A new study on seed oils has come out, and it’s more bad news. It turns out that these bad oils can stay in your tissue for up to 6 years! Join Dr. Martin in today’s episode as he discusses the study and shares the 7 dirty oils you want to avoid.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone and welcome again to another live this morning. How are ya? No. Yesterday we talked about that liver, didn't we? And talked about holiday eating and you know, it's the time of the year <laugh>, but maybe, we'll, we'll get back to that. But I gotta bring you some news. It's bad news on seed oils. This study came out while I read it yesterday. So it's brand new, hot off the presses, seed oils. Okay, so when I talked about seed oils, let me give you a little list here. I wrote them down and they're ugly. What would you put at the top of that list? Margarine, canola, oil. Soybean. To me, that's the worst one. But corn oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil. Grape seed oil.
Okay, ugly. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. The dirty seven. Ugly, ugly, ugly. And uh, the research two studies, new studies on seed oils. Those oils, how bad they are for you. And here's one of the studies. It's not pretty guys. Okay? It's not pretty. It talks about bad news on seed oils. I'm reading the headlines. They remain in your tissue up to six years. Now I'm gonna show you a way to detox those seed oils outta your body. But this study says they can remain in your body for up to six years, those oils. Now you and I have discussed these oils in deep, deep length over the years. And the reason is, is because they're mischaracterized in a sense that people don't even understand the significance and what they do to your body, okay? Most people, yeah, you know, you go in the middle aisles at your grocery store and almost everything there is processed and they have to process it with seed oils, these type of oils.
And they last forever. The problem in the human body, they'll last on your shelf forever. But in your body, you can't even detox them. According to the study, it takes six years at least. Here's the problem. And here's where the these toxins lie. And this is how I'm going to connect yesterday's program with today's, okay? When you have adipose tissue, when you have fat, okay, now everybody has some fat. But when you have fatty tissue and allot it, you know what fat does. Okay? So you know me, I'm a visual guy. Here I go again. Visual, visual, visual. I'm going to bring out five pounds.
Ugly, isn't it? <laugh>, five pounds of fat. <laugh>. Now five pounds of muscle is about this big. The size of your fist, five pounds of fat is huge. Now, a couple of things about fat before we get back to our study, okay? So for those folks listening on a podcast, I've got literally a five pound fat ball in my hands and it is about a foot long. Would you agree? And about six inches wide. And it's ugly <laugh>, okay? Nothing pretty about it. So when someone, first of all, when someone tells you that they've lost five pounds and they're upset because they wanted more, look what they lost. Look what they lost. Unreal. But they lose a lot more than not because in this fatty tissue that you're looking at, okay, this is a magnet.
This is a magnet inside a person's body for toxins. It's a magnet, heavy metals, plastics, you name it. This is a magnet for toxins. And what they're showing is this is a magnet for seed oils, margarine. So oil Canada's gift to the world, canola oil can oil, Canada oil, it's a seed oil, it's highly processed. It was meant for your car, not for your body. And this study says that that toxin can sit in your fat tissue for up to six years. Isn't that incredible? And of course, remember now we talked about this yesterday. Your body has an amazing capacity to store fat. If you insist on eating carbs, it's gonna be a double whammo. We talked about sugar. And sugar can't stay in the bloodstream. The body must process it. You're either going to use it as energy immediately or it's going to be stored. That's just the way it is. It cannot park in the bloodstream. So when people, they don't even realize it, they go to a fast food restaurant, they order chicken fingers and fries, okay? The problem with chicken fingers and fries, well, doc chicken fingers has got protein. Yeah, I know, but it's cooked in the wrong oil.
It's cooked in the wrong oil. And then they recook it and recook it and use that oil again and again and again and again. So you're getting a toxic oil that will stay in your fat tissue for six years. It's poison. You know, we just shrug our shoulders a little bit because it's so prevalent. It's everywhere. Where are you gonna go to get away from it? And this is why I try and educate, to tell you as an individual, be careful of those oils. They are extremely toxic and your body can't even get rid of them, especially if you have adipose tissue. And then if you eat this stuff, you eat this. Oils not only toxins, okay? Not only are they toxin and they stay in your tissue, they're very, very inflammatory. What people don't realize either is that kind of oil gives you omega six.
Okay? Oh doc, that must be good. And no, because what your body thrives on is omega three and a little bit of omega six. You get some omega six from the plant kingdom. But the problem with these oils, they give you omega six. You know, you look at people today, use your eyeballs, go to the mall. Christmas shopping, <laugh>, okay, I'm sending you to the mall, but I want you to use your observational gifts, meaning use your eyeballs and have a look at people. Let me read you the stat as I read it yesterday and I wrote it down. Oh, on obesity. Hold on. In 19 70, 19 70, less than 10% of the population was obese. Less than 10. By the 1980s it was 13%. Now listen to this. We're at 50% in 2022 plus. Okay? 50% obese in men. 80% of men in North America listen to what I'm gonna say is overweight maybe not characterized as obese?
