Transcript Of Today's Episode
Dr. Martin Jr.: Hello, I'm Dr. Martin Jr.
Dr. Martin Sr.: And I'm Dr. Martin Sr.
Dr. Martin Jr.: This is the Doctor Is In Podcast, and this is episode 148. What we wanna do today is actually continue [00:00:30] our discussion from episode 147 which is on depression. But what we're gonna do today is we're actually gonna talk about basically the exact protocol that you use in the clinic for depression. But before we start, let's just kind of quickly summarize a little bit of what we talked about on the last episode.
Now if you haven't heard it, I would strongly recommend going back and listening to episode 147 first and then coming and listening to this one as well. But if not, we'll summarize it as best as we can.
Dr. Martin Sr.: It's always good to review, [00:01:00] right?
Dr. Martin Jr.: It's always good to review for sure. Now so what we did is we kind of listed a bunch of different external causes of depression that is more than just simply saying, I have a problem with brain chemicals, right?
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Because a lot of times that's what happens, it's like you got a brain chemical imbalance and here's a medication. Now it doesn't mean that they don't have a brain chemical imbalance but it doesn't also mean that it wasn't caused by ...
Dr. Martin Sr.: How did you get [00:01:30] that?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, one of the things that we're gonna talk about. So here are some of the big causes of depression. Now this list won't cause depression right away, and that's important to understand. This is kind of like the beginning of a journey that will send somebody down a path that can end up in depression. These things as well doesn't necessarily mean that you'll end up with depression, it could cause heart disease, it can cause Alzheimer's, it can cause arthritis, a lot of different things. But [00:02:00] these are very important external causes of depression, so we talked about sunlight, the lack of sunlight and the effect it has on your brain, and working under fluorescent light and looking at blue light screens all day, and the effect it could have on some people's brains, not everybody.
But the effect, we talked about social media as well, but then we talked about the effect that obesity has on the brain. Again, just because you're obese doesn't mean you're gonna be depressed, it doesn't work that way, but for some [00:02:30] absolutely, that's an absolute cause. Talked about processed diet. Crappy vegetable oils that are in every food because they're cheap to make, they're cheap, they're in every food out there.
Dr. Martin Sr.: High, high, high level of omega 6 versus the ratio of omega 3 and we're way out of balance. Our society today, it's-
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well it's 18 to 1 from the last statistic I read. So we eat 18 [00:03:00] times more omega 6 than omega 3 which is unbelievable to think that. So when that ratio gets out of whack, you end up with stuff like autoimmune disorders, headaches, asthma, big study on asthma. A lot of kids are getting, in my opinion, a lot of kids have asthma because of process foods, high sugar, and they have an allergy to something, dairy, eggs, something. You look at those things, it's amazing how many kids, their asthma all of a suddenly disappears.
Listen, I'm [00:03:30] speaking from experience because when my son was born, I remember rushing him to the hospital so they could put him on oxygen, I remember that. We were young, I was 23 years old. I was in school, and I remember simply cut ... taking dairy out of his life. Well he couldn't run without coughing and wheezing. We're thinking man, this guy's not gonna be able to do anything. Once we stopped doing those things, never had it, not even the slightest [00:04:00] even issue since. So now he's back eating cheese, stuff like that, so it's not like it has to be a lifelong thing, but we did correct the gut with probiotics and we did a whole bunch of stuff like that. Anyways, so that's just an aside, so process food, but we didn't talk about it last time, but multiple nutrient deficiency stuff like B12, magnesium, all those kind of things.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Omega 3.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Omega 3's another big one as well. So if you have multiple nutrient deficiencies, sometimes just takes one deficiency such as B12, [00:04:30] but sometimes you get, you have a little bit of a B12 deficiency, a little bit of a magnesium deficiency, you're not getting enough DHA. For some people, that's a perfect storm. It creates this brain inflammation that leads to-
Dr. Martin Sr.: And a lot of people have that because of, they got leaky gut. They're not absorbing it.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, and that's the next one. Leaky gut syndrome's a big reason why.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Did I get ahead of you again?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, you're get ahead of me. So we also talked about no exercise, right?
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: The importance that exercise has on brain health.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Big time. Sleep.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Lack of sleep we talked about. We talked [00:05:00] about too much estrogen, and we talked about insulin resistance or high circulating insulin. So those are all a bunch of external things that affect us every day, that can definitely lead to depression. Now, if you're depressed, I would say there's a fairly decent chance that some of those are playing into it.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Oh yeah, I guarantee it.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Some of those things are playing in.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Just clinically, I see it.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Oh yeah, they're playing into it, which if you don't address them, a person will be on medication for the rest of their lives.
