Transcript Of Today's Episode
Dr.Martin Jr: You're listening to The Doctor Is In podcast from Although we share a lot of practical, and in our opinion, awesome information, what you hear on this podcast is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes, so enjoy.
Dr.Martin Jr: Hello, I'm Dr. Martin Junior.
Dr.Martin Sr: I'm Dr. Martin Senior.
Dr.Martin Jr: And this is The Doctor Is In podcast, and this is [00:00:30] episode 178. Now, we're recording this at the end of March, and tonight, we're going to be doing a live webinar specifically called How To Overcome Thyroid Issues. And you and I, welcome back, by the way.
Dr.Martin Sr: Good to be back.
Dr.Martin Jr: You and I were talking, just kind of going over some of the slides for tonight and we got into a pretty interesting discussion on thyroid. We decided to do a little bit of a deeper dive in this podcast, specifically on [00:01:00] five surprising causes of a sluggish thyroid. So that's what we wanna talk about today. And as we're mentioning [inaudible 00:01:07], it's hard to treat the thyroid properly if you just ignore these five causes because they probably account for more than 80%, probably more than that, of people that have sluggish thyroid.
Dr.Martin Jr: So you could treat the thyroid in a sense, that's assuming that it's tested properly and that they actually find something wrong with it which usually is not [00:01:30] the case. Most people that have thyroid issues have normal testing. But if they manage to find something wrong and they give them Synthroid, or they give them a drug, it's hard to get better if you ignore these five causes because as we'll go through today, you'll see that if those causes aren't addressed, the thyroid will constantly be under attack which is why even if somebody finally does get on meds, they generally have to keep on increasing their medications.
Dr.Martin Jr: Very rarely does somebody get on a [00:02:00] level and have to stay at that level. They have to play around with it quite a bit. And some people are constantly adjusting. It's because the problem is the underlying issue is not their thyroid. The thyroid is a victim and because the thyroid is the master gland, it affects every cell in your body pretty much, there's a lot of things that can attack it. And because of that, if you don't address those things, these things we're gonna talk about today, the thyroid will really never get better.
Dr.Martin Sr: Yeah, and the thyroid [00:02:30] is, like you said, the master gland. It is the orchestral leader, really, of your endocrine system and it's also the gas pedal in your car, it's your metabolism, it's the furnace. It has such an important task in the body, such a little organ. But, if you look at it, the brain is a little organ too but that's headquarters, right? So when you think of it that yeah, your thyroid, a lot of people, especially doctors [00:03:00] over the years and I don't wanna be negative but it's just something that unless the blood test bites them, they just dismiss it. And the thyroid is ... I can think of my practice of, can I say thousands of women, that have been misdiagnosed in this area. And it's one of the most frustrating because I'll tell you something.
Dr.Martin Sr: If your thyroid is not at optimal levels, you do [00:03:30] not feel good. And that is a frustrating thing for people in the real world, in their life. They're trying to lose weight and they're trying to feel good and they're trying. And you know, it's a very frustrating thing. So I think we're hitting a nerve here today because I think our audience will appreciate the fact that we're talking about it. And we're gonna dig in today and really get at some areas that ... 'Cause we look at it holistically, right? We look at the thyroid never [00:04:00] independent, it's not independent. It's in an orchestra, right, of the hormones. It's like an orchestra. One thing's out of whack there-
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah, it could be that symbol on the list.
Dr.Martin Sr: The little symbol.
Dr.Martin Jr: That you hear just and only a person that is trained to hear that little symbol missing would notice that it wasn't there. And that's what's happening. It's funny, I remember when my kids were young, taking them to those little traveling amusement [00:04:30] things with the little rides. It's so funny, as an adult, they take these things down, they put them together so fast. And we just jump on all these rides, right? And of course the games are so [inaudible 00:04:41], you try to throw the ring around the bottles and the bottles are like warped or something, nobody ever wins. But you always see that one guy walking through with the massive thing.
Dr.Martin Sr: The big panda bear or something.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah, they let one guy win so that everybody else thinks they can win. And you know, you gotta trade in 10,000 tickets just to get a [00:05:00] super ball of that box. I remember the one game and it was [inaudible 00:05:05], it was that whack-a-mole game where this little mole comes up and you have this cartoon sized hammer that hits it down and it pops its head. And even if you don't hit it down, it seems to go down anyways 'cause a lot of times you're seeing people are missing and this thing's just popping up and down and it's giving you points for hitting it. And I was thinking about that and that's the thyroid. The thyroid is that thing that pops up, it thinks it's normal and then another [00:05:30] something whacks it down again. Because the thyroid can get affected by so many things. That's what's happening.
