and 80s. There's no question. Midlife inflammation is one of the worst things for your brain, right? Midlife, high blood pressure, all those kinds of things are terrible for the brain. Anyways, that was one study we found, which was very interesting.
Dr. Martin Sr.: [00:17:00] Very interesting. Can I just the one thing? Any medication, any medication, especially Metformin, statin drugs, high blood pressure medication, we're not saying don't take them. I'm just saying if you have any medication, if you're taking medications on a daily basis, you ought to assume in your mind that you are deficient in B12, and if you're not supplementing with B12, [00:17:30] you should be. That's just a general rule. There's the odd exception but not many, because just find that almost every medication because we ...
Dr. Martin Sr.: What's well documented is metformin. It's well documented. If you're taking metformin, you should be taking B12 because it's one of the side effects. It strips away your B12, but I found in my experience in the clinic, and this is just universal, that if you're on [00:18:00] any kind of synthetic medication, you are going to be deficient. Now, of course, if you're on antacids, if you are on any kind of proton pump inhibitor, if you are on any kind of steroid like asthma medication or whatever, again, if you need that to live, man, go for it. I'm not talking about that. I'm just saying that you have to look at what is that stripping away out of your body.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Like you say, [00:18:30] if you don't have the right levels of B12, your brain is shrinking.
Dr. Martin Jr.: That's a fact. Imagine throwing in a B12 deficiency on top of high circulating insulin. It's a combination.
Dr. Martin Sr.: If you're not eating red meat, I just hate to break it to you. I hate to break it to you.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well, like somebody says, if you're not eating red meat, you better be eating a lot of oysters. I mean, listen, I know some people love oysters, but if you don't love oysters and you're not eating red meat, you're not getting B12.
Dr. Martin Sr.: No, [00:19:00] you're just not, so don't fool yourself. That's all we're saying. Look, if you're a vegetarian or a vegan or whatever, just don't fool yourself. Don't talk yourself into that day I'm having spinach and or whatever, and Popeye had spinach and he was the strongest guy in the universe. No, he wasn't Popeye.
Dr. Martin Jr.: I was talking about that in a video I recorded yesterday, and we're going to have it on our website. We did a podcast on it awhile ago. It's just the top five reasons for hair loss. In the video, I talked about ...
Dr. Martin Sr.: [00:19:30] It was very good by the way. You did that solo with the thing about hair loss without me.
Dr. Martin Jr.: I figured I might do ...
Dr. Martin Sr.: Was that because I don't have many hair left?
Dr. Martin Jr.: No, because I did the podcast by myself as well. It's the same topic, so I figured I did it once by myself. I could do this one as well. I just recorded a quick video. It's interesting because in the video, and that's a thing, right? I mean, spinach is good for you. It's also been put on a pedestal by certain things in. One of them is iron. Popeye [00:20:00] and forearms, the size of whatever, and he gets his iron energy from spinach and all these kinds of things. The reality is spinach is not a good source of iron, because there are two types of iron. There is the ...
Dr. Martin Sr.: Hemi.
Dr. Martin Jr.: That's an engine.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Well, that's how I remember it. I think that the Chrysler engine, hemi engine.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, so hemi. Every NASCAR fan listening just got really excited. The husbands that are not listening to us right now, they were driving and they heard hemi, [00:20:30] and they just all of sudden turn the radio up and they're like, "What's this guy talking about?" Unfortunately, no, we're not talking about hemi that way.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Heme.
Dr. Martin Jr.: It's heme.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Heme iron.
Dr. Martin Jr.: The young people think we're talking about memes when we say heme, but, again, it's heme. There's heme iron and non-heme iron. Heme iron is found in animal products. It's absorbed better into the body. Non-heme is found in plant based stuff, and it's poorly [00:21:00] absorbed, so spinach. It's interesting. People will list the amount of iron in spinach and they say, "I think it's 2.6 milligrams for every 100 grams," so 2.6, and they'll say, "See, red meat is 2.5, so spinach is better."