Dr. Martin Sr.: And this is what we [00:05:30] do in functional medicine again. We're always looking for that. We're trying to reverse engineer. You come in, you're depressed. Why are you depressed? And that's what we do, that's what we're looking at. We're trying to ... we look at you holistically. We're not, we don't separate. We look at everything. And our protocol of testing and the biomarker testing was made for that. To look at all these things because they're all, they're connected.
Dr. Martin Jr.: I kind of always look at biomarker testing [00:06:00] in all the history that you take, and all the questionnaires you have people fill. It's kind of like, I remember watching Wheel of Fortune, right? You watch Wheel of Fortune, you know, it's still on, it's crazy. It's one of those things that's still on, and you flip the channels, and there it is and you end up watching a little bit of Wheel of Fortune. I'll tell you, when the word is there at first and there's no clues whatsoever, it's impossible to guess it. But as you start spinning the wheel, and you start to add [00:06:30] some pieces and some letters to the thing, it starts to become more and more clear. And sometimes, you can add two or three letters. You can guess it right away. Other times, you have to go right down to the last three or four letters in the sentence, just to figure out what it is. And that's biomarker testing.
So the more information, so I always think of our biomarker testing and the history that we take as just buying vowels and adding letters, over and over again. It gives us a great picture of what's going on in somebody. And that's important, right? That's an important [00:07:00] thing. So our biomarker testing, and the history that you take, and the questionnaire ... and that questionnaire, like you've been in practice for how long?
Dr. Martin Sr.: Forty-four years.
Dr. Martin Jr.: That's questionnaire's been 44 years in the making, and it's constantly getting adjusted, constantly getting fixed, because at the end of the day, asking the right question is the key in health care. Think about it. When you stop asking questions, you stop listening to stories. And sometimes just asking [00:07:30] the right question can draw out the right symptom. So anyways, that's kind of how we look at our questionnaire or biomarker testing. It's like the Wheel of Fortune in a lot of ways. It just kind of helps us get a real good picture. It's almost cheating, because we get to work pretty much by the time we're done with everything. It kind of solves the problem for us in a lot of ways, but again, that comes was years of experience and building that out.
So we talked about all the external causes of depression. Now, let's spend the rest of the time because a lot of people ask this [00:08:00] question. What do you do for depression? When someone comes into the clinic, and they've gone through the questionnaire, they've gone through the biomarker testing, and you've talked to them, how do you deal with depression?
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah, and again, we don't guess, we test, right? The things that we see, and this is just, I'm going to give you a generalized view with very few exceptions. We fix what's gone wrong. So depression, again it's an epidemic. [00:08:30] Obesity, it's an epidemic. Diabetes, it's an epidemic. Right? There's a clue. If it's an epidemic today and it wasn't there, let's say when I was a kid. Not that there was no depression, of course there was. But it was much more rare. Why is it today, well it's because we can diagnose it? No. Because it's more. So, what do we do? The first thing that we do at the Martin Clinic is we correct the diet. The diet is essential because you have to lower all [00:09:00] inflammation markers, and you do that by lowering insulin.
Because people say, "Well do you ever change your diet?" No. Why would I? If we figured out years ago, that if we keep your insulin resistance down, it just everything gets better. It's anti-inflammatory, it's anti-aging, it's anti-diabetic, it's anti-cancer, it's anti-cardiovascular, it's anti-autoimmune, it's the answer to everything in terms [00:09:30] of food. Now, food's not everything, but it's certainly the number one thing. And it's the one thing you can control. Like, what you put in your mouth, we talked about in the last episode. It's either good, bad, or ugly. Like there's no neutral foods anymore. They either help you or they don't, or they make you worse. And that's like I said, good, bad, or ugly, right?