Dr.Martin Jr: So if you get on meds, the thyroid pops up again normal and then something else whacks it down because the underlying problem is still there. So let's talk about those five things. Now again, there are other causes but these are the big five. These would account for a majority of people that have thyroid issues. So let's go through them. The first one and they're not in any particular order [00:06:00] but I would say this is the biggest cause. I mean, probably the biggest cause. Now, I'm remembering the list, there might be a few that are pretty big as well but this one is a very common of a sluggish thyroid and of course, I'm talking about stress. And not stress itself but the effect of stress.
Dr.Martin Sr: Over a long period of time, usually.
Dr.Martin Jr: Over a long period of time which is obviously high cortisol. And it's interesting, if you get ... I remember you saying this, when you get [00:06:30] their story, when you ask questions and they start telling you their story of how they ended up where they're at, usually, in their history is a major stress event of some kind. Not always, but it could be anything from a car accident to some major stress on the body that kind of triggered that.
Dr.Martin Jr: I also equate that incident to ... 'Cause I used to treat a lot of sports injuries and somebody would come in and [00:07:00] say, "Well, I sneezed and I threw my back out." Well, unless you're superman, the sneeze wasn't the cause, that was just the last straw.
Dr.Martin Sr: Yeah, it was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah, you didn't kill your back 'cause you sneezed. You could have done something else that day and your back would have come on out. I ask them questions and they tell a story and it's like, "Well, that's probably where things started." And I used to tell them, I give them the story of the old Bugs Bunny when they put a thing of TNT, a big explosive [00:07:30] in.
Dr.Martin Sr: Oh yeah, Yosemite Sam and Coyote.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah, and Wile E. Coyote would put this long thing of-
Dr.Martin Sr: The cord.
Dr.Martin Jr: Of the cord, right? And then would light it. And that's the first thing that lit the thing. And then the sneeze was the end effect but it didn't start with there. And of course, Wile E. never was able to get that thing to go off at the right time, something always happened, right. But anyways. But that's what happens. So stress is kind of like that.
Dr.Martin Sr: Big time.
Dr.Martin Jr: [00:08:00] And then what happens is, when they have elevated cortisol, not only does it cause insomnia and anxiety which are things we've talked about on previous episodes and we've talked about on videos on our website. But what ends up happening is, and this is the big thing, so if you remember, the way the thyroid works, it's kind of interesting. So the thyroid, once the brain, so the hypothalamus, tells their pituitary to get the thyroid going, so once your thyroid starts [00:08:30] to do its job, it makes hormones, makes T4, T3, T2, T1 and subcalcitonin. But T3 is the active form. But a majority of the hormone that is made is actually in the form of T4 and then T4 has to be converted into T3.
Dr.Martin Jr: So if you're listening and that's confusing just understand two things. T3 is the active form so when your thyroid makes hormone, T3 is the active form. A majority of it comes in [00:09:00] the form of T4 which your body then turns into T3.
Dr.Martin Sr: But it's gotta be right.
Dr.Martin Jr: It's gotta be right. So, stress, cortisol specifically, cortisol affects that conversion of T4 to T3. Well, first of all, you could be making enough thyroid hormone which again can affect testing. Testing could be somewhat normal.
Dr.Martin Sr: Yeah, because if they're checking just TSH which most of the time they do, right? Thyroid stimulating hormone. But, we got [00:09:30] lots of it. It's good, it's within normal limits, right?
Dr.Martin Jr: And that comes from the pituitary. So the pituitary is telling the thyroid to get going and the thyroid is getting going, it is making its hormones. But it's making the right amount of hormones but that conversion of T4 to T3 is what's affected and that's what cortisol does. Cortisol stops the conversion of T4 to T3 which, again, since T3 is the active form that influences your cells, that helps your metabolism, that helps you burn fat, [00:10:00] that does everything it's supposed to do, then you need T3 and you need T4 to be converted into T3. And cortisol stops that from happening.
Dr.Martin Jr: So that is why stress over a long period of time will kill your thyroid. It will give you sluggish thyroid symptoms which is why they'll have symptoms of high cortisol and they'll have symptoms of a sluggish thyroid.