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yes, if you listed numerically, however, it doesn't matter unless you could absorb it, so the actual absorption. Non-heme iron has the absorption rate in spinach at about 1.7%, [00:21:30] so the 2.6 actually, the amount that you absorbed is 0.044 milligrams, nothing. It's a terrible source of iron, whereas the same 2.5 milligrams of red meat, 20% of that is absorbed, so you get 0.5 milligrams. That's a huge difference in absorption. It's a massive difference.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Well, and it goes back to what you were saying on the methyl and the ... How do you say [00:22:00] cobabalin?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Cyanocobalamin.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Hey, I'm old.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well listen, and that's the thing, I always say for every decade after 40, you're allowed to mess up a percentage of words.
Dr. Martin Sr.: There you go.
Dr. Martin Jr.: You're allowed to on purpose. I'm 45 so I'm allowed to mess up 10% of my words. 50s ...
Dr. Martin Sr.: The B12 if you look at that as being in the same analogy, the one, the cyano is poorly absorbed, [00:22:30] even though it says, "Oh, it might have a thousand micrograms or whatever," but you're not ... because your body doesn't even know what that is.
Dr. Martin Jr.: It's not natural.
Dr. Martin Sr.: It's not natural.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Also, it's interesting, because, I mean, everybody heard of cyanide. It's like a kissing cousin. I mean, we're not meant to take a cyanocobalamin. We're not meant for that at all. Methylcobalamin is by far the best. You just got to find it. Anyways, when it comes to iron, like you said, so if you're not eating red meat and you're not eating oysters, [00:23:00] you're not getting enough B12. You're not getting enough in your day, so you have to supplement and you have to look for the right supplements, and make sure you're taking the right supplements.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Again, consistency with B12 does really well for people. Again, if you're worried about your brain as you age, B12 is just one component of brain health. This is the thing. The more we read about the brain, you and I, the more we talk [00:23:30] about the brain, it's a jigsaw puzzle. It's a thousand-piece jigsaw puzzle, and even one little piece missing, and the brain can be in serious trouble. That's how fragile the brain can be when you look at all the things that are attacking the brain.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Then look at the research this past year on even things that they never thought can happen in the brain such as candida-
Dr. Martin Sr.: [00:24:00] Big.
Dr. Martin Jr.: ... crossing the blood brain barrier and ending up in your brain. They think a percentage of Parkinson's people have fungus. Our brains are under attack.
Dr. Martin Sr.: It goes across the blood brain barrier that we know so much more about [crosstalk 00:24:18].
Dr. Martin Jr.: Starting more and more, and you look at everything that attacks the health of our brain. It's no wonder why people are outliving. Modern medicine has [00:24:30] kept people alive longer. The lack of epidemic diseases keep people alive longer, but it's not helping their brain last longer. You and I talked about this one before in a previous podcast, strong muscles, strong brain. Then even that one study going further saying that leg day, leg muscles are particularly tied into the health of your brain.
Dr. Martin Jr.: If you're at the gym doing leg muscles, also thinking about it. People say, "I was at the gym today and I pulled a sled." [00:25:00] That's not fun. That's not fun pulling a sled, but I did it today because my legs were sore because yesterday I did legs. I squatted. I did dead lifts. People are saying, "What are you doing today at the gym?" I always say I do an executive workout, so it's like 80% talking and 20% exercise. They're like, "What are you doing today?" I'm like, "Today is leg day," but then I'll tell them, "It's leg and brain day." They're like, "Oh." Now, they know me, so they know what that means, but it's leg and brain day, because the strength of your legs [00:25:30] ...
Dr. Martin Sr.: Isn't that incredible?
Dr. Martin Jr.: ... are tied into your brain health for sure. Now, listen, there's a lot of things that can cause brain, but look at in a old age home where there's a lot of dementia and Alzheimer's, and look at the strength of their muscles, so sarcopenia, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's, dementia, they all fit together, but that's only one. Then you got metabolic issues like high-circulating insulin, glucose uptake issues, free radical damage, neuroinflammation, brain shrinking, [00:26:00] all these things that are causing. Again, just look at the appearance. Look at the appearance of Alzheimer's, dementia, and it's always ... Unless it's an issue from a football player who took head shots, that's different.