50% of them are. And in ladies, it's just a little bit less. Let me just tell you what that means. When you're overweight or obese, you have obviously a lot of this, right? Like it's not because you got lots of muscle for people, they have a lot of fat. By the way, nothing, almost nothing is as good for you as muscle <laugh> metabolically. Cause your body will use those muscle bins to store glycogen. But if you don't have muscle, see people, what they do is they store in here, they store fat in fat. And when your body runs out of fat, it makes more even a skinny person because they don't have x-rays to go through and look, they got a lot of fat around their organs and they don't even know it. And they can be skinny as a rake. So that kind of fat, what it does, it gives off inflammation because it's high in omega six, your body needs omega three fatty acid.
And when that ratio gets outta whack, people are almost 20, 30 to one ratio. Omega six to omega three, plus that omega six is being stored in their fat. And it's giving a more and more and more toxic inflammation that destroys blood vessels, destroys tissue, destroys organs. The study is incredible when you think of it. It can stay in your body up to six years. What do you do with that? Now listen to this. When it comes to seed oils, so you got the list from margarine, canola, soy, those are the top three that are used.
Somebody told me one of these fast food places was boasting that they used peanut oil. That's highly synthetic meant for your car. The human body don't know what to do with it. If people have margarine on Dr. Martin, there's no cholesterol in margarine. Yeah, but there's a lot of inflammation in margarine and a lot of toxicity and it's gonna sit in your fat tissue for six years. But I didn't even tell you the worst of it. I didn't tell you the worst of it because on the heels of this study was another study on seed oils. And listen to this, a typical meal of fish and chips, or like I said, chicken nuggets and chips and fries, <laugh> fries. They say chips, fries. I guess you can get chips contain. Listen to this 100 to 200 times more toxic ALDs than it, than the daily limit recommended by the World Health Organization, 100 to 200 times more toxic. Alda Heights. Now I gotta tell you about Alda Heights. I'm going to bring you back to smokers.
When a smoker gets lung cancer, what is the byproduct of smoking and lung cancer? What causes, when people smoke, what's in the smoke? What's in the tobacco that made lung cancer? And still today is the number one cancer death causing cancer in the world. Did you know that? It's lung cancer. Okay, what is the toxin? It's ALDs. Now what's the new smoking? Chicken nuggets and french fries cooked in the wrong oil. The middle oils of your grocery store cooked in the wrong oil instead of using butter. And instead of using L like they used to, they cook it in the wrong oil from cookies to crackers to you name it. And the byproduct of that is ALDs aldehyde smoking, aldehydes eating from the wrong food, my friend. And this is why today, would you not agree with me that most people got the memo about smoking?
Well, they got the memo whether that they actually listened or not. But let's face it, smoking is way down, <laugh>, it's, it's the one thing I agree with, with the government, okay? Like when they yelled out, don't smoke, I was a hundred percent absolutely the first thing they've ever done really prevention wise, stop smoking and they put on the, uh, cigarette packages. I agree a hundred percent. Plus they tax the living life outta cigarettes. I agree with that. What do they call it? A syntax? It kills you. There's not a doctor in the universe that doesn't agree with that, that has an actual medical license. Yeah, we all agree with that. Smoking, that's no good for you. You know, people used to say, doc, how come you're not talking to me about smoking <laugh>? You know? And I said, are you going to listen? And they look at me like, well, I haven't listened to anybody yet.
I said, well, what do you want me to tell you? You already know it ain't no good for you. Do I gotta tell you that I went to watch my grandson playing hockey the other night and I come out of the arena like it's 20 below zero and lined up <laugh> people gonna get smoking doors in the arena. So they're outside. It's 20 below, but nothing discourages them, I guess. Now look, I, you know, if you don't believe that's an addiction, I don't know what to tell you. But guys, people got the memo on that, right? People got the memo on that. But here we are in 2022 and at the end of it, and I'm bringing you research on toxic seed oils, and there's no big warning on the box. There's no big warning at the restaurants.