Dr. Martin Jr.: And especially if somebody is not well. If they're not well, if you have cancer, because we got a lot of people asking us these kind of things, right? If you have cancer, [00:10:00] or you've got some kind of autoimmune disorder, or you got some kind of disease, you have to look at every time you eat, you have to look at that as a major hormonal, biochemical response that you're causing in your body. You can either give your body what it needs, or you can cause a cascade of bad hormonal effects that's just gonna further you down that path. And every bite, every meal, is a battle when you're not well. [00:10:30] And you have to look at it-
Dr. Martin Sr.: And when you don't feel good, guess what you wanna eat?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well yeah for sure.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Comfort food. Something that's quick. You're just trying to elevate your blood sugar. You don't even realize it, but your body is screaming for it to give you, to elevate your sugar's temper.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Unfortunately, food tastes good, right? If food had no real effect on our brains, in terms of the pleasure it gives us, none of this would be an issue. But we have palates, we have taste buds, we have chemical [00:11:00] responses in the brain. It's kind of funny, and this is really a simplistic, simplistic way to eat, but I always kind of picture when you're eating sugar or foods you like, it's like fireworks going off in your brain. Just like the fourth of July. Right?
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: It's just like exploding and everything, and then you eat a food that you don't like, or that has no good taste to it, it's just like a funeral service in your brain, it's depressing. So [00:11:30] your brain wants that explosive, the dopamine effect in the brain, and it's different for, well some people have different, just whatever it is.
Dr. Martin Sr.: That's what happens when your mom makes spaghetti.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well yeah, her spaghetti is fantastic. And when I eat that, I have a fourth of July in my brain going off, and that's what you're fighting against, and that's the reality. Plus, listen, [00:12:00] companies 100% have food scientists so what do you think they do?
Dr. Martin Sr.: What do you call that? I remember you saying that, it was the food taste tester. What was the high point of a ...
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, well what they do it, they try to find the exact point that the food has in terms of sweetness, in terms of saltiness. There is a point in a food, and they test it, and they test it, and they test it that [00:12:30] it creates, and I remember reading the quote when they created a crunchy chip, and the effect that the crunch has on the brain and the release of ... so I mean, they know what they're doing. When they say, "You can't just eat one," they employ scientists to make sure that you can't just eat one. It's perfect, the response that it has in your brain. Listen, they know these things. They know what sugar does, they know what high fructose corn syrup does. They know the effect that it has on your leptin, they know the [00:13:00] effect that it has on all these. Believe me, they got food scientists. These guys are smart. These women are very smart. They know. They get paid big bucks.
Taste is more than taste. Oh, it tastes good, and there's a lot to it. So these companies hire these food scientists, and believe me, that's what we're up against. So we understand that. We're also human, right? We got an Italian background. Pasta's a big part of the Italian background, and like you said, mom, she can cook pasta. It's good, right?
Dr. Martin Sr.: To [00:13:30] die for.
Dr. Martin Jr.: I mean, I would swim across the Lake Superior for her meatballs.
Dr. Martin Sr.: With sharks in the water.
Dr. Martin Jr.: For her meatballs. I understand that.
Dr. Martin Sr.: We take a chance with the sharks.
Dr. Martin Jr.: We live on planet Earth so we understand, we're not standing here telling you anything other than that we know what people go through, because we go through the same things ourself. We enjoy food. We like food. We like good tasting food, so we know how hard it is for people that are out there, because everything is conspiring [00:14:00] against them. From the taste, to the just how the food is composed, and our chemistry of our brains, so we know, we get that.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Especially when you're depressed because again, it's worse.
Dr. Martin Jr.: It's worse. Your brain is craving that reaction, it's depressed. It's craving that stuff. And you know, you're not sleeping well, it gets worse, so we understand that. So anyways, that's the story. That was a long tangent on food chemistry.
Dr. Martin Sr.: But it's true. It just what we're up against, but you see when it comes to the first treatment then, when we're looking at depression, [00:14:30] the first thing that we do in the Martin Clinic, we give you a plan to succeed, not to fail. We give you an out. We give you some cheats. We do all of that, but we show you the importance-
Dr. Martin Jr.: And that's our serial killer plan, right?
Dr. Martin Sr.: And it works, it is so effective.
Dr. Martin Jr.: And we're gonna change the name because when we wrote our book, I don't know how long ago, Serial Killers, we sold a ton of copies and people knew what the Serial Killer plan was. And so we have a program, it's called the Serial Killer Revisited program. And [00:15:00] people that know us know the program, but I'll tell you, we've got a private Facebook group for it. We get some crazy people that wanna join it because they think it's about serial killers. I'm not kidding, every day we have to turn down people, and we go look, we don't know who they are, and they're creepy. I mean, they got a fascination with serial killers, and of course, the name Serial Killers, the first book, the subheading was Two Hormones That Want You Dead. And we were talking about, even years ago, talking about [00:15:30] insulin and cortisol, and how they were two hormones that eventually if they took over, they want you dead. So we call them Serial Killers.