Dr.Martin Sr: Sure. And then hairs falling out and [00:10:30] weight gain, the diet hasn't changed. And yet, you know, I got a woman in this morning, had gained around almost 30 or 40 pounds in one year and it was exactly what you said. I mean, once I got her history out of her 'cause I asked questions. I am always looking for the rabbit trail. What happened, where did it start? And then when you go back, I mean yeah, okay, yeah. I said, "Well, something happened." You don't just gain weight without changing [00:11:00] your diet. Something had to happen to your hormones and the master hormone and that is your thyroid. Well, what started? Oh, my thyroid got checked, it was good. No, it's not. Anyway. So it's typical, it's incredible.
Dr.Martin Jr: So, okay, that's the first one. And we'll just keep on moving along 'cause we can actually probably spend a podcast episode on each of these causes but we wanna keep this as brief as possible. So the first one is stress. The second one, and this surprises a lot of people, is leaky gut. [00:11:30] If your gut isn't healthy, your thyroid won't be healthy. And here's the thing and this is the difficult thing with leaky gut 'cause leaky gut, you can have it and not have any digestive symptoms. And that's hard for people to understand because they associate it with digestive symptoms yet a lot of people do have digestive symptoms of some kind.
Dr.Martin Jr: But, at the end of the day, they have leaky gut syndrome, they may or may not have digestive symptoms. But, leaky gut directly affects people's thyroid [00:12:00] and they do not understand this. But, there are two big reasons why. The first thing is ... Okay, so we talked about the conversion of T4 to T3, right? T4 to T3, a majority of that takes place in the liver. The liver converts a majority of T4 to T3. However, about 20% of that conversion of T4 to T3 occurs in your GI tract. And guess what plays a massive role in [00:12:30] the health of your GI tract? Your microbiome.
Dr.Martin Sr: You're a good doctor, yeah.
Dr.Martin Jr: If your gut bacteria isn't healthy and specifically, so your healthy gut bacteria is involved in the making of an enzyme that's called intestinal sulfatase, and that enzyme plays a role in the conversion of T4 to T3.
Dr.Martin Sr: Incredible.
Dr.Martin Jr: So if you work yourself backwards, if you have an unhealthy gut, you're not gonna make that enzyme, you're not gonna be able to convert properly. And think about [00:13:00] this. The thyroid is so potent and it's so ... You talk about this and I find it so fascinating that the amount of thyroid hormone you make in a full year is one teaspoon. So it's so powerful, it doesn't take a lot of it, right?
Dr.Martin Sr: That's like dynamite, right? It's like what would be a liquid type of thing that we just say it's so powerful.
Dr.Martin Jr: Well, I use the example in newsletters of ricin, right? That single grain of rice.
Dr.Martin Sr: A grain.
Dr.Martin Jr: A size of ricin, it's the deadliest [00:13:30] poison, it will kill you. And that's how powerful a single, plural dosage of ricin is. Well, that's the thyroid. Thyroid is so powerful, it doesn't have to make a lot of hormones to have a direct effect on everything. So you can imagine, so a 100% conversion of T4 to T3, a majority occurs in the liver but 20% occurs in your gut. So you could be doing your thing properly in the liver but if your gut is unhealthy and you're not converting that T4 to T3 and you have a 20% decrease or let's just say a 10% decrease in the conversion of T4 to T3, [00:14:00] well, that will have massive effects on how you feel. Your thyroid will be sluggish, big time. You'll have thyroid sluggish symptoms.
Dr.Martin Jr: So leaky gut, think of all the things that can cause leaky gut and we've done a webinar on this before and we'll do one again in the next little bit. All the things that can cause leaky gut can also cause thyroid issues which is why thyroid is so commonly hit. And then, so leaky gut will stop the conversion of T4 to T3 but [00:14:30] the second aspect of this leaky gut is your good bacteria, not only does it create an enzyme that helps convert T4 to T3, it also contains specific estrogen metabolizing microbes called your estrobolome. So your gut bacteria plays a very specific role in metabolizing estrogen which brings us the third cause which is estrogen dominance.
Dr.Martin Jr: So if you're not metabolizing estrogen properly, you're [00:15:00] gonna run it through thyroid because estrogen dominance, when you have elevated estrogen, and here's the thing, we gotta say this every time we talk about estrogen dominance because a lot of people get confused by this. You'll tell somebody in menopause that they're estrogen dominant and they're like, "Well, my estrogen levels are low, my doctor told me." Yeah, that's right. But you're still dominant because estrogen dominance is in relation to progesterone, not the amount of estrogen you have. You can have low estrogen and still be estrogen dominant [00:15:30] because you have even less progesterone, right? So it's important to understand that.