And they sell these oils in the grocery store. And you know, I had a lady telling me the other day, he said, well, it's cheaper than olive oil. Yeah, I know it may be cheaper, but I would never cook with that stuff. If you are buying that oil in a grocery store, bring it home and do an oil change in your car. It's cheaper than the oil. I don't know, is it <laugh>? I don't know anything about cars. Okay, no, but guys, listen, Elda hides, imagine a hundred times the amount recommended, the daily amount in one meal at McDonald's or Wendy's, or you name it, it's the oil they cook in. You know, the human body is incredible, isn't it? It's not like we die immediately, but why would lung cancer, even though people who got the memo on smoking, why is lung cancer still? You know, you know how many times I've heard this? I don't know why that person died of lung cancer because doc, they didn't smoke and nobody smoked around them.
Omega six oils. Who knew? Nobody tells them. Nobody warns them. There ought to be like a, a warning on those oils. We're using toxic oil to cook our french fries. You know, right on the menu as you come in and you look up in the wall, <laugh>, I'll go to McDonald's for the coffee <laugh>. I love coffee, okay? I like McDonald's coffee. I do. It's not all bad, you know? No, but seriously, guys, think about this. These studies come out and, uh, they get buried these talks and stay in your bloodstream for six years. What a wonderful reason to do the reset, guys, because that's what I was gonna tell you. That's what I was gonna tell you. I, here I am near the end of my podcast and I haven't even told you the good news.
I haven't told you the good news. How do you get rid of aldehydes? How do you get rid of that inflammation? How do you get rid of all the toxins that sit in the adipose tissue? How do you get rid of it? How do you empty it? Doc, I'm so disappointed. <inaudible> lost five pounds on the reset. Well, I'm gonna tell you what you did. You lost five pounds a fat, and, uh, you got rid of six years of Alda Heights. Plus that's not all the good news. That's part of the good news. So when you and I join our forces on January 1st, our second <laugh>, I think the Monday is the second when we join forces in our New Year's resolution to get healthier. Now we're gonna pump each other's tires up. And I'm going to remind you that for every five pounds you lose, look at the size of it.
And remember, this is a fat trap, a magnet for toxins for al dhs, and we're gonna get rid of it. Holy moly, what is that gonna do for preventing cancer? Think about it guys. We're gonna do it together. We're gonna get rid of those Als. You might never even know what that word was. It's the same thing that causes cancer when people smoke. We're gonna get rid of those things. We're not gonna get any of those seed oils in our body. And then let me say something else, because I'm going to bring it back to yesterday. I feel like singing yesterday, David. Don't let me sing, but let me bring out another thing. Here's what we're going to do. When you and I, when you and I do the Risa think of the benefits, but now I'm pointing to liver and G.
Look what I got here. See the yellow <laugh>? See the yellow brick road? See that in the liver? Guys, I know you're, when you're listening to this on a podcast, visualize yellow fat in the liver. See it, see it. We're gonna get rid of that in six days. We're getting rid of this. We're gonna get rid of the fat in the liver. What will that do? Well, that's gonna be very beneficial to you. Not only are you getting rid of heights when you empty your liver, one of the biggest things your liver does, it produces glut. What's glutathione doc? It's Velcro that goes through your bloodstream looking for toxins.
So when we empty this organ and we will together when we empty that organ, don't only think about weight loss, let's think together about fat loss. And we're gonna empty this fat in out of the liver and we're going to do it together and we're going to get rid of the magnet for toxicity. Like aldehydes. Isn't that wonderful? Isn't it encouraging that you have the answer to a detox, that you don't have to wait six years for it to leave your body? Why do you think I'm so excited all the time, <laugh>? Because I read these studies and they blow me away. They start off by discouraging me and watching how the world operates, and it bothers me. And then I think, okay, but I'm not being duped by that. I'm not gonna get discouraged long-term over that study. I feel sorry for people that don't understand it or whatever, but I am going to preach it from the rooftops that we do not have to live with those toxins. We can do something about it.
We can get rid of aldehydes. We, you, that's why I'm always talking about take charge of your own health. Do it to yourself first and then become a little evangelist for others. Okay? Got the memo. <laugh>, I tell you, when I read that study yesterday, I, I just about fell over. Are you kidding me? This stuff stays in the body six years and, uh, then, then right on its heels, I get a, a new study on Alda Hs. And there's 100 to 200 times more of them in one little fast food meal than is supposed to be recommended by the World Health Organization. Why aren't they screaming at the top of their lungs? Well, don't hold your breath, guys. Don't hold your breath, <laugh>.
Okay, breathe. Breathe. Okay guys, I'm finishing out the week now, next week between Christmas and New Year's, I don't know what my schedule will be yet, okay? To be determined. Okay? Well, we'll try and give you some heads up. Okay guys, now spread the news. This is important information. Let everybody know. Let your friends know. Tell 'em to listen to the podcast, the doctors in podcast, or they can rewatch this live sharing Facebook. Okay guys, we love you dearly. We'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!