Great idea, great book. Now we use the term, Serial Killers, and unless you've been with us for a while, you don't know. But that's our plan. It's a cyclical ketogenic plan in the sense, anyways without getting into it too much, when you talk about a plan that people have-
Dr. Martin Sr.: So that's the first thing we do, it's diet. The first thing we do is change their diet and we make them understand [00:16:00] so it's not like they're just shooting in the dark. We make them understand if you wanna get better, it's gonna take some discipline. Then you know when you're depressed, it's not easy. But we make it doable, and so we show you that, how your brain operates and what's happening, and you've got to eat properly. And the second thing that we do, and again, just as general, when you're depressed your cortisol levels are out of whack. We go after the hormones. So we start looking at hormonal imbalances. [00:16:30] The things that we see most frequently is the cortisol, as I was saying last week. That depression usually comes after. Anxiety is the start in that cycle of depression.
So it usually starts with anxiety, it might be a traumatic event in your life. There's always like to straw that breaks the camel's back. A lack of sleep for a long period of time, and maybe you can't turn the brain off. Anxiety starts and then depression comes in. [00:17:00] So what do we do? We get that cortisol level, because that comes out of the adrenal gland, and we work on that. And you know I mean, I'm not gonna give a lot of detail, but we do lower cortisol, and that is a big factor because it helps enormously.
The other thing is, and generally I never, I can't think of an exception to this, where we fix leaky gut. Leaky gut, leaky brain. I was saying to you that if you have yeast, what does yeast do? Like people think, " [00:17:30] Well yeast doc, you make bread with yeast, yeah it makes things rise." I said, "What do you think it does in your brain?" Think about it. So, if you have leaky gut, you might not even know this, but if you have leaky gut, you have candida. You have a yeast, you have a fungus. And yeast outside the body makes bread, but a yeast inside the body is a parasite. It actually lives, it's an organism.
Dr. Martin Jr.: What's funny is that, for the longest time, mainstream medicine would laugh, right?
Dr. Martin Sr.: Oh you could never get yeast.
Dr. Martin Jr.: You can't, your blood's sterile, [00:18:00] and all that kind of stuff. And then, now even not that long ago, there was a study showing that 60 or so percent of people with Parkinson's had fungus in their brain. How do you think that gets there? The brain is a closed circuit. Your brain has a blood/brain barrier. It walls it off. It's the inner vault.
Dr. Martin Sr.: It's like getting into Fort Knox.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Oh yeah. It's the inner vault. You know you and I were talking a little bit about Mission Impossible, the latest movie. I remember watching that first on in the movie theater and there was a 15 [00:18:30] minute scene where Tom Cruise had to lower himself from the ceiling. And it was no sound, because if he went over a certain sound decibel, the alarm went off. So in the theater, it was silent for like 15 minutes. It was awesome. But that inner room that he had to get into, that's your brain. It's protected.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Your body is unbelievable with its protection.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Your brain, it walls itself off, it protects itself big time, right? So if fungus gets in your brain, how do you think it gets there?
Dr. Martin Sr.: Through your blood.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Through your blood, and how does it get into your blood?
Dr. Martin Sr.: Through your gut.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Through your [00:19:00] gut, exactly. And that's why it's so funny. But I remember we still our-
Dr. Martin Sr.: Our doctors used to, remember?
Dr. Martin Jr.: We used to get emails from doctors thinking, I mean they call us quacks and we are quacks, if by their definition we're quacks. Because I remember one time somebody came in and I was looking at their medication list. The doctor, because we were talking about something else, thinks ... This patient says, "Well, my doctor thinks you're a quack." Well, if not recommending 17 medications for somebody [00:19:30] means I'm a quack, then call me a quack.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah, good, me too.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Because I'm a quack. If that means, that me not suggesting 17 medications for somebody is a good idea, then call me a quack every day. I don't care, I'm a quack. It doesn't hurt my feelings.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah, no and I never get uptight about that.
Dr. Martin Jr.: No. I actually wanna-
Dr. Martin Sr.: I don't aim at doctors. No, not at all, because-
Dr. Martin Jr.: Listen, we have a lot of friends who are doctors. They know their stuff, they work hard. It's the system that they're in. And another [00:20:00] study came out showing that pharmaceutical sales reps and all that, they have a major impact on these doctors, what they recommend. They're in a system that's not working well for patients. It's not the doctors that are the problem, it's the system that they're in doesn't allow for a lot of this outside.