Dr.Martin Jr: So you could be estrogen dominant by having elevated estrogen and even normal progesterone, you're estrogen dominant. You can have normal estrogen and decreased progesterone and you're estrogen dominant. You can have elevated estrogen and decreased progesterone, you're really estrogen dominant. Or you can have, like in menopause, decreased estrogen, and decreased progesterone and you could be estrogen dominant. So estrogen dominance [00:16:00] is not the level of estrogen and that's important to understand 'cause a lot of people get confused when we talk about estrogen dominance. They're like, "Why, I went through menopause. I'm low estrogen."
Dr.Martin Sr: Or I had a hysterectomy.
Dr.Martin Jr: Or I had a hysterectomy. How can I be estrogen dominant when I had a hysterectomy? And that's right. But there's a lot of ways. But the problem when it comes to the thyroid is estrogen ... So when you have elevated estrogen, you have elevated TBG. Now, TBG which is another, I like the shortened version of it because the longer [00:16:30] version is thyroid binding globulin. So this is something that carries or binds the thyroid and carries it throughout your body so it's very important, you need it. But the problem is, when you have too much estrogen, you have more thyroid binding globulin and what happens is you have no free thyroid hormone. Every thyroid hormone is bound to TBG or a lot more that were bound than they should be. So you have decreased free hormones.
Dr.Martin Jr: Well, then, if [00:17:00] you have decreased free hormones, those hormones can't do their job. So, no free thyroid hormone means no ability to affect the cells.
Dr.Martin Sr: The hormone's circulating but it's not being delivered really, it's in a straitjacket.
Dr.Martin Jr: And guess what? Normal testing.
Dr.Martin Sr: Normal testing 'cause it's circulating.
Dr.Martin Jr: That's right. So, estrogen dominance can have a major effect on ... You could have hypothyroid symptoms because of too much estrogen. [00:17:30] Yet by definition, your thyroid will be functioning normal. But there's way more than just that, right? I mean, that's how complicated the thyroid is. All right. The fourth thing, like we said, so, if a majority of conversion of T4 to T3 takes place in your liver then it only makes sense that anything that affects your liver will affect how your thyroid functions. And one of the biggest threats to the liver that we see today [00:18:00] comes in the form of insulin.
Dr.Martin Sr: Food.
Dr.Martin Jr: Food. If you pack any fat around your liver, it affects the way your liver functions. Then you're gonna decrease your body's ability to convert T4 to T3 and that becomes a major problem. So, liver function is a major issue when it comes to thyroid. So if somebody has constantly elevated insulin and that's resulting in a liver that is packed with fat, a [00:18:30] liver that is in chaos a bit, then it's gonna affect how you convert T4 to T3.
Dr.Martin Sr: Yeah. And you think of it. Today, in this day and age, you know, it was interesting, as I was thinking about this when I was in school, probably different when you were there, but do you know that we never talked about a fatty liver, there was no such thing. If it was there, I never heard it.
Dr.Martin Jr: Well, 'cause you're an alcoholic.
Dr.Martin Sr: Yeah. You had a fatty liver in the sense you had cirrhosis of the liver but this is non-alcoholic fatty liver, right?
Dr.Martin Jr: That's why they say ... [00:19:00] It was so rare to have non-alcoholic fatty liver. They call it non-alcoholic fatty liver because it used to be ... So many people that had it, it was just alcohol. Then, all of a sudden, somebody came in and they're like, "You have alcoholic fatty liver." I don't drink. Okay, you have non-alcoholic fatty liver. But at the end of the day, yes.
Dr.Martin Sr: Yeah, yeah, for sure. And this is why it's like an epidemic, they're saying, what, close to 50% of the population [00:19:30] in this day and age. And we can get into the weeds and talk about ... I mean, look, we're carboholics, there's so much sugar. And one of the things that the food industry did that really had, I believe, a major effect on the thyroid.
Dr.Martin Jr: I know where you're going with this one.
Dr.Martin Sr: [inaudible 00:19:45] is because of the high fructose corn syrup, right?
Dr.Martin Jr: Absolutely. Absolutely.