Dr. Martin Sr.: 100 head shots in his career.
Dr. Martin Jr.: That's an etiology. That's something that you can explain that, but the average Alzheimer's, dementia, there's a frailty to it. They look frail. Their muscles are not ... They're sarcopenia. They're osteopenia. It's all [00:26:30] connected. It's all connected. Vitamin B12 is just a jigsaw, but not only is it great for your brain, as you mentioned, you'll have no energy. You're not going to feel good. Your metabolism will slow down, so there's a lot of aspects to ...
Dr. Martin Sr.: Well, there's a whole area too that I deal in in a clinical setting of what I call borderline anemia. Like you always say, anemia is not a disease. Anemia is a symptom, [00:27:00] but a lot of times, anemia is poor absorption. They're not absorbing their B12, but they're not absorbing our eating. They don't get enough in their diet of the heme iron and B12. They're not absorbing that.
Dr. Martin Jr.: I'm going to start calling it hemi iron.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Heme. I like that better. See, it's equal.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well, you said hemi. That's even better.
Dr. Martin Sr.: You know what, I would say to our listeners ...
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well, actually, it makes more sense because people really get excited about a Hemi engine, right?
Dr. Martin Sr.: That's what I mean.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Either you have a hemi iron or you have a non-hemi [00:27:30] iron.
Dr. Martin Sr.: I think I'm going to stick to it.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Honestly, I like it better because it makes more sense.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Here we go. Here we go. See? Finally, I got my son convinced [inaudible 00:27:37].
Dr. Martin Jr.: Because it makes it sounds like the hemi iron is more powerful.
Dr. Martin Sr.: See, I always have something to remember things. It's always easy for me to remember Hemi, because I don't know nothing about cars, but I do remember the advertisement about the dodge. It's got a hemi engine.
Dr. Martin Jr.: I'm writing the Merck's manual. I'm writing medical textbooks and journals to change the pronunciation from heme to [00:28:00] Hemi.
Dr. Martin Sr.: We got to get something about that B12. I cannot get my tongue around the ...
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well, listen, it's ...
Dr. Martin Sr.: ... cobabalin, right?
Dr. Martin Jr.: No.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Cobabalim.
Dr. Martin Jr.: No.
Dr. Martin Sr.: How do you say it?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Cobalamin.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Cobalamin. I can't say that. Well, cobalamin.
Dr. Martin Jr.: How often are you going to have to say that in a [inaudible 00:28:17]?
Dr. Martin Sr.: I never say it. I say B12.
Dr. Martin Jr.: It's B12. Just make sure it's in the methyl.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Hey, I go ...
Dr. Martin Jr.: That's what I tell people, because the same thing, because you get tongue tied so quickly trying to say it. I always say B12 [00:28:30] and then make sure it's in the methyl form, not the cyano form.
Dr. Martin Sr.: That's what I stick to. I can't get that last pronounced, cobalamin.
Dr. Martin Jr.: I mean, methylcobalamin. Who cares, right? I mean, it's B12. It's either real B12 or it's like fake Gucci purse or like a knockoff of coach. That's all it is. It's either the real deal or it's a knockoff, and one is made in a lab and the other one isn't, so make sure you get the right kind. Well listen, we wanted [00:29:00] to answer questions from the webinar, but we're 30 minutes in, so we're ...
Dr. Martin Sr.: Well, that was one of the questions.
Dr. Martin Jr.: It was one of the questions, so I guess technically, we did do that. Next episode, if we remember, I made a note of it, we'll start answering some of those questions, but again, listen, we gave a lot of information on B12. It is one of the nutrients that a majority of the population is deficient in, which is why we talk a lot about it. Again, I hope you found this interesting. Thanks for listening and have a great day.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Thanks for listening [00:29:30] to the Doctor Is In podcast from If you have any questions, you can reach us at If you're not a newsletter subscriber, you can head to our website and sign up for free. We also have a private Facebook group that you could join. It's a community of awesome people. Finally, I do a Facebook live every Thursday morning at 8:30. Join us again next week for a new episode.