But anyways, people used to think that we were crazy for talking about candida getting in anywhere in your body. But now we're right. Now it's-
Dr. Martin Sr.: It's systemic. It's a huge problem, it's fungal. It's yeast that loves sugar. It [00:20:30] makes things rise. It'll make your brain rise. If your brain swells, your hippocampus is going to shrink. And you know what I mean? It's unbelievable and this is a big factor so, probiotics are huge, and you need broad spectrum. You need ones that'll go after candida. Those are the L reuteris in there and the L rhamnosus, and I know, look I don't, just because it's so passionate with me and I because I see it so much in the office. But those results that we get. Get [00:21:00] your Vitamin D levels up. Get your B12 levels up, because a lot of times, "Oh but doc, my B12 is good." I said, "First of all, the blood test is 100 years old and serum blood tests for B12 are very, very, very unreliable, because it doesn't tell you what's inside your cells." If your brain needs B12 to operate properly, you need to have high levels of serum B12.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah. Some people need more, other people, it's just different. We're all [00:21:30] different. It's the same thing, we go through the same thing with men and testosterone. Some men need much higher levels of testosterone to feel good and be normal. Other men need a little bit less. So the numbers, we don't necessarily care about numbers too much, in all honesty. We get curious to see what people's numbers are, and we like to correlate with how they feel. If your number's this and you feel this way, and then you get your numbers up and you fell better, well who cares what? [00:22:00] I mean, anyways, we talked about numbers a little bit in the past because it kind of irritates us, but yeah you're right.
Okay, so you talked about leaky gut. You talked about-
Dr. Martin Sr.: Fix that. Diet.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Diet, fix that.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Absolutely, get that insulin down.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Cut out crappy processed vegetable oils. And then correcting nutritional deficiencies, right?
Dr. Martin Sr.: Cortisol. Very, very important part of our, and you know I left high DHA, you and I talk about this all the time. There was a study out and I know we're out of time, we're going overboard [00:22:30] here but, one of the things, it just bothered me last week and I just gotta mention it. It came out in the last couple of weeks here. They did a study on Omega 3. And again, it doesn't seem to do much. The mainstream media is fake media in a lot of ways. Because they take a thousand milligrams of Omega 3, a capsule that's got very little DHA in there, very little EPA in there, and then they do a study on it. Well you just take one capsule [00:23:00] of Omega 3, and you know what they found? It doesn't really prevent heart disease like we thought it did.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well and I kind of ... how I explain to people about those kind of studies would be, running a study on exercise and then having somebody go to the gym. So they get in their car, they drive to the gym, and tell them to take one dumbbell, and do literally one bicep curl, and then put it down, go [00:23:30] home and then do that for six weeks. And then they come in and say, "Well my biceps are no bigger."
Dr. Martin Sr.: I like that.
Dr. Martin Jr.: "My biceps are the same size, I've been exercising for six weeks, and my biceps are the same size." That's the problem with a lot of these studies, is because the dosage is wrong. And that's the problem. It's a bad study.
Dr. Martin Sr.: You wanna lower inflammation in the brain? You get your DHA levels up. And if you need to take 10 grams of it, then that's a start.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well I would like [00:24:00] to see them, and studies that do two point five, four, five grams, six grams. I mean the studies are there for that, from everything from sarcopenia, right across the board, they're all there.
Dr. Martin Sr.: And depression.
Dr. Martin Jr.: And depression, right? So don't, when you hear these studies like Omega 3 doesn't work, I always look at the dosage, and then it's the guy crying because his biceps are no bigger, because he did 30 reps over six weeks. Makes no sense whatsoever. But that's what happens. And so the news picks it up.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Well, they love it.
Dr. Martin Jr.: They love it. Yeah, see-
Dr. Martin Sr.: Well the news brought to you by [00:24:30] the pharmaceutical industry, right?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Vitamins don't work.
Dr. Martin Sr.: But I heard a doctor say it again the other day. Oh your urine is going to be expensive for not-
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, expensive urine.
Dr. Martin Sr.: And you know what? How much studying have you done on supplements? None.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Listen, and to be honest with you, I want expensive urine. Because first of all, there's gonna be a spill over, no question. And well listen, if you take a B complex ...