Dr.Martin Sr: Because high fructose corn syrup, it's like monopoly, it goes past go. You go directly to jail.
Dr.Martin Jr: And it's metabolized in the liver.
Dr.Martin Sr: It's metabolized in the liver just like alcohol is and so it does not ... You know, [00:20:00] your body just ... It's right over to the liver. And that has created chaos in that, like you say, that conversion because of the fatty liver, the conversion of the thyroid. And this is why you see thousands and thousands and thousands of people, well, at least I see thousands and thousands of people on a yearly basis that have thyroid issues, maybe not being diagnosed properly. And a lot of it, like you say, [00:20:30] leaky gut. They don't even think of it. The liver's so important because that's where the conversion takes place. The majority of conversion of T4 to T3 and it's never even taken into consideration but this is a big issue. That diet. And you know, like sugar and especially high fructose corn syrup is a killer when it comes to the thyroid.
Dr.Martin Jr: All right. So now, let's talk about the ... So we talked about stress, we talked about leaky gut, estrogen dominance and the liver [00:21:00] and we'll talk about the last one quickly which is iodine. Now, iodine is a big one.
Dr.Martin Sr: Sure is.
Dr.Martin Jr: And here is a few things that's interesting. So thyroid cells are the only cells in the body that can absorb iodine. Right? So iodine. And what happens is, your thyroid takes the iodine, combines it with an amino acid called tyrosine and then it turns that into T4, T3, T2, T1.
Dr.Martin Sr: So you need iodine for your thyroid to function.
Dr.Martin Jr: That's right. Without iodine, [00:21:30] you can't make your thyroid hormones. You need iodine. And so what's happening today is there's an epidemic of low iodine.
Dr.Martin Sr: In the soil.
Dr.Martin Jr: That's right. Consumption. And think about this for a second. I was doing some reading on why, the different reasons why people are so low in iodine today and it's such a common issue. And a lot of it had to do beforehand that the actual wheat flour was processed using iodine, so the ability to get iodine was so much higher before. And [00:22:00] they switched that process over to using bromate and that did two things. One, it decreased the amount of iodine people were getting even from wheat flour and two, we're getting bromate but bromate actually can block the activity of iodine.
Dr.Martin Sr: Exactly.
Dr.Martin Jr: So now, what you're seeing with this consumption of wheat, it can actually cause thyroid issues or mimic thyroid issues in a lot of ways but it can actually decrease your ability to do anything with iodine which can give thyroid symptoms which is [00:22:30] why a lot of women with thyroid symptoms do better when they cut out wheat like wheat flour, right?
Dr.Martin Jr: And that's the first reason. And the second reason has to do with chemicals, specifically, there's a lot that can do this but specifically chlorine and fluoride.
Dr.Martin Sr: Fluoride which is in the water, toothpaste, or whatever. They're trying to protect your teeth but they're killing your thyroid.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah. And indirectly, that's affecting iodine which, [00:23:00] again, is affecting our thyroid's ability to function properly. So that's the fifth reason. So again, the five reasons stress, leaky gut, estrogen dominance, liver and iodine. So if somebody has thyroid symptoms and they're on thyroid meds and they're not addressing the high cortisol, they're not addressing their leaky gut or estrogen dominance or insulin resistance or their iodine, they're always gonna have thyroid issues. Always, always, always.
Dr.Martin Jr: The meds are not gonna fix [00:23:30] the causes. It's gonna fix-
Dr.Martin Sr: They mask.
Dr.Martin Jr: They do because it didn't start. The thyroid is a symptom and that's why it's important to understand because a lot of times, thyroid is used as a diagnosis but a lot of times, you know, it's funny. Anemia is not a diagnosis, anemia is a symptom because there's a lot of things that can cause anemia. What's causing the anemia, right. So when somebody says, "I'm anemic," well, then the next question is, "Why are you anemic?" What's [00:24:00] causing that anemia is they're not getting enough iron, not enough B12, is it intake issue? Is it absorption issue, is it a bleeding issue?
Dr.Martin Sr: Bad, bad bleeding issue.