Dr. Martin Sr.: You're gonna have yellow urine.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Your urine's gonna glow in the dark. That's normal. [00:25:00] Doesn't mean you're not getting it. It just means, and if people take a good multi vitamin, and their urine is a different color. If you take DIM which we love, we have that in our homeo support formula, we like a certain kind of DIM, your urine's gonna be a little darker brown, that's normal. It doesn't mean anything. But yeah, I can't stand when they say expensive urine, because they're trying to use that as an insult, and that just shows ignorance in my opinion. It just shows ignorant, but yes, when it comes to DHA, we love it but [00:25:30] get enough of it. Make sure you're getting enough DHA. If you look at the capsules that you're taking, look at the ingredients, you're gonna find out, you're not getting a lot.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Can I say one thing about-
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well you had your hand up, so yes, go ahead.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Study came out, and I tweeted this several months ago. Just to understand, because if you don't get enough fat in your diet, you don't get enough protein in your diet, vegetarians are almost 60% more likely to have depression than people that eat [00:26:00] meat. So all I'm ... Look, if you're a vegetarian, understand you need to supplement.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, you need B12.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Look, I've got a thousands of vegetarian patients that I see over the years. I got no problem with it as long as they supplement. So just understand that, you need that in your diet. Because that's a key factor. That's where B12 comes in by the way.
Dr. Martin Jr.: All right, so we talked about B12. Vitamin D's another massive one that ...
Dr. Martin Sr.: You don't get the sun, you need Vitamin D. A lot of people need both.
Dr. Martin Jr.: [00:26:30] What about magnesium?
Dr. Martin Sr.: Magnesium's great for the brain, it really is. Magnesium is an important mineral. It's not in the soil anymore. I find it to be a key factor. I take magnesium every day, and it really does because where magnesium comes in is that part of it, is that it lowers anxiety. And again as one of the-
Dr. Martin Jr.: Well, they call it the original chill pill. Right, they call it, when you know people, we've all said it to our siblings, "Take a chill pill," at some point. But they call that the original chill pill. Magnesium, it's [00:27:00] good to calm, it calms things down so that's a ... All right, is there anything else that you would recommend?
Dr. Martin Sr.: [inaudible 00:27:06] and like I said, I think I hit most of the big ones there, and I think they'll be ... those are the things. And we know because when they're in the office and we're testing them, or they've sent us their biomarkers, we know by testing where their deficiencies are, but we really focus in on those big points that we hit today.
Dr. Martin Jr.: All right, well we wanna thank you for listening. If you have any questions, you can easily get [00:27:30] ahold of us at You can go to our website, we got live chat there. We have a new Facebook group that we started not too long ago. You can go to our website, join our private Facebook group as well. There's a lot of ways that you can get ahold of us. If you're not a newsletter subscriber, go to our website, and sign up for our newsletters. We talk a lot about this stuff every week. Breakdown studies give you some practical things you can use every day. Every Thursday morning, you do a Facebook Live, 8:30 Eastern, roughly.
And again, [00:28:00] I was away over the last little bit, and I was watching your Facebook Lives, and I-
Dr. Martin Sr.: I was right side up.
Dr. Martin Jr.: You was right side up, except one time, I thought you were broadcasting live from a fog storm.
Dr. Martin Sr.: My lens on my camera. I didn't know that.
Dr. Martin Jr.: No, they get dirty. Lenses, because you put your phone in your pocket. Your lens get dirty. So there was one time, you looked like you were in a fog. I was like, "Oh we got a lot of fog up north," because I was down in the states visiting some family, and I was like, "It must be really foggy back home." And then I'm looking [00:28:30] and I'm like, "No, he just didn't clean his lens." So, anyways, it's always a fun-
Dr. Martin Sr.: It's an adventure, I tell you that.
Dr. Martin Jr.: It is, is it a fun-
Dr. Martin Sr.: Every week. And I try and ask people. Of course, I can't see what the answer is.
Dr. Martin Jr.: No, and that's one of the limitations when you use your phone to go live, is that you really can't see.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah, so if you're telling me that I'm upside down, I don't really know.
Dr. Martin Jr.: No, no it's really hard to know that, because of the way that the comments come in. But anyways, understand a Facebook Live.
Dr. Martin Sr.: And the people really like it.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Oh, yeah, answer a ton of questions. And it's amazing [00:29:00] how many people even that I know in the states that are watching it every week. So I got a chance to watch it when I was down there, anyway, so every Thursday morning, you can join me for that as well. So again, we wanna thank you for listening, and have a great day.