Dr.Martin Jr: So that's the thing. But with thyroid, what ends up happening with thyroid is that somebody, the doctor will say, "Well, you got a thyroid issue." Well, why do you have a thyroid issue? Thyroid in itself doesn't malfunction, that's not the cause. And then somebody will say, "Well, I got Hashimoto's." Yeah, but Hashimoto's is an [00:24:30] autoimmune disorder and it just so happens that your own immune system could attack your joints, give you lupus, but it's attacking your thyroid. And where does that come from? Why is your immune system attacking our thyroid? Well, let's talk leaky gut, let's talk inflammation, let's talk about all those things, right? So again, the thyroid, in my opinion, and again-
Dr.Martin Sr: No, it's worth something. You always say it's not worth anything, it is.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah, but I try to use my opinions, I can't [00:25:00] get a cup of coffee is what I'm saying. For a lot of people, you have to understand this, they are seeking a thyroid diagnosis and even if they had a thyroid diagnosis, it's not the cause of their problems. It's a symptom. They're getting a symptom of something else. They have a problem with high cortisol that's killing their thyroid, they have a problem with estrogen dominance that's killing their thyroid. And that's important to understand that.
Dr.Martin Jr: So when you attack it, when you fix it, when you [00:25:30] say to this person or you say, "Okay, I gotta fix my thyroid," the question is, well, let's figure out what's going on behind your thyroid and let's fix that. And watch what will happen. Then the person starts to get better. But until that happens, you're gonna be in a merry-go-round the thyroid symptoms. You'll take a drug, you'll feel better, the thyroid will get knocked down again and it's just ... You'll take more of a drug and it's a never ending story until you address the cause.
Dr.Martin Jr: And we've listed [00:26:00] five big causes. There are other ones. But these are five big causes that a majority of the people that have thyroid symptoms and the testing can't show anything, one of these five is most likely the cause of your problems. Fix those, your thyroid will come along for the ride. That's my opinion.
Dr.Martin Sr: 100% behind you. And the thing is and just in closing in this sense, just remember now, [00:26:30] it's the experience that we see, too. It's not like this is something that, oh, just jumped out. We see real people every day and the experience of that has made ... This is where we're almost like on the frontier because we're looking at real people and to solve the problems and we just found over the years that this is our experience and it's actually science is finally catching up. [00:27:00] Catching up to what our experience has been, right? We always knew that the thyroid doesn't act independently or whatever and we thought outside the box for a long time. But, and it's not pride or anything. It's just, I, and you and I have a passion to get to the bottom of it. Anything. Get to the bottom of what is it?
Dr.Martin Jr: Why.
Dr.Martin Sr: Why is it. Why do we see so much of it? You know?
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah, why. That's exactly it. And you have to ... [00:27:30] I know I've had ... Obviously you had kids 'cause I'm here, I have kids, and when they're younger they ask why all the time.
Dr.Martin Sr: Why, why, why, why, why, why.
Dr.Martin Jr: Why, why. I still remember one of the funniest questions my son asked me and he asked, and even if I had to define it to this day, I couldn't define it. He asked me, "Dad, what does style mean? How do you define style?" What I felt like saying was, "I don't have any, so I [00:28:00] could tell you what style isn't." But he asked, I don't remember how we came up, he says, "What is style?"
Dr.Martin Sr: Yeah, I remember [inaudible 00:28:06] 'cause he asked why a thousand times a day.
Dr.Martin Jr: He asked, I remember what time, what is style? So they ask these questions, right? But that's the same thing. You have to always ask why. Things don't just spontaneously magically appear. The thyroid doesn't get up one morning and say, "Yeah, guess what, I'm gonna start to be slower than yesterday. And I'm on strike, I'm gonna slow down, [00:28:30] I'm gonna work [inaudible 00:28:31]." It doesn't happen like that.
Dr.Martin Sr: No.
Dr.Martin Jr: Something triggers it.
Dr.Martin Sr: There's an underlying ... Absolutely.
Dr.Martin Jr: That's right. And that's how we want, if you've listened to our episodes over a long time, you read our newsletters, then you'll understand that's what we do. We try to figure out why these things happen because it's not ... Thyroid in itself is not the problem, it's a victim and now we gotta figure out the perpetrator of the crime for a lack of better terms.
Dr.Martin Jr: Well, we've gone way over our time here so we wanna thank you for listening and have a great day.
Dr.Martin Sr: [00:29:00] Thanks for listening to The Doctor Is In podcast from If you have any questions, you can reach us at If you're not a newsletter subscriber, you can head to our website and sign up for free. We also have a private Facebook group that you can join. It's a community of awesome people. Finally, I do a Facebook live every Thursday morning at 8:30. Join us again next week [00:29:30] for a new episode.